Chronological index and archiving information

This index records published entries in the Encyclopedia in chronological order, and their versions published in the journal Knowledge organization, section “Review of concepts in KO”. For each IEKO article, one or more different versions may be published and saved at the IEKO website (cfr. its colophon).

IEKO articles used to be archived in WebCite. However, WebCite has been down during a period in Summer 2019. Now it is up again, but displays the following message: "We are currently not accepting archiving requests. The archival state/snapshots of websites that have been archived with WebCite in the past can still be accessed and cited."

The articles in IEKO are also covered by the Internet Archive where some versions can be found by the Wayback Machine (e.g. update 2020-05-22; update 2020-12-16). In October 2019 problems have occurred with Internet Archive and its Wayback Machine. The article about Ranganathan was apparently saved on October 17, 2019, but it cannot be retrieved. Other sites uploaded the same date (e.g., https://www.isko.org/cyclo/authors) seems not saved after all. These problems concerned (and still do in May 2020) The Microsoft "Edge" browser, whereas there are no problems when, e.g., Google's "Chrome" browser is used.

published online published in KO issue
2016-08-01  Knowledge Organization (KO) 43, no. 6: 475-484
2016-09-06  Logical division 43, no. 7: 539-549
2016-10-04  Subject (of documents) 44, no. 1: 55-64
2016-10-11  BISAC Subject Headings List 43, no. 8: 655-662
2016-12-13  Reader-interest classifications 44, no. 3: 234-246
2017-02-09  Classification 44, no. 2: 97-128
2017-03-22  Colon Classification (CC) 44, no. 4: 291-307
2017-05-04  Integrative levels 44, no. 5: 349-379
2017-06-20  Mathematical theory of classification 45, no. 2: 184-201
2017-07-09  Domain analysis 44, no. 6: 436-464
2017-07-13  Knowledge organization system (KOS) 45, no. 1: 54-78
2017-07-18  Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) 44, no. 8: 668-676
2017-08-10  Literary warrant 45, no. 6: 517-536
2017-09-07  Thesaurus (for information retrieval) 46, no. 6: 439-459
2017-09-28  Library and information science (LIS) 45, no. 3: 232-254 &
45 no. 4: 319-338
2017-10-16  Document theory 45, no. 5: 425-436
2017-10-16  Automatic subject indexing of text 46, no. 2: 104-121
2017-11-07  IFLA Library Reference Model (LRM) 45, no 4: 310-318
2017-11-16  Hypertext 45, no. 5: 393-424
2017-11-29  Tagging 45, no. 6: 500-516
2017-12-07  Library- Bibliographic Classification (LBC)
2017-12-19  Chinese Library Classification (CLC)
2018-02-15  Notation 45, no. 8: 667-684
2018-03-20  Ideal language 45, no. 7: 586-609
2018-05-09  Indexing 45, no. 7: 610-639
2018-05-17  Web archive 46, no. 1: 47-70
2018-06-07  Knowledge pyramid: the DIKW hierarchy 46, no. 1: 33-46
2018-07-03  Ingetraut Dahlberg 47, no. 2: 173-182
2018-08-08  Interoperability 46, no. 2: 122-146
2018-09-04  Eric Coates see 45, no. 2: 97- 107
2018-09-18  Work 46, no. 4: 308-319
2018-10-02  User-based and cognitive approaches to KO 40, no. 1: 11-27
2018-10-11  Data 45, no. 8: 685-708
2018-10-25  Facet analysis IPM 49: 545-557
2018-11-07  Provenance 46, no. 7: 558-568
2018-11-27  Library classification, part 1
2018-12-19  Genealogical classification 50, no. 7: 496-506
2019-01-10  Alphabetization 46, no. 3: 209-222
2019-01-17  Hornbostel- Sachs Classification of Musical Instruments 47, no. 1: 72-91
2019-02-26  Soil classification 46, no. 6: 467- 488
2019-03-07  Nomenclature for Museum Cataloging 47, no. 2: 183-194
2019-03-14  Flickr 46, no. 3: 223-235
2019-03-26  Fictional literature classification and indexing 46, no. 4: 320-332
2019-04-02  Brian C. Vickery
2019-04-23  Archaeology and knowledge organization
2019-05-07  Patrick Wilson 46, no. 4: 279-307
2019-05-08  Astronomy's Three Kingdom System 46, no. 6: 460- 466
2019-05-21  Art studies and knowledge organization 30, no. 3-4: 128-143
2019-06-11  Classification of psychology 25, no. 4: 162-201
