Knowledge organization literature. Selected items

Your search for class 75 On-Line Retrieval Systems and Technologies found the 2571 items below.       [new search]

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14249   1994-1004aonline retrieval • 75
Online Retrieval Systems and Technologies (Lang.: ). -

16117   online retrieval • 75
Glasson, Patricia A.; Roeder, Randall F.; Ward, Suzanne M.. – One Title, Hundreds of Volumes, Thousands of Documents (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Resources & Technical Services, 59(2015)1, pp. 24-32.. As part of its participation in the Google Books government documents scanning project, the Purdue University Libraries agreed to contribute volumes of the Congressional Serial Set (CSS). Realizing that the results would be far more useful if the individual documents within this title were cataloged separately, librarians developed procedures to create brief records and began cataloging CSS documents from the 1890s. The University of Iowa became a partner in this collaborative pilot project, and its cataloging staff used the Purdue template and procedures to create records from the CSS for individual documents from two years in the 1890s. Purdue staff used those records to barcode their own corresponding CSS documents before sending those volumes to Google for scanning. Staff subsequently loaded the records into WorldCat to improve discoverability for scholars. The result of the collaborative cataloging effort was the ability to prepare CSS volumes for scanning quickly and efficiently.

16461   online retrieval • 75
Mesa Travieso, Dianelis. – Avances de las nuevas tecnologías en la organización y representación del conocimiento [Advances in New technologies in the Organization and Representation of Knowledge (orig.)] (Lang.: spa). - In: Enl@ce, 12(2015)2, pp.11-25. – Available at http://www.produccioncientifica.luz.edu.ve/index.php/enlace/article/view/20029/19961

16478   online retrieval • 75
Keller, Stefan Andreas; Schneider, René; Volk, Benno (eds.). – Wissensorganisation und -reprÀsentation mit digitalen technologien [Knowledge organization and representation using digital technologies] (Lang.: ger). - Berlin/Boston, De Gruyter, 2014. – pp. 283 . – 978-3-11-031270-6.

16516   online retrieval • 75
Hafner, Ralph; Schelling, Bernd. – Automatisierung der Sacherschliessung mit Semantic-Web-technologie [Automation of subject cataloguing using semantic web technology] (Lang.: ger). - In: O-bib: Das offene Bibliotheksjournal, 2(2015)4, pp. 161-175 . – Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.5282/o-bib/2015H4S161-175

17684   online retrieval • 75
LĂŒke, Thomas; Schaer, Philipp; Mayr, Philipp. – A framework for specific term recommendation systems (Lang.: eng). - In: ACM Digital Library: SIGIR '13 Proceedings of the 36th international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval, pp. 1093-1094.New York, NY, ACM, 2013. – pp. 1. – Available at http://https://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=2484028.2484207 – 978145032034.

17895   online retrieval • 75
artĂ­nez-Ávila, Daniel. – Knowledge organization in the intersection with information technologies (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization,42(2015)7, pp. 486-498.WĂŒrzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2015. – pp. 13. ISSN: 09437444; 1 Diagram

18683   online retrieval • 75
de Morais, Marilia Winkler; SĂĄ Ramalho, RogĂ©rio Aparecido. – Representação em SKOS de um microtesauro de conhecimentos estratĂ©gicos nas organizaçÔes [Representation in SKOS of a microtesauro of strategic knowledge in organizations] (Lang.: port). - In: Perspectivas em CiĂȘncia da Informação, 24(2019)4, pp. 187-198. – Available at http://portaldeperiodicos.eci.ufmg.br/index.php/pci/article/view/4193

18927   online retrieval • 75
Pansani Junior, Eder Antonio. – Contextualização e expansĂŁo de consultas em sistemas de recuperação de informação: um mĂ©todo baseado em ontologias de domĂ­nio [Contextualization and expansion of queries in information retrieval systems: a method based on domain ontologies] (Lang.: port). - MarĂ­lia, Programa de PĂłs-Graduação em CiĂȘncia da Informação da Universidade Estadual Paulista, 2021. – Available at http://urldefense.com/v3/__repositorio.unesp.br/handle/11449/213691

18937   online retrieval • 75
Mendonça, Fabricio Martins; Castro, Lucas Piazzi; Souza, Jairo Francisco; Almeida, MaurĂ­cio Barcellos; Felipe, Eduardo Ribeiro . – Onto4AllEditor: um editor web grĂĄfico para construção de ontologias por todos os tipos de usuĂĄrios da informação [Onto4AllEditor: a graphical web editor for building ontologies for all types of information users] (Lang.: port). - In: Em questĂŁo, 27(2021)3, pp.401-430. – Available at http://urldefense.com/v3/__seer.ufrgs.br/EmQuestao/article/view/105603/61847

18942   online retrieval • 75
Emygdio, Jeanne Louize; Teixeira, Livia Marangon Duffles; Almeida, Mauricio Barcellos; Silva, Cristiano Moreira; Modesto, Murillo Lima . – Organização do conhecimento baseada em ontologias: um estudo de caso sobre os desafios da conceitualização do domĂ­nio da energia elĂ©trica [Ontology-based knowledge organization: a case study about the challenges of the conceptualization in the domain of power supply ] (Lang.: port). - In: Informação & Informação, 26(2021)2, pp. 433-467. – Available at http://urldefense.com/v3/__www.uel.br/revistas/uel/index.php/informacao/article/view/40593/pdf

18947   online retrieval • 75
Silva, Vera Lucia Marques da; Lima, VĂąnia Mara Alves . – Busca e recuperação da informação na web para pesquisa educativa: anĂĄlise do ambiente colaborativo de imagens Arquigrafia [Searching and retrieving information on the web for educational research: analysis of the collaborative environment of images Arquigrafia] (Lang.: port). - In: Pesquisa Brasileira em CiĂȘncia da Informação e Biblioteconomia, 16(2021)2, pp.001-009. – Available at http://urldefense.com/v3/__periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs/index.php/pbcib/article/view/57527/34215

18631   online retrieval • 75; 727
Coneglian, Caio Saraiva. – Recuperação da informação com abordagem semĂąntica utilizando linguagem natural: a inteligĂȘncia artificial na ciĂȘncia da informação [Information retrieval with a semantic approach using natural language: artificial intelligence in information science] (Lang.: por). - MarĂ­lia, Programa de PĂłs-graduação em CiĂȘncia da Informação/Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em CiĂȘncia e Tecnologia/Universidade Fede, 2020. – Available at http://https://www.marilia.unesp.br/Home/Pos-Graduacao/CienciadaInformacao/Dissertacoes/coneglian_cs_dr_mar.pdf

16475   online retrieval • conferences • 75;06
LLanes Padrón, Dunia; Vicentini, Maria José Jorente; Silva, Anahí Rocha; Silva, Talita Cristina da. – Complexidade da representação da informação arquivística [Complexity of archival information representation] (Lang.: por). - In: Desafíos y oportunidades de las Ciencias de la Información y la Documentación en la era digital: actas del VII Encuentro Ibérico EDICIC 2015 (Madrid, 16 y 17 de noviembre de 2015). – Available at http://edicic2015.org.es/ucmdocs/actas/art/394-LLanes_Complexidade-da-representacao-da-informacao-arquivistica.pdf

18718   online retrieval • thesauri • 75;214
MagalhĂŁes, LĂșcia Helena de; Souza, Renato Rocha. – Sistema de recuperação da informação: uma abordagem baseada em ontologias [Information retrieval system: an ontology-based approach] (Lang.: port). - In: PontodeAcesso, Salvador, v.13, n.2, p.63-85, ago. 2019. – Available at http://portalseer.ufba.br/index.php/revistaici/article/view/28452/20050

18682   online retrieval • terminology • 75;77
Nhacuongue, JanuĂĄrio Albino; Dutra, MoisĂ©s Lima. – A terminologia em sistemas de recuperação da informação baseada na wordnet.pt [A wordnet.pt-based terminology for information retrieval systems] (Lang.: port). - In: Informação&Sociedade: Estudos, 30(2019)2, pp. 1-22. – Available at http://periodicos.ufpb.br/ojs2/index.php/ies/article/view/50756/30385

226   1997-2-0225online retrieval problems • 751
Alkan, N. – Literature searches in medicine : a comparative evaluation of manual and CD-ROM search modes (Lang.: eng). - In: Inspel 30(1996)1. p. 71-81.

412   1997-3-0412online retrieval problems • 751
Schwarzwalder, R. – Adding value to your online results (Lang.: eng). - In: Database 20(1997)1. p.47-49.

413   1997-3-0413online retrieval problems • 751
Still, J. – A comparison of online strategy formation as presented in British and American textbooks (Lang.: eng). - In: Microcomputers for Information Management 13(1996)3-4. p.301-310.

414   1997-3-0414online retrieval problems • 751
Yuan, W. – End-user searching behaviour in information retrieval : a longitudinal study (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Retrieval 48(1997)3. p.218-234.

415   1997-3-0415online retrieval problems • 751
Iivonen, M. – Description of differences in search requests (Lang.: eng). - In: Svensk Biblioteks Forskning (1996)2-3. p.19-29.

498   1997-4-0499online retrieval problems • 751
Saracevic, T., Kantor, P., Chamis, A.Y. ; Trivison, D. – A study of information seeking and retrieving : I. Background and methodology (Lang.: eng). - In: Readings in information retrieval San Francisco : Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc., 1997. xv, 589 p. ISBN: 1558604545 [see 1997-4-0487] p.175-190. Orig. publ. in: Journal of the American society for information science 39(1988) p.161-176

505   1997-4-0506online retrieval problems • 751
Rijsbergen, C.J. Van. – A non-classical logic for information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Readings in information retrieval San Francisco : Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc., 1997. xv, 589 p. ISBN: 1558604545 [see 1997-4-0487] p.268-272. Orig. publ. in: Computer journal 29(1986) p.481-485

586   1997-4-0587online retrieval problems • 751
Davis, C.H. – From document retrieval to Web browsing : some universal concerns (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of information, communication, and library science 3 (1997)3. p.3-10.

708   1998-0085online retrieval problems • 751
Kim, S.Y. – Search strategy, search tactics, moves (Lang.: ). - In: Library and Information Science 1995(34),p. 39-44.

709   1998-0086online retrieval problems • 751
Spink, A.; Greisdorf, H. – Users' partial relevance judgement during online searching (Lang.: ). - In: Online and CD-ROM Review 1997(21)5,p. 271-280.

710   1998-0087online retrieval problems • 751
Robinson, .L. – Book Review of Leon, R. - Information retrieval: new systems and current research. Taylor Graham, 199 (Lang.: ). - In: Education for Information 1997(15)3,p. 248-249.

711   1998-0088online retrieval problems • 751
Vakkari, P.; Kuokkanen, M. – Theory growth in information science: applications of the theory of science to a theory of information seeking (Lang.: ). - In: Journal of Documentation 1997(53)5,p. 497-519.

907   1998-0283online retrieval problems • 751
Nahl, D. – The user-centered revolution : 1970 - 1995 (Lang.: eng). - In: Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science, .Vol. 62(1998)p.313-371. Review article

908   1998-0284online retrieval problems • 751
Cleary, J.S. – Asking the right question : formulating effective search strategies for electronic databases (Lang.: eng). - In: Research Strategies, 15(1997)3,p.199-203.

1084   1998-0460online retrieval problems • 751
Voorhees, E.M. – The TREC-5 database merging track (Lang.: eng). - In: The fifth text retrieval conference (TREC-5), (1997)p.103-104.

1085   1998-0461online retrieval problems • 751
Koch, E. – Recherche et indexation : resultats-limites [Research and indexing: limited results] (Lang.: fre). - In: Bulletin d 'Informations de l'Association des Bibliothecaires Français, (1998)178,p.42-47.

1311   1999-0106online retrieval problems • 751
Cassidy, V. [et al.]. – What's next : an exploration of the next phase in access to electronic information (Lang.: eng). - In: Serials Librarian 34(1998)3/4,p.391-396.

1312   1999-0107online retrieval problems • 751
Rousseau, R. – Jaccard similarity leads to the Marczewski-Steinhaus topology for information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing & Management 34(1998)1,p.87-94. »» On measures for similarity

1597   1999-0391online retrieval problems • 751
Schatz, B.R., Johnson, E.H., Cochrane, P.A., Chen, H. – Interactive term suggestion for users of digital libraries : using thesauri and co-occurrence lists for information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Proceedings of the 1st ACM International Conference on Digital Libraries. - New York : Association for Computing Machinery, 1996, p.126-133.

1852   2000-0128online retrieval problems • 751
Bonhomme, P., Romary, L. – Apport de la statistique lexicale dans la recherche d'information [Contribution of the lexical statistics in information retrieval] (Lang.: fre). - In: Organisation des connaissances en vue de leur intégration dans les systèmes de représentation et de recherche d'information / ed. J. Maniez, W. Mustafa et Hadi. - Lille: Université Charles-de-Gaule, 1999, p. 213-222.

1853   2000-0129online retrieval problems • 751
David, A.A. – Modélisation de l'utilisateur et recherche coopérative dans les systèmes de recherche d'informations [Modelling of the user and co-operative searching in information retrieval systems] (Lang.: fre). - In: Organisation des connaissances en vue de leur intégration dans les systèmes de représentation et de recherche d'information / ed. J. Maniez, W. Mustafa et Hadi. - Lille: Université Charles-de-Gaule, 1999, p. 341-354.

1854   2000-0130online retrieval problems • 751
Kolmayer, E. – Organisation des connaissances et expertises chez les usagers [Organization of knowledge and inspections for the end users] (Lang.: fre). - In: Organisation des connaissances en vue de leur intégration dans les systèmes de représentation et de recherche d'information / ed. J. Maniez, W. Mustafa et Hadi. - Lille: Université Charles-de-Gaule, 1999, p. 355-366.

1859   2000-0135online retrieval problems • 751
Wondergem, B.C.M., Van Bommel, P., Van der Weide, T.P. – Construction and applications of the Association Index Architecture (Lang.: eng). - In: Informatiewetenschap 1998, p.117-134.

1862   2000-0138online retrieval problems • 751
Davenport, E., Rosenbaum, H. – A system for organizing situational knowledge in the workplace that is based on the shape of documents (Lang.: eng). - In: Dynamism and Stability in Knowledge Organization : Proceedings of the 6th International ISKO Conference 10-13 July 2000. - Würzburg : Ergon Verlag, 2000,p.352-358.

1867   2000-0143online retrieval problems • 751
McCreadie, M., Rice, R.E. – Trends in analyzing access to information (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing Management, 35(1999)1,p.45-99. * Part I: Cross-disciplinary conceptualizations of access. Part II: Unique and integrating conceptualizations

1869   2000-0145online retrieval problems • 751
Bodoff, D. – A re-unification of two competing models for document retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 50(1999)1,p.49-64.

1870   2000-0146online retrieval problems • 751
Finding anything in the billion page Web : are algorithms the key? (Lang.: eng). - In: Computer Networks, 31(1999)11/16,p.1760-1761.

2078   2000-0354online retrieval problems • 751
Proper, H.A., Bruza, P.D. – What is information discovery about? (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 50(1999)9,p.737-750. – ISBN: 9612270708. »» On Library classifications, especially UDC, and subject headings

2250   2000-0526online retrieval problems • 751
Bakonyi, G. – Informaciorogzites es visszakereses heterogen kornyezetben [Information recording and retrieval in a heterogeneous environment] (Lang.: hun). - In: Tudomanyos es Muszaki Tajekoztatas, 45(1998)8/9,p.331-343.

2251   2000-0527online retrieval problems • 751
Julián, V., Carrascosa, C., Soler, J. – A multiagent system architecture for retrieving and showing information (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 27(2000)1/2,p.11-16.

2252   2000-0528online retrieval problems • 751
Van der Vet, P. – Content engineering (Computing beyond the upper OSI layer) (Lang.: eng). - In: Globalisierung und Wissensorganisation[see 2000-0457], p.327-334.

2253   2000-0529online retrieval problems • 751
Endres-Niggemeyer, B. – Empirical methods for ontology engineering in bone marrow transplantation (Lang.: eng). - In: Globalisierung und Wissensorganisation[see 2000-0457], p.335-341.

2254   2000-0530online retrieval problems • 751
Gaslokova, I. – Information Seeking in Context and the development of information systems (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Research, 5(1999)1. – Available at http://www.shef.ac.uk/~is/publications/infres/ paper67.html »» Report on the conference Information Seeking in Context (ISIC'98) - Sheffield – 198

2390   2001-0048online retrieval problems • 751
Spink, A. – Towards a theoretical framework for information retrieval in an information seeking context (Lang.: eng). - In: Exploring the contexts of information behaviour : proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on research in information needs, seeking and use in different contexts, Sheffield, UK, 1998 / ed. by D.K. Wilson, D.K. Allen. - London : Taylor Graham Publ., 1999, p.21-34.

2544   2001-0202online retrieval problems • 751
Verlic, Z., Repinc, U. – Informacijsko vedenje z iskalno strategijo [Information behaviour and the search strategy] (Lang.: slo). - In: Knjiznica, 44(2000)4,p.137-156.

2715   2001-0373online retrieval problems • 751
Voiskuinskii, V.G. – Adaptivnyi informatsionnyi poisk : problem realizatsii [Adaptive information retrieval: implementation issues] (Lang.: rus). - In: Nauchno-Teknicheskaya Informatsiya. Series 2, (1999)11, p.1-11.

2716   2001-0374online retrieval problems • 751
Jansen, B.J., Spink, A., Saracevic, T. – Real life, real users, and real needs : a study and analysis of user queries on the Web (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing and Management, 36(2000)2, p.207-227.

2717   2001-0375online retrieval problems • 751
Wang, P., Hawk, W.B., Tenopir, C. – Users' interaction with World Wide Web resources : an exploratory study using a holistic approach (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing and Management, 36(2000)2, p.229-251.

2718   2001-0376online retrieval problems • 751
Syu, L., Lang, S.D. – Adapting a diagnostic problem-solving model to information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing and Management, 36(2000)2, p.313-330.

2719   2001-0377online retrieval problems • 751
Kalseth, K., Hansen, P. – Limiting the gap between information need and satisfaction (Lang.: eng). - In: FID Review, 1(1999)4/5, p.91-94.

2720   2001-0378online retrieval problems • 751
Brown, F.L. – What users know and why they know it : an examination of search behavior and search service rules (Lang.: eng). - In: Internet Reference Services Quarterly, 4(1999)4, p.57-73.

2872   2001-0530online retrieval problems • 751
Chakrabarti, S. – Using Memex to archive and mine community Web browsing experience (Lang.: eng). - In: Computer Networks, 33(2000)1/6, p.669-684.

2873   2001-0531online retrieval problems • 751
Sugiura, A., Etzioni, O. – Query routing for Web search engines : architecture and experiments (Lang.: eng). - In: Computer Networks, 33(2000)1/6, p.417-429.

2874   2001-0532online retrieval problems • 751
Long, C.E. – Improving subject searching in Web-based OPACs : evaluation of the problem and guidelines for design (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Internet Cataloging, 2(2000)3/4, p.159-186.

3048   2002-0071online retrieval problems • 751
Palmer, C.L. – Aligning studies of information seeking and use with domain analysis (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 50(1999)12, p.1139-1140.

3052   2002-0075online retrieval problems • 751
Hitchcock, L.A. – Enriching the record (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Academic Librarianship, 26(2000)5, p.359-363.

3237   2002-0258online retrieval problems • 751
Blair, D.C. – The challenge of commercial document retrieval : Part I: Major issues, and a framework based on search exhaustivity, determinacy of representation and document collection size (Lang.: eng). - In: Information processing and management, 38(2002), p. 273-291.

3238   2002-0259online retrieval problems • 751
Blair, D.C. – The challenge of commercial document retrieval : Part II: A strategy for document searching based on identifiable document partitions (Lang.: eng). - In: Information processing and management, 38(2002), p. 293-304.

3239   2002-0260online retrieval problems • 751
Wondergem, B., Van Bommel, P., Van der Weide, T. – Information retrieval : een uitdagend onderzoeksgebied [Information retrieval: a challenging field for research] (Lang.: dut). - In: Informatie Professional, 3(1999)10.p. 20-25.

3387   2003-0062online retrieval problems • 751
Spink, A., Wilson, T.D., Ford, N., Foster, A., Ellis, D. – Information-seeking and mediated searching : Part 1. Theoretical framework and research design (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 53(2002)9, p.695-703.

3388   2003-0063online retrieval problems • 751
Wilson, T.D., Ford, N., Ellis, D., Foster, A., Spink, A. – Information-seeking and mediated searching : Part 2. Uncertainty and its correlates (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 53(2002)9, p.704-715.

3389   2003-0064online retrieval problems • 751
Ford, N., Wilson, T.D., Foster, A., Ellis, D., Spink, A. – Information-seeking and mediated searching : Part 4. Cognitive styles in information seeking (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 53(2002)9, p.728-735.

3390   2003-0065online retrieval problems • 751
Furner, J. – On recommending (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 53(2002)9, p.747-763.

3391   2003-0066online retrieval problems • 751
Wolfram, D., Xie, H. – Traditional IR for web users : a context for general audience digital libraries (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing and Management, 38(2002), p.627-648.

3392   2003-0067online retrieval problems • 751
Park, S. – Usability, user preferences, effectiveness, and user behaviors when searching individual and integrated full-text databases : implications for digital libraries (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Scinece, 51(2000)5, p.456-468.

3393   2003-0068online retrieval problems • 751
Ng, K.B. – Toward a theoretical framework for understanding the relationship between situated action and planned action models of behavior in information retrieval contexts : contributions from phenomenology (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing and Management, 38(2002), p.613-626.

3394   2003-0069online retrieval problems • 751
Foster, A., Ford, N. – Serendipity and information seeking : an empirical study (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation, 59(2003)3, p.321-340.

3588   2004-0115online retrieval problems • 751
van Veen, T., Oldroyd, B. – Search and retrieval in The European Library : a new approach (Lang.: eng). - In: D-Lib Magazine, 10(2004)2 [electr.]. – Available at http://www.dlib.org/dlib/june03/vanveen/06vanveen.html

3589   2004-0116online retrieval problems • 751
Mustafa el Hadi, W. – Human language technology and its role in information access and management (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 37(2003)1/2, p.131-151.

3590   2004-0117online retrieval problems • 751
Fang, L. – A developing search service : heterogeneous resources integration and retrieval system (Lang.: eng). - In: D-Lib Magazine, 10(2004)3 [Electr.]. – Available at http://www.dlib.org/dlib/march04/fang/03fang.html

3591   2004-0118online retrieval problems • 751
Information Retrieval : Einführung in Grundlagen und Methoden / Hrsg: E. Poetzsch (Lang.: ger). - 3 ed. – Potsdam, Verlag für Berlin-Brandenburg, 2002. – pp. 238.(Materialien zur Information und Dokumentation). – ISBN: 3935035403.

3711   2004-0237online retrieval problems • 751
Dill Orrico, E.G., Gonzáles de Gómez, M.N., Brito, E. – El discurso metafórico y su vinculación con grupos de investigación a efectos de búsqueda y recuperación de información [The metaphorical discourse and its connection with research groups for the purposes of information searching and retrieval] (Lang.: ). - In: Tendencias de investigación en organización del conocimient : IV Cologuio Internacional de Ciencas de la Documentación ; VI Congreso del Capítulo Español de ISKO = Trends in knowledge organization research / J.A. Frías, C. Travieso (Eds.) (Lang.: eng; por; spa). - Salamanca : Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2003. - 821 p. - ISBN: 8478007091 - p.503-506.

3727   2004-0253online retrieval problems • 751
Lichtnow, D., Caring, A., Lucas dos Anjos, P., Saldaña, R., Loh, S. – Recomendaciones de documentos electrónicos en discusiones on-line [Recommendations of electronic documents in online discussions] (Lang.: ). - In: Tendencias de investigación en organización del conocimient : IV Cologuio Internacional de Ciencas de la Documentación ; VI Congreso del Capítulo Español de ISKO = Trends in knowledge organization research / J.A. Frías, C. Travieso (Eds.) (Lang.: eng; por; spa). - Salamanca : Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2003. - 821 p. - ISBN: 8478007091 - p.639-644.

3732   2004-0258online retrieval problems • 751
Peset Mancebo, F., Ferrer Sapena, A., Lloret Romeno, N., Tolosa Robledo, L., Moreno Núñez, M.T., Díaz Novillo, S. – El proyecto WinEcs: una visión práctica para la implantación de bibliotecas digitales [WinEcs project: how to implementing digital libraries] (Lang.: ). - In: Tendencias de investigación en organización del conocimient : IV Cologuio Internacional de Ciencas de la Documentación ; VI Congreso del Capítulo Español de ISKO = Trends in knowledge organization research / J.A. Frías, C. Travieso (Eds.) (Lang.: eng; por; spa). - Salamanca : Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2003. - 821 p. - ISBN: 8478007091 - p.679-690.

3745   2004-0271online retrieval problems • 751
Sánchez Turrión, J.M., García Peñalvo, F.J., Hernández Simón, A.A. – BiblioRef. Herramienta personal para la gestión de citas bibliográficas [BiblioRef. A personal tool for bibliographic management] (Lang.: ). - In: Tendencias de investigación en organización del conocimient : IV Cologuio Internacional de Ciencas de la Documentación ; VI Congreso del Capítulo Español de ISKO = Trends in knowledge organization research / J.A. Frías, C. Travieso (Eds.) (Lang.: eng; por; spa). - Salamanca : Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2003. - 821 p. - ISBN: 8478007091 - p.801-806.

3781   2004-0308online retrieval problems • 751
Inchaurralde Besga, C. – Representaciones léxicas : procesamiento y reprecusión sobre el conocimiento bilingüe [The processing and impact of lexical representations on bilingual knowledge] (Lang.: spa). - In: Scire, 8(2002)1, p.41-54.

3782   2004-0309online retrieval problems • 751
Cheti, A. – Il negozio di ferramenta e la ricerca per soggetto dei documentei [The hardware store and the search of documents by subject] (Lang.: ita). - In: Bollettino AIB, 41(2001)1, p.69-76.

3864   2004-0389online retrieval problems • 751
Borém Lima, G.A., Raghavan, K.S. – Information retrieval and cog­nitive research (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 31(2004)2, p.98-105.

3865   2004-0390online retrieval problems • 751
Bodoff, D., Robertson , S. – A new unified probabilistic model (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 55(2004)6, p.471-487.

3979   2005-32-1-0055online retrieval problems • 751
Wildemuth, B.M. – The effects of domain knowledge on search tactic formulation (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 55(2004)3, p.246-258.

3980   2005-32-1-0056online retrieval problems • 751
Bates, M.J. – After the Dot-Bomb : Getting Information Retrieval Right This Time (Lang.: eng). - In: Hastings Research [electron.]. – Available at http://www.hastingsresearch.com/net/08-net-information-retrieval.shtml#1

3981   2005-32-1-0057online retrieval problems • 751
Van Rijsbergen, K. – The geometry of information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2004. – pp. Xii, 150. »» Content: 1. Introduction; 2. On sets and kinds for IR; 3. Vector and Hilbert spaces; 4. Linear transformations, operators and matrices; 5. Conditional logic in IR; 6. The geometry of IR

4142   2005-32-2-0217online retrieval problems • 751
Cole, C., Leide, J.E., Large, A., Beheshti, J., Brooks, M. – Putting it together online : Information need identification for the domain novice user (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 56(2005)7, p.684-694.

4143   2005-32-2-0218online retrieval problems • 751
Ford, N., Miller, D., Moss, N. – Web search strategies and human individual differences : cognitive and demographic factors, Internet attitudes, and approaches (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 56(2005)7, p.741-756.

4144   2005-32-2-0219online retrieval problems • 751
Ford, N., Miller, D., Moss, N. – Web search strategies and human individual differences : a combined analysis (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 56(2005)7, p.757-764.

4145   2005-32-2-0220online retrieval problems • 751
Losee, R.M., Church, Jr., L. – Are two document clusters better than one? : The Cluster Performance Question for information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 56(2005)1, p.106-108.

4146   2005-32-2-0221online retrieval problems • 751
Araghi, G.F. – A dynamic look toward classification and retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 38(2004)1, p.43-53.

4289   2005-32-4-0364online retrieval problems • 751
Fidel, R., Pejtersen, A.M. – From information behaviour research to the design of information systems : the Cognitive Work Analysis framework (Lang.: eng). - In: Information research: an international electronical journal, 10(2005)1 [electron]. – Available at http://informationr.net/ir/10-1/paper210.html

4290   2005-32-4-0365online retrieval problems • 751
Spink, A., Cole, C. – Human information behavior: Integrating diverse approaches and information use (Lang.: eng). - In: CIKM'05: Proceedings of the 14th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, October 31-November 5, 2005, Bremen, Germany/ ed. by A. Chowdhurry et al. New York: ACM Press, 2005. ISBN: 1-59593-140-6, p.60-67.

4291   2005-32-4-0366online retrieval problems • 751
Spink, A., Cole, C. – Human information behavior : integrating diverse approaches and information use (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society of Information Science and Technology, 57(2006)1, p.25-35.

4292   2005-32-4-0367online retrieval problems • 751
Vakkari, P. – Task-based information searching (Lang.: eng). - In: Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, 37(2003)1, p.413-464. »» Review article

4474   2006-33-2-0078online retrieval problems • 751
Kelly, D. – Measuring Online Information Seeking Context : Part 1: Background and Method (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 57(2006)13, p.1729-1739.

4476   2006-33-2-0080online retrieval problems • 751
Bates, M.J. – Fundamental forms of information (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Information, 57(2006)8, p.1033-45.

4602   2006-33-3-0206online retrieval problems • 751
Kelly, D. – Measuring online information seeking context : Part 2: Findings and discussion (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 57(2007)14, p.1862-1874.

4603   2006-33-3-0207online retrieval problems • 751
Levy, D.M. – To grow in wisdom: Vannevar Bush, information overload, and the life of leisure (Lang.: eng). - In: Proceedings of the 5th ACM/IEEE-CS joint conference on digital libraries 2005, Denver, CO, June 7-11, 2005p.281-286.

4604   2006-33-3-0208online retrieval problems • 751
Lee, S.S., Theng, Y.L., Goh , D.H. – Creative information seeking : Part I: a conceptual framework (Lang.: eng). - In: ASLIB proceedings57(2006)5, p.460-475.

4742   2006-33-4-0345online retrieval problems • 751
Koshman, S. – Time as a context of information seeking (Lang.: eng). - In: Library and Information Research, 28(2006)1, p.110-127.

4889   2007-0091online retrieval problems • 751
Arsenault, C. – L’utilisation des langages documentaires pour la recherche d’information [The use of documentary languages for information-seeking] (Lang.: fre). - In: Documentation et Bibliothèques 52(2006)2, p.139-148.

4890   2007-0092online retrieval problems • 751
Blackburn, B. – Taxonomy design types (Lang.: eng). - In: AIIM E-Doc Magazine, 20(2006)3, p. 14,16.

4891   2007-0093online retrieval problems • 751
Cheng, R., Kalashnikov, D. V., Prabhakar, S. – Evaluation of probabilistic queries over imprecise data in constantly-evolving environments (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Systems, 32(2007)1, p.104-130.

4892   2007-0094online retrieval problems • 751
Tennis, J. – Versioning Concept Schemes for Persistent Retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science & Technology; 32(2006)5, p.13-16.

5109   2007-0342online retrieval problems • 751
Bianchini, D., De Antonellis, V., Pernici, B., Plebani, P. – Ontology-based methodology for e-service discovery (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Systems, 31(2006)4-5, p.361-380.

5110   2007-0343online retrieval problems • 751
Casari Boccato, V.R., Spotti Lopes Fujita, M. – Aproximación cualitativa-cognitiva como método de evaluación de lenguajes documentales: una técnica de protocolo verbal [Qualitative/cognitive approximation as a means of evaluating documenary languages: a technique of verbal protocol] (Lang.: spa). - In: La interdisciplinariedad y la transdisciplinariedad en la organización del conocimiento científico [see 2007-0224], p.373-379.

5111   2007-0344online retrieval problems • 751
De Brito Neves, D.A., De Albuquerque, M.E.B.C. – Biblioteca digital un convergencia multidisciplinar [A converged multidisciplinary digital library] (Lang.: spa). - In: La interdisciplinariedad y la transdisciplinariedad en la organización del conocimiento científico [see 2007-0224], p.575-580.

5112   2007-0345online retrieval problems • 751
Lin, S.-C., Chen, Y-C., Yu, C-Y. – Application of Wiki collaboration system for value adding and knowledge aggregation in a digital archive project (Lang.: chi). - In: Journal of Educational Media & Library Sciences, 43(2006)3, p.285-307.

5113   2007-0346online retrieval problems • 751
Luk, R.W.P., Lam, W. – Efficient in-memory extensible inverted file (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Systems, 32(2007)5, p.733-754.

5114   2007-0347online retrieval problems • 751
Miranda, A., Simeão, E. – Aspectos interdisciplinarios y tecnológicos de la autoría colectiva e individual [Interdisciplinary and technological aspects of collective and individual authorship] (Lang.: spa). - In: La interdisciplinariedad y la transdisciplinariedad en la organización del conocimiento científico [see 2007-0224], p.111-121.

5115   2007-0348online retrieval problems • 751
Mitchell, S. – Machine-assistance in collection building: new tools, research, issues and reflections (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Technologies and Libraries, 25(2006)4, p.190-216.

5116   2007-0349online retrieval problems • 751
Ng, K.B. – (Book review of) Anderson, J.D., Pérez-Carballo, J. - Information retrieval design: principles and options for information description, organization, display and access in information retrieval databases, digital libraries, catalogs, and indexes - St. Petersburg, FL Ometeca Institute 2005 - 675 p. - ISBN: 0976354705 (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Process Management, 43(2007)3,p.822-824.

5117   2007-0350online retrieval problems • 751
Rédey, G., Neumann, A. – SŰTŐ Zoltaán: információkeresés [Information retrieval] (Lang.: hun). - In: Tudományos és Müszaki Tájékoztatás, 54(2007)2, p.55-61. – Available at http://tmt.omikk.bme.hu/show_news.html?sid=fe7ad39Febd63f4eb0e1064ba3c92d8f&issue_id=479&id=46

5118   2007-0351online retrieval problems • 751
San Segundo, R. – Incidencia de aspectos culturales y siciales en la organización del conocimento transdisciplinar [The incidence of cultural and social aspects in the organization of transdisciplnary knowledge] (Lang.: spa). - In: La interdisciplinariedad y la transdisciplinariedad en la organización del conocimiento científico [see 2007-0224], p.133-137.

5354   2007-0591online retrieval problems • 751
Hutchinson, H.B., Druin, A., Bederson, B. – Supporting elementary-age children’s searching and browsing: design and evaluation using the International Children’s Digital Library (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 58(2007)11, p. 1618-1631.

5355   2007-0592online retrieval problems • 751
Rédy, G., Neumann, A., Sutó, Z. – Információkeresés [Information retrieval] (Lang.: hun). - In: Tudomanyos es Muszaki Tajekoztatas, 54(2007)2, p.55-61.

5356   2007-0593online retrieval problems • 751
Ryoo, J., Saiedian, H. – A framework for classifying and developing extensible architectural views (Lang.: eng). - In: Information and Software Technology, 48(2006)7, p.456-470.

5357   2007-0594online retrieval problems • 751
Williamson, N.J. – Knowledge structures and the Internet: progress and prospects (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 44(2007)3/4, p.329-342.

5358   2007-0595online retrieval problems • 751
Zhang, R., Hu, Y.C. – Assisted peer-to-peer search with partial indexing (Lang.: eng). - In: IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 18(2007), p.1146-1158.

5359   2007-0596online retrieval problems • 751
Zhu Xiaomin, Liao Jianxin. – (Book review of) Lazar, J. - Web usability : a user-centered design approach - Boston: Addison Wesley, 2006 - Xxi, 394p. - ISBN: 9780321321350 (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 58(2007)7, p.1066-1067.

5531   2008-0074online retrieval problems • 751
Coker, G. – Working with change (Lang.: eng). - In: Research Information, 28(2007), pp.23-24.

5532   2008-0075online retrieval problems • 751
Frias Castillo, A. – Els serveis personalitzats d'informacio d'actualitat dels mitjans de comunicacio espanyols per Internet [Personalised current awareness services provided over the Internet by the Spanish mass media] (Lang.: cat). - In: Textos Universitaris de Biblioteconomia i Documentacio, 17(2007) p.2.

5533   2008-0076online retrieval problems • 751
Huntington, P., Nicholas, D., Jamali, H.R. – Employing log metrics to evaluate search behaviour and success: case study BBC search engine (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Information Science, 33(2007)5, pp.584-597.

5534   2008-0077online retrieval problems • 751
Kelly, N. – What next for Google? (Lang.: eng). - In: Computing, 25(2007)Oct., pp. 27-29.

5535   2008-0078online retrieval problems • 751
Tenopir, C. – When you just need a part (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Journal, 132(2007)6, p.28.

5755   2008-0300online retrieval problems • 751
Kim, S.H., Yu, B., Chang, J.-y. – Zoned-partitioning of tree-like access methods (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Systems, 33(2008)3, p.315-331.

5756   2008-0301online retrieval problems • 751
Nentwich, M. – Technologiegebundene Wissensorganisation in der Wissenschaft [Technology-based Knowledge Organization in academia] (Lang.: ger). - In: Kompatibilität, Medien und Ethik in der Wissensorganisation [see 2008-0171], p.231-232.

