Knowledge organization literature. Selected items

Your search for class 768 Dictionaries in Subject Fields found the 9 items below.       [new search]

Items on this class as the base theme

3616   2004-0143dictionaries in768
Temmerman, R. – Innovative methods in specialised lexigraphy (Lang.: eng). - In: Terminology, 9(2003)1, p.117-135.

11056   1990-1-334dictionaries in768
Raitt, D. – CD-ROM review.TERMDOC - multilingual technical dictionary (Lang.: eng). - In: Electronic Library.Vol.6.No.5.1988.p.360-368.

10219   1995-0880dictionaries instatistics768-13
Fundacio Barcelona, TERMCAT,Centre de Terminologia. – Diccionari d'estadistica [Vocabulary of statistics] (Lang.: cat). - Barcelona, Fundacao Barcelona, 1994. – pp. 98. – ISBN: 8488169108. This is the first terminological work that includes the Catalan definitions of basic statistical terms. It has 493 entries in alphabetical order with definitions in Catalan and equivalences in Spanish

13912   1993-0062dictionaries inenergy science768-28
Kleinpeter, M.. – Preparation du dictionnaire de l'energie du Conseil Mondial de l'Energie (Edition 1992) (Lang.: ). -

10215   1995-0881dictionaries in768-442
Gratacos i Masanella, J.; et al. – Diccionari d'exterior del cavall [Vocabulary of the exterior of the horse] (Lang.: cat). - Girona, ES, Collegi Oficial de Veterinaris, 1994. – pp. 386. – ISBN: 8460090183. The dictionary aims at collecting the Catalan heritage on the terminology of the exterior of the horse. It contains 2,529 entries, ordered alphabetically by the Catalan term with definitions and illustrations

11057   1990-1-335conceptologysystems theory768-51/4
Linnarson,R.; Wigertz, O. – The Data Dictionary - A controlled vocabulary for integrating clinical databases and medical knowledge bases (Lang.: eng). - In: Methods Inform.Med.Vol.28.No.2.1989.p.78-85.

10213   1995-0882dictionaries in768-584
Besora i Llado, J. et al. – Diccionari d'escalada esportiva [Dictionary of sport climbing] (Lang.: cat). - Barcelona, ES, Generalitat de Catalunya, Dept.de Cult, – pp. 71. – ISBN: 8439326610. The dictionary includes 459 Catalan terms with definitions and equivalents in Spanish, French and English

1121   1998-0497dictionaries inlaw768-66
Muñoz Escolá, M. – Las aplicaciones de la Lexicografía Histórica a la recuperación documental a través del léxico notarial aragonés del siglo XV [Applications of historical lexicography to information retrieval throughout the 15th century Aragonian notarial lexis] (Lang.: spa). - In: Organización del Conociemto en Sistemas de Información y Documentación, 2(1997),p.241-246.

1122   1998-0498dictionaries ineconomicsliterature reviews768-71;02
Staninger, S.W. – Book review of German dictionary of business, commerce and finance. - London: Rotledge, 1997. - 992 p. - ISBN 0415093910 (Lang.: eng). - In: Business Information Alert, 10(1998)1,p.8-9.



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