2019-06-13  Canadian Research and Development Classification (CRDC) 46, no. 5: 371- 379
2019-07-17  Basic Concepts Classification (BCC) 47, no. 3: 231-243
2019-07-31  Physics Subject Headings (PhySH) 47, no. 3: 257- 266
2019-08-05  Citation indexing and indexes 48, no. 1: 72-101
2019-09-04  Discipline 47, no. 3: 244-256
2019-09-26  Facet 47, no. 4: 320-333
2019-10-17  Shiyali Ramamrita Ranganathan
2019-10-31  Mathematics in classification systems 47, no. 4: 334-356
2019-11-21  Peirce’s classification of the sciences 47, no. 3: 267-278
2020-02-13  Paratext 47, no. 6: 511-519
2020-02-13  Integrative Levels Classification (ILC)
2020-02-25  Boolean logic 48, no. 3: 248-262
2020-03-03  Korean Decimal Classification (KDC) 48, no. 2: 177-191
2020-03-04  Statistical classification
2020-03-11  Éric de Grolier
2020-03-16  Metadata 47, no. 8: 696-713
2020-04-30  Online public access catalogues and library discovery systems 48, no. 6: 457–466
2020-05-13  Anglo- American library cataloging 51, no. 6: 436 - 460
2020-05-22  Periodization 50, no. 7: 489-495
2020-06-10  Science mapping 48, no. 7-8: 535-562
2020-06-16  Origins of the KO field
2020-06-24  Nippon Decimal Classification (NDC)
2020-07-16  Data documents 48, no. 4: 307-328
2020-08-05  RILM Index (Répertoire international de littérature musicale) 48, no. 5: 357–374
2020-08-31  Ontologies (as knowledge organization systems) 48, no. 2: 152-176
2020-09-03  James Duff Brown 48, no. 5: 375–396
2020-09-14  The International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO)
2020-09-17  Classification of the sciences in Greco-Roman antiquity 48, no. 7-8: 499-534
2020-10-21  Henry Evelyn Bliss
2020-11-17  Keyword 48, no. 6: 430–456
2020-12-15  Citation analysis IPM 49: 1313-1325
2021-01-07  STW Thesaurus for Economics
2021-02-10  Hierarchy 49, no. 1: 40-66
2021-04-22  Science 48, no. 7-8: 473–498,
49, no. 4: 273-300 &
50, no. 4: 290-300
2021-05-18  Folk classification
2021-06-01  Information retrieval Information 12: 135
2021-07-28  Subject access point (SAP) ARIST 35: 249-98
2021-08-25  Colour classification in natural languages 48, no. 7-8: 563-579
2021-09-01  Libraries, archives and museums (LAM) 49, no. 8: 577-621
2021-10-20  Genre 49, no. 2: 121-138
2021-12-28  Information 50, no. 1: 47-79
2022-01-24  Species 51, no. 1: 38-67
2022-02-24  Table of contents (ToC) 49, no. 2: 98-120
2022-03-03  Systems approach 49, no. 7: 529-542
2022-03-21  Preserved Context Index System (PRECIS) 51, no. 2: 127-145
2022-06-14  Journal of Economic Literature codes classification system (JEL) 49, no. 5: 352-370
2022-06-15  Research classification system
2022-07-18  Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) 49, no. 5: 371-384
2022-08-29  International Classification of Diseases (ICD) 49, no. 7: 496-528
2022-08-31  Australian and New Zealand Standard Research Classification (ANZSRC)
2022-11-07  Education in knowledge organization 50, no. 3: 160-181
2022-11-23  Terminology 50, no. 2: 111-127
2022-12-19  Jacques Maniez
2023-01-17  Comte's classification of the sciences 50, no. 2: 128-152
2023-03-28  Bibliographical control 50, no. 4: 301-315
2023-04-20  Social: semantic issues and dichotomies
2023-07-03  Douglas and Antony Foskett 31, no. 1: 1-2
AARL 46, no. 1: 52-55
2023-09-19  Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH)
2023-10-11  Description JASIST
2023-12-14  Review article ARIST
2023-12-26  Social sciences, classification of 51, no. 3: 203-217
2024-01-15  Social epistemology 51, no. 3: 187–202
2024-01-25  Theory 25, no. 4: 162-201
2024-03-04  Political epistemology 47, no. 6: 461-485
2024-05-23  Phenomenon-based classification ARIST
2024-06-12  Classification of the sciences in Islamic cultures
2024-09-03  Bliss Bibliographic Classification second edition (BC2)
2024-10-15  Bibliography (field of study) 51, no. 8: 700-711
2024-11-11  Subject analysis Indexer 18, no. 4: 219-224
2025-01-14  Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC)
2025-02-05  Known item search LRTS in press


© ISKO 2017 : last change apart from new listed articles 2021.08.24