5757   2008-0302online retrieval problems • 751
Omekwu, C.O. – Cataloguers in a global information network environment (Lang.: eng). - In: Electronic Library, 26(2008)2, p.188-201.

5758   2008-0303online retrieval problems • 751
Pivec, F., Šercar, T. – Vloga kulturnega konteksta pri nastajanju knjižničnih informacijskih sistemov v mreži COBISS.NET [The role of cultural context in the development of library information systems in the network COBISS.NET] (Lang.: slo). - In: Organizacija Znanja, 12(2007)4. – Available at http://splet02.izum.si/cobiss-oz/news.jsp?apl=/2007_4/ar04.jsp

5759   2008-0304online retrieval problems • 751
Stempfhuber, M. – Verbesserung der Zugänglichkeit heterogen erschlossener Informationen [Enhancing access to heterogeneous information] (Lang.: ger). - In: Kompatibilität, Medien und Ethik in der Wissensorganisation [see 2008-0171], p.70-79.

5998   2009-0118online retrieval problems • 751
Coombs, K.A. – Navigating content management (Lang.: eng). - In: Net Connect, 24(2008). – Available at http://www.libraryjournal.com/article/CA6514918.html

5999   2009-0119online retrieval problems • 751
Firley, S., et. al. – Neue Plattform fur Indexierung und Retrieval: Studenten erstellen die Webseite iXtrieve [A new platform for indexing and retrieval: students set up the iXtrieve website] (Lang.: ger). - In: BuB- Forum Bibliothek und Information, 60(2008)5, p.367.

6000   2009-0120online retrieval problems • 751
Santini, M. – Zero, single, or multi? Genre of Web pages through the user perspective (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing and Management, 44(2008)2, p.702-737.

6001   2009-0121online retrieval problems • 751
Horny, S. – Festlegungen zur Erfassung von E-Books und Digitalisaten [Establishing the collection of e-books and digital materials] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 42(2008)11, p.1241-1244.

6259   2009-0379online retrieval problems • 751
Bai, Jing, Nie, Jian-Yun. – Adapting information retrieval to query contexts (Lang.: eng). - In: Information processing and management, 44(2008)6, pp. 1901-1922.

6260   2009-0380online retrieval problems • 751
Gerkeš, Maksimiljan. – Avtorski process v spletnem okolju [Authoring process in the Web environment] (Lang.: slo). - In: Organizacija znanja, 13(2008)2. – Available at http://splet02.izum.si/cobiss-oz/news.jsp?apl=/2008_2/ar01.jsp

6261   2009-0381online retrieval problems • 751
Kumaran, Giridhar, Allan, James. – Adapting information retrieval systems to user queries (Lang.: eng). - In: Information processing and management, 44(2008)6, pp. 1838-1862.

6262   2009-0382online retrieval problems • 751
MacFarlane, Andrew, Tuson, Andrew. – Local search: a guide for the information retrieval practitioner (Lang.: eng). - In: Information processing and management, 45(2009)1, pp. 159-174.

6263   2009-0383online retrieval problems • 751
Saarikoski, J., et al. – A study of the use of self-organising maps in information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of documentation, 65(2009)2, pp. 304-322.

6264   2009-0384online retrieval problems • 751
Voorhees, Ellen M. – On test collections for adaptive information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Information processing and management, 44(2008)6, pp. 1879-1885.

6265   2009-0385online retrieval problems • 751
Wan, Gang. – A digitális könyvtárak vizuális megjelenése [Visualizations for Digital Libraries] (Lang.: hun). - In: Tudományos és műszaki tájékoztatás, 55(2008)11-12. – Available at http://tmt.omikk.bme.hu/show_news.html?sid=aa6a02d7e56e0d554ec4495299c5a030&issue_id=499&id=5019

6490   2009-0610online retrieval problems • 751
Carpineto, Claudio et al. – Mobile information retrieval with search results clustering: prototypes and evaluations (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(2009)5, pp.877-895.

6491   2009-0611online retrieval problems • 751
Hochstotter, N., Koch, M. – Standard parameters for searching behaviour in search engines and their empirical evaluation (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of information science, 35(2009)1, pp.45-65.

6492   2009-0612online retrieval problems • 751
Joint, N. – Managing the implementation of a federated search tool in an academic library (Lang.: eng). - In: Library review, 58(2009)1, pp.11-16.

6493   2009-0613online retrieval problems • 751
Thornley, Clare. – Dilemmas in information science (IS) and information retrieval (IR): recurring challenges or new solutions? (Lang.: eng). - In: Aslib proceedings, 61(2009)3, pp.323-330.

6723   2009-0843online retrieval problems • 751
Alfred, R. – Discovering knowledge from multi-relational data based on information retrieval theory (Lang.: eng). - In: Lecture notes in computer science, 5678(2009), pp. 409-416.

6724   2009-0844online retrieval problems • 751
Choudhury, S., Gibb, F. – Relationship among activities and problems causing uncertainty in information seeking and retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of documentation, 65(2009)3, pp. 470-499.

6725   2009-0845online retrieval problems • 751
Fujita, Sumio. – Retrieval parameter optimization using genetic algorithms (Lang.: eng). - In: Information processing & management, 45(2009)6, pp. 664-682.

6726   2009-0846online retrieval problems • 751
Fulton, C. – The pleasure principle: the power of positive affect in information seeking (Lang.: eng). - In: Aslib proceedings, 61(2009)3, pp. 245-261.

6727   2009-0847online retrieval problems • 751
Lomborg, Stine. – Navigating the blogosphere: towards a genre-based typology of weblogs (Lang.: eng). - In: First Monday, 14(2009)5. – Available at http://www.firstmonday.org/

6728   2009-0848online retrieval problems • 751
Petersen, A-H, Lose, R., Einarsdottir, E. – ‘I give you some and then you give me some’: automated ILL of end-user requests via the Danish National Union catalogue (Lang.: eng). - In: Interlending & document supply, 37(2009)2, pp. 94-99.

6980   online retrieval problems • 751
Buzinkay, Mark. – (Book review of) Anna-Katharina Weilenmann, Fachspezifische Internet-Recherche. Munich, Saur, 2006. 205pp. ISBN: 978-3-598-11723-7; 3-598-11723-X [Subject-specific internet searching] (Lang.: ger). - In: Online-Mitteilungen, 88(2006), pp. 16-18.

6981   online retrieval problems • 751
Oberhauser, Otto. – (Book review of) Dirk Lewandowski, Web information retrieval: Technologien zur Informationssuche im Internet. Frankfurt, DGI, 2005. 248pp. ISBN: 3-925474-55-2 [Web Information Retrieval: Technologies for Information Searching on the Internet] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare, 58(2005)4, pp.116-119.

6982   online retrieval problems • 751
Oberhauser, Otto. – (Book review of) Peter Ingwersen & Kalervo JÀrvelin. The turn: integration of information seeking and retrieval in context. Dordrecht, Springer, 2005. xiv, 448 p. ISBN: 9781402038501; 9781402038518 (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare, 59 (2006) 2, pp. 81-83. – Available at http://eprints.rclis.org/7237/

6983   online retrieval problems • 751
Oberhauser, Otto. – (Book review of) Theories of information behavior; ed. by Karen E. Fisher et al. Medford, NJ, Information Today, 2005. xxii, 431 pp. ISBN: 157387230X (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare, 2006, vol. 59, no. 3, pp. 90-93. – Available at http://eprints.rclis.org/7828/

6984   online retrieval problems • 751
Pellegrini, Tassilo. – Was ist das Semantic Web? [What is the Semantic Web?] (Lang.: ger). - In: Online-Mitteilungen, 87(2006), pp. 5-8.

7070   online retrieval problems • 751
Junzhi, Jia, Dandan, Guo. – [Conversion from Law FrameNet Database to OWL Ontology] (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 28(2009)6, pp. 851-856.

7211   online retrieval problems • 751
Figuerola, Carlos G. et al. – Programas de código libre (GNU) para la recuperación de información [Open code programmes (GNU) for information retrieval] (Lang.: spa). - In: Scire: representación y organización del conocimiento 14(2008)2, pp.31-40.

7212   online retrieval problems • 751
KĂƒÂŒster, Marc Wilhelm et al. – TextGrid: eScholarship und der Fortschritt der Wissenschaft durch vernetzte Angebote [Textgrid: e-scholarship and progress of knowledge through a virtual research environment] (Lang.: ger). - In: Wissensspeicher in digitalen RÀumen (, pp. 193-204.

7213   online retrieval problems • 751
Skinner, D. – Selection and cataloging for an automated retrieval collection: viewpoint of a cataloger (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of access services, 7(2010)1, pp. 33-44.

7214   online retrieval problems • 751
Wang, Y., Han, Y., Lu, T. – Estimating the influence of documents in IR systems: a marked indexing approach (Lang.: eng). - In: Lecture notes in computer science, (2010)6019, pp. 263-272.

7215   online retrieval problems • 751
Zhao, L., Callan, J. – Effective and efficient structured retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: 18th ACM conference on information and knowledge management, (2009)3, pp. 1573-1576.

7411   online retrieval problems • 751
Binun, A., Shapira, B., Elovici, Y. – A decision theoretic approach to combining information filtering (Lang.: eng). - In: Online information review, 33(2009)5, pp. 929-942.

7412   online retrieval problems • 751
Dawson, Katherine. – Differences in classification and retrieval requirements on a public information website and a specialist site for advisers (Lang.: eng). - In: Legal information management, 10(2010)1, pp.13-17.

7413   online retrieval problems • 751
Ford, N. et al. – Web searching by the ñ€˜general publicñ€ℱ: an individual differences perspective (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of documentation, 65(2009)4, pp. 632-667.

7414   online retrieval problems • 751
Gunter, Darrell et al. – The Semantic Web: what you need to know and why it is important for your user community (Lang.: eng). - In: Serials, 23(2010)1, pp. 55-57.

7415   online retrieval problems • 751
Lewandowski, D. – Google Scholar as a tool for discovering journal articles in library and information science (Lang.: eng). - In: Online information review, 34(2010)2, pp.250-262.

7416   online retrieval problems • 751
Paredes-Moreno, Antonio, Martínez-López, Francisco J. Schwartz, David. – A methodology for the semi-automatic creation of data-driven detailed business ontologies (Lang.: eng). - In: Information systems, 35(2010)7, pp. 758-773.

7417   online retrieval problems • 751
Xye, I. – Dimensions of tasks: influences on information-seeking and retrieving process (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of documentation, 65(2009)3, pp. 339-368.

7418   online retrieval problems • 751
Yang, W-S., Jan, Y-S. – Increasing the authoritativeness of web recommendations using PageRank-based approaches (Lang.: eng). - In: Online information review, 33(2009)2, pp. 362-375.

7419   online retrieval problems • 751
Ziso, Ya'aqov, LeVan, Ralph, Morgan, Eric Lease. – Querying OCLC web services for name, subject, and ISBN (Lang.: eng). - In: Code4Lib journal, (2010)9, p.1.

7731   online retrieval problems • 751
Dang, Y. et al. – Arizona Literature Mapper: an integrated approach to monitor and analyse global terrorism research literature (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 60(2009)7, pp. 1466-1475.

7732   online retrieval problems • 751
Duda, C., Kossmann, D., Zhou, C. – Predicate-based indexing for desktop search (Lang.: eng). - In: VLDB journal, 19(2010)5, pp. 735-758.

7733   online retrieval problems • 751
Von der Hude, Nicole, Rupp, Jochen. – SRU in der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek: Eine neue innovative Schnittstelle zur Recherche und DatenĂƒÂŒbernahme [SRU at the German National Library: a new innovative interface for searching and data retrieval] (Lang.: ger). - In: Dialog mit Bibliotheken, 22(2010)2, pp. 51-52.

7923   online retrieval problems • 751
Fenton, Candida. – Use of controlled vocabulary and thesauri in UK online finding aids (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the Society of Archivists, 31(2010)2, pp. 187-205.

7924   online retrieval problems • 751
Larson, Ray R. – (Book review of) Göker, AyÅƾe, Davies,John, eds. Information Retrieval: searching in the 21st Century. Chichester, Wiley, 2009. xxiii, 295pp. ISBN 9780470027622 & Warner, Julian. Human information retrieval. Boston, MA, MIT, 2009. 200pp. (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 61(2010)11, pp. 2370-2372. Warner, Julian. Human information retrieval. ISBN 978-0-262-01344-4

7925   online retrieval problems • 751
Proyecto 7: un motor de recuperación de información web colaborativo [Proyecto 7: a collaborative information retrieval engine] (Lang.: eng). - In: Scire: representación y organización del conociemento, 16(2010)2, pp. 53-59.

7926   online retrieval problems • 751
Pastor SÃ¥nchez, Juan Antonio. – Bases para un diseño web integral a través de la convergencia de la accesibilidad, usabilidad y arquitectura de la información [Setting the basis of integral web design through the convergence of accessibility, usability and information architecture] (Lang.: eng). - In: Scire: representación y organización del conociemento, 16(2010)1, pp. 61-72.

8132   online retrieval problems • 751
Archana, S. N., et al. – Use of online information resources for knowledge organisation in library and information centres: a case study of CUSAT (Lang.: eng). - In: DESIDOC journal of library & information technology, 31(2011)1, pp. 19-24.

8133   online retrieval problems • 751
Byrne, Gillian, Goddard, Lisa. – The strongest link: libraries and linked data (Lang.: eng). - In: D-Lib magazine, 16(2010)11-12. – Available at http://dlib.org/november10/byrne/11byrne.html

8134   online retrieval problems • 751
Chik-Parnas, Lilian, Dragomiroiu, Marius, Parnas, David Lorge. – A family of computer systems for delivering individualized advice (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge-based systems, 23(2010)7, pp. 645-666.

8135   online retrieval problems • 751
Hubrich, Jessica. – Thematische Suche in heterogenen InformationsrÀumen [Subject searching in heterogeneous information spaces] (Lang.: eng). - In: The ne(x)t generation, pp. 234-242. (06.09-09-15/18).

8136   online retrieval problems • 751
Hypen, K., Impivaara, A. – Read, describe and share! Building an interactive literary web service: an article about Kirjasampo (Lang.: eng). - In: Collection building, 30(2011)1, pp. 61-67.

8137   online retrieval problems • 751
Lee, Wei Meng, Sanderson, Mark. – Analyzing URL queries (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 61(2010)11, pp. 2300-2310.

8138   online retrieval problems • 751
Tóth, MÃ¥té. – KönyvtÃ¥rak a szemantikus web vilÃ¥gÃ¥ban [Libraries in the semantic web age] (Lang.: hun). - In: KönyvtÃ¥ri FigyelÅ‘, 56(2010)3, pp. 413-438.

8315   online retrieval problems • 751
Chen, G., et al. – PISA: a framework for integrating uncooperative peers into P2P-based federated search (Lang.: eng). - In: Computer communications, 34(2011)6, pp. 715-729.

8498   online retrieval problems • 751
Beall, J. – Abbreviations, full spellings, and searchers' preferences (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 49(2011)6, pp. 443-456.

8499   online retrieval problems • 751
Bouramoul, Abdulkrim. – The semantic dimension in information retrieval, from document indexing to query reformulation (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization, 38(2011)5, pp. 425-437.

8500   online retrieval problems • 751
Waller, Vivienne. – Searching where for what: a comparison of use of the library catalogue, Google and Wikipedia (Lang.: eng). - In: Library and information research, 35(2011)11, pp. 65-82.

8684   online retrieval problems • 751
Fransson, Jonas. – Efficient information searching on the Web : a handbook in the art of searching for information (Lang.: eng). - New Delhi, Ess Ess Publications, 2011. – pp. 164. – ISBN: 9788170006374.

8685   online retrieval problems • 751
Ockenfeld, Marlies. – Know-how der Informationsbranche unabdingbar fĂƒÂŒr die QualitÀt des Semantic Web: Bericht ĂƒÂŒber das Oberhofer Kolloquium 2011 [Know-how of the information industry is indispensable for the semantic web: Report on the Oberhof Kolloquium 2011] (Lang.: ger). - In: Information: Wissenschaft & Praxis, 62(2011)8), pp. 393-397.

8686   online retrieval problems • 751
Zhu, Linhong, Keong Ng, Wee, Cheng, James. – Structure and attribute index for approximate graph matching in large graphs (Lang.: eng). - In: Information systems, 36(2011)6, pp. 958-972.

8833   online retrieval problems • 751
Arnold, Stephen. – The year of the leopard: search changes its spots (Lang.: eng). - In: Information today, 29(2012)1, pp. 20-21.

8834   online retrieval problems • 751
Delbru, R., Campinas, S., Tummarello, G. – Searching web data: an entity retrieval and high-performance indexing model (Lang.: eng). - In: Web semantics, 10(2012), pp. 33-58.

8835   online retrieval problems • 751
Yerva, Surender Reddy, Miklós, ZoltÃ¥n, Aberer, Karl. – Quality-aware similarity assessment for entity matching in Web data (Lang.: eng). - In: Information systems, 37(2012)4, pp. 336-351.

9068   online retrieval problems • 751
Peltier-Davis, Cheryl Ann. – The cybrarian's web: an A-Z guide to 101 free Web 2.0 tools and other resources (Lang.: eng). - Medford, NJ, Information Today, Inc, 2012. – pp. 486. – ISBN: 9781573874274.

9309   online retrieval problems • 751
Lazarus, Jens, et al. – Projekt finc: ein Open Source Discovery System fĂƒÂŒr sÀchsische Hochschulbibliotheken [The "finc" project: an open source discovery system for academic libraries in Saxonia] (Lang.: ger). - In: BIS: das Magazin der Bibliotheken in Sachsen, 5(2012)2, pp. 72-76. – Available at http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-qucosa-89522

9518   online retrieval problems • 751
Pastor-SÃ¥nchez, Juan-Antonio; Martínez-Méndez, Francisco-Javier; Rodríguez-Muñoz, José-Vicente. – Aplicación de SKOS para la interoperabilidad de vocabularios controlados en el entorno de linked open data [SKOS application for interoperability of controlled vocabularies in the field of linked open data] (Lang.: spa). - In: El profesional de la información, 21(2012)3, pp. 245-253.

9519   online retrieval problems • 751
Poley, Christoph. – Mit MEDPILOT auf dem Weg ins Semantic Web [On the way to semantic web ñ€“ with MEDPILOT] (Lang.: ger). - In: GMS Medizin - Bibliothek - Information, 12(2012)3. – Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.3205/mbi000258

9520   online retrieval problems • 751
Méndez, Eva; Greenberg, Jane. – Datos enlazados para vocabularios abiertos: marco global de HIVE [Linked data for open vocabularies and HIVE's global framework] (Lang.: spa). - In: El profesional de la información, 21(2012)3, pp. 236-244.

10077   1995-0862online retrieval problems • 751
Osmont, B. – Dynamiques cognitives et stratégies d'utilisateurs [Cognitive dynamics and user strategies] (Lang.: fre). - Paris etc, Masson, 1992. – pp. XIV,185. – ISBN: 222584688X. Thesis in linguistics, Paris 8. Book review under the heading (in French): Are documentary languages which have been established by documentalists for indexing their documents really able to perform the question-answering process in computers? (In Docume. ntaliste 32(1995)No.2, p.113-114 by Arlette Boulogne)

10648   1993-0318online retrieval problems • 751
Marcus, R.S.. – Computer and human understanding in intelligent retrieval assistance (Lang.: eng). - In: Proc.54th Ann.ASIS Meeting, Washington, DC, Oct.27-31, 1991. 1991. p.49-59.Medford, NJ, Learned Inform.,

10728   1995-0484online retrieval problems • 751
Thomazeau, J. – Une interface multimodale pour l'interrogation d'une base d'objets complexes et documentaires [A multimodal interface to access a database of complex, documentary objects] (Lang.: fre). - Toulouse, FR, Univ. Toulouse 3, Sci. inform, 1993. (Doctoral thesis).

10916   1990-0975online retrieval problems • 751
Ford, N.; Ford, R. – Towards a cognitive theory of information accessing: An empirical study (Lang.: eng). - In: Inform.Process.& Management.Vol.29.No.5.1993.p.569-585.

10917   1990-0977online retrieval problems • 751
Lowden, B.G.T.; Walls, B.R., Roeck, A.N., Fox, C.J. – An approach to paraphrasing logical query languages in English (Lang.: eng). - In: Database Technology.Vol.4.No.4.1991-2.p.227-234.

11028   1990-1-246online retrieval problems • 751
Schnelling, H. – Book review of Hildreth,Ch.R.: Intelligent interfaces and retrieval methods for subject searching in bibliographic retrieval systems.Washington, DC.Libr.of Congress.Cat.Distr.Serv.1989.III,120p (Lang.: eng). - In: Int.Classif.Vol.16.No.3.1989.p.173-175.

11264   1990-2-257online retrieval problems • 751
Gödert, W. – Book review of Kemp, D.A.: Computer-based knowledge retrieval.London:Aslib 1988.X,399p (Lang.: eng). - In: Int.Classif.Vol.17.No.1.1990.p.36-37.

11265   1990-2-258online retrieval problems • 751
Metz, P. – Subject searching in libraries: present and future, Part 2 (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Acad.Librnship.Vol.14.No.6.1989.p.1-11.

11413   1993-0319online retrieval problems • 751
Sillince, J.A.A.. – Literature searching with unclear objectives: a new approach using argumentation (Lang.: eng). - In: Online Rev.Vol. 16 No. 6. 1992. p.391-410.

11676   1993-0975online retrieval problems • 751
Ford, N.; Ford, R.. – Towards a cognitive theory of information accessing: An empirical study (Lang.: eng). - In: Inform.Process.& Management. Vol. 29. No. 5. p.569-585.

11677   1993-0977online retrieval problems • 751
Lowden, B.G.T.; Walls, B.R., Roeck, A.N., Fox, C.J.. – An approach to paraphrasing logical query languages in English (Lang.: eng). - In: Database Technology. Vol. 4. No. 4. p.227-234.

11839   1994-1005online retrieval problems • 751
Chen, H.; Danowitz,A.K.; Lynch,K.J.; Goodman,S.E.; McHenry,W.. – Explaining and alleviating information management indeterminism: a knoowledge-based framework (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing & Management. 30(1994)4,p.557-577. The research attempted to identify the nature and causes of informamtion management indeterminism in an online research environment and to propose solutions for alleviating this indeterminism.

11840   1994-1007online retrieval problems • 751
Vizine-Goetz, D.. – Book review oof Aluri, R. et al: Subject analysis in online catalogs. Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited 1991. 300p. (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science. 44(1993)10,p.593.

11841   1994-1008online retrieval problems • 751
Colby, L.S.; Saxton, L.V.; Van Gucht, D.. – Concepts for modeling and querying list-structured data (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing & Management. 30(1994)5,p.687-709.

11842   1994-1009online retrieval problems • 751
McClellan, D.. – Subject access: what degree of sophistication? (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloguing Australia. 19(1993)3-4,p.233-241.

11844   1994-1011online retrieval problems • 751
Michel, D.A.. – What is used during cognitive processing in information retrieval and library searching? Eleven sources of search information (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science. 45(1994)7,p.498-514. Ataxonomy of 11 sources of information used during library and datasearching is presented, based on observation of 49 searches in a variety of libraries and search situations.

11845   1994-1012online retrieval problems • 751
Smith-Cohen, D.. – Developing an inhouse database from online sources (Lang.: eng). - In: Special Libraries. 84(1993)1,p.9-17.

12758   1996-1206online retrieval problems • 751
Drabenstott, K.M.. – Enhancing a new design for subject access to online catalogs (Lang.: eng). - In: Ann.Rev.OCLC Research. 1994. p.52-54. A further article with this title, probably enlarged, was published by K.M.Drabenstott in Library Hi Tech 14(1996)No.1, p.87-109, refs.

12759   1996-1207online retrieval problems • 751
Tillotson, J.. – Is keyword searching the answer? (Lang.: eng). - In: College & Res.Libr. Vol. 56, No. 3. 1995. p.199-206.

12969   1994-1006online retrieval problems • 751
Collas, D.; Chartron, G.. – Logique conceptuelle et recherche d'information. Conceptualization and information retrieval (Lang.: fre). - In: Documentaliste. 31(1994)1,p.9-15. Attempt at demonstration that the efficiency of a search can be improved by applying conceptual logic, existing in making systematically explicit all the notional, semantic and cognitive elements contained in the subject to be searched.

13045   1990-0976online retrieval problems • 751
Kaiser, A. – Intelligente Information Retrieval Systeme [Intelligent information retrieval systems] (Lang.: ger). - In: Nachr.Dok.Vol.44.No.3.1993.p.157-162.

13176   1993-0976online retrieval problems • 751
Kaiser, A.. – Intelligente Information Retrieval Systeme [Intelligent information retrieval systems] (Lang.: ger). - In: Nachr.Dok.. Vol. 44. No. 3. p.157-162.

13904   1993-0053online retrieval problems • 751
Englmeier, K.. – Ein Computer mit einem offenen Interface für Informationsprobleme [A computer with an open interface for information problems] (Lang.: ). -

15433   online retrieval problems • 751
Koepler, Oliver; Sens, Irina. – VisInfo ñ€“ Visueller Zugang zu Forschungsdaten [VisInfo ñ€“ Visual access to research data] (Lang.: ger). - In: Zeitschrift fĂƒÂŒr Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie, 60(2013)2, pp.62-69.

15820   online retrieval problems • 751
Akanbi, L. A. ; Adagunodo, E. R. . – A framework for linking documents with its usage within the context of competitive intelligence (Lang.: eng). - In: Contextes, langues et cultures dans lñ€ℱorganisation des Connaissances, pp. 82-93 (06.13-10-10/11)..

15821   online retrieval problems • 751
Akerele, Olubunmi; David, Amos; Osofisan, Adenike. – Using the concepts of case based reasoning and basic categories for enhancing adaptation to the userñ€ℱs level of knowledge in decision support system (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization in the 21st century, pp. 382-389 (06.14-05-19/22).

15822   online retrieval problems • 751
Arastoopoor, Sholeh; Fattahi, Rahmatollah. – A more effective web search through developing a small thesaurus of non-topical terms: a proposed model to improve pertinence and retrieval relevance (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization in the 21st century, pp. 192-199 (06.14-05-19/22).

15823   online retrieval problems • 751
Maghrebi, HanÚne. – Vers une architecture de lñ€ℱinformation pour lñ€ℱorganisation, la gestion et la valorisation de contenus numériques : approche au prisme du contexte et de la contextualisation (Lang.: fre). - In: Contextes, langues et cultures dans lñ€ℱorganisation des Connaissances, pp. 128-147 (06.13-10-10/11)..

15825   online retrieval problems • 751
Tanti, Marc. – Analyse de la conception de l'architecture d'information du systÚme de veille sanitaire de défense (Lang.: fre). - In: Contextes, langues et cultures dans lñ€ℱorganisation des Connaissances, pp. 148-161 (06.13-10-10/11)..

15990   online retrieval problems • 751
Scholze, Frank. – Forschungsinformationssysteme in Deutschland und die Rolle der Bibliotheken [Research information systems in Germany and the role of the libraries] (Lang.: ger). - In: Zeitschrift fĂƒÂŒr Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie. 61(2014)4/5, pp. 243-246.

16290   online retrieval problems • 751
Gehrhardt, Timon; Hubrich, Jessica. – Neue ZugÀnge zum Medium Zeitung: Projekt »Relaunch des ZDB-Katalogs« [New options for searching for newspapers: The project "relaunch of the ZDB catalogue" ] (Lang.: ger). - In: Dialog mit Bibliotheken, 26(2014)2, pp. 47-51. – Available at http://www.dnb.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/DNB/service/dialog20142volltext.pdf

16366   online retrieval problems • 751
Vieira, Jéssica Monique de Lira; Pinho, Fabio Assis . – Study Of The Relationship Between Organization And Visualization Information From Information Retrieval Systems (Lang.: p). - In: Informação: além das nuvens, expandindo as fronteiras da CiÃÂȘncia da Informação: Proceedings of the Fifteenth Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em CiÃÂȘncia da Informação, (2014), pp. 334-352 . – Available at http://enancib2014.eci.ufmg.br/documentos/anais/anais-gt2

16489   online retrieval problems • 751
Herrmann, Christian . – Multioptionale Recherchemöglichkeiten als Herausforderung fĂƒÂŒr die Dokumentation historischer Sammlungen am Beispiel der Bibelsammlung der WĂƒÂŒrttembergischen Landesbibliothek [Multi-optional ways of searching as a challenge for the documentation of historic collections, on the example of the Bible Collection of the Wuerttemberg State Library] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 49(2015)10/11, pp. 1010-1026.

16788   online retrieval problems • 751
Ikas, Wolfgang-Valentin; Thumser, Nina. – Vom (retrokonvertierten) Kartenkatalog zur facettierten Suche - Technische Neuerungen bei der BSB-Forschungsdokumentation [From the (retro-converted) card catalogue to facetted searching: Technological innovations at the reasearch documentation of the Bavarian State Library] (Lang.: ger). - In: ABI-Technik, 36(2016)3, pp. 152-164. The Research Documentation Interface is an important and indispensable tool for international scholarship on the manuscripts and early printed books of the Bavarian State Library (Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, BSB). It has been maintained and continuously expanded for more than six decades. After being transformed into an online database in 2004, it was relaunched in form of a redesigned and technically much improved version early in 2015. It can be consulted, in both German and English, via https://hsslit.bsb-muenchen.de. The two main objectives for creating the new interface have been to adapt to user expectations and at the same time to consider the needs of library staff. Despite all adjustments to suit the specific requirements of the BSB this technical infrastructure may well serve as a model.

16834   online retrieval problems • 751
Ara?jo, Paula Carina de; Ferneda, Edberto; Guimar?es, Jos? Augusto Chaves. – A rela??o entre os dom?nios de recupera??o da informa??o e organiza??o do conhecimento em peri?dicos cient?ficos internacionais [The relation between the domains of Information retrieval and knowledge organization in international journals] (Lang.: eng). - In: Brazilian Journal of Information Studies: Research Trends, 10(2016)2, pp. 82-88. – Available at http://www2.marilia.unesp.br/revistas/index.php/bjis/article/view/6000

17148   online retrieval problems • 751
Bolle, Babett. – Die High-Performance-Plattform New STN - eine neue Recherchedimension [The High Performance Platform New STN - a new dimension in searching] (Lang.: ger). - In: Information - Wissenschaft & Praxis, 67(2016)5/6, pp. 311-316. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/iwp-2016-0052

17286   online retrieval problems • 751
Mata, Priscila Oliveira da; Moura, Priscila Oliveira da. – Pr?tica spammer e semiose: implica??es nos processos de organiza??o e circula??o da informa??o em ambientes colaborativos [Spamming practice and semiosis: implications for organizational: processes and information flow in collaborative environments] (Lang.: por). - In: Encontros Bibli: Revista eletr?nica de Biblioteconomia e Ci?ncia da Informa??o, 22(2017)49, pp. 19-32. – Available at http://periodicos.ufsc.br/index.php/eb/article/view/1518-2924.2017v22n49p19/34046

17334   online retrieval problems • 751
Calheiros, T?nia da Costa; Monteiro, Silvana Drumond . – Mecanismos de busca de jurisprud?ncia: um instrumento para a organiza??o do conhecimento e recupera??o da informa??o no ambiente jur?dico virtual [English title: Mechanisms of search for jurisprudence: one Instrument for the organization of knowledge and Information in the legal environment Virtue] (Lang.: por). - In: Em Quest?o, 22(2017)2, pp. 146-166. – Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.19132/1808-5245232.146-166

17369   online retrieval problems • 751
Kerkmann, Friederike; S?nkler, Sebastian; Schultheiss, Sebastian. – Die Suche nach dem Wie...: Tutorials als Gegenstand der Suche [Searching How to do...: Tutorials as search topics] (Lang.: ger). - In: Information - Wissenschaft & Praxis, 68(2017)1, pp. 58-66. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/iwp-2017-0003

17373   online retrieval problems • 751
Zoglauer, Sandra. – [book review of:] Schr?ter, Marcus: Erfolgreich recherchieren - Altertumswissenschaften und Arch?ologie. Berlin: De Gruyter Saur, 2017 [Successful searching: Classical and ancient studies, archaeology] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung ?sterreichischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare, 70(2017)1, pp. 143-146. – Available at http://ojs.univie.ac.at/index.php/voebm/article/download/1846/1552

17476   online retrieval problems • 751
Vechtomova, Olga. – Disambiguating context-dependent polarity of words: An information retrieval approach (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing and Management, 53(2017)5, pp. 1062-1079. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1016/j.ipm.2017.03.007

17490   online retrieval problems • 751
Monteiro, Silvana Drumond; Fernandes, Rog?rio Paulo Muller; DeCarli, Gian Carlo; Trevisan, Gustavo Lunardelli. – Sistemas de recupera??o da informa??o e o conceito de relev?ncia nos mecanismos de busca: sem?ntica e significa? [Information retrieval systems and the relevance concept in search engines: semantics and significance] (Lang.: por). - In: Encontros Bibli, 22(2017)50, pp. 161-175. – Available at http://10.5007/1518-2924.2017v22n50p161

18583   online retrieval problems • 751
Andrade, Julietti de; Lara, Marilda Lopes Ginez de . – Proposta de metodologia para busca e recuperação de informaçÔes em saĂșde: uso de mapeamentos entre sistemas de organização do conhecimento (SOC) na construção de estratĂ©gias de busca sensibilizadas [Proposal of a methodology for search and retrieval of information in the health: use of mappings between knowledge organization systems (SOC) in the construction of sensitive search strategies] (Lang.: por). - In: InCID: Revista de CiĂȘncia da Informação e Documentação, 10(2019)1, pp. 219-243. – Available at http://www.revistas.usp.br/incid/article/view/143381/153414

11843   1994-1010751, 147
Meghabghab, G.V.; Meghabghab, D.B.. – INN: An intelligent negotiating neural network for information systems: a design model (Lang.: eng). - In: Inform.Process.& Management. 30(1994)5,p.663-685. An Intelligent Negotiating Neural Network (INN) design model for solving the problem of subject queries being either too broad or too specific is presented.

10702   1993-0317751, 753
Kirkbride, P.. – Full text, free text, and controlled vocabulary: Strategic search planning (Lang.: eng). - In: Online/CD-ROM'91, Conf., Chicago,IL, 11-13 Nov.1991. 1991. p.73-8.Wilton, CT, Online Inc.,

11266   1990-2-259751, 812
Slack, F. – Subject searching on OPACs: a general survey of facilities available on OPACs in academic libraries in the UK (Lang.: eng). - In: Vine.No.72.1988.p.8-15.

11846   1994-1013751, 982
Studwell, W.E.. – Subject access online in academic libraries of the future: Will intermediaries be an essential component? (Lang.: eng). - In: Inf.Bull. (West.Assoc.Map Lib). 24(1993)2,p.107-108, 114.

18820   online retrieval problems • 751; 759
Felipe, Eduardo Ribeiro. – A expansĂŁo de queries sobre terminologias biomĂ©dicas: uma comparação de artefatos de representação do conhecimento para Recuperação de InformaçÔes [The query expansion on biomedical terminologies: a comparison of knowledge representation artifacts for Information Retrieval] (Lang.: por). - UFMG, Programa de PĂłs-Graduação em GestĂŁo e Organização do Conhecimento da UFMG, 2020.0. – Available at http://hdl.handle.net/1843/34313

18884   online retrieval problems • 751; 759
SchaarwĂ€chter, Michael. – Wiedergefunden? Erfahrungsbericht ĂŒber ein RFID-UHF-Pilotprojekt zur Ortung von BestĂ€nden [Retrieved? Report on the findings of an RFID-UHF pilot project for locating library holdings] (Lang.: ger). - In: BuB Forum Bibliothek und Information, 72(2020)12, pp. 705-712. – Available at http://b-u-b.de/wp-content/uploads/2020-12.pdf

18887   online retrieval problems • 751; 917
Nordhausen, Thomas; Hirt, Julian. – Navigieren im Dschungel: Empfehlungen zur Auswahl der Fachdatenbanken fĂŒr eine systematische Literaturrecherche [Navigating in the jungle: Recommendations for selecting databases for systematic literature searching] (Lang.: ger). - In: GMS Medizin – Bibliothek – Information, 20(2020)1/2, Doc08. – Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.3205/mbi000465

1086   1998-0462online retrieval problems • literature reviews • 751;02
Bakker, A.L. – Book review of Information seeking in context: proceedings of an International Conference on Research in Information Needs, Seeking and Use in Different Contexts, 14-16 August 1996, Tampere, Finland / ed. by P. Vakkari, R. Savolainen, B. Dervin. - London: Taylor Graham, 1997. - ISBN 0947568719 (Lang.: eng). - In: Online and CD-ROM Review, 22(1998)5,p.351-352.

1313   1999-0108online retrieval problems • literature reviews • 751;02
Klobas, J.E. – Book Review of Leon, R.: Information retrieval: new systems and current research. Proceedings of the 16th Research Colloquium of the British Computer Society Information Retrieval Specialist Group, Drymen, 1994. - London: Taylor Graham, 1996. - 238 p. - ISBN: 0947568700 (Lang.: eng). - In: Australian Academic and Research Libraries , 28(1997)4,p.324.

1865   2000-0141online retrieval problems • literature reviews • 751;02
Ross, C.S. – (Book review of)Vakkari, P., Savolainen, R., Dervin, B.: Information seeking in context. - London: Taylor Graham, 1997. - 467 p. - ISBN: 0947568719 (Lang.: eng). - In: Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science, 23(1998)3,p.70-71.

1866   2000-0142online retrieval problems • literature reviews • 751;02
Moore, M. – (Book review of)Large, A., Tedd, L.A., Hartley, R.J.: Information seeking in the online age: principles and practice. - East Grinstead: Bowker Saur, 1999. - 336 p. - ISBN: 1857392604 (Lang.: eng). - In: Managing Information, 6(1999)4,p.50.

2255   2000-0531online retrieval problems • literature reviews • 751;02
Oppenheim, C. – (Book review of)Chowdhury, G.G.: Introduction to modern information retrieval. - London: Library Association Publishing, 1999. - xx,452 p. - ISBN: 1856043185 (Lang.: eng). - In: Information World Review, (1999)150,p.30.

2391   2001-0049online retrieval problems • literature reviews • 751;02
Williams, P. – (Book review of) Large, A., Tedd, L.A., Hartley, R.J.: Information seeking in the online age: principles and practice - East Grinstead: Bowker Saur, 1999 – 336 p - ISBN: 1857392604 (Lang.: eng). - In: Online and CD Notes, 12(1999)7,p.15-16.

2392   2001-0050online retrieval problems • literature reviews • 751;02
Sanderson, M. – (Book review of) Meadow, C.T., Boyce, B.R., Kraft, D.H.: Text information retrieval systems. - 2nd ed. - London: Academic Press, 2000. - xvii, 364 p. - ISBN: 0124874053 (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation, 57(2001)2,p.315-317.

2721   2001-0379online retrieval problems • literature reviews • 751;02
Billingham, L. – (Book review of) Gash, S.: Effective searching for research. - 2nd ed. - Aldershot: Gower, 1999. - 133 p. - ISBN: 0566081253 (Lang.: eng). - In: Online Information Review, 24(2000)2, p.173-174.

2722   2001-0380online retrieval problems • literature reviews • 751;02
Toldo, L.I.G. – (Book review of) Materialize views: technques, implementations, and applications / ed.by A.Gupta and I. Singh Mumick. - Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1999. - 616 p. - ISBN: 0262571226 (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Retrieval, 4(2001), p.175-177.

2875   2001-0533online retrieval problems • literature reviews • 751;02
Bawden, D. – (Book review of) Walker, G., Janes, J.: Online retrieval: a dialogue of theory and practice - 2nd ed – Englewood CO., : Libraries United, 1999 - 312 p. - ISBN: 1563036573 (Lang.: eng). - In: International Journal of Information Management, 20(2000)3,p.243-244.

2876   2001-0534online retrieval problems • literature reviews • 751;02
Smith, A. – (Book review of) Large, A., Tedd, L.A., Hartley, R.J.: Information seeking in the online age: principles and practice - East Grinstead: Bowker Saur, 1999 – 336 p - ISBN: 1857392604 (Lang.: eng). - In: Electronic Library, 18(2000)4, p.296-297.

3047   2002-0070online retrieval problems • literature reviews • 751;02
Whitmire, E. – (Book review of) Large, A., Tedd, L.A., Hartley, R.J.: Information seeking in the online age: principles and practice - East Grinstead: Bowker Saur, 1999 - 336 p. - ISBN: 1857392604 (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 51(2000)10, p.964.

3049   2002-0072online retrieval problems • literature reviews • 751;02
Myburgh, S. – (Book review of) Hert, C.A.: Understanding information retrieval interactions: theoretical and practical implications - Greenwich, CN: Ablex, 1997 – 1257 p. - ISBN: 1567503055 (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 50(1999)13, p.1257.

3051   2002-0074online retrieval problems • literature reviews • 751;02
Lampert, L.D. – (Book review of) Walker, G., Janes, J.: Online retrieval: a dialogue of theory and practice - Englewood, CA: Libraries Unlimited, 2000 – 312 p. - ISBN: 1563086573 (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 51(2000)12, p.1152-1153.

3240   2002-0261online retrieval problems • literature reviews • 751;02
Riley, B. – (Book review of) Information seeking in context: proceedings of an International Conference on Research in Information Needs, Seeking and Use in Different Contexts, 14-16 August 1996, Tampere, Finland / ed.by P.Vakkari, R.Savolainen, B.Dervin - London: Taylor Graham, 1997 - ISBN: 0947568719 (Lang.: eng). - In: Asian Libraries, 8(1999)1, p. 337-338.

3241   2002-0262online retrieval problems • literature reviews • 751;02
Pinfield, S. – (Book review of) Large, A., Tedd, L.A., Hartley, R.J.: Information seeking in the online age: principles and practice - East Grinstead: Bowker Saur, 1999 - 336 p. - ISBN: 1857392604 (Lang.: eng). - In: Program, 34(2000)1, p. 128-129.

3242   2002-0263online retrieval problems • literature reviews • 751;02
Cullen, R. – (Book review of) Large, A., Tedd, L.A., Hartley, R.J.: Information seeking in the online age: principles and practice - East Grinstead: Bowker Saur, 1999 - 336 p. - ISBN: 1857392604 (Lang.: eng). - In: Asian Libraries, 8(1999)1, p. 386-387.

3592   2004-0119online retrieval problems • literature reviews • 751;02
Brooks, T.A. – (Book review of) Baeza-Yates, R., Ribeiro-Neto, B.: Modern information retrieval. - New York: ACM Press, 1999. - 513 p. - ISBN: 020139829x (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 51(2000)5, p.490.

3593   2004-0120online retrieval problems • literature reviews • 751;02
Voight, K. – (Book review of) Information Retrieval: Einführung in Grundlagen und Methoden / Hrsg: E. Poetzsch. - 2. Aufl.. - Potsdam: Verlag für Berlin-Brandenburg. - 238 p. - ISBN: 3935035160 (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Services and Use, 21(2001)2, p.109.

4472   2006-33-2-0076online retrieval problems • literature reviews • 751;02
Cochrane, P.A. – (Book review of) Anderson, J.D., Peréz-Carballo, J.: Information retrieval design: design, principles and options for information description, organization, display, and access in information retrieval databases. St. Petersburg, Fla.: Ometeca Institute, 2005. xiv, 617 pp. illus. ISBN 0-976354705 (paper), ISBN 0976354713 (cloth), ISBN 0976354721 (e-book) (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 42(2006)1, p.133-137.

4605   2006-33-3-0209online retrieval problems • literature reviews • 751;02
Swanson, E. – (Book review of) Anderson, J.D., Pérez-Carballo, J.: Information retrieval design: principles and options for information description, organization, display and access in information retrieval databases, digital libraries, catalogs, and indexes. St. Petersburg, Fla: Ometeca Institute, 2005. 675 p. ISBN 0976354705 (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Resources and Technical Services50(2006)1, p.73-74.

5119   2007-0352online retrieval problems • general reviews • 751;021
Sundar, S.S., Knobloch-Westerwick, S., Hastall, M.R. – News cues: information scent and cognitive heuristics (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 58(2007)3, p.366-378.

1855   2000-0131online retrieval problems • information science • 751;111
Meunier, J.-G. – Vers un modèle générique des systèmes de traitement d'information [Towards a generic model of systems for handling of information] (Lang.: fre). - In: Organisation des connaissances en vue de leur intégration dans les systèmes de représentation et de recherche d'information / ed. J. Maniez, W. Mustafa et Hadi. - Lille: Université Charles-de-Gaule, 1999, p. 21-56.

1860   2000-0136online retrieval problems • information science • 751;111
Sherwood, L.E. – Discovering buffalo story robes : a case for cross-domain information strategies (Lang.: eng). - In: Computers and the Humanities, 32(1998)1,p.57-64. »» Mapping thesauri, classification and authorities across domains (disciplines and types of institutions)

3044   2002-0067online retrieval problems • information science • 751;111
Hjørland, B. – Epistemology and the socio-cognitive perspective in information science (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 53(2002)4, p.257-270.

8501   online retrieval problems • information science • 751;111
Ruthven, Ian & Kelly, Diane, eds. – Interactive information seeking, behaviour and retrieval (Lang.: eng). - London, Facet Publishing, 2011. – pp. 320. – ISBN: 978-1-85604-707-4; 1856047075 (pbk.) .

1856   2000-0132online retrieval problems • KM • 751;149
Cote, C. – Conception de systèmes d'information utilisé dans le cours d'une activité : méthodologie et outils de formalisation pour l'identification des opportunités informationnelles [Conception of information systems used in during an activity: methodology and formalization tools for the identification of information opportunities] (Lang.: fre). - In: Organisation des connaissances en vue de leur intégration dans les systèmes de représentation et de recherche d'information / ed. J. Maniez, W. Mustafa et Hadi. - Lille: Université Charles-de-Gaule, 1999, p. 287-298.

1861   2000-0137online retrieval problems • development of knowledge • UDC • 751;164;42
McIlwaine, I.C. – Interdisciplinarity : a new retrieval problem? (Lang.: eng). - In: Dynamism and Stability in Knowledge Organization : Proceedings of the 6th International ISKO Conference 10-13 July 2000. - Würzburg : Ergon Verlag, 2000,p.261-267.

3045   2002-0068online retrieval problems • KO research problems • literature reviews • 751;181;02
Beghtol, C. – In interesting times : from the twentieth century to the twenty-first (Lang.: eng). - In: The American archivist, 64(2001)1, p.143-158. »» Review article of six handbooks of classification and indexing theory

4473   2006-33-2-0077online retrieval problems • KOS theory • 751;211
Kwasnik, B.H., Chun, Y.L., Crowston, K., D'Ignazio, J., Rubleske, J. – Challenges in ceating a taxonomy of genres of digital documents (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization for a Global Learning Society [see 2006-33-2-0003], p.225-231.

8687   online retrieval problems • thesauri • 751;214
Mingbao, Zhang , et al. – [Application of description logics in intelligent information retrieval] (Lang.: chi). - In: Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 30(2011)3, pp. 253-260.

8502   online retrieval problems • kinds of thesauri • 751;215
Kubik, T. – Role of thesauri in the information management in the web-based services and systems (Lang.: eng). - In: Lecture notes in computer science, 6560(2011), pp. 25-49.

17826   online retrieval problems • vocabulary selection • 751;223
Hanrath, Scott; Radio, Erik. – User search terms and controlled subject vocabularies in an institutional repository (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Hi Tech, 35(2017) 3, pp.360-367.Bingley, UK, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2017. – pp. 8. – Available at http://https://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/full/10.1108/LHT-11-2016-0133 ISSN: 07378831

5120   2007-0353online retrieval problems • facets • 751;225
Uddin, M.N., Janecek, P. – The implementation of faceted classification in web site searching and browsing (Lang.: eng). - In: Online Information Review, 31(2007)2,p.218-233.

5360   2007-0597online retrieval problems • facets • 751;225
Uddin, M.N., Janecek, P. – Faceted classification in web information architecture (Lang.: eng). - In: The Electronic Library, 25(2007)2, p.218-233.

1314   1999-0109online retrieval problems • numerical taxonomy problems • indexing principles • 751;251;311
Hedman, T. – Utkast till en deskriptiv teori for katalogsokning/informationsatervinning : del2: vad kan konkret goras for att forbattra sokningen i kataloginformation? [Draft of a descriptive theory of catalogue searching/information retrieval: part 2: what can concretely be done to improve searching in catalogue information?] (Lang.: swe). - In: Svensk Biblioteks Forskning (1997)4,p.23-53.

7420   online retrieval problems • cluster analysis • 751;252
Carpineto, C. et al. – Mobile information retrieval with search results clustering: prototypes and evaluations (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(2009)5, pp. 877-895.

1315   1999-0110online retrieval problems • codes for purposes • 751;267
Dunsire, Gordon. – Bringing it all back home : retrieval and access for the global information society (Lang.: eng). - In: International Cataloguing and Bibliographic Control , 28(1999)1,p.13-14. »» Need for authority control in server-client information retrieval systems (using Z.39.50 and other communication methods)

2256   2000-0532online retrieval problems • compatibility objectives • 751;281
Ahrweiler, P. – Die Integration heterogener Wissenssysteme auf dem Computer [The integration of heterogeneous knowledge systems on the computer] (Lang.: ger). - In: Globalisierung und Wissensorganisation[see 2000-0457], p.375-389.

4475   2006-33-2-0079online retrieval problems • aboutness • 751;321
Bodoff, D., Wong, S.P. – Documents and queries as random variables: History and implications (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 57(2006)9, p.1138-1154.

8139   online retrieval problems • aboutness • 751;321
Efron, M., Weinget, M. – Query polyrepresentation for ranking retrieval systems without relevance judgements (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 61(2010)6, pp. 1081-1091.

1857   2000-0133online retrieval problems • semi-automatic indexing methods • 751;344
Polanco, X. – Extraction et modélisation des connaissances : Une approche et ses technologies (EMCAT) [Extraction and patterning of knowledge: an approach with its technologies (EMCAT)] (Lang.: fre). - In: Organisation des connaissances en vue de leur intégration dans les systèmes de représentation et de recherche d'information / ed. J. Maniez, W. Mustafa et Hadi. - Lille: Université Charles-de-Gaule, 1999, p. 101-116.

7734   online retrieval problems • automatic classification • 751;348
Youkui, Wen, Yuying, Jiao. – [Organization and retrieval of knowledge unit based on category theory] (Lang.: chi). - In: Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 29(2010)3, pp. 387-392.

3054   2002-0077online retrieval problems • mark-up languages • 751;357
Gibb, F., et al. – The integration of information retrieval techniques within a software reuse environment (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Information Science, 26(2000)4, p.211-226.

1316   1999-0111online retrieval problems • indexing evalutation problems • 751;391
Indrawan, M., Ghazfan, D., Srinivasan, B. – Using Bayesian networks as retrieval engines (Lang.: eng). - In: The fifth text retrieval conference (TREC-5), (1997)p.437-443.

3594   2004-0121online retrieval problems • UDC • 751;42
Frâncu, V. – The impact of specificity on the retrieval power of a UDC-based multilingual thesaurus (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 36(2003)1/2, p.49-64.

1858   2000-0134online retrieval problems • conceptology • systems theory • 751;673/4
Gros, C., Assadi, H. – Intégration de connaissances dans un système de consultation de documentation technique [Integration of knowledge in a consultation system of technical documentation] (Lang.: fre). - In: Organisation des connaissances en vue de leur intégration dans les systèmes de représentation et de recherche d'information / ed. J. Maniez, W. Mustafa et Hadi. - Lille: Université Charles-de-Gaule, 1999, p. 117-130.

1087   1998-0463online retrieval problems • linguistics and KO • automating indexing methods • 751;711;343
Ruge, G., Goeser, S. – Information retrieval ohne linguistik?. Information retrieval without linguistics? (Lang.: ger). - In: Nfd, 49(1998),p.361-369.

1317   1999-0112online retrieval problems • linguistics and KO • automating indexing methods • 751;711;343
Ladewig, C. – Information Retrieval ohne Linguistik? : Erwidering zu dem Artikel von Gerda Ruge und Sebastian Goeser, NfD 49(1998)6,,S.361-9 [Information retrieval without linguistics?: a reply to the article by Gerda Ruge und Sebastian Goeser, NfD 49(1998)6,p.361-9] (Lang.: ger). - In: nfd Information: Wissenschaft und Praxis , 49(1998)8,p.476-478.

1088   1998-0464online retrieval problems • semantics problems • 751;721
Lalmas, M. – Logical models in information retrieval : introduction and overview (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing & Management, 34(1998)1,p.19-33.

7927   online retrieval problems • semantic analysis • 751;723
Strasunskas, Darijus, Tomassen, Stein. – On variety of semantic search systems and their evaluation methods (Lang.: eng). - In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Management & Evaluation, (2010), pp. 380-387.

9521   online retrieval problems • semantic networks • 751;725
MĂƒÂŒnch, Vera. – Was Linked Data fĂƒÂŒr Bibliotheken bedeuten ñ€“ und was man damit machen kann [What linked data means for libraries - and what you can do with it : [an interview with Richard Wallis and John O'Donovan]] (Lang.: ger). - In: B.I.T. online: Zeitschrift fĂƒÂŒr Bibliothek, Information und Technologie, 15(2012)6, pp. 566-574.

15824   online retrieval problems • semantic networks • 751;725
Moulaison, Heather Lea; Milion Anthony J. . – The disruptive qualities of linked data in the library environment: analysis and recommendations (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and classification quarterly, 52 (2014)4, pp. 367-387.

3046   2002-0069online retrieval problems • online systems • 751;752
Cool, C., Spink, A. – Issues of context in information retrieval (IR): an introduction to the special issue (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing and Management, 38(2002), p.605-611.

3050   2002-0073online retrieval problems • online systems • 751;752
Talja, S., Keso, H., Pietilainen, T. – The production of context in formation seeking research : a metatheoretical view (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing and Management, 35(1999)6, p.751-766.

17717   online retrieval problems • online systems • 751;752
Scharnhorst, Andrea. – Walking through a library remotely - why we need maps for collections and how knowescape can help us to make them? (Lang.: eng). - In: arXiv:1503.06776v1.Ithaca, NY, Cornell University, 2015. – pp. 21. – Available at http://https://arxiv.org/abs/1503.06776

17703   online retrieval problems • online systems • 751;755
HjĂžrland, Birger. – Classical databases and knowledge organization: a case for boolean retrieval and human decision‐making during searches (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 66(2015)8, pp. 1559-1575.Hoboken, NJ, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2015. – pp. 16. – Available at http://https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/asi.23250 ISSN: 15322890

17706   online retrieval problems • online systems • 751;755
Symonds, Michael; Bruza, Peter; Zuccon, Guido; Koopman, Bevan; Sitbon, Laurianne; Turner, Ian. – Automatic query expansion: a structural linguistic perspective (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 65(2014),8, pp. 1577-1596.Hoboken, NJ, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2014. – pp. 19. – Available at http://https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/asi.23065 ISSN: 15322890

4606   2006-33-3-0210online retrieval problems • online systems • reviews in special KO fields • 751;755;026
Liu, X., Croft, W.B. – Statistical language modeling for information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Anual Review of Information Science and Technology, 39(2005)1, p.1-31. * Review article

2257   2000-0533online retrieval problems • search engines • 751;757
Bruggemann-Klein, A., Klein, R., Landgraf, B. – BibRelEx : exploring bibliographic databases by visualization of annoted content-based relations (Lang.: eng). - In: D-Lib Magazine, 5(1999)11. – Available at http://www.dlib.org/dlib/november99//landgraf/ 11landgraf.html »» Exploring bibliographic databases based on the visualization of content based relations between documents such as cites

17694   online retrieval problems • online systems in • 751;758
Cotelo, Juan M.; Cruz, Fermin L.; Troyano, Jose A.. – Dynamic topic-related tweet retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 65(2014)3, pp. 513-523.Hoboken, NJ, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2014. – pp. 10. – Available at http://https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/asi.22991 ISSN: 15322890

4147   2005-32-2-0222online retrieval problems • online systems evaluation • 751;759
Araghi, G.F. – Major problems in retrieval systems (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 40(2005)1, p.43-53.

7421   online retrieval problems • conceptology • systems theory • 751;78-51/4
D'Avolio, Leonard W. et al. – Evaluation of a generalizable approach to clinical information retrieval using the automated retrieval console (ARC) (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 17(2010)4, pp. 375-382.

7422   online retrieval problems • conceptology • systems theory • 751;78-51/4
Jin Zhang, Lu An. – Visual component plane analysis for the medical subjects based on a transaction log (Lang.: eng). - In: Canadian journal of information & library sciences, 34(2010)1, pp. 83-111. Text in English & French

7735   online retrieval problems • conceptology • systems theory • 751;78-51/4
Chen, Bin. – [Methods of information retrieval in literature of traditional Chinese medicine] (Lang.: eng). - In: Zhonghua Yixue Tushu Qingbao Zazhi/Chinese Journal of Medical Library and Information Science, 19(2010)3, pp. 62-63.

6494   2009-0614online retrieval problems • special terminology • theoretical medicine • 751;78-52
Fisher, J. et al. – ‘Usability + usefulness=trust’: an exploratory study of Australian health web sites (Lang.: eng). - In: Internet research, 18(2008)5, pp.477-498.

3395   2003-0070online retrieval problems • multilingual systems problems • 751;791
Pirkola, A., Leppänen, E., Järvelin, K. – The RATF formula (Kwok's formula) : exploiting average term frequency in cross-language retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Research: an International Electronic Journal, 7(2002)2 [electr.]. – Available at http://informationr.net/ir/7-3/paper127.html

1318   1999-0113online retrieval problems • multilingual systems problems • indexing • 751;791;331
Neelameghan, A., Green, R. – Information indexing, searching and retrieval in multilingual and cross cultural communication : ISKO 5th international Conference, Lille, France, 25-29 Aug. 1998 : keynote panel presentation (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Studies, 4(1998)4,p.189-194. »» Introduction to the panel presentations. See for the presentations: 0030, 0095, 0172, 0214, 0271

1319   1999-0114online retrieval problems • multilingual systems problems • indexing • 751;791;331
Keynote panel : ISKO fifth international conference 1998, Lille, Paris / ed. by R. Green ; Panel members: I. McIlwaine, A. Neelameghan, M. Hudon, C. Fluhr, J. Mitchell, C. Bean, and R. Green (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 25(1998)4,p.143-161. »» International Society for Knowledge Organization

1320   1999-0115online retrieval problems • multilingual systems problems • indexing • 751;791;331
McIlwaine, I.C. – Some problems of context and terminology (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge rganization , 25(1998)4,p.144-146. * Paper presented to the 5th International Conference of the International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO), Lille (France), Aug. 1998» » Points out that designers of information systems for subject retrieval aiming at some kind of universal usage face the major problem of context, as a word by itself is not meaningful; and inseparable from this problem is that of the terminology used. This problem is most evident in systems that rely tatally on words, rather than a systematic structure of some kind

7423   online retrieval problems • audio indexing • 751;877
Gaffney, M., Rafferty, P. – Making the long tail visible: social networking sites and independent music discovery (Lang.: eng). - In: Program: electronic library and information systems, 43(2009)4, pp. 375-391.

7216   online retrieval problems • museum indexing • thesauri • 751;878;214
Chianese, Angelo et al. – ARCHAEOLOGY 2.0: cultural e-learning tools and distributed repositories supported by SEMANTICA, a system for learning object retrieval and adaptive courseware generation for e-learning environments (Lang.: eng). - In: Wissensspeicher in digitalen RÀumen (, pp. 171-178.

3053   2002-0076online retrieval problems • various NBM indexing • 751;879
Zhang, A. – Cataloguing Internet resources using the Voyager system (Lang.: eng). - In: OCLC Systems and Services, 16(2000)3, p.107-117.

6495   2009-0615online retrieval problems • conceptology • systems theory • 751;88-51/4
Atsuko, Matsuzaka. – Consideration of the actually used search words in the field of nursing focused on author keywords (Lang.: jap). - In: Joho Kanri, 51(2008)1, pp.30-40.

1089   1998-0465online retrieval problems • KO profession problems • 751;911
Fricke, M. – Information using likeness measures (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 48(1997)10,p.882-892.

5760   2008-0305online retrieval problems • KO profession problems • 751;911
Martínez-Uribe, L., Macdonald, S. – Un nuevo cometido para los bibliotecarios académicos: data curation [A new role for the academic librarian: data curation] (Lang.: spa). - In: El Profesional de la Información, 17(2008)3, p.273-280.

1321   1999-0116online retrieval problems • KO metadata • 751;918
Hasegawa, H. – Searching DIALOG on the World Wide Web : DIALOG Web/DIALOG Select (Lang.: jap). - In: Igaku Toshokan (Journal of the Japan Medical Library Association), 44(1997)4,p.498-500.

1322   1999-0117online retrieval problems • KO metadata • 751;918
Palmquist, R.A., Sokoll, S.P. – Visual maps of the World Wide Web : helping the user find the way (Lang.: eng). - In: Reference Librarian , 60(1998),p.49-60.

1323   1999-0118online retrieval problems • KO metadata • 751;918
Boeri, R.J. – Intranet searching : a light at the end of the tunnel (Lang.: eng). - In: EMedia Professional , 11(1998)5,p.63-66, 68-69.

1324   1999-0119online retrieval problems • KO metadata • 751;918
Hsieh-Yee, I. – Search tactics of Web users in searching for texts, graphics, known items and subjects : a search simulation study (Lang.: eng). - In: Reference Librarian , 60(1998),p.61-85.

1851   2000-0127online retrieval problems • KO metadata • 751;918
Choo, C.W., Detlor, B., Turnbull, D. – Information seeking on the Web : an integrated model of browsing and searching (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge: creation, organization and use: proceedings of the 62th annual meeting of the American Society for Information Science, Washington, DC, Oct.31-Nov.4,1999, p.3-16.

1863   2000-0139online retrieval problems • KO metadata • 751;918
Howarth, L.C. – Designing a Human Understandable metalevel ontology for enhancing resource discovery in knowledge bases (Lang.: eng). - In: Dynamism and Stability in Knowledge Organization : Proceedings of the 6th International ISKO Conference 10-13 July 2000. - Würzburg : Ergon Verlag, 2000,p.391-397.

1864   2000-0140online retrieval problems • KO metadata • 751;918
Howarth, L.C. – Designing a Human Understandable metalevel ontology for enhancing information seeking on the World Wide Web (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Science: Where has it been, where is it going?: Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Information Science, Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Québec, 9-11 June, 1999. - Montréal+ CAS, 1999, p.115-124.

8140   online retrieval problems • KO metadata • 751;918
Browne, Glenda. – Indexing of free web-based electronic resources (Lang.: eng). - In: Legal information management, 10(2010)1, pp. 28-33.

3396   2003-0071online retrieval problems • KO contemporaries • 751;924
An interview with Karen M. Drabenstott / R.P. Holley (Lang.: eng). - In: Catalog and Classification Quarterly, 32(2001)2, p.5-29.

1598   1999-0392online retrieval problems • KO organization principles • 751;931
David, A.A., Bueno, D. – User modelling and cooperative information retrieval in information retrieval systems (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 26(1999)1, p.30-45.

8836   online retrieval problems • KO in Asia • 751;935
Si, Li, Shi, Ruoyao, Chen, Bijuan. – An investigation and analysis of the application of Web 2.0 in Chinese university libraries (Lang.: eng). - In: Electronic library, 29(2011)5, pp. 651-668.

3783   2004-0310online retrieval problems • bibliography • 751;941
Hunter, J. – MetaNet - A Metadata Term Thesaurus to Enable Semantic Interoperability Between Metadata Domains (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Digital Information, 1(2001)8, art.# 42 [electr.]. – Available at http://jodi.ecs.soton.ac.uk/Articles/v01/i08/Hunter/

3784   2004-0311online retrieval problems • bibliography • 751;941
Soergel, D., Lauser, B., Liang, A., Fisseha, F., Keizer, J., Katz, S. – Reengineering Thesauri for New Applications : the AGROVOC Example (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Digital Information, 4(2004)4, art.# 257 [electr.]. – Available at http://jodi.ecs.soton.ac.uk/Articles/v04/i04/Soergel/

1868   2000-0144online retrieval problems • cataloging • 751;942
Studwell, W.E. – OPACs and the three multis : looking forward to a possible subject access environment of the future (Lang.: eng). - In: Technicalities, 18(1998)6,p.1,9.

2723   2001-0381online retrieval problems • bibliographic record display • 751;947
Subbotin, M.M. – Osobennosti i vozmozhnosti intellektual'nogo poiska tekstovoi informatsii [Features of intelligent interfaces and the feasibility of their use for retrieval of text information] (Lang.: rus). - In: Nauchno-Tekhnicheskaya Informatsiya. Series 1, (1999)12, p.1-5.

4293   2005-32-4-0368online retrieval problems • information use • 751;981
Foster, A. – A non-linear model of information seeking behaviour (Lang.: eng). - In: Information research: an international electronical journal, 10(2005)2 [electron]. – Available at http://informationr.net/ir/10-2/paper222.html

4294   2005-32-4-0369online retrieval problems • information use • 751;981
Mackenzie, M.L. – Managers look to the social network to seek information (Lang.: eng). - In: Information research: an international electronical journal, 10(2005)2 [electron]. – Available at http://informationr.net/ir/10-2/paper216.html

4295   2005-32-4-0370online retrieval problems • information use • 751;981
Martzoukou, K. – A review of Web information seeking research: considerations of method and foci of interest (Lang.: eng). - In: Information research: an international electronical journal, 10(2005)2 [electron]. – Available at http://informationr.net/ir/10-2/paper215.html

4296   2005-32-4-0371online retrieval problems • information use • 751;981
Eskola, E.L. – Information literacy of medical students studying in the problem-based and traditional curriculum (Lang.: eng). - In: Information research: an international electronical journal, 10(2005)2 [electron]. – Available at http://informationr.net/ir/10-2/paper221.html

6729   2009-0849online retrieval problems • information use • 751;981
Beautyman, W., Shenton, A.K. – When does an academic information need stimulate a school-inspired information want? (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of librarianship and information science, 41(2009)2, pp. 67-80.

7424   online retrieval problems • information use • 751;981
Chowdhury, S., Gibb, F. – Relationship among activities and problems causing uncertainty in information seeking and retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of documentation, 65(2009)3, pp. 470-499.

7425   online retrieval problems • information use • 751;981
Gorrell, G. et al. – Towards ñ€˜metacognitively awareñ€ℱ IR systems: an initial user study (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of documentation, 65(2009)3, pp. 446-469.

8837   online retrieval problems • information use • 751;981
Strohmaier, Markus, Kröll, Mark. – Acquiring knowledge about human goals from search query logs (Lang.: eng). - In: Information processing & management, 48(2012)1, pp. 63-82.

9310   online retrieval problems • information use • 751;981
Geist, Katrin. – QualitÀt und Relevanz von bildungsbezogenen Suchergebnissen bei der Suche im Web [Information quality and relevance of web search results for education-related queries] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare, 65(2012)2, pp. 261-276.

707   1998-0084online retrieval problems • users requirements • 751;982
Veltman, K.H. – Frontiers in conceptual navigation (Lang.: ). - In: Knowledge Organization 1997(24)4,p. 225-245. >>About a system for universal multimedia access (SUMMA)

2393   2001-0051online retrieval problems • users requirements • 751;982
Veltman, K.H. – Frontiers in conceptual navigation for cultural heritage (Lang.: eng). - Toronto, Ontario Library Association, 1999. – pp. 287.

6730   2009-0850online retrieval problems • users requirements • 751;982
Huang, C-Y, Chang, S-S. – Commonality of Web site visiting among countries (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(2009)6, pp. 1168-1177.

3397   2003-0072online retrieval problems • users requirements • bibliographic record display • 751;982;947
Angós, J.M., Fernández, M.J., Salvador, J.A. – Evolución en la recuperación de información : de la línea de comandos a la interfaz gráfica Web [From command line searching to World Wid Web information retrieval: the evolution of IR interfaces] (Lang.: spa). - In: Scire, 7(2001)1, p.127-142.

7217   online retrieval problems • classifications standardisation • library KOS • 751;994;411
Zeng, Marcia Lei, Panzer, Michael, Salaba, Athena. – Expressing classification schemes with OWL 2: exploring issues and opportunities based on experiments using OWL 2 for three classification schemes (Lang.: eng). - In: Paradigms and conceptual systems in knowledge organization (, pp. 356-362.

12928   1993-0316751.147
Boughanem, M.; Soule-Dupuy, C.. – Un modèle connexioniste pour la recherche d'informations [Connexionist model for information retrieval] (Lang.: fre). - In: Bull.Cent.Ht.Etudes Int.I&D No. 47. 1992. p.13-30.

73   1997-1-0072online systems • 752
O'Kane, K.C. – World wide web-based information storage and retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Online & CDROM Review Vol.20, No.1 1996.

74   1997-1-0073online systems • 752
Cibbarelli, P. – Integrated online software for libraries: an overview of today's best-selling IOLS : options from the US perspective (Lang.: eng). - In: Electronic library Vol.14, No.3 1996, p. 205-210.

75   1997-1-0074online systems • 752
Sugar, W. – User-centered perspective of information retrieval research and analysis methods (Lang.: eng). - In: Annual review of information science and technology Vol.30 1995, p. 77-109. Review article on research of user friendliness of information retrieval systems

76   1997-1-0075online systems • 752
Stumpf, G. – Quantitative und qualitative Aspekte der verbalen Sacherschliessung in Online-Katalogen [Quantitative and qualitative aspects of subject indexing in online catalogues] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst Vol.30, No.7, p.1210-1228.

77   1997-1-0076online systems • 752
DiMartino, D., Zoe, L.R. – End-User full-text searching: Access or Excess? (Lang.: eng). - In: Library & information science research Vol. 18, No.2 1996, p.133-150.

227   1997-2-0226online systems • 752
Lin, X. – Map displays for information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science 48(1997)1. p.40-54.

228   1997-2-0227online systems • 752
Robertson, S.E. – Overview of the Okapi projects (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation 53(1997)1. p.3-7.

229   1997-2-0228online systems • 752
Poo, N.C.C., Khoo, Chr. – Subject searching in online catalog systems (Lang.: eng). - In: Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science (1997)60. p.324-340. Overview of possibilities for improving of subject access to OPAC's

509   1997-4-0510online systems • 752
Belkin, N.J., Oddy, R.N., Brooks, H.M. – Ask for information retrieval : Part I. Background and theory (Lang.: eng). - In: Readings in information retrieval San Francisco : Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc., 1997. xv, 589 p. ISBN: 1558604545 [see 1997-4-0487] p.299-304. Orig. publ. in: Journal of documentation 38(1982) p.61-71

520   1997-4-0521online systems • 752
Walker, S. – The Okapi online catalogue research projects (Lang.: eng). - In: Readings in information retrieval San Francisco : Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc., 1997. xv, 589 p. ISBN: 1558604545 [see 1997-4-0487] p.424-435. Orig. publ. in: C. Hildreth (ed.): The online catalogue. Development and directions. London: Library association, 1989. p.84-106

522   1997-4-0523online systems • 752
B. McCune, B., Tong, R., Dean, J. – RUBRIC : a system for rule-based information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Readings in information retrieval San Francisco : Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc., 1997. xv, 589 p. ISBN: 1558604545 [see 1997-4-0487] p.440-445. Orig. publ. in: IEEE transactions on software engineering SE-11(1985) p.939-944

714   1998-0091online systems • 752
Large, A.; , Beheshti, J. – OPAC's: a research review (Lang.: ). - In: Library & information science research 1997(19)2,p. 111-133.

909   1998-0285online systems • 752
Blecic, D.D. [et al.]. – Using transaction log analysis to improve OPAC retrieval results (Lang.: eng). - In: College & Research Libraries, 59(1998)1, p.39-50.

910   1998-0286online systems • 752
Little, J. – The impact of technology on cataloguing (Lang.: eng). - In: Fiji Library Association Journal, 37(1997)June,p.35-52.

1090   1998-0466online systems • 752
Rose, D.E., Stevens, C. – V-Twin : a lightweight engine for interactive use (Lang.: eng). - In: The fifth text retrieval conference (TREC-5), (1997)p.279-290.

1325   1999-0120online systems • 752
Gödert, W. – Vom Zettelkatalog zum HyperOPAC [From sheet catalogue to Hyper-OPAC] (Lang.: ger). - In: Zukunft der Sacherschliessung im OPAC: Vorträge des 2. Düsseldorfer OPAC-Kolloquium am 21. Juni 1995 / hrgn von E. Niggemann und K. Lepsky. - Düsseldorf: Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Düsseldorf; Bd 25, 73-94.

1326   1999-0121online systems • 752
Aruna, A. – Online public access catalogues (Lang.: eng). - In: DESIDOC Bulletin of Information Technology , 18(1998)5,p.3-8.

1327   1999-0122online systems • 752
Mallen, C. – Using design to provide intelligent help in information processing systems (Lang.: eng). - In: Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science , (1999)64,p.312-330. »» Review article

1328   1999-0123online systems • 752
Fattahi, R. – Library cataloguing and abstracting and indexing services : reconciliation of principles in the online environment (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Revies 47(1998)3/4,p.211-216.

2079   2000-0355online systems • 752
Kilgour, F.G., Moran, B.B., Barden, J.R. – Retrieval effectiveness of surname-title-word searches for known items by academic library users (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 50(1999)3,p.265-270.

2080   2000-0356online systems • 752
Sonwane, S.S. – Retrieval aspects of OPACs (Lang.: eng). - In: CALIBER 99 : Academic libraries in the Internet : proceedings of the 6th National Convention for Automation of Libraries in Education and Research, Nagpur, India, 18-20 February 1999 / ed. y P.S.G. Kumar and C.P. Vashishth. - Ahmedabad: Information and Library Network Centre (INFLIBNET), 1999, p.288-295. »» Retrieval aspects and methods of searching of OPACs

2258   2000-0534online systems • 752
Morgan, E.L. – Dreaming about what we wish we would have (Lang.: eng). - In: Computers in Libraries, 18(1998)10,p.40-41.

2259   2000-0535online systems • 752
Vallejo, D.B., David, A.A. – Processing the user model in IRS (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 27(2000)1/2,p.17-26.

2260   2000-0536online systems • 752
Miller, P. – Z39.50 for all (Lang.: eng). - In: Ariadne, (1999)21. – Available at http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue21/z3950/

2261   2000-0537online systems • 752
Ridley, M. – Practical clumping (Lang.: eng). - In: Ariadne, (1999)20. – Available at http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue20/bopac/ »» Practical experience with Z39.50 in the BOPAC2 project

2262   2000-0538online systems • 752
Morgan, E.L. – Catalogs of the future (Lang.: eng). - In: Computers in Libraries, 19(1999)3,p.29-33.

2545   2001-0203online systems • 752
Harmsen, B. – Adding value to Web-OPACs (Lang.: eng). - In: Electronic Library, 18(2000)2,p.109-113.

2546   2001-0204online systems • 752
Neuroth, H., Lepschy, P. – Das EU-Projekt Renardus [The EU Project Renardus] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 35(2001)1,p.49-63.

2724   2001-0382online systems • 752
Beaulieu, M., Gatford, M., Jones, S. – Widening access to Okapi (Lang.: eng). - London, British Library, 2000. – pp. 24,33.(British Library.Library and Information Commission Research Report; 58). – ISBN: 1902394305.

2877   2001-0535online systems • 752
Cross, P., [et al.]. – DESIRE : making the most of the Web (Lang.: eng). - In: Exploit Interactive, (2000)5. – Available at http://www.exploit-lib.org/issue5/desire/

2878   2001-0536online systems • 752
Beaulieu, M. – Interaction in information searching and retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation, 56(2000)4, p.431-439.

3055   2002-0078online systems • 752
Xie, H. – Shifts of interactive intentions and information-seeking strategies in interactive information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 51(2000)9, p.841-857.

3056   2002-0079online systems • 752
Savage-Knepshield, P.A., Belkin, N.J. – Interaction in information retrieval : trends over time (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 50(1999)12, p.1067-1082.

3057   2002-0080online systems • 752
Robinson, L., Bawden, D. – Internet subject gateways (Lang.: eng). - In: International Journal of Information Management, 19(1999)6, p.311-322.

3058   2002-0081online systems • 752
Watson, J., Fenner, J. – Understanding portals (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Management Journal, 34(2000)3, p.18-20, 22.

3059   2002-0082online systems • 752
Janssen, B. – Startpagina is eigenlijk de afstandsbediening van Internet [Startpagina is really a distance service delivered via the Internet] (Lang.: dut). - In: BibliotheekBlad, 5(2001)22/23, p.36-38.

3243   2002-0264online systems • 752
Haas, S.W., Hert, C.A. – Finding information at the U.S.Bureau of Labor Statistics : over the barriers of scope, concept, and language mismatch (Lang.: eng). - In: Terminology, 8(2002)1, p. 31-56.

3398   2003-0073online systems • 752
Huang, C.K., Chien, L.F., Oyang, Y.J. – Relevant term suggestion in interactive web search based on contextual information in query session logs (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 54(2003)7,p.638-649.

3866   2004-0391online systems • 752
Morgan, K. – Library portals and gateways (Lang.: eng). - In: Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science. - 2nd ed. / ed. by M.A. Drake. - New York : Marcel Dekker, 2003. - Vol. 3, p.1657-1668.

3982   2005-32-1-0058online systems • 752
Li, L.C. – Online cultural heritage exhibitions: a survey of information retrieval features (Lang.: eng). - In: Program: electronic library and information systems, 39(2004)1, p.4-24.

4477   2006-33-2-0081online systems • 752
Sporer, T., Köstlbacher, A., Jahnke, T. – Softwareframework für audiovisuelle digitale Wissensmedien in der Hochschule [Software framework for audivisual digital knowledge media in the university] (Lang.: ger). - In: Wissensorganisation und Verantwortung [see 2006-33-2-0002], p.308-316.

4893   2007-0095online systems • 752
De Jager, K. – Opening the library catalogue up to the Web: a view from South Africa (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Development, 23(2007)1, p.48-54.

4894   2007-0096online systems • 752
Joint, N. – URLs in the OPAC: comparative reflections on US vs UK practice (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Review, 56(2007)3, p.182-193.

4895   2007-0097online systems • 752
Markey, K. – The online library catalog: Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained? (Lang.: eng). - In: D-Lib Magazine, 13(2007)1/2. – Available at http://dlib.ukoln.ac.uk/dlib/january07/markey/01markey.html

5121   2007-0354online systems • 752
Barber, E., et al. – Los catálogos en línea de acceso público disponibles en entorno web de las bibliotecas universitarias y especializadas en Argentina y Brasil: diagnóstico de situación [On-line public access catalogues available via the Web in university and special libraries in Argentina and Brazil: an assessment of the situation] (Lang.: spa). - In: La interdisciplinariedad y la transdisciplinariedad en la organización del conocimiento científico [see 2007-0224], p.365-372.

5122   2007-0355online systems • 752
Misu, T., Kawahara, T. – An interactive framework for document retrieval and presentation with question-answering function in restricted domain (Lang.: eng). - In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4570(2007), p.126-134.

5361   2007-0598online systems • 752
Kapoor, K., Goyal, O.P. – Web-based OPACs in Indian academic libraries: a functional comparison (Lang.: eng). - In: Program: Electronic Library and Information Systems, 41(2007)3, p.291-310.

5362   2007-0599online systems • 752
Wells, D. – What is a library OPAC? (Lang.: eng). - In: The Electronic Library, 25(2007)4, p.386-394.

5536   2008-0079online systems • 752
Adeleke, A.A., Olorunsola, R. – Cataloguing and classification online: the experience of Redeemer's University Library (Lang.: eng). - In: The Electronic Library, 25(2007)6, pp.725-732.

5537   2008-0080online systems • 752
Cho, J. – A study on the model to link the Korean University Library OPAC with search portals (Lang.: eng). - In: The Electronic Library, 25(2007)5, pp.575-584.

5761   2008-0306online systems • 752
Ansari, M.A., Amita. – Awareness and use of OPACS in five Delhi libraries (Lang.: eng). - In: Electronic Library, 26(2008)1, p.111-129.

5762   2008-0307online systems • 752
Marchitelli, A., Piazzini, T. – OPAC, SOPAC e social networking: cataloghi di biblioteca 2.0? [OPAC, SOPAC and social networking: catalogues of Library 2.0?] (Lang.: ita). - In: Biblioteche Oggi 26(2008)2, p.82-92.

5763   2008-0308online systems • 752
Merčun, T., Žumer, M. – Library catalogues : rich tradition facing new challenges (Lang.: slo). - In: Šolska Knjižnica, 17(2007)3-4 p.137-142.

5764   2008-0309online systems • 752
Merčun, T. – Online library catalogues of the future revisited (Lang.: slo). - In: Knjižnice za prihodnost : napredek in sodelovanje : zbornik referatov [Libraries for the future : development and collaboration : proceedings / Professional conference of Union of associations of Slovene Librarians], Portorož, October 22-23, 2007; ed. M. Ambrožič, p. 91-104.Ljubljana, Zveza bibliotekarskih društev Slovenije, 2007. – ISBN: 9789616683012.

5765   2008-0310online systems • 752
Mi, J., Weng, C. – Revitalizing the library OPAC: interface, searching and display challenges (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Technology & Libraries, 27(2008)1, p.5-22.

5766   2008-0311online systems • 752
Powell, C. K. – OPAC integration in the era of mass digitization: the MBooks experience (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Hi Tech, 26(2008)1, p.24-32.

5767   2008-0312online systems • 752
Šauperl, A., Saye, J. D. – Have we made any progress? : Catalogues of the future revisited (Lang.: slo). - In: Knjižnice za prihodnost : napredek in sodelovanje : zbornik referatov [Libraries for the future : development and collaboration : proceedings / Professional conference of Union of associations of Slovene Librarians], Portorož, October 22-23, 2007; ed. M. Ambrožič, p.77-89.Ljubljana, Zveza bibliotekarskih društev Slovenije, 2007. – ISBN: 9789616683012.

5768   2008-0313online systems • 752
Turbanti, S. – La bonifica del catalogo e il controllo di qualità: strumenti, tempi, strategie [Catalogue reclamation and quality control: means, times and strategies] (Lang.: ita). - In: Bollettino AIB, 47(2007)4, p.451-459.

5769   2008-0314online systems • 752
Xiao, D., Fullerton, J. P. – Developing utility tools to enhance Voyager access, search and workflow automation (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Hi Tech, 26(2008)1 p.95-109.

5770   2008-0315online systems • 752
Zuehlke, D., Thiels, N. – Useware engineering: a methodology for the development of user-friendly interfaces (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Hi Tech, 26(2008)1, p.126-140.

6002   2009-0122online systems • 752
Miguel, S., Caprile, L., Jorquera-Vidal, I. – Análisis de co-términos y de redes sociales para la generación de mapas temáticos [Co-term and social networks analysis for the generation of subject maps] (Lang.: spa). - In: El Profesional de la Información, 17(2008)6, p.637-646.

6003   2009-0123online systems • 752
Nicolas, Y. – Calames, et après? Un catalogue de manuscrits, quatre leçons et mille mashups [What next for Calames?] (Lang.: fre). - In: Bulletin des Bibliothèques de France, (2008)6, p.29-33.

6004   2009-0124online systems • 752
Wiesenmüller, H. – Schlagwortketten in Online-Katalogen - Realität und Potenzial [Descriptor chains in online catalogues - reality and potentia] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 42(2008)10, p.1033-1059.

6266   2009-0386online systems • 752
Bizzocchi, N. – Informazione semantica di qualità: verso il nuovo Soggettario: il seminario GRIS del 20 ottobre 2006 [Subject indexing of good quality: towards the Nuovo Soggettario: the GRIS seminar of October 20, 2006: report] (Lang.: ita). - In: SBN Romagna, Marzo 2007, pp. 1-4.

6496   2009-0616online systems • 752
Interactive document classification system reflecting user's intentions (Lang.: eng). - In: Toshiba review, 64(2009)2, pp.58-59.

6497   2009-0617online systems • 752
Denholm, C., et al. – Making the new OPAC seamless: dealing with the transition from ‘finding’ to ‘getting’ (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Hi-Tech 27(2009)1, pp.13-29. – Available at http://www.emeraldinsight.com/info/journals/lht/lht.jsp

6498   2009-0618online systems • 752
Mendes, L.H., Quiñonez-Skinner, J., Scaggs, D. – Subjecting the catalogue to tagging (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Hi-Tech 27(2009)1, pp.30-41. – Available at http://www.emeraldinsight.com/info/journals/lht/lht.jsp

6499   2009-0619online systems • 752
Mercum, T., Zumer, M. – New generation of catalogues for the new generation of users: a comparison of six library catalogues (Lang.: eng). - In: Program: electronic library and information systems, 42(2008)3, pp.243-261.

6500   2009-0620online systems • 752
Sadler, E.A. – Project Blacklight: a next generation library catalogue at a first generation university (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Hi-Tech, 27(2009)1, pp.57-67. – Available at http://www.emeraldinsight.com/info/journals/lht/lht.jsp

7218   online systems • 752
Biagetti, Maria Teresa. – Pertinence perspective and OPAC enhancement (Lang.: eng). - In: Paradigms and conceptual systems in knowledge organization (, pp. 334-340.

7219   online systems • 752
Greifeneder, Elke. – Hilfe auf allen Ebenen: Ein Beitrag zur Forschung ĂƒÂŒber Online-Hilfen [Help on all levels: a contribution to research into online help in OPACs] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare. 61(2008)2, pp.32-44.

7220   online systems • 752
Zapilko, Benjamin. – Dynamisches Browsing im Kontext von Informationsarchitekturen [Dynamic browsing in the context of information architecture] (Lang.: ger). - In: Wissensspeicher in digitalen RÀumen (, pp. 251-260.

7426   online systems • 752
Gnoli, Claudio. – Opac semantici? Sprechi e potenzialità negli accessi per classe [Semantic OPACs? Wastes and potentials in class entries] (Lang.: ita). - In: I workshop di Teca: 8 focus per le biblioteche; ed. by Waldemaro Morgese & Maria A. Abenante. Rome, AIB, 2010, 373pp, pp. 49-54.

7427   online systems • 752
Naun, C.C. – Next generation OPACs: a cataloging viewpoint (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and classification quarterly, 48(2010)4, pp. 330-342.

7428   online systems • 752
Zhitomirsky-Geffet, M. et al. – A unified strategy for search and result representation for an online bibliographical catalogue (Lang.: eng). - In: Online information review, 33(2009)3, pp. 511-536.

8141   online systems • 752
Breeding, Marshall. – Next-gen library catalogs (Lang.: eng). - London, Facet Publishing, 2010. – pp. 138.(The tech set, no. 1). – ISBN: 1856047210 (pbk.); ISBN: 9781856047210 (pbk.).

8142   online systems • 752
Janakiraman, C. – Online cataloguing (Lang.: eng). - Delhi, Pacific Books International, 2011. – pp. 268. – ISBN: 9789380472225.

8316   online systems • 752
Biagetti, Maria Teresa. – Nuove funzionalità degli OPAC e relevance ranking [New functionalities of OPACs and relevance ranking] (Lang.: ita). - In: Bollettino AIB 50(2010)4, pp. 339-356.

8503   online systems • 752
Madhusudhan, M., Aggarwal, S. – Web-based online public access catalogues of IIT libraries in India: an evaluative study (Lang.: eng). - In: Program, 45(2011)4, pp. 415-438.

8688   online systems • 752
Weare, Jr., William H., Toms, Sue, Breeding, Marshall. – Moving forward: the next-gen catalog and the new discovery tools (Lang.: eng). - In: Library media connection, 30(2011)3, pp.54-57.

8838   online systems • 752
Nagy, A. – Analyzing the next-generation catalog (Lang.: eng). - In: Library technology reports, 47(2011)7, 95 pp.

9311   online systems • 752
Janusz, A. et al. – Interactive document indexing method based on explicit semantic analysis (Lang.: eng). - In: Lecture notes in computer science, 7413(2012), pp. 156-165.

9312   online systems • 752
Ostafe, Doina. – Evaluarea utilizĂ„Æ’rii WebOPAC [Evaluation of the WebOPAC usage] (Lang.: rom). - In: Revista romùnĂ„Æ’ de biblioteconomie Åƾi ÅƾtiinÅ£a informĂ„Æ’rii, 7(2011)2, pp. 9-24.

9313   online systems • 752
Spangenberg, Martin. – Vom Aufsatznachweis zum Volltext mit einem Klick ñ€“ kontextsensitive Verlinkung im Katalog der Bundestagsbibliothek: Ein Erfahrungsbericht [From the article reference to the full text by one click - context-sensitive linking in the catalogue of the Bundestag Library [= the parliamentary library]] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 46(2012)7, pp. 583-592.

9849   online systems • 752
Diedrichs, Reiner; Cramer, Corinna. – F.A.Z.-Rezensionen als Kataloganreicherung im Katalog des GBV: Ein Best-Practice-Beispiel [F.A.Z. book reviews for catalogue enrichment purposes in the catalogue of GBV: a best practice example] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 47(2013)6, pp. 450-462. – Available at http://leo.cilea.it/index.php/jlis/article/view/8766/8032

10164   1995-0485online systems • 752
Geißelmann, F. (Ed.). – Sacherschließung in Online-Katalogen [Subject analysis in online catalogues] (Lang.: ger). - Berlin, DE, Deutsches Bibliotheksinstitut, 1994. – pp. 110.(DBI-Materialien 132). – ISBN: 3870689323.

10664   1996-1208online systems • 752
O'Brien, A.. – Online catalogs. Enhancements and developments (Lang.: eng). - In: Ann.Rev.Inform.Sci.& Technol. 1994. p.219-242.Medford, NJ, Learned Inform., Inc.,

10918   1990-0978online systems • 752
Wilson, R. – The BookshelF Thesaurus: treasure or trauma? (Lang.: eng). - In: Libr.Rev.Vol.40.No.6.1991.p.42-49. Evaluation of an integrated thesaurus module developed as a cataloguing aid and a help for online cataloguing

11029   1990-1-261online systems • 752
Tina, R. – Online catalogs: making them better reference tools (Lang.: eng). - In: Libr.J.Vol.113.No.20.1988.p.76-77.

11267   1990-2-260online systems • 752
Broadbent, E. – The online catalog;dictionary, classified, or both? (Lang.: eng). - In: Catl.& Classif.Quart.Vol.10.No.1-2.1989.p.105-124.

11270   1990-2-263online systems • 752
McCarthy, C. – A reference librarian's view of the online subject catalog (Lang.: eng). - In: Cat.& Classif.Quart.Vol.10.No.1-2.1989.p.203-211.

11678   1993-0978online systems • 752
Wilson, R.. – The BookshelF Thesaurus: treasure or trauma? (Lang.: eng). - In: Libr.Rev.. Vol. 40. No. 6. p.42-49. Evaluation of an integrated thesaurus module developed as a cataloguing aid and a help for online cataloguing.

11847   1994-1014online systems • 752
Benediktsson, D.. – Problems of subject access to Icelandic collections through OPACs (Lang.: eng). - In: Scand.Publ.Libr.Quart.. 23(1990)4,p.24-27.

11848   1994-1015online systems • 752
Bryant, P.. – Subjejct wise?. On providing access to information through interactive catalogues (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloguing Australia. 19(1993)3-4,p.73-84.

11851   1994-1018online systems • 752
Kreslins, K.; O'Brien, A.; Smith, I.A.. – Online public access catalogues in Latvia: strategies for subject access (Lang.: eng). - In: Int.Inform.& Libr.Rev.. 26(1994)1,p.31-50.

11852   1994-1019online systems • 752
Wells, A.Subject access and languages other than English. – (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloguing Australia. 19(1993)3/4,p.280-5. Discusses the value of classification schemes in facilitating multilingual controlled subject access. Describes the State Library of New South Wales multicultural service.

12088   1995-0486online systems • 752
Kreslins, K.; O'Brien, A., Smith, I.A. – Online public access catalogues in Latvia: strategies for subject access (Lang.: eng). - In: Int.Inform.Libr.Rev. Vol. 26. No. 1. 1994. p.31-50.

12881   1990-1-248online systems • 752
Mitev, N.; Hildreth, C.R. – Les catalogues interactifs en Grande-Bretagne et aux Etats-Unis [Interactive catalogues in Great Britain and the United States] (Lang.: fre). - In: Bull.Bibl.France.Vol.34.No.1.1989.p.22-47.

12882   1990-1-249online systems • 752
Witt, M. – Simplification ou complication? Quelques réflexions sur la constitution d'un catalogue en ligne à la médiathèque de La Villette [Simplification or complication? Some reflections on establishing an online catalogue in the media library of La Villette] (Lang.: fre). - In: Bull.Bibl.France.Vol.34.No.1.1989.p.48-59.

12883   1990-1-250online systems • 752
Blanc-Montmayeur, M. – OPAC ou à la Trinité: l'indispensable langage naturel [The OPAC and the indispensable natural language] (Lang.: fre). - In: Bull.Bibl.France.Vol.34.No.1.1989.p.60-62.

12884   1990-1-251online systems • 752
Le Loarer, P. – Opacité et transparence des catalogues informatisés pour l'étranger [The opacity and the transparence of informative catalogues for outside users] (Lang.: fre). - In: Bull.Bibl.France.Vol.34.No.1.1989.p.78-85.

12885   1990-1-252online systems • 752
Le Marec, J. – Les OPACs sont-ils opaques? La consultations des catalogues informatisés à la BPI du Centre Pompidou [Are the OPACs opaque? Consulting informative catalogues at the Public Information Library (BPI) of the Centre Pompidou] (Lang.: fre). - In: Bull.Bibl.France.Vol.3.No.1.1989.p.78-85.

13271   1995-0863online systems • 752
Eckert, K.; Schultz, A. – SABINE: OPAC oder opak? Kein Durchblick beim neuen OPAC der Universität des Saarlandes [SABINE: OPAC or opaque? No clear view for the new OPAC on the University of the Saarland] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst. Vol. 29. No. 6. 1995. p.979-84. The criticism outlined ends with the proposal that part of the system should be redesigned

13446   1995-0487online systems • 752
Watanabe, T. – An experimental OPAC system using NDC8 to improve subject access (Lang.: jap). - In: Toshokan-Kai (Libr.World). Vol. 46. No. 4. 1994. p.164-176.

13529   1990-1-260online systems • 752
Lenert, U. – Issues in question-answer dialogue (Lang.: rus). - In: Nov.v zarubezh.lingv.Vyp.23.Kognitiv.aspekty yaz.1988.p.58-280.Moskva, SU,

13794   1990-1-254online systems • 752
Hancock-Beaulieu, M. – Online Catalogs: A case for the user (Lang.: ). -

13795   1990-1-255online systems • 752
Tague, J. – Negotiation at the OPC Interface (Lang.: ). -

13796   1990-1-256online systems • 752
Markey, K. – Subject searching strategies for online catalogs through the Dewey Decimal Classification (Lang.: ). -

13797   1990-1-257online systems • 752
Lynch, C. – Applications of performance and usage data for online catalogs (Lang.: ). -

13798   1990-1-258online systems • 752
Mitev, N. – Ease of interaction and retrieval online catalogs: Contributions of human-computer interaction (Lang.: ). -

13799   1990-1-259online systems • 752
Hjerppe, R. – HYPERCAT at LIBLAB in Sweden: A progress report (Lang.: ). -

15826   online systems • 752
Bravo, Blanca Rodríguez; Rodríguez, Críspulo Travieso; SimÔes, M. Graça de M.; de Freitas, M. Cristi. – Evaluating discovery tools in Portuguese and Spanish academic libraries (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization in the 21st century, pp. 516-523 (06.14-05-19/22).

15991   online systems • 752
Ball, Rafael. – BibliotheksverbĂƒÂŒnde der Zukunft ñ€“ welche BibliotheksverbĂƒÂŒnde? [Library networks of the future - what kind of library networks?] (Lang.: ger). - In: Zeitschrift fĂƒÂŒr Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie. 61(2014)4/5, pp. 267-270.

15992   online systems • 752
Kampling, Ursula. – VerfĂƒÂŒgbarkeitsinformationen in Discovery Systemen: Zugang zu umfangreichen bibliografischen Datenquellen; Das Beispiel des Lokalen Bibliothekssystems Ilmenau/Schmalkalden [Availability information in discovery systems: accessing extensive bibliographic sources; the example of the Ilmenau/Schmalkalden local library system] (Lang.: ger). - In: BuB ñ€“ Forum Bibliothek und Information. 66(2014)5, pp. 380-383. – Available at http://www.b-u-b.de/pdfarchiv/Heft-BuB_05_2014.pdf

16101   online systems • 752
Polidoro, Piero . – Using Qualitative Methods to Analyze Online Catalog Interfaces (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 53(2015)3-4, pp. 314-330.

16133   online systems • 752
Ou, Carol; Saxon, Sean. – Displaying Content, Media, and Carrier Types in the OPAC: Questions and Considerations (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Library Metadata, 14(2014)3/4, pp. 239-254.

16187   online systems • 752
Hubrich, Jessica; Lieder, Hans-Jörg. – Zeitungssuche interaktiv: Der neue ZDB-Webkatalog [Searching for newspapers interactively: The new ZDB web catalogue] (Lang.: ger). - In: O-bib: Das offene Bibliotheksjournal, 1(2014)1, pp. 305-311. – Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.5282/o-bib/2014H1S305-311 ZDB = German Union Catalogue of Serials, The German Union Catalogue of Serials (Zeitschriftendatenbank, ZDB) is the worldñ€ℱs largest dedicated database for serials of all kinds. It contains extensive information about more than 60.000 newspapers being held in about 4.400 German and Austrian libraries. In a project funded by the German Research Foundation, a new ZDB web catalogue is being created which will provide better support for a wider range of newspaper search functions than the current ZDB OPAC. Interactive graphic representations allow for intuitive and clear visualisations of complex interconnections between different newspapers. The paper describes the ZDB project and highlights some significant features of the forthcoming ZDB web catalogue which will be available in 2015.

16199   online systems • 752
Jee-Hyun Rho. – Limits and Problems of the Current OPACs for Digital Kids (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 45(2014)4, pp. 337-364.. – Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/3565718

16314   online systems • 752
StĂƒÂŒhn, Andrea. – FHB Aachen, Köln und MĂƒÂŒnster entwickeln ihr Suchportal [The libraries of the universities of applied sciences at Aachen, Cologne and MĂƒÂŒnster are developing their search portal [using discovery systems]] (Lang.: ger). - In: Pro Libris, 18(2014)3, pp. 109-111. – Available at http://www.bibliotheken-nrw.de/fileadmin/Dateien/Daten/ProLibris/ProLibris-3-14-Webansicht.pdf

16315   online systems • 752
Specht, Annette. – ULB Bonn ñ€“ Discovery Portal mit dem Index Summon und der OberflÀche VuFind [The Bonn University and State Library's discovery portal based upon the Summon index and the VuFind interface] (Lang.: ger). - In: Pro Libris, 18(2014)3, pp. 112-115. – Available at http://www.bibliotheken-nrw.de/fileadmin/Dateien/Daten/ProLibris/ProLibris-3-14-Webansicht.pdf

16316   online systems • 752
LĂƒÂŒtzenkirchen, Frank; Falkenstein-Feldhoff, Katrin. – Seit Ende 2012 nutzt die UB Duisburg-Essen Primo inklusive Primo Central [Since the end of 2012 the Duisburg-Essen University Library has been using Primo including Primo Central] (Lang.: ger). - In: Pro Libris, 18(2014)3, pp. 116-119. – Available at http://www.bibliotheken-nrw.de/fileadmin/Dateien/Daten/ProLibris/ProLibris-3-14-Webansicht.pdf

16317   online systems • 752
Baron, Christine. – Das Projekt Ăąâ‚ŹĆŸSchnellsuche NRWñ€Ɠ ñ€“ Discovery fĂƒÂŒr alle? [The project "North Rhine-Westphalia Rapid Search" - discovery for all?] (Lang.: ger). - In: Pro Libris, 18(2014)3, pp. 120-121. – Available at http://www.bibliotheken-nrw.de/fileadmin/Dateien/Daten/ProLibris/ProLibris-3-14-Webansicht.pdf

16318   online systems • 752
Pilzer, Harald. – Discovery fĂƒÂŒr die Öffentlichen Bibliotheken entdecken! [Let's discover Discovery for the public libraries!] (Lang.: ger). - In: Pro Libris, 18(2014)3, pp. 121. – Available at http://www.bibliotheken-nrw.de/fileadmin/Dateien/Daten/ProLibris/ProLibris-3-14-Webansicht.pdf

16610   online systems • 752
Straub, Florian Rudolf. – Kollaboratives Information Retrieval auf Basis raum-zeitlicher Small Worlds fĂƒÂŒr verteiltes Social Networking [Collaborative Information retrieval based upon spatiotemporal small worlds for distributed social networking] (Lang.: ger). - Munich, Germany, Technische UniversitÀt MĂƒÂŒnchen, 2014.

17135   online systems • 752
Dierolf, Uwe; M?nnich, Michael W.. – 20 Jahre Karlsruher virtueller Katalog (KVK) [20 years of the Karlsruhe Virtual Catalogue] (Lang.: ger). - In: b.i.t. online, 19(2016)5, pp. 402-412. – Available at http://www.b-i-t-online.de/heft/2016-05/fachbeitrag-dierolf.pdf

17375   online systems • 752
Gillitzer, Berthold. – Vom Recherchesystem zum inferentiellen Service - ein Paradigmenwechsel? Yewno ein semantischer Discovery Service im Pilotversuch an der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek [From search system to inferential service - a paradigm shift? Yewno, a semantic discovery service in a pilot experiment at the Bavarian State Library] (Lang.: ger). - In: Zeitschrift f?r Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie, 64(2017)2, pp. 71-78. – Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.3196/186429501664227

18067   online systems • 752
Jakisch, Elgin Helen. – "Blick in die virtuelle Vitrine der "Deutschen Digitalen Bibliothek": Aktuelle Chancen und Herausforderungen des nationalen Kulturgutprojektes" ["A look into the virtual showcase of the "German Digital Library": Current opportunities and challenges of this national cultural heritage project"] (Lang.: ger). - In: b.i.t.online, 21(2018)3, pp. 238-240. – Available at http://www.b-i-t-online.de/heft/2018-03-nachrichtenbeitrag-jakisch.pdf

18093   online systems • 752
Meyer, Thomas. – H-Soz-Kult und Clio-online: Von der Mailingliste zur Online-Community [H-Soz-Kult and Clio-online: From mailing list to online community] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 52(2018)3/4, pp. 185–195. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/bd-2018-0026

18094   online systems • 752
Oerder, Thomas; Schindler, Christoph; Rittberger, Marc. – Vom Fachinformationssystem Bildung zum Fachportal PĂ€dagogik: Die Gestaltung der Digitalisierung der Wissenschaft am Beispiel der Bildungsforschung [Education: from specialized information system to specialized portal: Designing the digitisation of science taking the example of educational research] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 52(2018)3/4, pp. 196–207. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/bd-2018-0027

18100   online systems • 752
Dimitrova, Vanya; Renner-Westermann, Heike. – Das Linguistik-Portal: Übergang von einer Virtuellen Fachbibliothek zu einem Fachinformationsdienst [Linguistics portal: Transition from virtual library to specialized information service] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 52(2018)3/4, pp. 278–289. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/bd-2018-0033

18103   online systems • 752
Schmitz, Christina; Heindl, Barbara. – Das E.T.A. Hoffmann Portal der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin [The E.T.A. Hoffmann portal of the Berlin State Library] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 52(2018)5, pp. 380–390. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/bd-2018-0044

18104   online systems • 752
Achterberg, Inke; et al.. – Der Fachinformationsdienst Geowissenschaften der festen Erde (FID GEO): Digitale Transformation und Open Access in den Geowissenschaften fördern [The Specialized Information Service for Solid Earth Geosciences (FID GEO): Promoting digital transformation and Open Access in geoscience] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 52(2018)5, pp. 391–405. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/bd-2018-0045

18106   online systems • 752
n/a. – PSYNDEX ergĂ€nzt LIVIVO: FĂ€cherspektrum von lebenswissenschaftlichem Suchportal um Psychologie erweitert [PSYNDEX complements LIVIVO: Subject scope of life science search portal expanded by psychology] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 52(2018)6, pp. 496–505. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/bd-2018-0055

18538   online systems • 752
Erlinger, Christian. – Instant-Messenger Bots als alternative SuchoberflÀche [Instant messenger bots as alternative search screen] (Lang.: ger). - In: Informationspraxis, 5(2019)1, 8 p. (pdf). – Available at http://doi.org/10.11588/ip.2019.1.57941

18768   online systems • 752
Draheim, Christina; et al.. – Die Rechercheplattform PubPharm [The search platform PubPharm] (Lang.: ger). - In: GMS Medizin – Bibliothek – Information, 19(2019)3, Doc23. – Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.3205/mbi000448

18793   online systems • 752
Kneissl, Jaakko; WiesenmĂŒller, Heidrun. – Resource Discovery Systeme im Zusammenspiel mit anderen Rechercheinstrumenten: Eine Analyse am Beispiel der Bibliothek der Evangelischen Hochschule NĂŒrnberg [Resource Discovery Systems in interplay with other research tools: An analysis using the example of the library of the Evangelische Hochschule NĂŒrnberg] (Lang.: ger). - In: o-bib, 6(2019)2, pp. 48-66. – Available at http://doi.org/10.5282/o-bib/2019H2S48-66

11269   1990-2-262online systems • 752 FR
Jouguelet, S. – Subject access in online catalogs: developments in France (Lang.: eng). - In: Cat.& Classif.Quart.Vol.10.No.1-2.1989.p.213-224.

11849   1994-1016752, 735
Johnson, F.C.. – A classification of ellipsis based oon a corpus of information seeking dialogues (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Pocessing & Management. 30(1994)3,p.315-325.

11850   1994-1017752, 753
Kartus, E.. – A fully automated cataloguing workbench with enhanced subject access: the cataloguer's dream or nightmare? (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloguing Australia. 19(1993)3/4,p.209-221.

18849   online systems • 752; 753
Andrae, Magdalena; et al.. – Empfehlungen fĂŒr die Sichtbarkeit von Open Access-Publikationen in der Suchmaschine des Österreichischen Bibliothekenverbundes [Recommendations for the visibility of open access publications in the search engine of the Austrian Library Network] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der VÖB, 73(2020)3/4, pp. 567-593. – Available at http://doi.org/10.31263/voebm.v73i3-4.5101

18879   online systems • 752; 932
Tausch, Arno . – Die Bibliotheken der Welt per Mausklick abfragen? Eine aktualisierte Liste internationaler Verbundkataloge [Accessing the libraries of the world with just one mouse click? An updated list of international union catalogues] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 55(2021)1, pp. 63-86. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/bd-2021-0011

712   1998-0089online systems • literature reviews • 752;02
Hildreth, C.R. – Book Review of Tyckoson, D.A - Enhancing access to information: designing catalogs for the 21st century (Lang.: ). - In: Information Processing & Management 1997(33)4,p. 573-575.

2081   2000-0357online systems • literature reviews • 752;02
Fisher, D. – (Book review of) Rowley, J., Slack, F.: Designing public access systems. - Aldershot, UK: Gower Publishing, 1998. - 251 p. - ISBN: 0556080702 (Lang.: eng). - In: Electronic Library, 17(1999)4,p.269.

2883   2001-0541online systems • literature reviews • 752;02
Sweet, M. – (Book review of) Rowley, J., Slack, F.: Designing public access systems - Aldershot, UK: Gower Publishing, 1998 – 251 p. - ISBN: 0556080702 (Lang.: eng). - In: Program, 34(2000)3,p.335-336.

15993   online systems • monographs on KO general questions • 752;08.21
Medeiros, Norm; Hess, Julia. – (Book review of) Chambers, Sally (ed.). Catalogue 2.0: the future of the library catalogue. Chicago: Neal-Schuman, 2013. 212 p. ISBN: 9781555709433 (Lang.: eng). - In: Library resources & technical services, 58(2014)3, pp. 209-209.

2082   2000-0358online systems • methodological problems • 752;173
Banks, J. – Can transaction logs be used for resource scheduling? : an analysis (Lang.: eng). - In: Reference Librarian, (1999)63,p.95-108.

5538   2008-0081online systems • classification history • 752;191
Bowman, J.H. – OPACs: the early years and user reactions (Lang.: eng). - In: Library History, 23(2007)4, pp.317-329.

5771   2008-0316online systems • descriptors • 752;226
Papadakis, I., Stefanidakis, M., Tzali, A. – Visualizing OPAC subject headings (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Hi Tech, 26(2008)1, p.19-23.

3251   2002-0272online systems • aboutness • 752;321
Hirsch, S.G. – Children's relevance criteria and information seeking on electronic resources (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 50(1999)14, p. 1265-1283.

1329   1999-0124online systems • automatic indexing • indexing evalutation problems • 752;341;391
Walker, S., Robertson, S.E., Boughanem, M., Jones, G.J.F., Sparck Jones, K. – Okapi at TREC-6 : automatic ad hoc, VLC, routing, filtering and QSDR (Lang.: eng). - In: The sixth text retrieval conference (TREC-6), (1998)p.125-136.

1330   1999-0125online systems • automatic indexing • indexing evalutation problems • 752;341;391
Beaulieu, M.M., Gatford, M.J. – Interactive Okapi at TREC-6 (Lang.: eng). - In: The sixth text retrieval conference (TREC-6), (1998)p.143-167.

1331   1999-0126online systems • automatic indexing • indexing evalutation problems • 752;341;391
Boughanem, M., Soulé-Dupuy, C. – Mercuri at trec6 (Lang.: eng). - In: The sixth text retrieval conference (TREC-6), (1998)p.321-328.

78   1997-1-0077online systems • indexing evalutation problems • 752;391
Robertson, S.E., Walker; S., Beaulieu, M.M., Gatford, M., Payne, A. Okapi at TREC-4. – End-User full-text searching: Access or Excess? (Lang.: eng). - In: The fourth text retrieval conference (TREC-4) 1996, p.73-96.

230   1997-2-0229online systems • indexing evalutation problems • 752;391
Robertson, S.E. Walker, S., Beaulieu, M. – Laboratory experiments with Okapi : participation in the TREC programme (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation 53(1997)1. p.20-34.

911   1998-0287online systems • indexing evalutation problems • 752;391
Beaulieu, M.M., Gatford, M., Huang, X., Robertson, S.E., Walker, S., Williams, P. – Okapi at TREC-5 (Lang.: eng). - In: The fifth text retrieval conference (TREC-5 Gaithersburg: NIST, 1997), p.143-165.

1332   1999-0127online systems • indexing evalutation problems • 752;391
Boughanem, M., Soulé-Dupuy, C. – MercureO2 : adhoc and routing tasks (Lang.: eng). - In: The fifth text retrieval conference (TREC-5), (1997)p.429-432.

1599   1999-0393online systems • indexing evalutation problems • 752;391
Robertson, S.E., Walker, S., Beaulieu, M. – Experimentation as a way of life : Okapi at TREC (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing and Management, 36(2000)1, p.95-108.

5123   2007-0356online systems • UDC • 752;42
Herrero-Solana, V., et al. – Graphical table of contents for library collections: the application of Universal Decimal Classification codes to subject maps (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Technology & Libraries, 25(2006)1, p.43-47.

6005   2009-0125online systems • special KOS • sociology • 752;661
Cacelli, E., Dal Porto, S. – Studi di genere e pari opportunità: uno scavo bibliografico nel catalogo unico dell'Università di Pisa [Studies on gender and equal opportunity: a bibliographic excavation in the union catalogue of the University of Pisa] (Lang.: ita). - In: Biblioteche Oggi, 26(2008)8, p.64-77.

2547   2001-0205online systems • online systems in • law • 752;758-66
Davis, M. – Building a global legal index : a work in progress (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 22(2001)3,p.123-127.

18807   online systems • data indexing • human sciences • 752;82-5
Poley, Christoph. – Das Suchportal LIVIVO im Wandel der Zeit [The search portal LIVIVO [= ZB MED search portal for life sciences] through the ages] (Lang.: ger). - In: Zeitschrift fĂŒr Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie, 66(2019)3, pp. 110-119. – Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.3196/186429501966310

6501   2009-0621online systems • tagging • 752;835
Metitieri, Fabio. – L'OPAC collaborativo, tra folksonomia e socialità [OPAC collaborative, and socializing between folksonomy] (Lang.: ita). - In: Biblioteche oggi, 27(2009)2, pp.7-12. – Available at http://www.bibliotecheoggi.it/content/n200902.html

8317   online systems • tagging • 752;835
Bates, Jo, Rowley, Jennifer. – Social reproduction and exclusion in subject indexing: a comparison of public library (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of documentation, 67(2011)3, pp. 431-448.

912   1998-0288online systems • various NBM indexing • 752;879
Ardito, S.C. – The Internet : beginning or end of organized information? (Lang.: eng). - In: Searcher, 6(1998)1,p.52-57. Searching literature via Internet versus using the commercial, proprietary systems

1872   2000-0148online systems • various NBM indexing • 752;879
Desai, B.C., Shinghal, R., Shayan, N.R., Zhou, Y. – CINDI : a virtual library indexing and discovery (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Trends, 48(1999)1,p.209-233.

5772   2008-0317online systems • indexing in • geography • 752;88-39
Vandenburg, M. – Using Google maps as an interface for the library catalogue (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Hi Tech, 26(2008)1, p.33-40.

913   1998-0289online systems • KO metadata • 752;918
Ronthaler, M., Zillmann, H. – Literaturrecherche mit OSIRIS : ein Test der OSIRIS-Retrievalkomponente [Searching literature with OSIRIS: a test of the retrieval component of OSIRIS] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 32(1998)5 p.1203-1212. Osnabrück Intelligent Research Informatin System

3401   2003-0076online systems • KO metadata • 752;918
Neuroth, H. – Suche in verteilten "Quality-controlled Subject Gateways: Entwicklung eines Metadatenprofils [Searching in Quality-controlled Subject Gateways: development of metadata profiles] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliothek. Forschung und Praxis, 26(2002)3, p.275-296.

6502   2009-0622online systems • 752;934(705)
Poliènik-Èermelj, Tereza. – Evidentiranje elektronskih virov, dostopnih na daljavo, v COBISS [Checking of remotely accessible electronic sources in COBISS system] (Lang.: slo). - In: Šolska knjižnica, 19(2009)2/3, pp.143-154.

15239   online systems • bibliographic records • 752;944
Merčun, Tanja; Å vab, Katarina; Harej, Viktor; Ă…Âœumer, Maja. – Creating better library information systems: the road to FRBR-land (Lang.: eng). - In: Information research, 18(2013)3, paper C07. – Available at http://InformationR.net/ir/18-3/colis/paperC07.html In the Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Conceptions of Library and Information Science, Copenhagen, Denmark, 19-22 August, 2013.

3983   2005-32-1-0059online systems • bibliographic record display • 752;947
French, J.C., Chapin, A.C., Martin, W.N. – Multiple viewpoints as an approach to digital library interfaces (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 55(2004)10, p.911-922.

7430   online systems • authority control • 752;949
Birrell, D., Dunsire, G., Menzies, K. – Match Point: duplication and the scholarly record. The Online Catalogue and Repository Interoperability Study (OCRIS), and its findings on duplication and authority control in OPACs and IRs (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and classification quarterly, 48(2010)5, pp. 377-402.

713   1998-0090online systems • information use • 752;981
Park, I.K. – Comparing major U.S. OPAC systems for developing countries (Lang.: ). - In: Libri 1997(47)4,p. 234-242.

1091   1998-0467online systems • users requirements • 752;982
Spink, A., Saracevic, T. – Interaction in information retrieval : selection and effectiveness of search terms (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 48(1997)8,p.741-761.

1871   2000-0147online systems • users requirements • 752;982
Lin, X. – Designing a visual interface for online searching (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge: creation, organization and use: proceedings of the 62th annual meeting of the American Society for Information Science, Washington, DC, Oct.31-Nov.4,1999, p.390-395.

2395   2001-0053online systems • users requirements • 752;982
Thomson, S. – The joy of just browsing the library shelves (Lang.: eng). - In: Information World Review, (1999)144,p.19-20. »» Web site for Ford Motor Company's Research library and information service with own search engine for all ca 650 catalogued resources

11268   1990-2-261752.01
Dale, D.C. – Subjectaccess in online catalogs: an overview bibliography (Lang.: eng). - In: Cat.& Classif.Quart.Vol.10.No.1-2.1989.p.225-251.

10649   1993-0320752.174
Larson, R.R.. – Managing information overload in online catalog subject searching (Lang.: eng). - In: Proc.52nd ASIS Ann.Meeting, Washington, DC, Oct.30, 1989. 1989. p.129-135.Medford, NJ, Learned Inform.,

12306   1995-0864752.183
Klein, G.M. – Is there a standard default keyword operator? A bibliometric analysis of processing options chosen by libraries to execute keyword searches in online public access catalogs (Lang.: eng). - In: Library HiTech. Vol. 12. No. 4. 1994. p.71-81. Results are reported of a survey in which the online public access catalogues of 67 US libraries were searched using Internet connections to determine the positional operators (AND, SAME, WITH, NEAR, ADJ) selected as the default keyword operator on each. catalogue. Results indicated that there is no standard positional operator. (Author)

1873   2000-0149OPAC • 752.2
Ihadjadene, M., Bouché, R., Zâafrani, R. – The dynamic nature of searching and browsing on Web-OPACS : the CATHIE experience (Lang.: eng). - In: Dynamism and Stability in Knowledge Organization : Proceedings of the 6th International ISKO Conference 10-13 July 2000. - Würzburg : Ergon Verlag, 2000,p.327-332.

2548   2001-0206OPAC • 752.2
Hanssen, H.M., Kristensen, B. – Temadag om anvendelse af metadata i Internet resources [Theme day on use of metadata in Internet resources] (Lang.: dan). - In: DF Revy, 23(2000)2,p.55-57.

2549   2001-0207OPAC • 752.2
Matsui, S., Konno, H. – Evaluation of World Wide Web access to OPACs of public libraries in Japan : functional survey of 46 OPAC systems and user survey of three of those systems (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Japan Society of Library and Information Science, 46(2000)2,p.49-72.

2550   2001-0208OPAC • 752.2
British Library : new catalog on the Web (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Retrieval and Library Automation, 30(2001)10,p.5-6.

2551   2001-0209OPAC • 752.2
Ueda, S., [et al.]. – Problems with title and author searching in WWW OPAC (Lang.: jap). - In: Library and Information Science, (1999)41,p.1-15.

2552   2001-0210OPAC • 752.2
Needleman, M. – Z39.50 : a review, analysis and some thoughts on the future (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Hi Tech, 18(2000)2,p.158-165.

2879   2001-0537OPAC • 752.2
Needleman, M. – Z39.50 : a review, analysis and some thoughts on the future (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Hi Tech, 18(2000)2, p.158-165.

2880   2001-0538OPAC • 752.2
Slone, D.J. – Encounters with the OPAC : on-line searching in public libraries (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 51(2000)8, p.757-773.

2881   2001-0539OPAC • 752.2
Heywood, M.I., Zincir-Heywood, A.N., Chatwin, C.R. – Digital library query clearing using clustering and fuzzy decision-making (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing - Management, 36(2000)4, p.-571-583.

3061   2002-0084OPAC • 752.2
Lunau, C.D. – The Bath profile : an international Z39.50 specification for library applications and resource discovery (Lang.: eng). - In: D-Lib Magazine, 6(2000)10. – Available at http://www.dlib.org/dlib/october00/10inbrief. htm#LUNAU

3062   2002-0085OPAC • 752.2
Robins, D. – Shifts of focus on various aspects of user information problems during interactive information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 51(2000)10, p.913-928.

3063   2002-0086OPAC • 752.2
Chowdhury, G.G., Chowdhury, S. – An overview of the information retrieval features of twenty digital libraries (Lang.: eng). - In: Program, 34(2000)4, p.341-373.

3244   2002-0265OPAC • 752.2
Holm, L.A. – Profiling the ALM sector (Lang.: eng, fre). - In: Archive, Libraries and Museums Convergence : 24th Library Systems Seminar Paris, 12 - 14 April 2000 / ed.by M.Witt and M.Ihadjadene - Paris, Cité des sciences et de l'industrie, 2001, p. 62-72 [eng], 72-85 [fre].

3245   2002-0266OPAC • 752.2
Scolari, A. – Efficacia vs Facilità? [Effectiveness versus user-friendliness] (Lang.: ita). - In: Biblioteche Oggi, .17(1999)5, p. 18-26.

3595   2004-0122OPAC • 752.2
Lee, H.L., Clyde, J. – Users' perspectives of the 'Collection' and the online catalogue (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization and the Global Information Society. Proceedings of the 8th International ISKO Conference [see 2004-0004], 199-205.

3984   2005-32-1-0060OPAC • 752.2
Hogg, M., Field, J. – Using Z39.50 to build a virtual union catalogue Music Libraries Online : a subject clump (Lang.: eng). - In: Catalogue and Index, (2001)139, p.1-4.

4148   2005-32-2-0223OPAC • 752.2
Byrum, Jr., J.D. – Recommendations for urgently needed improvement of OPAC and the role of the National Bibliographic Agency in achieving it (Lang.: eng). - In: World Library and Information Congress: 71th IFLA General Conference and Council Libraries - A voyage of discovery August 14th - 18th 2005, Oslo, Norway.124-E [electron.], – Available at http://www.ifla.org/IV/ifla71/papers/124e-Byrum.pdf

4297   2005-32-4-0372OPAC • 752.2
Vaughan, M.W., Resnick, M.L. – Search user interfaces: Best practices and future visions (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society of Information Science and Technology, 57(2006)6, p.777-780.

4298   2005-32-4-0373OPAC • 752.2
Resnick, M.L., Vaughan, M.W. – Best practices and future visions for search user interfaces (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society of Information Science and Technology, 57(2006)6, p.781-787.

4299   2005-32-4-0374OPAC • 752.2
Davis, L. – Designing a search user interface for a digital library (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society of Information Science and Technology, 57(2006)6, p.788-791.

4300   2005-32-4-0375OPAC • 752.2
Fritz, M.L. – Zugang zu verteilten bibliografischen Datenbeständen : Konzepte und Realisierungen für heterogene Umgebungen [Access to distributed bibliographic databases: concepts and realisations for heterogeneous environments] (Lang.: ger). - In: Köln : Fachhochschule Köln, Fakultät für Informations- und Kommunikationswiss., 2004. 76 p. [electr.].((Kölner Arbeitspapiere zur Bibliotheks- und Informations-wissenschaft) ; 41). – Available at http://webdoc.sub.gwdg.de/ebook/aw/2004/fh-koeln/band041.pdf

4478   2006-33-2-0082OPAC • 752.2
Vaughan, M.W., Resnick, M.L. – Search user interfaces: Best practices and future visions (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society of Information Science and Technology, 57(2006)6, p.777-780.

4607   2006-33-3-0211OPAC • 752.2
Resnick, M.L., Vaughan, M.W. – Best practices and future visions for search user interfaces (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society of Information Science and Technology, 57(2006)6, p.781-787.

4608   2006-33-3-0212OPAC • 752.2
Fagan, J.C. – Usability testing of a large, multidisciplinary library database : Basic search and visual search (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Technology and Librariesp.140-150, 25(2006)3.

5539   2008-0082OPAC • 752.2
Qi, H., Xia, Z., Xing, G. – An application of the nearest correlation matrix on web document classification (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 3(2007)4, pp.701-714.

5773   2008-0318OPAC • 752.2
Xu, Y., Yin, H. – Novelty and topicality in interactive information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 59(2008)2, p.201-215.

6006   2009-0126OPAC • 752.2
Singer, R. – In search of a really Next Generation "catalog" (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Electronic Resources Librarianship, 20(2008)3, p.139-142.

6503   2009-0623OPAC • 752.2
Chudnov, Daniel. – Connecting linked data, OPACs, and online exhibits (Lang.: eng). - In: Computers in libraries, 29(2009)5, pp.25-27.

6504   2009-0624OPAC • 752.2
Šauperl, Alenka, Saye, Jerry D. – Have we made any progress? Catalogues of the future revisited (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of documentation, 65(2009)3, pp.500-514.

6731   2009-0851OPAC • 752.2
Gray, Barry J., McAdoo, Monty. – Cataloging databases and web sites in OCLC and Voyager (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 47(2009)5, pp. 483-495.

6732   2009-0852OPAC • 752.2
Papadakis, Ioannis, Stefanidakis, Michalis, Tzali, Aikaterini. – Semantic navigating an OPAC by subject headings meta-information (Lang.: eng). - In: Electronic library, 27(2009)5, pp. 779-791.

6985   OPAC • 752.2
Craven, Jenny, Johnson, Frances, Butters, Geoff. – The usability and functionality of an online catalogue (Lang.: eng). - In: Aslib proceedings: new information perspectives, 62(2010)1, pp. 70-84.

6986   OPAC • 752.2
De Robbio, Antonella, et al. – The MetaOPAC Azalai Italiano (MAI): geography and evolution of Italian online catalogues (Lang.: eng). - In: Library management, 31(2010)1-2, pp. 94-109.

6987   OPAC • 752.2
Emanuel, Jenny, Kern, M. Kathleen. – Next generation catalogs: what do they do and why should we care? (Lang.: eng). - In: Reference & user services quarterly, 49(2009)2, pp.117-120.

6988   OPAC • 752.2
Griffis, Patrick, Ford, Cyrus. – Enhancing OPAC records for discovery (Lang.: eng). - In: Information technology and libraries, 28(2009)4, pp. 191-193.

6989   OPAC • 752.2
Schneider, René. – OPACs, Benutzer und das Web [OPACs, users, and the Web] (Lang.: ger). - In: Zeitschrift fĂƒÂŒr Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie, 56(2009)1, pp. 9-19.

7071   OPAC • 752.2
Mohanti, T. C., ed. – Library online cataloguing system (Lang.: eng). - New Delhi, Alfa Publications, 2009. – pp. 288. – ISBN: 9789380096100.

7431   OPAC • 752.2
Goh, T. T., Liew, C. L. – SMS-based library catalogue system : a preliminary investigation of user acceptance (Lang.: eng). - In: The electronic library, 27(2009)3, pp. 394-408.

7736   OPAC • 752.2
Craven, J., Johnson, F. & Butters, G. – The usability and functionality of an online catalogue (Lang.: eng). - In: Aslib proceedings, 62(2010)1, pp. 70-84.

7737   OPAC • 752.2
Eklund, Amy P. et al. – Comparison of MARC content designation utilization in OCLC WorldCat records with national, core, and minimal level record standards (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of library metadata, 9(2009)1/2, pp. 36-64.

7928   OPAC • 752.2
Biranvand, Ali, Sharifmoghadam, Hadi. – [OPACs and present ambiguities in information transfer] (Lang.: per). - In: Faslname-Ye Ketab/Library and information studies, 20(2010)3, pp. 23-36.

7929   OPAC • 752.2
Brown-Sica, M. et al. – Next-generation library catalogs and the problem of slow response time (Lang.: eng). - In: Information technology and libraries, 29(2010)4, pp. 214-223.

7930   OPAC • 752.2
Yang, S. Q., et al. – The next generation library catalog: a comparative study of the OPACs of Koha, Evergreen, and Voyager (Lang.: eng). - In: Information technology and libraries, 29(2010)3, pp. 141-150.

8143   OPAC • 752.2
First national web-based catalogue for UK's public libraries (Lang.: eng). - In: CILIP update, (2011), p. 9.

8144   OPAC • 752.2
Emanuel, J. – Usability of the VuFind next-generation online catalog (Lang.: eng). - In: Information technology and libraries, 30(2011)1, pp. 44-52.

8145   OPAC • 752.2
Meagher, E.S., Brown, C.C. – Turned loose in the OPAC: URL selection, addition & management practice (Lang.: eng). - In: Library hi-tech, 28(2010)3, pp. 360-376.

8318   OPAC • 752.2
Chandrakar, Rajesh. – Copy cataloguing in India: a point-of-view (Lang.: eng). - In: Electronic Library, 28(2010)3, pp. 432-437.

8319   OPAC • 752.2
Zhao, Shuzhen, Zhao, Wei. – Addressing the challenge: cataloguing electronic books in academic libraries (Lang.: eng). - In: Evidence based library & information practice, 5(2010)1, pp. 93-103.

8689   OPAC • 752.2
Irwin, Ken. – The homegrown mobile catalog: a quick, inexpensive approach to expanding access (Lang.: eng). - In: Technical services quarterly, 29(2012)1, pp. 42-57.

8690   OPAC • 752.2
Menzies, Kathleen, Birrell, Duncan, Dunsire, Gordon. – An investigation of information systems interoperability in UK universities: findings and recommendations (Lang.: eng). - In: New review of information networking, 16(2011)2, pp. 92-140.

8691   OPAC • 752.2
Nienerza, Heike, Sunckel, Bettina, Meier, Berthold. – Unser Katalog soll besser werden! Kataloge und Portale im Web-2.0-Zeitalter; Ergebnisse einer Online-Umfrage im HeBIS-Verbund [Our catalogue should perform better! Catalogues and portals in the age of Web-2.0: results of an online-survey within the HeBIS Network] (Lang.: ger). - In: ABI-Technik, 31(2010)3, pp. 130-149.

8692   OPAC • 752.2
OPACS and next generation catalogues (Lang.: eng). - In: Managing information, 18(2011)8, pp. 66-67.

9069   OPAC • 752.2
Bourdenet, Philippe. – Le catalogue à lñ€ℱepreuve du web: une mise en perspective historique [The catalogue tested on the Web: setting it in its historic perspective] (Lang.: fre). - In: Lñ€ℱorganisation des connaissances, pp. 119-131 (08.21).

9070   OPAC • 752.2
Hofmann, Melissa A., Yang, Sharon Q. – ñ€ƓDiscoveringñ€ what's changed: a revisit of the OPACs of 260 academic libraries (Lang.: eng). - In: Library hi tech, 30(2012)2, pp. 253-274.

9071   OPAC • 752.2
Kallenborn, Reiner. – (Book review of) Weaving libraries into the web: OCLC 1998-2008; ed.by Jay Jordan. Milton Park, Taylor & Francis, 2011. xii, 214pp. ISBN: 0415576903; 9780415576901 (Lang.: ger). - In: ABI-Technik, 32(2012)1, pp. 53-54.

9314   OPAC • 752.2
Bourdenet, Phillipe. – The catalog resisting the Web: an historical perspective (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization, 39(2012)4, pp. 276-282.

9663   OPAC • 752.2
Brenner, Simon; Ehlen, Dirk. – Kunden entdecken den Bibliothekskatalog neu: Der (inter)aktive Katalog mit LibraryThing for Libraries ñ€“ ein Pilotprojekt in Nordrhein-Westfalen [Clients discover the library catalogue again: the (inter)active catalogue with LibraryThing for Libraries, a pilot project in North Rhine-Westphalia] (Lang.: ger). - In: BuB ñ€“ Forum Bibliothek und Information, 64(2012)10, pp. 705-708. – Available at http://www.b-u-b.de/pdfarchiv/Heft-BuB_10_2012.pdf

9664   OPAC • 752.2
Jin, Jing; Jiang, Enbo. – [FRBR, RDA and eXtensible catalog] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library journal, 31(2012)11, pp. 30-34.

9852   OPAC • 752.2
Doh, Tae-Hyeon; Jung, Young-Mi. – [A study on the next generation OPAC functionalities diffusion status and adoption by academic libraries] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 44(2013)2, 197-215.

9853   OPAC • 752.2
Iacono, Antonella. – Verso un nuovo modello di OPAC. Dal recupero dellñ€ℱinformazione alla creazione di conoscenza [Towards a new model of OPAC. From information to knowledge.] (Lang.: ita). - In: Italian journal of library & information science, 4(2013)2, pp. 85-107. – Available at http://leo.cilea.it/index.php/jlis/article/view/8903/8069

15240   OPAC • 752.2
Hauke, Petra. – (Book review of) Chambers, Sally (ed.). Catalogue 2.0: the future of the library catalogue. London: Facet, 2013. ISBN 9781856047166 (Lang.: ger). - In: LIBREAS: Library Ideas, 9(2013)2, pp. 152-154. – Available at http://libreas.eu/ausgabe23/14hauke/

15241   OPAC • 752.2
Niederlein, Falk. – Tiefenerschliessung: Katalog in der 3. Dimension [Deep cataloging: the catalogue in the 3rd dimension [on the integration of full text from databases into the OPAC]] (Lang.: ger). - In: BIS: Das Magazin der Bibliotheken in Sachsen, 6(2013)2, pp. 92-95. – Available at http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-qucosa-119085

15596   OPAC • 752.2
Dabrowski, Christian. – Der Katalog ist tot, es leber der Katalog! [The catalogue is dead, long live the catalogue! [on the new open-source-search-engine-based catalogue of Fachhochschule SĂƒÂŒdwestfalen]] (Lang.: ger). - In: Pro Libris, 18(2014)3, pp. 107-109..

15597   OPAC • 752.2
Jeng, Judy. – (Book review of) Chambers, Sally, ed. Catalogue 2.0: the future of the library catalogue. Chicago: Neal-Schuman, 2003. 212 pp. ISBN: 9781555709433 (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and classification quarterly, 52 (2014)3, pp. 339-340..

15598   OPAC • 752.2
Scardilli, Brandi. – SirsiDynix: managing the ILS transition (Lang.: eng). - In: Information today, 31(2014)3, pp. 9..

15827   OPAC • 752.2
Li, Bangqun. – [Retrieval prompts based on OPAC thesaurus] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library journal, 33(2014)3, pp. 24-30.

15994   OPAC • 752.2
Jahns, Yvonne. – Die Leipziger Sondersammlung zum Ersten Weltkrieg [The special collection on World War One at Leipzig [including the special catalogue and its conversion]] (Lang.: ger). - In: Dialog mit Bibliotheken. 26(2014)1, pp. 56-63. – Available at http://www.dnb.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/DNB/service/dialog20141volltext.pdf

15995   OPAC • 752.2
Lee, Eun-Ju. – [Redesign of OPAC based on college students` information needs : the case of p university library] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, 48(2014)3, pp. 431-458.. – Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/3509788

16666   OPAC • 752.2
Yoon, Cheong-Ok . – OCLC WorldCat Identities Network의 í‱ƓĂȘ”­ ĂȘŽ₏렚 ĂŹâ€ąâ€žĂŹÂÂŽĂ«ÂÂŽĂ­â€č°íâ€č°ì— ĂȘ®€í‱Ɠ ì—°ĂȘ” [A Study on Korean Related Identities of the OCLC WorldCat Identities Network] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society,46(2015)4, pp.451-470.

16668   OPAC • 752.2
Rho, Jee-Hyun ; Lee, Eun-Ju . – Ăąâ‚ŹËœĂ«â€â€ĂŹÂ§â‚ŹĂ­â€žÂž Ă­â€šÂ€ĂŹÂŠË†Ăąâ‚Źâ„ąĂ«Â„ÂŒ ìƓ„í‱Ɠ OPAC Ă­â€â€žĂ«ÂĄĆ“Ă­â€ Â Ă­Æ’â‚ŹĂŹĆŸâ€Š ĂȘ°Ɠë°ƓÏ— ĂȘ®€í‱Ɠ ì—°ĂȘ” [Design and Implementation of a OPAC Prototype for Digital Kids] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society,47(2016)1, pp.175-198.

16678   OPAC • 752.2
Han, Seunghee . – Ă­Æ’ÂĂŹÆ’â€°ĂȘÂłÂŒ Ă«â€â€ĂŹĆ Â€ĂŹÂ»Â€Ă«ÂČ„늏 ĂȘž°ëƠ„ 평ĂȘ°€ ì—°ĂȘ” [Evaluating and Comparing the Search & Discovery Features : Focusing on the Public Libraries OPACs and the Internet Bookstores] (Lang.: kor). - In: JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN SOCIETY FOR LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE,50(2016)1, pp.493-511.

17344   OPAC • 752.2
Mayer, Kathrin. – Kooperative Erschliessung von Presseausschnitt-Sammlungen [Cooperative cataloging and indexing of press clippings collections] (Lang.: ger). - In: b.i.t.online, 20(2017)2, pp. 124-128. – Available at http://www.b-i-t-online.de/heft/2017-02-nachrichtenbeitrag-mayer.pdf

17508   OPAC • 752.2
SĂŒnkler, Sebastian; Kerkmann, Friederike; Schultheiss, Sebastian. – Ok Google … The End of Search as we know it: Sprachgesteuerte Websuche im Test [Testing voice-controlled web searching] (Lang.: ger). - In: b.i.t.online, 21(2018)1, pp. 25-32. – Available at http://www.b-i-t-online.de/heft/2018-01/fachbeitrag-suenkler.pdf

2882   2001-0540OPAC • literature reviews • 752.2;07.94;02
Turner, J. – (Book review of) Varet, G.: La sience et son information à l'heure d'Internet - Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 2000 – vii, 169 p. - (Collection Science, histoire, société) - ISBN: 2130509940 (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 28(2001)3,p.150-152.

4479   2006-33-2-0083OPAC • UDC • KOS for libraries • 752.2;42;485
Papy, F., Chauvin, S. – Au-delà de la transfiguration du catalogue : Le Visual... Catalog [Beyond the trans-formation of the catalogue: The Visual... Catalog] (Lang.: fre). - In: Bulletin de bibliothèques de France50(2005)4, p.5-12.

9850   OPAC • DDC • 752.2;43
Bargioni, Stefano; Caputo, Michele; Gambardella, Alberto; Gentile, Luigi. – Recupero della classificazione decimale Dewey da altre basi di dati: un progetto di bonifica del catalogo [Obtaining the Dewey Decimal Classification Number from other databases: a catalog clean-up project] (Lang.: ita). - In: Italian journal of library & information science, 4(2013)2, pp. 175-200.. – Available at http://leo.cilea.it/index.php/jlis/article/view/8766/8032

7931   OPAC • special KOS • law • 752.2;666
Briscoe, G. – The quality of academic law library online catalogs and its effect on information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Law library journal, 102(2010)4, pp. 599-612.

9851   OPAC • online access • 752.2;753
Chercourt, Mina; Marshall, Lauren. – Making keywords work: connecting patrons to resources through enhanced bibliographic records (Lang.: eng). - In: Technical services quarterly, 30(2013)3, pp. 285-29.

9854   OPAC • online access • 752.2;753
Yoo, Yeong-Jun. – [Analyzing faceted navigations of OPAC in Korean university libraries] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management, 30(2013)2, pp.189-205.

3246   2002-0267OPAC • KOS-based access • 752.2;756
Shiri, A.A., Revie, C., Chowdhury, G. – Assessing the impact of user interaction with thesaural knowledge structures : a quantitative analysis framework (Lang.: eng). - In: Challenges in Knowledge Organization ...[see 2002-0188], p. 493-499.

3247   2002-0268OPAC • KOS-based access • 752.2;756
Caro Castro, C., Travieso Rodriguez, C. – Ariadne's thread : knowledge structures for browsing in OPACs (Lang.: eng). - In: Challenges in Knowledge Organization ...[see 2002-0188], p. 500-508.

4301   2005-32-4-0376OPAC • multilingual IR • 752.2;797
Petrelli, D., Levin, S., Beaulieu, M., Sanderson, M. – Which user interaction for cross-language information retrieval? Design issues and reflections (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society of Information Science and Technology, 57(2006)5, p.709-722.

6733   2009-0853OPAC • theses indexing • 752.2;846
Wong, I.S.M., Li, Y-O. – Creating a virtual union catalogue for Hong Kong dissertations and theses collections (Lang.: eng). - In: In : Electronic library, 27(2009)2, pp. 331-341.

6990   OPAC • 752.2;934(040)
Oberhauser, Otto. – Praktische Lösungen fĂƒÂŒr lokale Systematiken (2) : Ein einfaches Interface fĂƒÂŒr den Online-Katalog [Practical solutions for local classification schemes: a hierarchical interface for the online catalogue] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare, 60(2007)3, pp. 40-47.

4302   2005-32-4-0377OPAC • bibliography • 752.2;941
Jele, H. – Calculating bibliographic duplicates (Lang.: eng). - In: Libres: Library and Information Science Research Electronic Journal, 15(2005)1 [electr.]. – Available at http://libres.curtin.edu.au/libres15n1/

2725   2001-0383OPAC • bibliography • various NBM indexing • 752.2;941;879
Sung, R.N. – Scott and the race for the South Pole : the heroic failure of cataloguing the Web (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloguing Australia, 25(1999)1/4, p.44-50. »» Bibliographic control of Internet resources

2726   2001-0384OPAC • bibliography • various NBM indexing • 752.2;941;879
Delsey, T. – Unchartered territory : facilitating access to information resources in cyberspace (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloguing Australia, 25(1999)1/4, p.8-18752.3.

6734   2009-0854OPAC • record structure • 752.2;945
Beall, Jeffrey. – Free books: loading brief MARC records for open-access books in an academic library catalog (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 47(2009)5, pp. 452-463.

9665   OPAC • bibliographic description • 752.2;946
Klauss, Henning. – RDA: Folgen fĂƒÂŒr die Katalogisierung und die OPAC-Gestaltung [RDA: its consequences for cataloguing and OPAC design] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 47(2013)3/4, pp. 225ñ€“230.

6735   2009-0855OPAC • standard numbers • 752.2;948
Suhr, K. – A web utility for OPAC searching by ISBN (Lang.: eng). - In: In : Collection building, 28(2009)2, pp. 59-61.

3867   2004-0392OPAC • KO teaching • 752.2;953
Sporer, T., Köstlbacher, A. – Digitale Dokumentation von wis­senschaftlichen Veranstaltungen [Digital documentation of scientific meetings] (Lang.: ger). - In: Wissensorganisation in kooperatieven Lern- und Arbeitsumgebungen [see 2004-0335], p.219-226.

3060   2002-0083OPAC • information use • 752.2;981
Robins, D. – Interactive information retrieval : context and basic notions (Lang.: eng). - In: Informing Science, 3(2000)2, p.57-61. – Available at http://inform.nu/Articles/Vol3/v2n1p57-61

7432   OPAC • information use • 752.2;981
Tam, W., Cox, A. M., Bussey, A. – Student user preferences for features of next-generation OPACs : a case study of University of Sheffield international students (Lang.: eng). - In: Program: electronic library and information systems, 43(2009)4, pp. 349-374.

1877   2000-0153Internet gateways • 752.3
Lim, E.H.T. – Southeast Asian subject gateways : an examination of their classification practices (Lang.: eng). - In: 65th IFLA Council and General Conference August 20-28, 1999. Booklet 4, p.27-33. * Paper 011-117-E. Also available on the Web: www.ifla.org

1878   2000-0154Internet gateways • 752.3
Tsvetkova, I., Selivanova, J. – Problems of development of the national Russian authority file (Lang.: eng). - In: 65th IFLA Council and General Conference August 20-28, 1999. Booklet 4, p.38-40. * Paper 086-117-E. Also available on the Web: www.ifla.org

1879   2000-0155Internet gateways • 752.3
Antelman, K. – Getting out of the HTML business : the database-driven Web site solution (Lang.: eng). - In: Information technology libraries, 18(1999)3,p.176-181.

2394   2001-0052Internet gateways • 752.3
Warnick, W.L., Leberman, A., Scott, R.L., Spence, K.J., Johnson, L.A., Allen, V.S. – Searching the deep web (Lang.: eng). - In: D-Lib Magazine, 7(2001)1, 10 p. – Available at http://www.dlib.org/dlib/january01/warnick/ 01warnick.html

2727   2001-0385Internet gateways • 752.3
Beckett, C. – Whose brand is it anyway? : Is there life after portals for content producers? (Lang.: eng). - In: Online Information 99: Proceedings of the 23rd International Online Meeting, London, 7-9 December 1999. - Oxford: Learned Information Europe Ltd., 1999, p.21-24.

3065   2002-0088Internet gateways • 752.3
Ross, N.C.M., Wolfram, D. – End-user searching on the Internet : an analysis of term pair topic submitted to the Excite search engine (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 51(2000)10, p.949-958.

3066   2002-0089Internet gateways • 752.3
Saadani, L, Bertrand-Gastaldy, S. – La representation dans l'Internet des connaissances d'un domaine [Internet represenation of subject-specific knowledge] (Lang.: fre). - In: Documentation et Bibliothèques, 46(2000)1, p.27-42.

3248   2002-0269Internet gateways • 752.3
Kravchyna, V., Hasting, S.K. – Informational value of museum web sites (Lang.: eng). - In: Firstmonday, 7(2002)2 [electr.]. – Available at http://www.firstmonday.dk/issues/issue7_2/kravchyna/ index.html

3596   2004-0123Internet gateways • 752.3
Morgan, E.L. – An introduction to the search/retrieve URL Service (SRU) (Lang.: eng). - In: Ariadne Magazine, (2004)40 [Electr.]. – Available at http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue40/morgan

3597   2004-0124Internet gateways • 752.3
Miller, P. – Towards a typology for portals (Lang.: eng). - In: Ariadne Magazine, (2003)37 [Electr.]. – Available at http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue37/miller/

3678   2004-0204Internet gateways • 752.3
Fourie, I. – A theoretical model for studying Web information seeking/searching behaviour (Lang.: ). - In: Tendencias de investigación en organización del conocimient : IV Cologuio Internacional de Ciencas de la Documentación ; VI Congreso del Capítulo Español de ISKO = Trends in knowledge organization research / J.A. Frías, C. Travieso (Eds.) (Lang.: eng; por; spa). - Salamanca : Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2003. - 821 p. - ISBN: 8478007091 - p.169-172.

3785   2004-0312Internet gateways • 752.3
López Carreño, R. – Análisis taxonómico de los portales periodísticos españoles [Taxonomical analysis of spanish journalism portals] (Lang.: spa). - In: Anales de Documentación, 7(2004), p.123-140. – Available at http://www.um.es/fccd/anales/ad07/ad0708.pdf

3868   2004-0393Internet gateways • 752.3
Zimmermann, K. – Die Anforderungen an ein wissenschaftliches In­formationsportal für die Telekommunikation [Requirements for a scientific portal for telecommunication] (Lang.: ger). - In: Wissensor­ganisation in kooperatieven Lern- und Arbeitsumgebungen [see 2004-0335], p.187-196.

3869   2004-0394Internet gateways • 752.3
Zerweck, P. – Gestaltung und Erstellung komplexer Information­sangebote im Web [Design and building of complex information offers in the Web] (Lang.: ger). - In: Wissensorganisation in kooper­atieven Lern- und Arbeitsumgebungen [see 2004-0335], p.197-203.

3985   2005-32-1-0061Internet gateways • 752.3
Quandt, M. – Sowinet.de - ein Internetjournal mit Berichten aus den Sozialwissenschaften : Ziele und Konzept einer neuen Informationsplattform [Sowinet.de - an Internet Journal with reports from the social science] (Lang.: ger). - In: Wissensorganisation und Edutainment [see 2005-32-1-0003], p.247-263.

4149   2005-32-2-0224Internet gateways • 752.3
Johnson, E.H. – Distributed thesaurus Web services (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 37(2004)3/4, p.121-153.

4150   2005-32-2-0225Internet gateways • 752.3
Tombros, A., Ruthven, I., Jose, J.M. – How users assess Web pages for information seeking (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 56(2005)4, 327-344.

4303   2005-32-4-0378Internet gateways • 752.3
Tramullas, J., Garrido, P. – Constructing Web subject gateways using Dublin Core, the Resource Description Framework and Topic Maps (Lang.: eng). - In: Information research: an international electronical journal, 11(2006)2 [electron].

4304   2005-32-4-0379Internet gateways • 752.3
Clark, L., Ting, I., Kimble, C., Wright, P., Kudenko, D. – Combining ethnographic and clickstream data to identify user Web browsing strategies (Lang.: eng). - In: Information research: an international electronical journal, 11(2006)2 [electron].

4305   2005-32-4-0380Internet gateways • 752.3
Bhavnani, S.K., Bichakjian, C.K., Johnson, T.M., Little, R.J., Peck, F.A., Schwartz, J.L., Strecher, V.J. – Strategy hubs: Domain portals to help find comprehensive information (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society of Information Science and Technology, 57(2006)1, p.4-24.

4480   2006-33-2-0084Internet gateways • 752.3
Witsch, M. – Cyberlaw für den Jugendschutz eine pädagogische Bewertung von Internetzensur vor dem Hintergrund rechtsextremer Homepages [Cyberlaw for youth welfare a pedagogical judgement of Internet censorship for the background of homepages of right extreem groups] (Lang.: ger). - In: Wissensorganisation und Verantwortung [see 2006-33-2-0002], p.152-158.

4481   2006-33-2-0085Internet gateways • 752.3
Fuchs, U. – Frei Inhalte? Idee und Realisierung am Beispiel der Wikipedia [Free content? Idea and realisation using Wikipedia as example] (Lang.: ger). - In: Wissensorganisation und Verantwortung [see 2006-33-2-0002], p.194-200.

4482   2006-33-2-0086Internet gateways • 752.3
Jansson, K. – Wikipedia : die freie Enzyklopädie als Teil der digitalen Allmende des Wissens [Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia as part of the digital mark of knowledge] (Lang.: ger). - In: Wissensorganisation und Verantwortung [see 2006-33-2-0002], p.201-205.

4483   2006-33-2-0087Internet gateways • 752.3
Sieglerschmidt, J. – Aufbau und Nutzbarkeit von Portalen theoretische und praktische Überlegungen zu öffentlich finanzierten Kulturportalen [Construction and usefulness of portals theoretical and practical considerations on public financed portals in the field of culture] (Lang.: ger). - In: Wissensorganisation und Verantwortung [see 2006-33-2-0002], p.330-337.

4484   2006-33-2-0088Internet gateways • 752.3
Simon, J. – Interdisciplinary knowledge creation using wikis in science (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization for a Global Learning Society [see 2006-33-2-0003], p.123-130.

4609   2006-33-3-0213Internet gateways • 752.3
Beitzel, S.M., Jensen, E.C., Chowdhury, A., Frieder, O., Grossman, D. – Temporal analysis of a very large topically categorized Web query log (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 58(2007)2, p.86-96.

4610   2006-33-3-0214Internet gateways • 752.3
Kerchner, M.D. – A dynamic methodology for improving the search experience (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Technology and Librariesp.78-87, 25(2006)2.

4743   2006-33-4-0346Internet gateways • 752.3
Mansourian, Y., Madden, A.D. – Methodological approaches in web search research (Lang.: eng). - In: Electronic Library, 25(2007)1, p.90-101.

4897   2007-0099Internet gateways • 752.3
Gnoli, C., Marino, V. Rosati, L. – Organizzare la conoscenza : dalle biblioteche all'architettura dell'informazione per il Web [Knowledge organization: from libraries to architecture of information for the Web] (Lang.: ita). - Milan, Hops-Tecniche nuove, 2006. – pp. 211. – Available at http://www.iskoi.org/doc/glossario.htm

4898   2007-0100Internet gateways • 752.3
Isaac, A., Schlobach, S. – OWL: Web Ontology Language [OWL: Web Ontology Language] (Lang.: dut). - In: Informatie Professional, 10(2006)12, p.30-33.

4899   2007-0101Internet gateways • 752.3
Sinn-Cheng Lin, Ying-Chieh Chen, Chung-Yen Yu. – Application of Wiki collaboration system for value adding and knowledge aggregation in a digital archive project (Lang.: chi). - In: Journal of Educational Media & Library Sciences, 43(2006)3, p.285-307.

4900   2007-0102Internet gateways • 752.3
Unwalla, M. – Web indexing: extending the functionality of the HTML indexer (Lang.: eng). - In: The Indexer, 25(2006)2, p.128-130.

4901   2007-0103Internet gateways • 752.3
Weiss, M., Esfandiari, B., Luo, Y. – Towards a classification of web service feature interactions (Lang.: eng). - In: Computer Networks, 51(2007)2, p.359-381.

5124   2007-0357Internet gateways • 752.3
Quintarelli, E., Resmini, A., Rosati , L. – Face Tag: integrating bottom-up and top-down classification in a social tagging system (Lang.: eng). - In: ASIST Bulletin, June/July 2007. – Available at http://www.asis.org/Bulletin/Jun-07/quintarelli_et_al.html This is the first online only issue of the Bulletin

5125   2007-0358Internet gateways • 752.3
Uddin, M.N., et al. – Information description and discovery method using classification structures in Web (Lang.: eng). - In: Malaysian Journal of Library and Information Science, 11(2006)2, p.1-20.

5363   2007-0600Internet gateways • 752.3
Harcourt, K., Wacker, M., Wolley, I. – Automated access level cataloging for Internet resources at Columbia University Libraries (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Resources and Technical Services, 51(2007)3, p.212-225.

5364   2007-0601Internet gateways • 752.3
O'Leary, M. – Northern light: better the second time around? (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Today, 24(2007)2, p.33,36.

5540   2008-0083Internet gateways • 752.3
Halaris, C. et al. – Classification and synthesis of quality approaches in e-government services (Lang.: eng). - In: Internet Research, 17(2007)4, pp.378-401.

6267   2009-0387Internet gateways • 752.3
Bates, Mary Ellen. – Authority control to the people! (Lang.: eng). - In: Econtent, 32(2009)3, p. 43.

6505   2009-0625Internet gateways • 752.3
Mason, J.E., Shepherd, M., Duffy, J. – Classifying Web pages by genre: a distance function approach (Lang.: eng). - In: WEBIST 2009: proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies, (2009), pp.651-658.

6991   Internet gateways • 752.3
Na Jin-Cheon, et al. – Analysis of computer crime in Singapore using local English newspapers (Lang.: eng). - In: Singapore journal of library & information management, 38(2009) pp. 77-102.

7221   Internet gateways • 752.3
Gilchrist, Alan. – Context and consensus (Lang.: eng). - In: Scire: representación y organización del conocimiento 14(2008)2, pp. 13-29.

7222   Internet gateways • 752.3
Nix, Sebastian. – Die Virtuelle Fachbibliothek Romanischer Kulturkreis (Vifarom): Konzept, Inhalte, Umsetzung [Vifarom, the subject gateway for research on France, Italy and Romance studies: conception, contents, and implementation] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 44(2010)2, pp. 138-148.

7223   Internet gateways • 752.3
Oberhauser, Otto. – Das RVK-Interface der FU Berlin ñ€“ modifiziert, zentral gehostet und lokal im Online-Katalog der WU Wien genutzt [The Freie UniversitÀt Berlin's interface to RVK [Regensburg Classification Scheme] - modified, centrally hosted, and used in the local OPAC of the Vienna University of Economics and Business] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare, 62(2009)3, pp. 43-56.

7224   Internet gateways • 752.3
Serrano Mascaraque, Esmeralda. – Estrategias para la mejora de la accesibilidad a la Web y a sus contenidos [Strategies to improve the accessibility to the Web and its contents] (Lang.: spa). - In: Scire: representación y organización del conocimiento 15(2009)2, pp. 121-139.

7225   Internet gateways • 752.3
Sieglerschmidt, Jörn. – Convergence of Internet services for cultural heritage sector ñ€“ the way to common vocabularies, metadata formats, ontologies (Lang.: eng). - In: KompatibilitÀt, Medien und Ethik in der Wissensorganisation (, pp. 154-160.

7226   Internet gateways • 752.3
Schaer, Philipp. – Integration von Open-Access-Repositorien in Fachportale [Integration of open-access repositories in subject gateways] (Lang.: ger). - In: Wissensspeicher in digitalen RÀumen (, pp. 244-250.

7227   Internet gateways • 752.3
Svensson, Lars G. – EuropeanaConnect [EuropeanaConnect ] (Lang.: ger). - In: Dialog mit Bibliotheken, 22(2010)1, pp. 48-50. – Available at http://www.d-nb.de/service/pdf/dialog_2010_1_europeana_connect.pdf

7433   Internet gateways • 752.3
Browne, G. – Indexing of free, web-based electronic resources (Lang.: eng). - In: Legal information management, 10(2010)1, pp. 28-33.

7434   Internet gateways • 752.3
Fagan, Jody Condit, Keach, Jennifer A. – Web project management for academic libraries (Lang.: eng). - Oxford, Chandos, 2009. – pp. 285. – 184334503X (pbk.);1843345048 (hbk.); 9781843345039 (pbk.); 9781843345046 (hbk.).

7435   Internet gateways • 752.3
Han, Z., Liu, Y.Q. – Web 2.0 applications in top Chinese university libraries (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Hi-Tech, 28(2010)1, pp. 41-52.

7436   Internet gateways • 752.3
Harinarayana, N. S., Raju, N. V. – Web 2.0 features in university library websites (Lang.: eng). - In: The electronic library, 28(2010)1, pp. 69-80.

7437   Internet gateways • 752.3
Neuman, B. Clifford. – Prospero: a tool for organizing Internet resources (Lang.: eng). - In: Internet research, 20(2010)4, pp. 408-419.

7438   Internet gateways • 752.3
Utulu, S. C., Okoye, M. A. – Application of social capital theory to Nigerian university web sites (Lang.: eng). - In: The electronic library, 28(2010)1, pp. 171-183.

8839   Internet gateways • 752.3
Ohly, H. Peter. – Information: a question of quality? (Lang.: eng). - In: Scire: representación y organización del conocimento, 17(2011)1, pp. 15-21. Abstract in Spanish

9072   Internet gateways • 752.3
Ke, Weimao. – Decentralized search and the clustering paradox in large scale information networks (Lang.: eng). - In: Next generation search engines, pp. 29-46 (08.757).

9315   Internet gateways • 752.3
Solodovnik, Iryna. – Bibliographic data towards the semantic web: a review of key issues and recent experiences (Lang.: eng). - In: Information world journal, 13(2012)1, pp. 17-56. – Available at http://bd.org.tr/index.php/bd/article/view/3/23

9522   Internet gateways • 752.3
Dunsire, Gordon. – Representing the FR family in the Semantic Web (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 50(2012)5/7, pp. 724-741.

15434   Internet gateways • 752.3
Depping, Ralf. – Zukunft und (Neu)Definition der Virtuellen Fachbibliotheken: Fachspezifischer One-Stop-Shop oder ñ€© ?: DFG-Workshop am 26. und 27. November 2012 in der TIB Hannover [conference report] [Future and (re-)definition of subject gateways: a subject-specific one-stop-shop or ...?: a workshop at Hanover, 26-27 November 2012] (Lang.: ger). - In: Zeitschrift fĂƒÂŒr Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie, 60(2013)2, pp.82-85.

15599   Internet gateways • 752.3
Ceynowa, Klaus; Kellner, Stephan. – Das bayerische Kulturportal "bavarikon" ñ€“ digital, vernetzt, spartenĂƒÂŒbergreifend [The Bavarian cultural portal "bavarikon" - digital, networked, across all cultural institutions] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksforum Bayern, 8(2014)1, pp. 20-25.. – Available at http://www.bibliotheksforum-bayern.de/fileadmin/archiv/2014-1/PDF-Einzelbeitraege/BFB_0114_08_Kellner_V04.pdf

15600   Internet gateways • 752.3
Hohlfeld, Michael; Tobschall, Esther. – EIN Portal der TIB (nicht nur) fĂƒÂŒr Ingenieure, Naturwissenschaftler, Informatiker, Mathematiker und Architekten [ONE portal (not only) for engineers, natural scientists, computer scientists, mathematicians and architects] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliothek: Forschung und Praxis, 38(2014)1, pp. 62ñ€“71..

15601   Internet gateways • 752.3
Kaun, Matthias. – Zehn Jahre Neuausrichtung des Sondersammelgebiets Ost- und SĂƒÂŒdostasien: Integration elektronischer Medien in den Sammel- und Serviceauftrag [Ten years since the reorientation of the special subject collection East- and South-East Asia: integration of electronic resources into the collecting and service policy] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliothek: Forschung und Praxis, 38(2014)1, pp. 29ñ€“38..

15602   Internet gateways • 752.3
Michel, Volker. – Arbeit am NÀchstmöglichen ñ€“ Anreizsysteme fĂƒÂŒr den kĂƒÂŒnftigen FID Germanistik [The "adjacent possible" ñ€“ incentives for the future FID German studies] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliothek: Forschung und Praxis, 38(2014)1, pp. 93ñ€“103..

15603   Internet gateways • 752.3
Pianos, Tamara. – Hin zum Fachportal? Hin zur Kundschaft? Oder beides? ServicekanÀle des Fachportals EconBiz und Entwicklungsperspektiven fĂƒÂŒr die Zukunft [Towards the subject portal? towards the users? or both?: service channels of the subject portal EconBiz and plans for the future] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliothek: Forschung und Praxis, 38(2014)1, pp. 47ñ€“55..

15604   Internet gateways • 752.3
Sindt, Ruth; Bollin, Stefanie. – "Das Unterschiedliche gemeinsam bedienen" ñ€“ Zukunftsstrategien fĂƒÂŒr regionale Sondersammelgebiete am Beispiel der vifanord ["Serving diversity together" ñ€“ strategies for the future for regional special subject collections using the example of vifanord] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliothek: Forschung und Praxis, 38(2014)1, pp. 104ñ€“113..

15605   Internet gateways • 752.3
Wonke-Stehle, Jens; Christof, JĂƒÂŒrgen. – Fachportale von Bibliotheken [Library subject gateways] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliothek: Forschung und Praxis, 38(2014)1, pp. 14ñ€“19..

15996   Internet gateways • 752.3
Hagenbruch, André; Heise, Miriam. – "suchen" ñ€“ ein Prototyp zum Vergleich von Discovery-Diensten ["search" ñ€“ a prototype to compare resource discovery services] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 48(2014)10, pp. 816ñ€“827..

15997   Internet gateways • 752.3
Jansen, Heiko. – Discovery-Services ñ€“ EinfĂƒÂŒhrung, MarktĂƒÂŒbersicht und Trends [Resource discovery services ñ€“ introduction, product overview, and trends] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 48(2014)10, pp. 773ñ€“783..

15998   Internet gateways • 752.3
Kohl-Frey, Oliver. – Die Öffnung der digitalen Magazinbibliothek: Entwicklungen an der UniversitÀt Konstanz zwischen Summon und Hybrid Bookshelf [The opening of the digital closed stacks library: Developments at the University of Konstanz between Summon and Hybrid Bookshelf] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 48(2014)10, pp. 807ñ€“815..

15999   Internet gateways • 752.3
Sunckel, Bettina; Reh, Uwe; Nienerza, Heike. – Das HeBIS Discovery System: Kooperative Entwicklung einer neuen RechercheoberflÀche fĂƒÂŒr HeBIS-Bibliotheken [The HeBIS resource discovery system: Cooperative development of a new search interface for HeBIS libraries] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 48(2014)10, pp. 784ñ€“794..

16252   Internet gateways • 752.3
FernÃ¥ndez-Ramos, Andrés. – Evaluación de ñ€Ɠsubject gatewaysñ€: propuesta metodológica y anÃ¥lisis longitudinal [Evaluation of subject gateways: a methodological proposal and longitudinal analysis (orig)] (Lang.: spa). - In: Revista Española de Documentación Científica 38(2015)2, e084. – Available at http://redc.revistas.csic.es/index.php/redc/article/view/887/1230

16259   Internet gateways • 752.3
Hotea, Meda Diana. – ETHorama: Ein unkomplizierter Zugang zu digitalen Bibliotheksinhalten [ETHorama: An easy way to access digital library content] (Lang.: ger). - In: ABI Technik, 35(2015)1, pp. 11-22.

16278   Internet gateways • 752.3
Bayerisches Kulturportal bavarikon fĂƒÂŒr den Regelbetrieb freigeschaltet [Bavarian Cultural Portal bavarikon activated for regular operation ] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 49(2015)8, pp. 853-858.

16299   Internet gateways • 752.3
Seifert, Christin; Granitzer, Michael. – EEXCESS: Personalisierter Zugriff auf Long-Tail-Inhalte ñ€“ neue Methoden zur Verbreitung wissenschaftlich-kulturellen Wissens [EEXCESS: Personalised access to Long Tail content ñ€“ New strategies for disseminating scientific and cultural content] (Lang.: ger). - In: Information: Wissenschaft & Praxis, 66(2015)2, pp. 103-110.

16311   Internet gateways • 752.3
Oberhauser, Otto . – Das internationale CIPAC-Verzeichnis im 15. Jahr seines Bestehens [The International CIPACs List in its 15th year] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare, 68(2015)1, pp. 135-136. – Available at http://hdl.handle.net/10760/25478

16313   Internet gateways • 752.3
KostÀdt, Peter. – Eine EinfĂƒÂŒhrung in die Welt der Discovery Services [An introduction to the world of discovery services] (Lang.: ger). - In: Pro Libris, 18(2014)3, pp. 104-108. – Available at http://www.bibliotheken-nrw.de/fileadmin/Dateien/Daten/ProLibris/ProLibris-3-14-Webansicht.pdf

16338   Internet gateways • 752.3
Reding, Steve; et al.. – ÃƓber den Impact von GoldOpen Access Journals: Eine Analyse auf Makro-, Meso-und Mikroebene [On the impact of gold open access journals: A macro, meso and micro-analysis] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliometrie - Praxis und Forschung,2(2013), pp. 7.1-7.19. – Available at http://www.bibliometrie-pf.de/article/viewFile/168/217

16388   Internet gateways • 752.3
Silva, Marcel Ferrante; Lima, Gercina Angela Borém de Oliveira . – Collaborative Model For Web Resource Indexing (Lang.: por). - In: Informação: além das nuvens, expandindo as fronteiras da CiÃÂȘncia da Informação: Proceedings of the Fifteenth Encontro Nacional de Pesquisa em CiÃÂȘncia da Informação, (2014), pp. 759-777. – Available at http://enancib2014.eci.ufmg.br/documentos/anais/anais-gt2

16484   Internet gateways • 752.3
Gasser, Michael. – Alles erschlossen, alles digitalisiert: Der moderne Zugang zum Thomas-Mann-Archiv der ETH-Bibliothek; Ein Projektbericht [Everything indexed, everything digitized: Modern access to the Thomas Mann Archive at the ETH Library; A project report] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis, 39(2015)3, pp. 378-383 .

17434   Internet gateways • 752.3
Mu?at, Rodica. – Accesul la subiect ?n cadrul bibliografiilor na?ionale [Subject access in national bibliographies] (Lang.: rom). - In: Biblioteca, 27(2016)8, pp. 248-251.

17529   Internet gateways • 752.3
Walger, Nadine. – Sammlung von Netzpublikationen erreicht nĂ€chste Stufe [Collection of web publications reaches next level] (Lang.: ger). - In: Dialog mit Bibliotheken, 29(2017)2, pp. 14-16. – Available at http://d-nb.info/1140662619/34

17542   Internet gateways • 752.3
Spinnler, Alice; Reisacher, Martin; Ledl, Andreas; TrĂ©fĂĄs, David. – Basler Africa Portal (Lang.: eng). - In: 027.7 Zeitschrift fĂŒr Bibliothekskultur, 5(2017)1, pp. 3–15. – Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.12685/027.7-5-1-166

17747   Internet gateways • 752.3
de Souza Pires, Amanda Drielly; Bezerra, Ed Porto; Queiroz Lino, Natasha Correia. – Domain discovery and expansion in multimedia metadata for digital TV broadcast (Lang.: eng). - In: International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies, 10(2015)3, pp. 212 - 218.Olney, UK, Inderscience Publishers, 2015. – pp. 6. – Available at http://http://www.inderscience.com/info/inarticle.php?artid=73878

18101   Internet gateways • 752.3
Herb, Ulrich. – Viele Daten, hohe HĂŒrden: Eine Bilanz aus dem Projekt Open-Access-Statistik [Great numbers of data, high obstacles: Results of the project Open Access statistics] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 52(2018)3/4, pp. 290–302. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/bd-2018-0034

18507   Internet gateways • 752.3
Hommes, Klaus Peter. – Alles im Netz? ñ€“ Angebote von Streamingdiensten in Öffentlichen Bibliotheken [Everything on the net? - Offers of streaming services in public libraries] (Lang.: ger). - In: ProLibris, 23(2018)3, pp. 96-98. – Available at http://www.bibliotheken-nrw.de/fileadmin/Dateien/Daten/ProLibris/2018-3_ProLibris_Web_ES_02.pdf

18781   Internet gateways • 752.3
Ockenfeld, Marlies. – [book review of] Baumeister, H.; SchwĂ€rzel, K.: Wissenswelt Internet: Eine Infrastruktur und ihr Recht. Berlin, 2019 [Internet of knowledge: An infrastructure and its legal aspects] (Lang.: ger). - In: Information - Wissenschaft und Praxis, 71(2020)1, pp. 65-66. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/iwp-2019-2037

3399   2003-0074Internet gateways • literature reviews • 752.3;02
Broughton, V. – (Book review of) Chowdhury, G.G., Chowdhury, S.: Information sources and searching on the World Wide Web. - London: Library Association Publishing, 2001. - 192 p. - ISBN: 1856043940 (Lang.: eng). - In: International Cataloguing and Bibliographic Control, 31(2002)2, p.39.

3400   2003-0075Internet gateways • literature reviews • 752.3;02
Broughton, V. – (Book review of) Weitz, J.: Music coding and tagging: MARC21 content designation for scores and sound recordings. - 2nd ed. - Belle Plaine, MN: Soldier Creek Press, 2001. - xx,375 p. - ISBN: 0936996773 - (Soldier Creek Music Series; 6) (Lang.: eng). - In: International Cataloguing and Bibliographic Control, 31(2002)2, p.40.

3598   2004-0125Internet gateways • literature reviews • 752.3;02
Keary, M. – (Book review of) Chowdhury, G.G., Chowdhury, S.: Information sources and searching on the World Wide Web. - London: Library Association Publishing, 2001. - 192 p. - ISBN: 1856043940 (Lang.: eng). - In: Online Information Review, 26(2002)3, p.221.

3599   2004-0126Internet gateways • literature reviews • 752.3;02
O'Beirne, R. – (Book review of) Chowdhury, G.G., Chowdhury, S.: Information sources and searching on the World Wide Web. - London: Library Association Publishing, 2001. - 192 p. - ISBN: 1856043940 (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Review, 51(2002)5/6, p.312-313.

3986   2005-32-1-0062Internet gateways • literature reviews • 752.3;02
Bellarby, L. – (Book review of) Chowdhury, G.G.: Introduction to modern information retrieval. - 2. Ed. - London: Facet Publishing, 2003. - 480 p. - ISBN: 1856044807 (Lang.: eng). - In: Center for information and computer sciences book reviews [electron.]. – Available at http://www.ics.ltsn.ac.uk/books/reviewed/075.htm

4611   2006-33-3-0215Internet gateways • reviews in special KO fields • 752.3;026
Yang, K. – Information retrieval on the web (Lang.: eng). - In: Annual Review of Information Science and Technology39(2005)1, p.33-80. * Review article

2263   2000-0539Internet gateways • information science • 752.3;111
French, J.C., Viles, C.L. – Personalized information environments : an architecture for customizable access to distributed digital libraries (Lang.: eng). - In: D-Lib Magazine, 5(1999)6. – Available at http://www.dlib.org/dlib/june99/french/ 06french.html »» A conceptual architecture that allows unified, customizable access to distributed information resources

2264   2000-0540Internet gateways • information science • 752.3;111
Maly, K., Nelson, M.L., Zubair, M. – Smart objects, dumb archives : a user-centric, layered digital library framework (Lang.: eng). - In: D-Lib Magazine, 5(1999)3. – Available at http://www.dlib.org/dlib/march99/maly/03maly.html

6736   2009-0856Internet gateways • roles • 752.3;245
Yang, C.C., Liu, N. – Web site topic-hierarchy generation based on link structure (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(2009)3, pp. 595-508.

4306   2005-32-4-0381Internet gateways • KOS for special purposes • 752.3;489
Juste, J., Monge, L., Pons, D. – El sistema de localización de recursos de información Infojoven.com [Infojoven.com: an information resources location system in youth information] (Lang.: spa). - In: Scire, 10(2004)2, p.155-166.

3249   2002-0270Internet gateways • conceptology • systems theory • 752.3;651/4
Salvador Oliván, J.A., Angós Ullate, J.M., Fernández Ruiz, M.J. – Organization of the information about health resources on the Internet (Lang.: eng). - In: Challenges in Knowledge Organization ...[see 2002-0188], p. 198-204.

3987   2005-32-1-0063Internet gateways • special KOS • social sciences • 752.3;66
Ohly, H.P. – Gestaltungsprinzipien bei sozialwissenschaftlichen Wissensportalen im Internet. [Design principles of Internet portals for the Social Sciences] (Lang.: ger). - In: Wissensorganisation und Edutainment [see 2005-32-1-0003], p.234-246.

6268   2009-0388Internet gateways • multilingual IR • 752.3;797
Hammo, Bassam H. – Towards enhancing retrieval effectiveness of search engines for diacritisized Arabic documents (Lang.: eng). - In: Information retrieval, 12(2009)3, pp. 300-323.

5541   2008-0084Internet gateways • indexing problems • 752.3;811
Martinez Usero, J.A. – Directrius per millorar l'accessibilitat als recursos electronics en els serveis d'informacio publics [Guidelines for improving accessibility to electronic resources of public information services] (Lang.: cat). - In: Textos Universitaris de Biblioteconomia i Documentacio, 17(2007), p.1.

8146   Internet gateways • tagging • 752.3;835
Weller, Katrin. – Knowledge representation in the social semantic web (Lang.: eng). - Berlin, De Gruyter; Saur, 2010. – pp. 442.(Knowledge & information: Studies in information science, 3). – ISBN: 9783598251801.

3735   2004-0261Internet gateways • NBM indexing problems • 752.3;871
Tramullas, J. – Clasificaciones y portales tem ticos especializados. Estudio en recursos de información digital sobre ciencas sociales [Classifications and specialized subject gateways. A study in social sciences digital information resources] (Lang.: ). - In: Tendencias de investigación en organización del conocimient : IV Cologuio Internacional de Ciencas de la Documentación ; VI Congreso del Capítulo Español de ISKO = Trends in knowledge organization research / J.A. Frías, C. Travieso (Eds.) (Lang.: eng; por; spa). - Salamanca : Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2003. - 821 p. - ISBN: 8478007091 - p.715-721.

6269   2009-0389Internet gateways • NBM indexing problems • 752.3;871
Turner, James M. – Cultural markers and localizing the MIC site (Lang.: eng). - In: Culture and identity in knowledge organization [see 2009-0262], pp. 56-62.

5774   2008-0319Internet gateways • museum indexing • 752.3;878
Sieglerschmidt, J. – Convergence of Internet services in the cultural heritage sector - the long way to common vocabularies, metadata formats, ontologies (Lang.: eng). - In: Kompatibilität, Medien und Ethik in der Wissensorganisation [see 2008-0171], p.154-160.

1874   2000-0150Internet gateways • various NBM indexing • 752.3;879
Koch, T. – Quality-controlled subject gateways: definitions, typologies, empirical overview (Lang.: eng). - In: Online Information Review, 24(2000)1,p.24-34.

1875   2000-0151Internet gateways • various NBM indexing • 752.3;879
Dempsey, L. – The subject gateway: experiences and issues based on the emergence of the Resource Discovery Network (Lang.: eng). - In: Online Information Review, 24(2000)1,p.8-23.

1876   2000-0152Internet gateways • various NBM indexing • 752.3;879
Dempsey, L. – The subject gateway: experiences and issues based on the emergence of the Resource Discovery Network (Lang.: eng). - In: Online Information Review ; 24(2000)1,p.8-23.

2728   2001-0386Internet gateways • various NBM indexing • 752.3;879
Hu, B. – Managing pathways to information resources on the Web (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Educational Media and Library Sciences, 37(1999)1, p.1-16.

3250   2002-0271Internet gateways • various NBM indexing • 752.3;879
Herrera Morillas, J.L., Fernández Falero, M. – Information and resources about bibliographic heritage on the Web sites of the Spanish universities (Lang.: eng). - In: Challenges in Knowledge Organization ...[see 2002-0188], p. 291-297.

4307   2005-32-4-0382Internet gateways • various NBM indexing • 752.3;879
López Carreño, R. – Grado de desarrollo de los portales periodísticos españoles de radio y televisión [Level of development of the Spanish television and radio Internet portals] (Lang.: spa). - In: Scire, 10(2004)2, p.115-122.

4308   2005-32-4-0383Internet gateways • various NBM indexing • 752.3;879
Garcia Gómez, J.C. – Usabilidad de las páginas de inicio de los diarios digitales españoles [Usability analysis of the homepages of the Spanish digital newspapers] (Lang.: spa). - In: Scire, 10(2004)2, p.123-136.

3736   2004-0262Internet gateways • indexing in • history • 752.3;88-69
Henriques, R., Worcman, K. – A experiência do Museu da Pessoa: organizaçao da memória socialáem formato digital [The Museum of the Person's experience: social memory organization in digital format] (Lang.: ). - In: Tendencias de investigación en organización del conocimient : IV Cologuio Internacional de Ciencas de la Documentación ; VI Congreso del Capítulo Español de ISKO = Trends in knowledge organization research / J.A. Frías, C. Travieso (Eds.) (Lang.: eng; por; spa). - Salamanca : Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2003. - 821 p. - ISBN: 8478007091 - p.723-727.

4309   2005-32-4-0384Internet gateways • indexing in • economical sciences • 752.3;88-7
Fernández Sánchez, E. – El portal Tecnociencia : un sistema de información Científica en Ciencia y Tecnología [Tecnociencia: a scientific information Internet portal in Science and Technology] (Lang.: spa). - In: Scire, 10(2004)2, p.147-154.

15606   Internet gateways • indexing in • music • 752.3;88-93
Götz, Franz JĂƒÂŒrgen. – Eine neue Virtuelle Bibliothek fĂƒÂŒr Libretti: Das Libretto-Portal der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek [A new virtual library for libretti: the libretto portal of the Bavarian State Library] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksforum Bayern, 8(2014)1, pp. 26-29..

15607   Internet gateways • indexing in • fine arts • 752.3;88-94
Effinger, Maria; Leiskau, Katja; Walzel, Annika-Valeska. – All-In-One ñ€“ arthistoricum.net auf dem Weg zum Fachinformationsdienst Kunst [All-In-One ñ€“ arthistoricum.net and its transition to a Scientific Information Service for Art] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliothek: Forschung und Praxis, 38(2014)1, pp. 83ñ€“92..

4896   2007-0098Internet gateways • 752.3;89.zh
Chau, M., Fang, X., Yang, C.C. – Web searching in Chinese: A study of a search engine in Hong Kong descriptors (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society of Information Science and Technology, 58(2007)7, p.1044-1054.

7228   Internet gateways • 752.3;937*484;934*724
García Pérez, JesÃÂșs Francisco. – El derecho de autor y la industria editorial en México y España: influencia y comportamiento en el entorno virtual [Author rights and the publishing industry in Mexico and Spain: influences and behaviour in the virtual environment] (Lang.: spa). - In: Scire: representación y organización del conocimiento 14(2008)2, pp. 119-130.

2729   2001-0387Internet gateways • cataloging • 752.3;942
Sauperl, A., Say, J.D. – When »surfing« the Web isn't good enough: providing access to electronic resources (Lang.: eng). - In: Digitalna knjižnica : Strokovno posvetovanje : Randenci, 10.do 12.oktober 2001, p.40-54.

3064   2002-0087Internet gateways • record structure • 752.3;945
Lee-Smeltzer, K.H. – Finding the needle : controlled vocabularies, resource discovery, and Dublin Core (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Collections, Acquisitions, and Technical Services, 24(2000)2, p.205-215.

4744   2006-33-4-0347Internet gateways • bibliographic record display • 752.3;947
Koshman, S. – Visualization-based information retrieval on the Web (Lang.: eng). - In: Library and Information Research, 28(2006)2, p.192-207.

4485   2006-33-2-0089Internet gateways • legal questions • 752.3;96
Weber, K., Drücke, R., Schulz, A. – Mobiler Wissenszugang : Digital Rights Management vs. Privacy [Mobile access to knowledge: Digital Rights Management vs. Privacy] (Lang.: ger). - In: Wissensorganisation und Verantwortung [see 2006-33-2-0002], p.180-193.

3725   2004-0251Internet gateways • information use • 752.3;981
Scott Cree, J. – How friendly are UK government websites? (Lang.: ). - In: Tendencias de investigación en organización del conocimient : IV Cologuio Internacional de Ciencas de la Documentación ; VI Congreso del Capítulo Español de ISKO = Trends in knowledge organization research / J.A. Frías, C. Travieso (Eds.) (Lang.: eng; por; spa). - Salamanca : Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2003. - 821 p. - ISBN: 8478007091 - p.621-629.

4745   2006-33-4-0348Internet gateways • information use • 752.3;981
Madden, A.D., Ford, N.J., Miller, D., Levy, P. – Children's use of the internet for information-seeking : what strategies do they use, and what factors affect their performance? (Lang.: fre). - In: Journal of Documentation, 62(2006)6, p.744-761.

13326   1996-1209752.918
Recker, I.; Ronthaler, M., Zillmann, H.. – OSIRIS (Osnabrück Intelligent Research Informatin System) - ein Hyperbase Front End System für OPACs (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst. Vol. 30, No. 5. 1996. p.833-848.

13327   1996-1210752.918
Wimmer, W.. – Mit dem 'Surfbrett' in die Bibliothek. Der World-Wide-Web-Katalog der Bibliothek der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung [With the 'Surfboard' into the library. The World Wide Webe catalogue of the library of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst. Vol. 30, No. 5. 1996. p.849-853.

7429   752(554)
Luong, T. D., Liew, C. L. – The evaluation of New Zealand academic library OPACs: a checklist approach (Lang.: eng). - In: The electronic library, 27(2009)3, pp. 376-393.

9998   1990-1-253752+812
Hildreth, Ch.S.(Ed.). – The Online Catalogue: developments and directions (Lang.: eng). - London, GB, Libr.Assoc.Publ, 1989. – pp. 212. – ISBN: 0853657084.

13068   1990-1-247752+812
Binder, W. – Quo vadis Online Katalog? Resümees und Zukunftsperspektiven [Quo vadis online catalog? Résumés and perspectives for future developments] (Lang.: ger). - In: ABI-Technik.Vol.9.No.1.1989.p.1-20.

79   1997-1-0078online access • 753
Smelcer, J.B. – User errors in database query composition (Lang.: eng). - In: International Journal of Human-Computer Studies Vol.42, No.4 1995, p. 353-382.

231   1997-2-0230online access • 753
Efthimiadis, E.N. – Query expansion (Lang.: eng). - In: Annual review of information science and technology 31(1996). p.121-187. Review article

232   1997-2-0231online access • 753
Losee, R.M. – Comparing Boolean and probabilistic information retrieval systems across queries and disciplines (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science 48(1997)2. p.143-156.

233   1997-2-0232online access • 753
Mohan, K.C. – Boolean and nearest neighbour searching in a multi-strategy retrieval system (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Science with a Slant to Documentation and Information Studies 33(1996)1. p.29-38.

234   1997-2-0233online access • 753
Shaw, W.M., Burgin; R., Howell, P. – Performance standars and evaluations in IR test collections : cluster-based retrieval models (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing & Management 33(1997)1.

235   1997-2-0234online access • 753
Kinghorn, C. – What to do when disintermediation looms (Lang.: eng). - In: Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science, Baltimore, Maryland, 21-24 Oct 1966. Ed. by S. Hardin (1996). - Medford, NJ : Information Today, Inc. for American Society for Information Science, p.363-366.

236   1997-2-0235online access • 753
Allen, G. – Disintermediation : a disaster or a discipline? (Lang.: eng). - In: Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science, Baltimore, Maryland, 21-24 Oct 1966. Ed. by S. Hardin (1996). - Medford, NJ : Information Today, Inc. for American Society for Information Science, p.29-32.

237   1997-2-0236online access • 753
Bookstein, A. – Bibliocryptography (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science 47(1996)12. p.886-895. Considers the potential value of historic data about book circulation as a tool to improve retrieval effectiveness

238   1997-2-0237online access • 753
Pollitt, A.S. [et al.]. – View-based searching systems - progress towards effective disintermediation (Lang.: eng). - In: Online Information 96 : Proceedings of the 20th International Online Information Meeting, London, 3-5 December (1996. - Oxford : Learned Information Europe Ltd. , 1996. p.433-445.

239   1997-2-0238online access • 753
Goker, A. – Context learning in Okapi (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation 53(1997)1. p.80-83.

240   1997-2-0239online access • 753
Beaulieu, M. [et al.]. – ENQUIRE Okapi Project (Lang.: eng). - In: British Library Research and Innovation Report (1996)17. 103 p.

241   1997-2-0240online access • 753
Karamuftuoglu, M. – Designing language games in Okapi (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation 53(1997)1. p.69-73. Application of semiotic categories to information retrieval in general and in particular in the framework of the Okapi experimental information retrieval system

242   1997-2-0241online access • 753
Keen, M. – The Okapi projects (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation 53(1997)1. p.84-87.

587   1997-4-0588online access • 753
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18487   online access • 753
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18495   online access • 753
Lewandowski, Dirk; SĂƒÂŒnkler, Sebastian; Hanisch, Friederike. – Anzeigenkennzeichnung auf Suchergebnisseiten: Empirische Ergebnisse und Implikationen fĂƒÂŒr die Forschung [Advertisement identification on search engine result pages: Empirical results and implications for research] (Lang.: ger). - In: Information - Wissenschaft und Praxis, 70(2018)1, pp. 3-14. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/iwp-2019-0001

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18899   online access • human sciences • 753; 733; 78-5
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3872   2004-0397online access • literature reviews • 753;02
Bawden, D. – (Book review of) Bourne, C.P., Hahn, T.B.: A history of Online Information Services, 1963-1976 – Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2003. - 496 p. - ISBN: 0262025388 (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation, 60(2004)3, p.324-326.

2396   2001-0054online access • literature reviews • textbooks on IR • 753;02;07.75
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3402   2003-0077online access • literature reviews • textbooks on IR • 753;02;07.75
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2886   2001-0544online access • textbooks on IR • literature reviews • 753;07.75;02
Bottrill, K. – (Book review of) The extreme searcher's guide to Web search engines : a handbook for the serious searcher / R. Hock. - New Yersey : CyberAge Books, 1999. - 212 p. - ISBN: 0910965269 (Lang.: eng). - In: Information World Review, (2000)161, p.30.

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2730   2001-0388online access • thesauri • 753;214
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5129   2007-0362online access • descriptors • 753;226
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1336   1999-0131online access • natural vs. controlled languages • 753;294
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1883   2000-0159online access • semi-automatic indexing methods • 753;344
Chevallet, J.-P., Bruandet, M.F. – Impact de l'utilisation de multi termes sur la qualité des réponses d'un système de recherche d'information a indexation automatique [Impact of the use of multi-terms op the quality of the answers of an information retrieval systems based on automatic indexing] (Lang.: fre). - In: Organisation des connaissances en vue de leur intégration dans les systèmes de représentation et de recherche d'information / ed. J. Maniez, W. Mustafa et Hadi. - Lille: Université Charles-de-Gaule, 1999, p. 223-238.

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Savoy, J. – A new probalistic scheme for information retrieval in hypertext (Lang.: eng). - In: New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia (1995)1. p.107-134.

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Hawking, D., Thistlewaite, P. – Proximity operators: So near and yet so far (Lang.: eng). - In: The fourth text retrieval conference (TREC-4) 1996, p.131-143. Tests the hypothesis that good precision-recall performance can be based entirely on proximity relationships

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Kwok, K.L., Grunfeld, L. – TREC-4 ad-hoc, routing retrieval and filtering experiments using PIRCS (Lang.: eng). - In: The fourth text retrieval conference (TREC-4) 1996,p.145-152.

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Strzalkowski, T. – Natural language information retrieval: Trec-4 report (Lang.: eng). - In: The fourth text retrieval conference (TREC-4) 1996, p.245-258.

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Clarke, Ch.L.A., Cormack, G.V., Burkowski, F.J. – Shortest substring ranking: (Multitext experiments for TREC-4) (Lang.: eng). - In: The fourth text retrieval conference (TREC-4) 1996, p.295-304.

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Nelson, P.E. – The Excalibur TREC-4 systems, preparations and results (Lang.: eng). - In: The fourth text retrieval conference (TREC-4) 1996, p.391-400.

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Schiettecatte, F., Florance, V. – Document retrieval using the MPS information server (A report on the TREC-4 experiment) (Lang.: eng). - In: The fourth text retrieval conference (TREC-4) 1996, p.401-419.

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Strzalkowski, T., Sparck Jones, K. – NLP Track at TREC-5 (Lang.: eng). - In: The fifth text retrieval conference (TREC-5 Gaithersburg: NIST, 1997), p.97-101.

921   1998-0297online access • indexing evalutation problems • 753;391
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Strzalkowski, T., Guthrie, L., Karlgren, J., Leistensnider, J., Lin, F., Perez-Carballo, J., Straszheim, T., Wang, J., Wilding, J. – Natural language information retrieval : Trec-5 report (Lang.: eng). - In: The fifth text retrieval conference (TREC-5 Gaithersburg: NIST, 1997), p.291-313.

923   1998-0299online access • indexing evalutation problems • 753;391
Hawking, D., Thistlewaite, P., Bailey, P. – ANU/ACSys TREC-5 experiments (Lang.: eng). - In: The fifth text retrieval conference (TREC-5 Gaithersburg: NIST, 1997), p.359-375. Uses the Parallel Document Retrieval Engine (PADRE)

1093   1998-0469online access • indexing evalutation problems • 753;391
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Buckley, C. – TREC-6 high-precision track (Lang.: eng). - In: The sixth text retrieval conference (TREC-6), (1998),p.69-71.

1338   1999-0133online access • indexing evalutation problems • 753;391
Hawking, D., Thistlewaite, P., Craswell, N. – ANU/ACSys TREC-6 experiments (Lang.: eng). - In: The sixth text retrieval conference (TREC-6), (1997).p.275-290. »» Uses a new version of the Parallel Document Retrieval Engine (PADRE97)

1339   1999-0134online access • indexing evalutation problems • 753;391
Bayer, T., Mogg-Schneider, H., Renz, I., Schäfer, H. – Daimler Benz research : systems and experiments : routing and filtering (Lang.: eng). - In: The sixth text retrieval conference (TREC-6), (1998)p.329-346.

1340   1999-0135online access • indexing evalutation problems • 753;391
Strzalkowski, T., Lin, F., Perez-Carballo, J. – Natural language information retrieval TREC-6 report (Lang.: eng). - In: The sixth text retrieval conference (TREC-6), (1998)p.347-366.

1341   1999-0136online access • indexing evalutation problems • 753;391
Bear, J., Israel, D., Petit, J., Martin, D. – Using information extraction to improve document retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: The sixth text retrieval conference (TREC-6), (1998)p.367-377.

1342   1999-0137online access • indexing evalutation problems • 753;391
McDonald, J., Ogden, W., Foltz, P. – Interactive information retrieval using term relationship networks (Lang.: eng). - In: The sixth text retrieval conference (TREC-6), (1998)p.379-383. »» Comparison of the Zprise and InfoView retrieval systems

1343   1999-0138online access • indexing evalutation problems • 753;391
Franz, M., Roukos, S. – TREC-6 ad-hoc retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: The sixth text retrieval conference (TREC-6), (1998),p.511-516.

1344   1999-0139online access • indexing evalutation problems • 753;391
Schmidt-Wesche, B., Mack, R., Cesar, C.L. – IBM search UI prototype evaluation at the interactive track of TREC6 (Lang.: eng). - In: The sixth text retrieval conference (TREC-6), (1998),p.517-534.

1345   1999-0140online access • indexing evalutation problems • 753;391
Lu, A., Meier, E., Rao, A., Miller, D., Pliske, D. – Query processing in TREC6 (Lang.: eng). - In: The sixth text retrieval conference (TREC-6), (1998),p.567-576.

1346   1999-0141online access • indexing evalutation problems • 753;391
Burger, J.D., Aberdeen, J.S., Palmer, D.D. – Information retrieval and trainable natural language processing (Lang.: eng). - In: The fifth text retrieval conference (TREC-5), (1997)p.433-435.

1347   1999-0142online access • indexing evalutation problems • 753;391
Fitzpatrick, L., Dent, M., Promhouse, G. – Experiments with TREC using the Open Text Livelink Engine (Lang.: eng). - In: The fifth text retrieval conference (TREC-5), (1997)p.455-475.

1602   1999-0396online access • indexing evalutation problems • 753;391
Rao, A., Lu, A., Meier, E., Ahmed, S., Pliske, D. – Query processing in TREC6 (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing & Management, 36(2000)1, p.179-186.

924   1998-0300online access • indexing evalutation problems • multilingual systems problems • 753;391;791
Kwok, K.L., Grunfeld, L. – TREC-5 English and Chinese retrieval experiments using PIRCS (Lang.: eng). - In: The fourth text retrieval conference (TREC-5 Gaithersburg: NIST, 1997), p.133-142.

925   1998-0301online access • DDC • 753;43
Vizine-Goetz, D. – Dewey as an Internet subject guide (Lang.: eng). - In: Structures and Relations in Knowledge Organization : Proceedings of the 5th International ISKO Conference 25-29 August 1998 Lille, France. Würzburg : Ergon Verlag, 1998, p.191-197.

3989   2005-32-1-0065online access • DDC • 753;43
Svensson, L.G. – Sacherschliessung als Basis für intelligente Navigation ausgehend von der DDC : Konzepte - Realisierung - Visionen [Subject indexing as basis for navigation using the DDC: concepts - Realization - visions] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 38(2004)10, p.1283-1294.

6738   2009-0858online access • LCSH • 753;448
Papadakis, Ioannis, Stefanidakis, Michalis. – Subject-based information retrieval within digital libraries employing LCSHs (Lang.: eng). - In: www.dlib.org/dlib/ september09/papadakis/09papadakis.html. – Available at http://www.dlib.org/dlib/ september09/papadakis/09papadakis.html

17645   online access • information taxonomies • 753;58
Khoo, C.S.G.; Wang, Z.; Chaudhry, A.S.. – Task-based navigation of a taxonomy interface to a digital repository (Lang.: eng). - In: IR Information Research, 17(2012)4.BorĂ„s, SE, University of BorĂ„s, 2012. – Available at http://http://www.informationr.net/ir/17-4/paper547.html#.WsXwsTMh3IV ISSN: 13681613

4486   2006-33-2-0090online access • semiotics • 753;714
Morissey, F. – Introduction to a semiotic of scientific meaning, and its implications for access to scientific works on the web (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 33(2002)3/4, p.67-97.

3789   2004-0316online access • semantics problems • frequency studies • 753;721;136
Sparck Jones, K. – A statistical interpretation of term specificity and its application in retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation, 60(2004)5, p.493-502.

9523   online access • semantic networks • 753;725
Souza, Renato Rocha; Coelho, FlÃ¥vio Codeço; Higuchi, Suemi; da Silva, Daniela Lucas. – The CPDOC semantic portal: applying semantic knowledge organization systems to the Brazilian contemporary history domain (Lang.: eng). - In: Categories, contexts and relations in knowledge organization (06.12-08-6/9).

1603   1999-0397online access • NLP methods • reviews in special KO fields • 753;733;026
Perez-Carballo, J., Strzalkowski, T. – Natural language information retrieval : progress report (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing & Management, 36(2000)1, p.155-204.

5128   2007-0361online access • text compression • 753;736
Makinen, V., Navarro, G. – Dynamic entropy-compressed sequences and full-text indexes (Lang.: eng). - In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4009 (2006),p.306-317.

2889   2001-0547online access • Internet gateways • 753;752.3
Naït-Baha, L., Jackiewicz, A., Brahim, B., Laublet, P. – Query reformulation for information retrieval on the Web using the point of view methodology : preliminary results (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 28(2001)3,p.129-136.

244   1997-2-0243online access • online queries • 753;754
Weiner, M.L., Rusch, P.F. – New searching technologies and interfacs (Lang.: eng). - In: Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science, Baltimore, Maryland, 21-24 Oct 1966. Ed. by S. Hardin (1996). - Medford, NJ : Information Today, Inc. for American Society for Information Science, p.221-224.

715   1998-0092online access • online systems • 753;755
Smith, M.P.; Smith, M. – The use of genetic programming to build Boolean queries for text retrieval through relevance feedback (Lang.: ). - In: Aslib Proceedings 1997(49)7,p. 184-189.

716   1998-0093online access • online systems • 753;755
Erli's intelligent retrieval adds a edge (Lang.: ). - In: Digital Publishing Technology 1997(11)2,p. 7. >>Erli software for natural searching of databases

717   1998-0094online access • online systems • 753;755
Hyams, P. – Q. What creates no noise but isn't silent? (Lang.: ). - In: Information World Review 1997131,p. 37-38. >>Erli software for natural searching of databases

3403   2003-0078online access • KOS-based access • 753;756
French, J.C., Powell, A.L., Gey, F., Perelman, N. – Exploiting manual indexing to improve collection selection and retrieval effectiveness (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Retrieval, 5(2002), p.323-351.

1348   1999-0143online access • search engines • conceptology • systems theory • 753;757;758-73/4
Kostoff, R.N., Eberhart, H.J., Toothman, D.R. – Database tomography for technical intelligence : a roadmap of the near-earth space science and technology literature (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing & Management 34(1998)1,p.69-85.

4310   2005-32-4-0385online access • online systems evaluation • 753;759
Shiri, A., Revie, C. – Query expansion behavior within a thesaurus-enhanced search environment: A user-centered evaluation (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society of Information Science and Technology, 57(2006)4, p.462-478.

7740   online access • conceptology • systems theory • users requirements • 753;78-51/4;982
Vibert, N., et al. – Effects of domain knowledge on reference search with the PubMed database: an experimental study (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(2009)7, pp. 1423-1447.

6274   2009-0394online access • special terminology • culture science • facets • 753;78-96;225
La Barre, Kathryn. – Discovery and access systems for websites and cultural heritage sites: reconsidering the practical application of facets (Lang.: eng). - In: Culture and identity in knowledge organization [see 2009-0262], pp. 105-110.

9082   online access • conceptology • systems theory • 753;82-51/4
Lykke, Marianne, Price, Susan L., Delcambre, Louis L.M. – How doctors apply semantic components to search in work-related in formation retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Facets of knowledge organization, pp. 119-128 (

5130   2007-0363online access • 753;829
East, J. W. – Subject retrieval from full-text databases in the humanities (Lang.: eng). - In: Libraries & the Academy, 7(2007)2, p.227-241.

1349   1999-0144online access • NBM indexing problems • 753;871
Mehtre, B.M., Kankanhali, M.S., Lee, W.F. – Content-based image retrieval using a composite color-shape approach (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing & Management , 34(1998)1,p.109-120.

1350   1999-0145online access • various NBM indexing • 753;879
Wulfekuhler, M.R., Punch, W.F. – Finding salient features for personal Web page categories (Lang.: eng). - In: Computer Networks and ISDN Systems , 29(1997)8,p.1147-1156.

1351   1999-0146online access • various NBM indexing • 753;879
Carriere, S.J., Kazman, R. – Webquery : searching and visualising the Web through connectivity (Lang.: eng). - In: Computer Networks and ISDN Systems , 29(1997)8,p.1257-1267.

416   1997-3-0416online access • various NBM indexing • users requirements • 753;879;982
Griffiths, J.R., Lambert, J.S. – CD-ROM interfaces : full-text databases (Lang.: eng). - In: Asian Libraries 5(1996)2. p.49-56.

417   1997-3-0417online access • various NBM indexing • users requirements • 753;879;982
EBSCO Publishing announces TOPICsearch (Lang.: eng). - In: Advanced Technology Libraries 26(1997)4. p.2-3.

1352   1999-0147online access • comparison of indexes • 753;89ch;399
Leong, M.K., Zhou, H. – Preliminary qualitative analysis of segmented vs bigram indexing in Chinese (Lang.: eng). - In: The sixth text retrieval conference (TREC-6), (1998),p.551-557.

1353   1999-0148online access • comparison of indexes • 753;89ch;399
Rajaraman, K., Lai, K.F., Changwen, Y. – Experiments on proximity based Chinese text retrieval in TREC 6 (Lang.: eng). - In: The sixth text retrieval conference (TREC-6), (1998),p.559-566.

368   1997-3-0367online access • KO metadata • 753;918
Zorn, P., Emanoil, M., Marshall, L., Panek, M. – Advanced searching : Tricks of the trade (Lang.: eng). - In: From classification to knowledge organization : Dorking revisited or past is prelude : a collection of reprints to commemorate the forty year span between the Dorking Conference (First international study conference on classification research 1957) and the Sixth International study conference on classification research (London, UK) 1997 [see 1997-3-353] p.169-179. Orig. publ. in Online (1996)(May/June) p.15-28

5776   2008-0321online access • KO metadata • conceptology • systems theory • 753;918;651/4
Hemminger, B.M., Saelim, B., Sullivan, P.F., Vision, T.J. – Comparison of full-text searching to metadata searching for genes in two biomedical literature cohorts (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 58(2007)14, p.2341-2352.

7233   online access • 753;934*616
Nosek, Anna, PÄℱdich, Marcin, Zimnoch, Katarzyna. – Multidimensional analysis of the information structure of public librariesñ€ℱ websites in the Podlasie region (Poland) (Lang.: eng). - In: Paradigms and conceptual systems in knowledge organization (, pp. 341-348.

2397   2001-0055online access • information use • 753;981
Kuhlthau, C.C. – Investigating patterns in information seeking : concepts in context (Lang.: eng). - In: Exploring the contexts of information behaviour : proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on research in information needs, seeking and use in different contexts, Sheffield, UK, 1998 / ed. by D.K. Wilson, D.K. Allen. - London : Taylor Graham Publ., 1999, p.10-20.

2398   2001-0056online access • information use • 753;981
Brezillon, P., Saker, I. – Modeling context in information seeking (Lang.: eng). - In: Exploring the contexts of information behaviour : proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on research in information needs, seeking and use in different contexts, Sheffield, UK, 1998 / ed. by D.K. Wilson, D.K. Allen. - London : Taylor Graham Publ., 1999, p.479-493.

2399   2001-0057online access • information use • 753;981
Bystrom, K. – Information seekers in context : an analysis of the "doer" in INSU studies (Lang.: eng). - In: Exploring the contexts of information behaviour : proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on research in information needs, seeking and use in different contexts, Sheffield, UK, 1998 / ed. by D.K. Wilson, D.K. Allen. - London : Taylor Graham Publ., 1999, p.82-95.

2400   2001-0058online access • information use • 753;981
Audunson, R. – Can institutional theory contribute to our understanding of information seeking behaviour? (Lang.: eng). - In: Exploring the contexts of information behaviour : proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on research in information needs, seeking and use in different contexts, Sheffield, UK, 1998 / ed. by D.K. Wilson, D.K. Allen. - London : Taylor Graham Publ., 1999, p.67-81.

2401   2001-0059online access • information use • 753;981
Sonnenwald, D.H. – Evolving perspectives of human information behaviour : contexts, situations, social networks and information horizons (Lang.: eng). - In: Exploring the contexts of information behaviour : proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on research in information needs, seeking and use in different contexts, Sheffield, UK, 1998 / ed. by D.K. Wilson, D.K. Allen. - London : Taylor Graham Publ., 1999, p.176-190.

2402   2001-0060online access • information use • 753;981
Olsson, M. – Discourse : a new theoretical framework for examining information behaviour in its social context (Lang.: eng). - In: Exploring the contexts of information behaviour : proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on research in information needs, seeking and use in different contexts, Sheffield, UK, 1998 / ed. by D.K. Wilson, D.K. Allen. -London : Taylor Graham Publ., 1999, p.136-149.

2403   2001-0061online access • information use • 753;981
Exploring the contexts of information behaviour : proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on research in information needs, seeking and use in different contexts, Sheffield, UK, 1998 / ed. by T.D. Wilson and D.K. Allen (Lang.: eng). - London; Los Angeles, Taylor Graham Publ, 1999. – pp. 625. – ISBN: 0947568751.

2404   2001-0062online access • information use • 753;981
Posvetovanje knjiznica in njeni uporabniki, Catez, 11.-12. november, 1996 [Symposium on the library and its users, Catez [Slovenia], 11-12 November 1996] (Lang.: slo). - In: Knjiznica, 40(1996)3/4,p.3-351.

2405   2001-0063online access • information use • 753;981
Keane, D. – The information behaviour of senior executives (Lang.: eng). - In: Exploring the contexts of information behaviour : proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on research in information needs, seeking and use in different contexts, Sheffield, UK, 1998 / ed. by D.K. Wilson, D.K. Allen. - London : Taylor Graham Publ., 1999, p.430-450.

2406   2001-0064online access • information use • 753;981
Limberg, L. – Three conceptions of information seeking and use (Lang.: eng). - In: Exploring the contexts of information behaviour : proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on research in information needs, seeking and use in different contexts, Sheffield, UK, 1998 / ed. by D.K. Wilson, D.K. Allen. - London : Taylor Graham Publ., 1999, p.116-135.

2890   2001-0548online access • information use • literature reviews • 753;981;02
Bawden, D. – (Book review of) Exploring the contexts of information behaviour : proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on research in information needs, seeking and use in different contexts, Sheffield, UK, 1998 / ed.by T.D.Wilson and D.K.Allen - London: Taylor Graham, 1999 – 625 p. - ISBN: 0947568751 (Lang.: eng). - In: Education for Information, 18(2000)1,p.84-85.

245   1997-2-0244online access • users requirements • 753;982
Beaulieu, M. – Experiments on interfaces to support query expansion (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation 53(1997)1. p.8-19. Describes three experiment with interfaces in the Okapi text retrieval system

1354   1999-0149online access • users requirements • 753;982
Ishikawa, K., Satoh, K., Okumura, A. – Query term expansion based on paragraphs of the relevant documents (Lang.: eng). - In: The sixth text retrieval conference (TREC-6), (1998),p.577-584.

10612   1995-0491753.07
Neelameghan, A. – Online database searching and retrieval. Strategies, procedures, commands, and problems: A brief guide (Lang.: eng). - Bangalore, India, Institute of Information Studies, 1995. The manual is to serve as a basic guideline for beginners in information searching in and retrieval froom, online database services from remote terminals. Online services discussed are essentially of the DIALOG, ESA-IRS, and ORBIT type accessible via te. lecommunication networks,such as TYMNET (USA), DATAPAK (Sweden), DATEX-P (Germany), and TRANSPAC (France). Several problems discussed in the manual will also apply to searching CD-RM databases. The Institute of Information Studies is located at 702, Upst. airs, 42nd Cross, III Block, Rajajinagar, Bangalore, 546010, India

10601   1996-1216753.626
Eastman, C.M.; Rose, J.R.. – Hierarchical support for browsing (Lang.: eng). - In: Williams, M.E. Proc.17th Natl.Online Meeting, New York, 14-16 May 1996. p.91-100.Medford, NJ, Informatin Today, Inc., 1996.

11415   1993-0322753.757
Gauch, S.; Smith, J.B.. – An expert system for automatic query reformation (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci.Vol. 44 No. 3. 1993. p.124-136.

12760   1996-1211753.918
Hattery, M.. – INFOSEEK revises its engine (Lang.: eng). - In: Inform.Retrieval & Libr.Autom. Vol. 32, No. 4. 1996. p.1-2. The new version of the Infoseek Web search engine has been available in beta-test version since mid-August 96. Ultra software will be rolled into Infoseek after beta testing. Ultra claims to be the fastest engine in the West, with a speed of over 1,000queries per second. Further astonishing qualities are described.

12762   1996-1213753.918
Frost, O.. – An empirical test of Gopher searching using three organization schemes (Lang.: eng). - In: Ann.Rev.OCLC Research. 1994. p.54-56.

13328   1996-1214753.918
Däßler, R.. – Knowledge Browser - ein VRML-Retrievalinterface für GEOLIS-GFZ (Lang.: ger). - In: Nachr.Dok. Vol. 47, No. 3. 1996. p.151-158.

13530   1990-1-268753+247
Zhdanchikov, P.A. – Developing a natural language interface for data retrieval using PC-oriented relational DBMSs (Lang.: rus). - In: Razrab.sovrem.tekhnol.obrab.dannykh i modelir ekon.protsessov.1988.p.124-128.Moskva, SU,

11032   1990-1-264753+756
Fox, J.A.; Kanafani, K. – Global change capabilities to improve authority control in an online catalog (Lang.: eng). - In: Inform.Technol.& Libr.Vol.8.No.3.1989.p.273-283.

11030   1990-1-262753+872
Créhange, M.; Foucaut, O., Halin, G., Mouaddib, N. – Semantics of user interface for image retrieval: Possibility theory and learning techniques (Lang.: eng). - In: Inform.Process.& Management.Vol.25.No.6.1989.p.615-627.

5546   2008-0089online access • 753POR
Godoy Viera, A. F., Virgil, J. – Uma revisao dos algoritmos de radicalizacao em lingua portuguesa [A revision of radical algorithms in Portuguese] (Lang.: por). - In: Information Research, 12(2007)3, n p.

90   1997-1-0089online queries • 754
Schoonbaert, D. – SPIRS, WinSPIRS, and OVID: a comparison of three MEDLINE-on_CD-ROM interfaces (Lang.: eng). - In: Bull.Med.Libr.Assoc. Vol.84, No.1, 1996, p.63-70.

91   1997-1-0090online queries • 754
Brandt, D.S. – Ovid searching software (Lang.: eng). - In: Library software review Vol.15, No.3 1996, p. 141-148. Ovid is a software package for searching and manipulating output from bibliographic databases. It offers searches in separate fields, mapping of controlled vocubalary terms, several display formats. Works with over 80 commercial databases

246   1997-2-0245online queries • 754
Vickery, B.C. – Knowledge discovery from databases : an introductory review (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation 53(1997)2. p.107-122. A non technical introduction to new procedures to extract knowledge from databases. Knowledge discovery uses such methods as classification, clustering and detection of deviations of pre-established norms

247   1997-2-0246online queries • 754
Carpineto, C., Romano, G. – Information retrieval through hybrid navigation of lattice representations (Lang.: eng). - In: International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 45(1996)5. p.553-578.

248   1997-2-0247online queries • 754
Fayyad, U., Piatetsky-Shapiro, G., Smyth, P. – From data mining to knowledge discovery in databases (Lang.: eng). - In: AI Magazine 17(1996)3. p.37-54.

517   1997-4-0518online queries • 754
Salton, G., McGill, M.J. – The SMART and SIRE experimental retrieval systems (Lang.: eng). - In: Readings in information retrieval San Francisco : Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc., 1997. xv, 589 p. ISBN: 1558604545 [see 1997-4-0487] p.381-399. Orig. publ. in G. Salton and M.J. McGill: Introduction to modern information retrieval. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1983. p.118-155

1355   1999-0150online queries • 754
Jacso, P. – WebSPIRS 4.0 : Javascript Search Software (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Software Review , 17(1998)4,p.244-269. »» WebSPIRS a program from the SPIRS family makes SilverPlatter databases mounted on a server accessible through a Web server

2407   2001-0065online queries • 754
Wechsler, M., Schäuble, P. – The probability ranking principle revisited (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Retrieval, 3(217-227),p.217-227.

2731   2001-0389online queries • 754
Clarke, C.L.A., Cormack, G.V., Tudhope, E.A. – Relevance ranking for one to three term queries (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing and Management, 36(2000)2, p.291-311.

2892   2001-0550online queries • 754
Bradley, P. – The relevance of underpants to searching the Web (Lang.: eng). - In: Ariadne, (2000)24. – Available at http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue24/search-engines/

2893   2001-0551online queries • 754
Carpiento, C., Romano, G. – Order-theoretical ranking (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 51(2000)7, p.587-601.

2894   2001-0552online queries • 754
Zhang, D., Dong, Y. – An efficient algorithm to rank Web resources (Lang.: eng). - In: Computer Networks, 33(2000)1/6, p.449-455.

2895   2001-0553online queries • 754
Nicholson, S. – A proposal for categorization and nomenclature for Web search tools (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Internet Cataloging, 2(2000)3/4, p.9-28.

3070   2002-0093online queries • 754
Losee, R.M. – When information retrieval measures agree about the relative quality of document rankings (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 51(2000)9, p.834-840.

3071   2002-0094online queries • 754
Back, J. – An evaluation of relevancy ranking techniques used by Internet search engines (Lang.: eng). - In: Library and Information Research News, 24(2000)77, p.30-34.

3873   2004-0398online queries • 754
Huang, M.H., Wang, H.Y. – The Influence of Document Presenta­tion Order and Number of Documents Judged on Users' Judgments of Relevance (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 55(2004)11, p.970-979.

3874   2004-0399online queries • 754
Vakkari, P., Sormunen, E. – The Influence of Relevance Levels on the Effectiveness of Interactive Information Retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 55(2004)11, p.963-969.

4155   2005-32-2-0230online queries • 754
Dominich, S., Skrop, A. – PageRank and Interaction Information Retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 56(2005)1, p.63-69.

4311   2005-32-4-0386online queries • 754
Stock, W.G. – On relevance distributions (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society of Information Science and Technology, 57(2006)8, p.1126-1129.

4488   2006-33-2-0092online queries • 754
Lewandowski, D. – Bewertung von linktopologischen Verfahren als bestimmender Ranking-Faktor by WWW-Suchmaschinen [Evaluation of link-topological procedures as determining ranking factor in Web search engines] (Lang.: ger). - In: Wissensorganisation und Verantwortung [see 2006-33-2-0002], p.318-329.

4489   2006-33-2-0093online queries • 754
Wacholder, N., Liu, L. – User preference : a measure of query-term quality (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 57(2006)12, p.1566-1580.

4490   2006-33-2-0094online queries • 754
Blocks, D., Cunliffe, D., Tudhope, D. – A Reference model for user-system interaction in thesaurus-based searching (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 57(2006)12, p.1655-1665.

4617   2006-33-3-0221online queries • 754
Na, J.C., Khoo, C.S.G., Chan, S., Hanzah, N.B. – Sentiment-based search in digital libraries (Lang.: eng). - In: Proceedings of the 5th ACM/IEEE-CS joint conference on digital libraries 2005, Denver, CO, June 7-11, 2005p.143-144.

4618   2006-33-3-0222online queries • 754
Yang, L., Ji, D., Leong, M. – Document reranking by term distribution and maximal marginal relevance for chinese information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing and Management, 43(2007)2, p.315-326.

4750   2006-33-4-0353online queries • 754
Kumaravel, J.P.S., Sangeetha, K. – Ranking function for query based digital information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Annals of Library and Information Studies, 52(2005)2, p.65-67.

4751   2006-33-4-0354online queries • 754
Bar-Ilan, J., Levene, M., Mat-Hassan, M. – Methods for evaluating dynamic changes in search engine rankings: a case study (Lang.: fre). - In: Journal of Documentation, 62(2006)6, p.708-729.

4904   2007-0106online queries • 754
Bar-Ilan, J., Keenoy, K., Yaari, E., Levene M. – User rankings of search engine results (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society of Information Science and Technology, 58(2007)9, p.1252-1266.

4905   2007-0107online queries • 754
Fujino, A., Ueda, N., Saito, K. – A hybrid generative/discriminative approach to text classification with additional information (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing & Management, 43(2007)2, p.379-392.

4906   2007-0108online queries • 754
Lu, W., Kan, M.-Y. – Supervised categorization of JavaScriptTM using program analysis features (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing & Management, 43(2007)2, p.431-444.

5131   2007-0364online queries • 754
Wang, G., Zhou, X., Wang, B., Qiao, B., Han, D. – A hyperplane based indexing technique for high-dimensional data (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Sciences, 177(2007)11, p.2255-2268.

5366   2007-0603online queries • 754
Fourie, I., Bothma, T. – Information seeking: an overview of web tracking and the criteria for tracking software (Lang.: eng). - In: Aslib Proceedings: New Information Perspectives, 59(2007)3, p.264-285.

6007   2009-0127online queries • 754
Harris, C. – Ranking the Management journals (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Scholarly Publishing, 39(2008)4, p.373-409.

6008   2009-0128online queries • 754
Isfandyari-Moghaddam, A., Ranjbar, V. – Difference among ranking algorithms of different web search tools: a statistical approach (Lang.: eng). - In: Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science, 13(2008)2. p.15-28.

6739   2009-0859online queries • 754
Bache, R., Baillie, M., Crestani, F. – Measuring the likelihood property of scoring functions in general retrieval models (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(2009)6, pp. 1294-1297.

6740   2009-0860online queries • 754
Li, Ming, Li, Hang, Zhou, Zhi-Hua. – Semi-supervised document retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Information processing and management, 45(2009)3, pp. 341-355.

7445   online queries • 754
Bing Bai et al. – Learning to rank with (a lot of) word features (Lang.: eng). - In: Information retrieval, 13(2010)3, pp. 291-314.

7446   online queries • 754
Kettani, H., Newby, G.B. – Instability of relevance-ranked results using latent semantic indexing for web search (Lang.: eng). - In: Hawaii international conference on system sciences, 43(2010)2, pp. 1553-1558.

7447   online queries • 754
Kim, S.W., Chung, C-W., Kim, D. – An opinion-based decision model for recommender systems (Lang.: eng). - In: Online information review, 3(2009)3, pp. 584-602.

7448   online queries • 754
Lewandowski, D. – Ranking library materials (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Hi-Tech, 27(2009)4, pp. 584-593.

7741   online queries • 754
Kuo, T. F., Yajima, Y. – Ranking and selecting terms for text categorization via SVM discriminate boundary (Lang.: eng). - In: International journal of intelligent systems, 25(2010)2, pp. 137-154.

7742   online queries • 754
Wei, Furu, Li, Wenjie, Liu, Shixia. – iRANK: a rank-learn-combine framework for unsupervised ensemble ranking (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 61(2010)6, pp. 1232-1243.

8149   online queries • 754
Wei, Furu, Li, Wenjie, Liu, Shixia. – iRANK: a rank-learn-combine framework for unsupervised ensemble ranking (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 61(2010)6, pp. 1232-1243.

8326   online queries • 754
Alguliev, Rasim, Aliguliyev, Ramiz, Ganjaliyev, Fadai. – Investigation of the role of similarity measure and ranking algorithm in mining social networks (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of information science 37(2011)3, pp. 229-234.

8507   online queries • 754
Geng, Xiubo, Qin, Tao et al. – Selecting optimal training data for learning to rank (Lang.: eng). - In: Information processing & management, 47(2011)5, pp. 730-741 .

8508   online queries • 754
Maiti, S., Mandal, D.P., Mitra, P. – Sentence ranking for document indexing (Lang.: eng). - In: Lecture notes in computer science, 6744(2011), pp. 274-279.

8694   online queries • 754
Pan, Yan, et al. – Learning to rank with document ranks and scores (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge-based systems, 24(2011)4, pp. 478-483.

8846   online queries • 754
Bermejo, Pablo et al. – Fast wrapper feature subset selection in high-dimensional datasets by means of filter re-ranking (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge-based systems, 25(2012)1, pp. 35-44.

8847   online queries • 754
Chen, Shouchun, et al. – Semi-supervised ranking aggregation (Lang.: eng). - In: Information processing and management, 47(2011)3, pp. 415-425.

10399   1990-1-272online queries • 754
Katz, B. – Using English for indexing and retrieving (Lang.: eng). - Springfield, VA, NTIS, 1988. – pp. 32 .

10650   1993-0324online queries • 754
Giles-Peters, A.R.. – Designing a crossfile searching interface for CSIRO AUSTRALIS (Lang.: eng). - In: International Online Information Meeting, London, 10-12 Dec.1991. 1991. p.125-134.Oxford, GB, Learned Inform.,

10651   1993-0325online queries • 754
Katsura, E.; Takasu, A., Hara, S., Nakahara, A.. – An approach to electronic contents sheets based on multimedia document system (Lang.: eng). - In: International Online Information Meeting, London, 11-13 Dec.1990. 1990. p.379-389.Oxford, GB, Learned Inform.,

11275   1990-2-268online queries • 754
Ait-Kaci, H.; Nasr, R., Seo, J. – Immplementing a knowledge-based library information system with typed Horn Logic (Lang.: eng). - In: Inform.Process.& Management.Vol.26.No.2.19990.p.249-268.

11276   1990-2-269online queries • 754
Vyasamoorthy, P. – Basic program for sequential search using Boolean operators (Lang.: eng). - In: Int.Inform.Commun.& Educ.Vol.7.No.2.1988.p.191-198.

12091   1995-0492online queries • 754
Weinberg, B.H. – Why postcoordination fails the searcher (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer. Vol. 19. No. 3. 1995. p.155-159. Reasons for the failure of postcoordinate searches include the absence of specified relationships between terms, the complexity of formulating Boolean searches, and the high frequency of terms in large databases. (Author, abbr.)

12764   1996-1217online queries • 754
Fong, K.Y.. – Interpretive object-oriented facility which can access precompiled classes (Lang.: eng). - 1995. (US Patent No.5459868).

15828   online queries • 754
Hilpert, Wilhelm; Kahl, Andreas; Luber, Jörg; Strasser, Karl. – OPACplus + Discovery Service: Integration eines Discovery-Service mit Trefferlisten-Reitern in den OPACplus [OPACplus + Discovery Service: integration of a discovery service with hit lists into OPACplus] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksforum Bayern, 8(2014)2, PP. 142-143.

15829   online queries • 754
Hinz, Waldemar; Schmiedicke, Heidi; Mittermaier, Bernhard. – JuLib eXtended: Implementierung und Anpassung des EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) im Forschungszentrum JĂƒÂŒlich [JuLib eXtended: implementation and adaptation of EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) at JĂƒÂŒlich Research Centre] (Lang.: ger). - In: B.I.T. online: Zeitschrift fĂƒÂŒr Bibliothek, Information und Technologie, 17(2014)2, pp. 99-108.

15830   online queries • 754
Mutschler, Thomas. – VuFind als Discovery-Tool fĂƒÂŒr digitalisierte KulturgĂƒÂŒter [VuFind as a discovery tool for digitized cultural heritage objects] (Lang.: ger). - In: ABI-Technik, 34(2014)2, pp. 66-74.

16485   online queries • 754
Behnert, Christiane; Borst, Timo. – Neue Formen der Relevanz-Sortierung in bibliothekarischen Informationssystemen: Das DFG-Projekt LibRank [New ways of relevance ranking in library information systems: The DFG project LibRank] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis, 39(2015)3, pp. 384-393(.

16508   online queries • 754
Haake, Elmar; Blenkle, Martin; Ellis, Rachel; Zillmann, Hartmut. – Nur die ersten Drei zÀhlen! Optimierung der Rankingverfahren ĂƒÂŒber PopularitÀtsfaktoren bei der Elektronischen Bibliothek Bremen (E-LIB) [Only the first three count! Optimization of ranking methods by the use of popularity factors in the discovery system Ăąâ‚ŹĆŸBremen Electronic Libraryñ€Ɠ (E-LIB)] (Lang.: ger). - In: o-bib: Das offene Bibliotheksjournal, 2(2015)2, pp. 33-42. – Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.5282/o-bib/2015H2S33-42

17435   online queries • 754
Geist, Anton. – Rechtsdatenbanken und Relevanzsortierung [Computer-assisted legal research systems and relevance ranking] (Lang.: ger). - Vienna, University of Vienna, 2016. – pp. vii, 218. – Available at http://othes.univie.ac.at/44138/

18496   online queries • 754
Behnert, Christiane; et al.. – Evaluierung von Rankingverfahren fĂƒÂŒr bibliothekarische Informationssysteme [Evaluating ranking procedures for library information systems] (Lang.: ger). - In: Information - Wissenschaft und Praxis, 70(2018)1, pp. 14-23. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/iwp-2019-0004

18497   online queries • 754
Behnert, Christiane. – Kriterien und Einflussfaktoren bei der Relevanzbewertung von Surrogaten in akademischen Informationssystemen [Criteria and influencing factors of predictive relevance judgements in academic search systems] (Lang.: ger). - In: Information - Wissenschaft und Praxis, 70(2018)1, pp. 24-32. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/iwp-2019-0002

18499   online queries • 754
Lewandowski, Dirk; SĂƒÂŒnkler, Sebastian. – Das Relevance Assessment Tool: Eine modulare Software zur UnterstĂƒÂŒtzung bei der DurchfĂƒÂŒhrung vielfÀltiger Studien mit Suchmaschinen [The Relevance Assessment Tool: A modular software to support the implementation of various studies with search engines] (Lang.: ger ). - In: Information - Wissenschaft und Praxis, 70(2018)1, pp. 46-56. – Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/iwp-2019-0007

18514   online queries • 754
Hora, Manuel. – Methoden fĂƒÂŒr das Ranking in Discovery-Systemen [Methods for ranking in discovery systems] (Lang.: ger). - In: Perspektive Bibliothek, 7(2018)2, pp. 2-23. – Available at http://doi.org/10.11588/pb.2018.2.57797

10919   1990-0979systems theory • 754, 651/4
Kingsland, L.C. – Coach: Applying UMLS Knowledge Sources in an expert search environment (Lang.: eng). - In: Bull.Med.Libr.Assoc.Vol.81.No.2.1993.p.178-83. Describes the Coach software, the knowledge sources it uses, and some of the ways it applied elements of the UMLS Metathesaurus to facilitate access to the biomedical literature

11679   1993-0979systems theory • 754, 651/4
Kingsland, L.C.. – Coach: Applying UMLS Knowledge Sources in an expert search environment (Lang.: eng). - In: Bull.Med.Libr.Assoc.. Vol. 81. No. 2. p.178-83. Describes the Coach software, the knowledge sources it uses, and some of the ways it applied elements of the UMLS Metathesaurus to facilitate access to the biomedical literature.

10688   1996-0267systems theory • 754, 758-51/4
Harbourt, A.M.; Syed, E.J., Hole, W.T.. – The ranking algorithm of the Coach Browser for the UMLS Metathesaurus (Lang.: eng). - In: 17th Ann.Symp. on computer Applicat. in Med.Care. Amer.Med.Informatics Assn. Washington, DC 1993. p.720-724.New York, McGraw-Hill, 1994. The paper presents the novel ranking algorithm of the Coach Metathesaurus browser, which is a major module of the Coach expert search refinement program. An example shows how the ranking algorithm can assist in creating a list of candidate terms useful in augmenting a suboptimal Grateful Med search of MEDLINE.

1356   1999-0151online queries • literature reviews • 754;02
Exner, F. – Book review of: Advances in knowledge discovery and data mining / ed. by U.M. Fayyad, G. Piatetsky-Shapiro, P. Smyth, R. Uthurusamy. - Menlo Park, CA: AAAI Press/MIT Press, 1996. - 625 p. - ISBN: 0262560976 (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 49(1998)1,p.386-387.

2408   2001-0066online queries • KOS typology • 754;212
Priss, U. – Lattice-based information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 27(2000)3,p.132-142.

1357   1999-0152online queries • aboutness • 754;321
Wilbur, W.J. – Human subjectivity and performance limits in document retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science , (1999)64,p.155-169. »» Review article

7449   online queries • aboutness • 754;321
Oberhauser, Otto. – Relevance Ranking in den Online-Katalogen der "nÀchsten Generation" [Relevance ranking in "next-generation" online catalogues] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare, 63(2010)1/2, pp. 25-37.

92   1997-1-0091online queries • indexing evalutation problems • 754;391
Allan, J., Ballesteros, L., Callan, J.P., Bruce Croft, W., Lu, Z. – Recent experiment with INQUERY (Lang.: eng). - In: The fourth text retrieval conference (TREC-4) 1996, p.49-63.

93   1997-1-0092online queries • indexing evalutation problems • 754;391
Charoenkitkarn, N., Chignell, M.H., Golovchinsky, G. – Is recall relevant?: An analysis how user interface conditions affect strategies and performance in large scale text retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: The fourth text retrieval conference (TREC-4) 1996, p.211-231.

94   1997-1-0093online queries • indexing evalutation problems • 754;391
Knaus, D., Mittendorf, E., Schüble, P., Sheridan, P. – Is recall relevant?: An analysis how user interface conditions affect strategies and performance in large scale text retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: The fourth text retrieval conference (TREC-4) 1996, p.233-243.

926   1998-0302online queries • indexing evalutation problems • 754;391
Allan, J., Callan, J.P., Bruce Croft, W., Ballesteros, L., Broglio, J., Xu, J., Shu, H. – INQUERY at TREC-5 (Lang.: eng). - In: The fifth text retrieval conference (TREC-5 Gaithersburg: NIST, 1997), p.119-132.

927   1998-0303online queries • indexing evalutation problems • 754;391
Ballerini, J.-P., Büchel, M., Domenig, R., Knaus, D., Mateev, B., Mittendorf, E., Schäuble, P., Sheridan, P., Wechsler, M. – SPIDER retrieval system at TREC-5 (Lang.: eng). - In: The fifth text retrieval conference (TREC-5 Gaithersburg: NIST, 1997), p.217-228.

589   1997-4-0590online queries • NLP methods • 754;733
Kang, H-K., Choi, K-S. – Two-level document ranking using mutual information in natural language information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Information processing & Management 33 (1997)3. p.289-306.

5132   2007-0365online queries • conceptology • systems theory • 754;78-51/4
Swanson, D.R., et al. – Ranking indirect connections in literature-based discovery: the role of Medical Subject Headings (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Institute of Information Science and Technology, 57(2006)11, p.1427-1439.

1358   1999-0153online queries • multilingual IR • indexing evalutation problems • 754;797;391
Allan, J., Callan, J., Croft, W.B., Ballesteros, L., Byrd, D., Swan, R., Xu, J. – INQUERY does battle with TREC-6 (Lang.: eng). - In: The sixth text retrieval conference (TREC-6), (1998)p.169-206.

1359   1999-0154online queries • multilingual IR • indexing evalutation problems • 754;797;391;89ch
Kwok, K.L., Grunfeld, L., Xu, J.H. – TREC-6 English and Chinese Retrieval Experiments using PIRCS (Lang.: eng). - In: The sixth text retrieval conference (TREC-6), (1998)p.207-214.

8848   online queries • tagging • 754;835
Jin, Yan'an, et al. – Topic-based ranking in folksonomy via probabilistic model (Lang.: eng). - In: Artificial intelligence review, 36(2011)2, pp. 139-151.

8849   online queries • citation indexing • 754;864
Gómez-NÃÂșñez, Antonio, et al. – Improving SCImago Journal & Country Rank (SJR) subject classification through reference analysis (Lang.: eng). - In: Scientometrics, 89(2011)3, pp.741-758.

249   1997-2-0248online queries • KO metadata • 754;918
World Wide Web search engines : Inktomi Corporation (Lang.: eng). - In: Online Libraries and Microcomputers 14(1996)11. p.1-4. Article about the HotBot search engine for the WWW made by Inktomi Corporation

250   1997-2-0249online queries • KO metadata • 754;918
Cunningham, J. – Getting the most from Alta Vista (Lang.: eng). - In: Behavioral and Social Sciences Librarian . p.53-56.

251   1997-2-0250online queries • KO metadata • 754;918
Heidenreich, F. – Know your search engine : a comparison of 6 popular Web search engines (Lang.: eng). - In: Health Care on the Internet 1(1997)2. p.45-48. Compares Alta Vista, Lycos, Excite, Infoseek, Guide and Yahoo!

1604   1999-0398online queries • users requirements • bibliographic record display • 754;982;947
De Keyser, P. – Drie belangrijke Belgische bibliografische bestanden op cd-rom [Three important Belgian bibliographic databases on CD-ROM] (Lang.: dut). - In: Bibliotheek- en Archiefgids, 75(1999)1, p.23-32. »» Evaluation of WinSPIRS as interface for bibliographic databases

10652   1993-0326754.246
Wilbur, W.J.. – A retrieval system based on automatic relevance weighting of search terms (Lang.: eng). - In: Proc.55th Ann.ASIS Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, Oct.26, 1992. 1992. p.216-220.Medford, NJ, Learned Inform.,

13069   1990-1-270754+387
Fischer, Burkhard. – BenHuR - Funktionen und Tools zur Unterstützung von Online-Recherchen [BenHuR - functions and tools to support online retrieval] (Lang.: ger). - In: Nachr.Dok.Vol.40.No.4.1989.p.241-244.

13070   1990-1-271754+387
Jüngling, H. – BenHuR - die Super-'IuD-Software'? [Is the BenHuR-Software really the best one for information retrieval?] (Lang.: ger). - In: Nachr.Dok.Vol.40.No.4.1989.p.244-246.

13531   1990-1-269754+756
Eroshkin, S.G.; Lavrenov, Yu.L. – Software tools for computerised presearch generationof a description of the search field using online thesauri (Lang.: rus). - In: Sb.tr./VNII prikl.avtom.sistem.No.1.1988.p.42-48.

252   1997-2-0251online systems • 755
Saracevic, T. – Modeling interaction in information retrieval (IR) : a review and proposal (Lang.: eng). - In: Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Information Science, Baltimore, Maryland, 21-24 Oct 1966. Ed. by S. Hardin (1996). - Medford, NJ : Information Today, Inc. for American Society for Information Science, p.3-9.

253   1997-2-0252online systems • 755
Huang, X., Robertson, S.E. – Application of probabilistic methods to Chinese text retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation 53(1997)1. p.74-79.

254   1997-2-0253online systems • 755
Feldman, S. – Testing natural language : comparing DUALOG, TARGET, and DR-LINK (Lang.: eng). - In: Online 20(1996)6. p.71-74, 76-79. Comparison of DIALOG (traditional Boolean system), TARGET (relevance ranking system), and DR-LINK (advanced intelligent text processing system)

255   1997-2-0254online systems • 755
Steffens, U. – Information Retrieval : Grundlagen, Systemen und Integration. Information retrieval: foundations, systems and integration (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliothek : Forschung und Praxis 21(1997)1. p.54-58.

418   1997-3-0418online systems • 755
Savoy, J. – Ranking schemes in hybrid Boolean systems : a new approach (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American society for information science 48(1997)3. p.235-253.

504   1997-4-0505online systems • 755
Cooper, W.S. – Getting beyond Boole (Lang.: eng). - In: Readings in information retrieval San Francisco : Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc., 1997. xv, 589 p. ISBN: 1558604545 [see 1997-4-0487] p.265-267. Orig. publ. in:Information processing and management 24(1988) p.243-248

507   1997-4-0508online systems • 755
Robertson, S.E. – The probability ranking principle in IR (Lang.: eng). - In: Readings in information retrieval San Francisco : Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc., 1997. xv, 589 p. ISBN: 1558604545 [see 1997-4-0487] p.281-286. Orig. publ. in: Journal of documentation 33(1977) p.294-304

508   1997-4-0509online systems • 755
Turtle, H., Croft, W.B. – Inference networks for document retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Readings in information retrieval San Francisco : Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc., 1997. xv, 589 p. ISBN: 1558604545 [see 1997-4-0487] p.287-298. Orig. publ. in: J.L. Vidick (ed.): Proceedings of the thirteenth international conference on research and development in information retrieval. New York: ACM, 1990. p.1-24

511   1997-4-0512online systems • 755
Salton, G., Buckley, C. – Term-weighting approaches in automatic text retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Readings in information retrieval San Francisco : Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc., 1997. xv, 589 p. ISBN: 1558604545 [see 1997-4-0487] p.323-328. Orig. publ. in: Information processing and management 24(1988) p.513-523

512   1997-4-0513online systems • 755
Sparck Jones, K. – Search term relevance weighting given little relevance information (Lang.: eng). - In: Readings in information retrieval San Francisco : Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc., 1997. xv, 589 p. ISBN: 1558604545 [see 1997-4-0487] p.329-338. Orig. publ. in: Journal of documentation 35(1979) p.30-48

513   1997-4-0514online systems • 755
Croft, W.B., Harper, D.J. – Using probabilistic models of document retrieval without relevance information (Lang.: eng). - In: Readings in information retrieval San Francisco : Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc., 1997. xv, 589 p. ISBN: 1558604545 [see 1997-4-0487] p.339-344. Orig. publ. in: Journal of documentation 35(1979) p.285-295

514   1997-4-0515online systems • 755
Robertson, S.E., Walker, S. – Some simple effective approximations to the 2-Poisson model for probabiilistic weighted retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Readings in information retrieval San Francisco : Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc., 1997. xv, 589 p. ISBN: 1558604545 [see 1997-4-0487] p.345-354. Orig. publ. in: Journal of documentation 35(1979) p.285-295

515   1997-4-0516online systems • 755
Salton, G., Buckley, C. – Improving retrieval performance by relevance feedback (Lang.: eng). - In: Readings in information retrieval San Francisco : Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc., 1997. xv, 589 p. ISBN: 1558604545 [see 1997-4-0487] p.355-364. Orig. publ. in: Journal of the American society for information retrieval 41(1990) p.288-297

516   1997-4-0517online systems • 755
A. Griffiths, A., Luckhurst, H.C., Willett, P. – Using interdocument similarity information in document retrieval systems (Lang.: eng). - In: Readings in information retrieval San Francisco : Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc., 1997. xv, 589 p. ISBN: 1558604545 [see 1997-4-0487] p.365-373. Orig. publ. in: Journal of the American society for information retrieval 37(1986) p.3-11

523   1997-4-0524online systems • 755
Tenopir, C., Cahn, P. – TARGET and FREESTYLE : DIALOG and Mead join the relevance ranks (Lang.: eng). - In: Readings in information retrieval San Francisco : Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc., 1997. xv, 589 p. ISBN: 1558604545 [see 1997-4-0487] p.446-456. Orig. publ. in: Online 18(1994)3, p.31-47

590   1997-4-0591online systems • 755
Coravu, R. – Surse ale eşecului căutării în catalogul online [Issues of search failure in the online catalogue] (Lang.: rom). - In: Buletin asociaţia bibliotecarilor din învaţămănt – România 8 (1997)2. p.43-45.

591   1997-4-0592online systems • 755
Liu, G.Z. – Semantic vector space model : implementation and evaluation (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American society for information science 48 (1997)5. p.395-417. The Semantic Vector Space Model (SVSM) based on the Vector Space Model, heuristic syntax parsing and distributed representation of semantic case structures. Documents and queries are represented as semantic matrices. For short documents and queries the VSM works better, but for long documents the SVSM got better results

719   1998-0096online systems • 755
Cory, K.A. – Discovering hidden analogies in an online humanities database (Lang.: ). - In: Computers and the Humanities 1997(31)1,p. 1-11. >>Finding hidden knowledge in bibliographical databases documents that are logically but not bibliographical linked

722   1998-0099online systems • 755
Gaizauskas, R.; Wilks, Y. – Information extraction: beyond document retrieval (Lang.: ). - In: Journal of Documentation 1998(54)1,p. 70-105.

1094   1998-0470online systems • 755
Sparck Jones, K. – Experiments in spoken document retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing & Management, 31(1996)4,p.399-417.

1095   1998-0471online systems • 755
Feldman, S. – The Internet search-off (Lang.: eng). - In: Searcher, 6(1998)2,p.28-35.

1360   1999-0155online systems • 755
Fikar, C.R., Baglio, R. – Finding articles written by authors with a specific professional degree : a methodology for retrieving D.P.M.-authored reports (Lang.: eng). - In: Bulletin of the Medical Library Association , 85(1997)4,p.429-431.

1361   1999-0156online systems • 755
Melucci, M. – Passage retrieval : a probabilistic technique (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing & Management 34(1998)1,p.43-68.

1362   1999-0157online systems • 755
Hurt, C.D. – Nonmonotonic logic for use in information retrieval : an exploratory paper (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing & Management 34(1998)1,p.35-41.

1363   1999-0158online systems • 755
Chang, C.-H., Hsu, C.-C. – Customizable multi-engine search tool with clustering (Lang.: eng). - In: Computer Networks and ISDN Systems 29(1997)8,p.1121-1124.

1364   1999-0159online systems • 755
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1365   1999-0160online systems • 755
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1366   1999-0161online systems • 755
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1605   1999-0399online systems • 755
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1606   1999-0400online systems • 755
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1886   2000-0162online systems • 755
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1887   2000-0163online systems • 755
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2085   2000-0361online systems • 755
Eibl, M. – Visualisierung der Recherche in Dokument-Retrievalsystemen : Methoden und Losungen [Visualising the query in document retrieval systems: methods and solutions] (Lang.: ger). - In: nfd Information: Wissenschaft und Praxis, 50(1999)2,p.79-86.

2086   2000-0362online systems • 755
Jacso, P. – Savvy searching starts with browsing (Lang.: eng). - In: Online and CD-ROM Review, 23(1999)3,p.169-172.

2087   2000-0363online systems • 755
Stern, D. – New search and navigation techniques in the digital library (Lang.: eng). - In: Science & Technology Libraries, 17(1999)3/4,p.61-80.

3072   2002-0095online systems • 755
Sormunen, E. – Extensions to the STAIRS study – empirical evidence for the Hypothesised ineffectiveness of Boolean queries in large full-text databases (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Retrieval, 4(2001), p.257-273.

3254   2002-0275online systems • 755
Fuhr, N. – Probabilistic Datalog : implementing logical information retrieval for advanced applications (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 51(1999)2, p. 95-110.

3790   2004-0317online systems • 755
Spink, A., Jansen, B.J., Pedersen , J. – Searching for people on Web search engines (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation, 60(2004)4, p.266-278. »» On personal name searching

3875   2004-0400online systems • 755
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3876   2004-0401online systems • 755
Poulter, A. – Browsing the virtual library (Lang.: eng). - In: Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science. - 2nd ed. / ed. by M.A. Drake. - New York : Marcel Dekker, 2003. - Vol. 1, p389-396.

3990   2005-32-1-0066online systems • 755
Aizawa, A. – An information-theoretic perspective of tf-idf measures (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing and Management, 39(2003)1, p.45-65.

4491   2006-33-2-0095online systems • 755
Park, S., Lee, J., Bae, H. – End user searching : a Web log analysis of NAVER, a Korean Web search engine (Lang.: eng). - In: Library and Information Science Research, 27(2005)2, p.203-221.

4619   2006-33-3-0223online systems • 755
Koshman, S., Spink, A., Jansen, B.J. – Web searching on the Vivisimo search engine (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 57(2007)14, p.1875-1887.

4620   2006-33-3-0224online systems • 755
Na, S.H., Kang, I.S., Lee, J.H. – Parsimonious translation models for information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing and Management, 43(2007)1, p.121-145.

4621   2006-33-3-0225online systems • 755
Shokouhi, M., Zobel, J., Tahaghoghi, S., Scholer, F. – Using query logs to establish vocabularies in distributed information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing and Management, 43(2007)1, p.169-180.

4622   2006-33-3-0226online systems • 755
Crestani, F., Wu, S. – Testing the cluster hypothesis in distributed information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing and Management, 42(2006)5, p.1137-1150.

4752   2006-33-4-0355online systems • 755
Spink, A., Jansen, B.J. – A study in web search trends (Lang.: eng). - In: Webology, 1(2004)2. [electron.]. – Available at http://www.webology.ir/2004/v1n2/a4.html

4753   2006-33-4-0356online systems • 755
Henry, L.A. – Information search strategies on the Internet : a critical component of new literacies (Lang.: eng). - In: Webology, 2(2004)1. [electron.]. – Available at http://www.webology.ir/2005/v2n1/a9.html

4754   2006-33-4-0357online systems • 755
Asefi, A. – Information searching habits of Internet users : a case study on the Medical Sciences University of Isfahan, Iran (Lang.: eng). - In: Webology, 2(2004)1. [electron.]. – Available at http://www.webology.ir/2005/v2n1/a10.html

4755   2006-33-4-0358online systems • 755
Patitungkho, K., Deshpande , N.L. – Information seeking behaviour of faculty members of Rajabhat Universities in Bangkok (Lang.: eng). - In: Webology, 2(2004)4. [electron.]. – Available at http://www.webology.ir/2005/v2n1/a10.html

4756   2006-33-4-0359online systems • 755
Dechter, R,, Mateescu, R. – AND/OR search spaces for graphical models (Lang.: eng). - In: Artificial Intelligence, 171(2007)2/3, p.73-106.

4907   2007-0109online systems • 755
McCulloch, E. – Collaborative tagging as a knowledge organization and resource discovery tool (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Review, 55(2006)5, p.291-301.

5133   2007-0366online systems • 755
Badue, C. S., Baeza-Yates, R., Ribeiro-Neto, B., Ziviani, A., Ziviani, N. – Analyzing imbalance among homogeneous index servers in a web search system (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing & Management, 43(2007)3, p.592-608.

5134   2007-0367online systems • 755
Pajor, E. – Una aplicación de topic map que puede ser un modelo posible [An application of a topic map that might be a possible model] (Lang.: spa). - In: La interdisciplinariedad y la transdisciplinariedad en la organización del conocimiento científico [see 2007-0224], p.245-252.

5777   2008-0322online systems • 755
Dorman, D. – The potential of metasearching as an "open" service (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Hi Tech, 26(2008)1, p.58-67.

5778   2008-0323online systems • 755
Iglesias, E., Hye, S. S. – Topic maps and the ILS: an undelivered promise (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Hi Tech, 26(2008)1, p.12-18.

6009   2009-0129online systems • 755
Nielsen, M. L. – Networked Knowledge Organization Systems/Services (NKOS), ECDL 2008 Workshop Report (Lang.: eng). - In: D-Lib Magazine, 14(2008)11/12. – Available at http://www.dlib.org/dlib/november08/canos/11canos.html

6010   2009-0130online systems • 755
Northedge, R. – The medium is not the message: topic maps and the separation of presentation and content in indexes (Lang.: eng). - In: The Indexer, 26(2008)2, p.60-64.

6011   2009-0131online systems • 755
Urbain, J., Goharian, N., Frieder, O. – Probabilistic passage models for semantic search of Genomics literature (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 59(2008)2, p.2008-2023.

6275   2009-0395online systems • 755
Jung, J. J. – Contextualized query sampling to discover semantic resource descriptions on the web (Lang.: eng). - In: Information processing & management, 45(2009)2, pp. 280-287.

6276   2009-0396online systems • 755
Lavazza, M. C. – Trovo dunque sono: progettare nella pratica la ricerca avanzata [I find, therefore I am: designing advanced search in practice] (Lang.: ita). - In: Trovabile, 2008. – Available at http://trovabile.org/articoli/ricerca-avanzata-2

6277   2009-0397online systems • 755
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6508   2009-0628online systems • 755
Elayeb, Bilel et al. – Towards an intelligent possibilistic web information retrieval using multiagent system (Lang.: eng). - In: Interactive technology and smart education, 6(2009)1, pp.40-59.

6509   2009-0629online systems • 755
Hyuk-Jin Lee, Muresan, Gheorghe. – Mediated Web information retrieval for a complex searching task (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 60(2009)7, pp.1372-1391.

6510   2009-0630online systems • 755
Yi, Myongho. – Information organization and retrieval using a topic maps-based ontology: results of a task-based evaluation (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 59(2008)12, pp.1898-1911.

6741   2009-0861online systems • 755
Kanaris, Ioannis, Stamatatos, Efstathios. – Learning to recognize webpage genres (Lang.: eng). - In: Information processing and management, 45(2009)5, pp. 499-512.

7234   online systems • 755
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7450   online systems • 755
Fu, X. – Towards a model of implicit feedback for Web search (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 61(2010)1, pp.30-49.

7451   online systems • 755
Gwizdka, J., Lopatovska, I. – The role of subjective factors in the information search process (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 60(2009)12, pp. 2452-2464.

7452   online systems • 755
Lee, H-J., Muresan, G.H. – Mediated web information retrieval for a complex searching task (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(2009)7, pp. 1372-1391.

7932   online systems • 755
Dunsire, Gordon, Nicholson, Dennis. – Signposting the crossroads: terminology web servces and classification-based interoperability (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization, 37(2010)4, 280-286.

8150   online systems • 755
Chen, E., et al. – Exploiting probabilistic topic models to improve text categorization under class imbalance (Lang.: eng). - In: Information processing & management, 47(2011)2, pp. 202-214.

8151   online systems • 755
Jasimuddin, Sajjad M., Zuopeng (Justin) Zhang. – Transferring stored knowledge and storing transferred knowledge (Lang.: eng). - In: Information systems management, 28(2011)1, pp. 84-94.

8152   online systems • 755
Trillo, Raquel, et al. – Using semantic techniques to access web data (Lang.: eng). - In: Information systems, 36(2011)2, pp.117-133.

8153   online systems • 755
Vilares, J., Vilares, M., Otero, J. – Managing misspelled queries in IR applications (Lang.: eng). - In: Information processing and management, 47(2011)2, pp. 263-286.

8327   online systems • 755
Carélo, Caio César Mori, et al. – Slicing the metric space to provide quick indexing of complex data in the main memory (Lang.: eng). - In: Information systems, 36(2011)1, pp. 79-98.

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9083   online systems • 755
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10653   1993-0327online systems • 755
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11035   1990-1-274online systems • 755
Bookstein, A. – Set-oriented retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Inform.Process.& Management.Vol.25.No.5.1989.p.465-475.

11036   1990-1-275online systems • 755
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11277   1990-2-270online systems • 755
Blazek, R.; Bilal, D. – Problems with OPAC: a case study of an academic research library (Lang.: eng). - In: RQ.Vol.28.No.2.1988.p.169-178.

11278   1990-2-271online systems • 755
Klugman, S. – Failures in subject retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Cat.& Classif.Quart.Vol.10.No.1-2.1989.p.9-35.

11279   1990-2-272online systems • 755
Murdock, P.R. – Cataloging catalysis: toward a new chemistry of conscience, ,communication and conduct in the online catalog (Lang.: eng). - In: Cat.& Classif.Quart.Vol.10.No.1-2.19899.p.65-80.

11280   1990-2-273online systems • 755
Rolland-Thomas, P.; Mercure, G. – Subject access in a bilingual online catalog (Lang.: eng). - In: Cat.& Classif.Quart.Vol.10.No.1-2.1989.p.141-163.

12765   1996-1218online systems • 755
Drabenstott, K.M.; Weller, M.S.. – Failure analysis of subject searches in a test of a new design for subject access to online catalogs (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci. Vol. 47, No. 7. 1996. p.519-537.

8851   online systems • math KO theory • 755;131
Figuerola, Carlos G. et al. – Documentos duplicados y casii duplicados en el Web: detección con técnicas de hashing borroso [Duplicate and near-duplicate documents in the web: detection by means of fuzzy-hash techniques] (Lang.: spa). - In: Scire: representación y organización del conocimento, 17(2011)1, pp. 49-54. Abstract in Spanish

718   1998-0095online systems • neural networks • literature reviews • 755;147;02
Bigus, J.P. – Book review of Data mining and neural networks: solving business problems from application development to decision support (Lang.: ). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science 1997(48)9,p. 862-863.

1888   2000-0164online systems • computer supported construction • 755;237
Ding, Y., Chowdhury, G., Foo, S. – Organising keywords in a web search environment : a methodology based on co-word analysis (Lang.: eng). - In: Dynamism and Stability in Knowledge Organization : Proceedings of the 6th International ISKO Conference 10-13 July 2000. - Würzburg : Ergon Verlag, 2000,p.28-34.

7453   online systems • cluster analysis • information use • 755;252;981
Wolfram, D., Wang, P., Zhang, J. – Identifying Web search patterns using cluster analysis: a comparison of three search environments (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 60(2009)5, pp. 896-910.

7454   online systems • aboutness • 755;321
HjÞrland, Birger. – The foundation of the concept of relevance (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 61(2010)2, pp. 217-237.

7933   online systems • facet analysis • 755;325
Fripp, Dominic. – Using linked data to classify web documents (Lang.: eng). - In: Aslib proceedings, 63(2010)6, pp. 585-595.

721   1998-0098online systems • automatic classification • 755;348
Bell, D.A.; Guan, J.W. – Computational methods for rough classification and discovery (Lang.: ). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science 1998(49)5,p. 403-414.

256   1997-2-0255online systems • hypermedia • 755;356
Johnson, A., Fotouhi, F. – Adaptive clustering of hypermedia documents (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Systems 21(1996)6. p.459-473.

524   1997-4-0525online systems • hypermedia • 755;356
Agosti, M., Gradenigo, G., Marchetti, P.G. – A hypertext environment for interacting with large databases (Lang.: eng). - In: Readings in information retrieval San Francisco : Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc., 1997. xv, 589 p. ISBN: 1558604545 [see 1997-4-0487] p.469-477. Orig. publ. in: Information processing and management 28(1992) p.371-387

95   1997-1-0094online systems • indexing evalutation problems • 755;391
Kwong Bor Ng, Kantor, P.B. – Two experiments on retrieval with corrupted data and clean queries in the TREC4 adhoc task environment: Data fusion and pattern scanning (Lang.: eng). - In: The fourth text retrieval conference (TREC-4) 1996, p.499-508.

928   1998-0304online systems • indexing evalutation problems • 755;391
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1367   1999-0162online systems • indexing evalutation problems • 755;391
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1607   1999-0401online systems • indexing evalutation problems • 755;391
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4623   2006-33-3-0227online systems • DDC • 755;43
Zeeman, D., Turner, G. – Resource discovery in the government of Canada using the Dewey Decimal Classification (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 42(2006)3/4, p.201-211.

720   1998-0097online systems • semantics problems • 755;721
Fabrizio, F. – On the role of logic in information retrieval (Lang.: ). - In: Information processing & Management 1998(34)1,p. 1-18.

1096   1998-0472online systems • semantics problems • 755;721
Sebastiani, F. – On the role of logic in information retrieval. : perspectives, fears, hopes (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing & Management, 34(1998)1,p.1-18.

2896   2001-0554online systems • search engines • 755;757
Liddy, E.D., Diamond, T., McKenna, M. – DR-LINK in TIPSTER (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Retrieval, 3(2000), p.291-311.

2897   2001-0555online systems • search engines • 755;757
Kwok, K.L. – Improving English and Chinese ad-hoc retrieval : a TIPSTER text phase 3 project report (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Retrieval, 3(2000), p.313-338.

3601   2004-0128online systems • multilingual IR • 755;797
Hollink, V., Kamps, J., Monz, C., De Rijke, M. – Monolingual document retrieval for European languages (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Retrieval, 7(2004)1, p.33-52.

4156   2005-32-2-0231online systems • citation indexing • 755;864
Leydesdorff, L. – Similarity measures, author cocitation analysis, and information theory (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 56(2005)7, p.769-772.

17994   online systems • citation indexing • 755;864
Vaughan, Liwen; Ninkov Anton. – A new approach to web co-link analysis (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 69(2017)6, pp. 820-831. – Available at http://doi:10.1002/asi.24000

7455   online systems • NBM indexing • social sciences • 755;87-6
Papaioannou, Diana et al. – Literature searching for social science systematic reviews: consideration of a range of search techniques (Lang.: eng). - In: Health information & libraries journal, 27(2010)2, pp.114-122.

4157   2005-32-2-0232online systems • NBM indexing problems • 755;871
Jörgensen, C., Jörgensen, P. – Image querying by image professionals (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 56(2005)12, p.1346-1359.

5135   2007-0368online systems • NBM indexing problems • 755;871
Moreiro González, J.A., Franco Álvarez, G., Garcia Martul, D. – Un vocabulario controlado para una hemerotecá: posibilidades y características de los topicsets [A controlled vocabulary for a newspaper library: possibilities and characteristics of topicsets] (Lang.: spa). - In: La interdisciplinariedad y la transdisciplinariedad en la organización del conocimiento científico [see 2007-0224], p.225-232.

419   1997-3-0419online systems • various NBM indexing • 755;879
Vaughan-Nichols, S.J. – Find it faster (Lang.: eng). - In: Internet World 8(1997)6. p.64-66.

5779   2008-0324online systems • indexing in • information sciences • 755;88-82
Sluga, M. – Google and information resources in library and information science: a comparative analysis (Lang.: slo). - In: Knjižnica, 51(2007)3-4, p.23-40.

4757   2006-33-4-0360online systems • KO metadata • 755;918
Hawking, D., Zobel, J. – Does topic metadata help with Web search? (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 58(2007)5, p.613-628.

1097   1998-0474online systems • information use • 755;981
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7456   online systems • information use • 755;981
Spink, A. et al. – Exploring young childrenñ€ℱs web searching and technoliteracy (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of documentation, 66(2010)2, pp. 191-206.

6278   2009-0398online systems • use of thesauri • special KOS • matter science • 755;985;622
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11034   1990-1-273755+694+327+872
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592   1997-4-0593KOS-based access • 756
Nishimoto, K., Sumi, Y., Mase, K. – Toward an outsider agent for supporting a brainstorming session : an information retrieval method from a different viewpoint (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge-based systems 9(1996)6. p.377-384.

1891   2000-0167KOS-based access • 756
Devadason, F.J., Patamawongjariya, P. – FAHOO : faceted alphabetico-hierarchically organized objects systems (Lang.: eng). - In: Dynamism and Stability in Knowledge Organization : Proceedings of the 6th International ISKO Conference 10-13 July 2000. - Würzburg : Ergon Verlag, 2000,p.378-384.

1892   2000-0168KOS-based access • 756
Kwasnik, B.H., Liu, X. – Classification structures in the changing environment of active commercial websites : the case of eBay.com (Lang.: eng). - In: Dynamism and Stability in Knowledge Organization : Proceedings of the 6th International ISKO Conference 10-13 July 2000. - Würzburg : Ergon Verlag, 2000,p.372-377.

1894   2000-0170KOS-based access • 756
Hiom, D. – SOSIG : providing access to Internet information (Lang.: eng). - In: LASER Link, (1998)(Autumn/Winter),p.10-11.

1896   2000-0172KOS-based access • 756
Nanfito, N. – The indexed Web : engineering tools for cataloging, storing and delivering Web based documents (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Outlook, 3(1999)2,p.18-22.

1897   2000-0173KOS-based access • 756
Martin, P., Eklund, P. – Embedding knowledge in Web documents (Lang.: eng). - In: Computer Networks, 31(1999)11/16,p.1403-1419.

2088   2000-0364KOS-based access • 756
Roe, S. – Online subject access (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Internet Cataloging, 2(1999)1,p.69-78.

2266   2000-0542KOS-based access • 756
Beeking, M. – Een andere benadering van het Web : wetenschappelijke subject directories [A different approach to the web: academic subject directories] (Lang.: dut). - In: Informatie Professional, 3(1999)9,p.32-34.

2409   2001-0067KOS-based access • 756
Blake, P. – Who will be king ... of the portals? : There is a lot of competition to be the alpha business information site (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Today, 16(1999)8,p.20-22.

2410   2001-0068KOS-based access • 756
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3255   2002-0276KOS-based access • 756
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3256   2002-0277KOS-based access • 756
Huisman, F. – Anders zoeken met een classificatie [An alternative method of searching with the aid of classification] (Lang.: dut). - In: Informatie Professional, 3(1999)10, p. 49-53.

3257   2002-0278KOS-based access • 756
Sieverts, E., Mastenbroek, O., Grygierczyk, N. – Een uniform retrieval-systeem voor de Universiteit Utrecht [A uniform retrieval system for Utrecht University] (Lang.: dut). - In: Informatie Professional, 3(1999)10.p. 34-40.

3404   2003-0079KOS-based access • 756
Zeng, M.L., Chen, Y. – Features of an integrated thesaurus management and search system for the networked environment (Lang.: eng). - In: Subject Retrieval in a Networked Environment, [see 2003-0003], p.122-128.

3791   2004-0318KOS-based access • 756
Sihvonen, A., Vakkari , P. – Subject knowledge improves interactive query expansion assisted by a thesaurus (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation, 60(2004)6, p.673-690.

3877   2004-0402KOS-based access • 756
Poo, D.C.C., Khoo, C.S.G. – Online Catalog Subject Searching (Lang.: eng). - In: Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science. - 2nd ed. / ed. by M.A. Drake. - New York : Marcel Dekker, 2003. - Vol. 3, p.2218-2228.

3991   2005-32-1-0067KOS-based access • 756
Sridhar, M.S. – Subject searching in the OPAC of a special library : problems and issues (Lang.: eng). - In: OCLC Systems and Services, 20(2004)4, p.183-191.

4492   2006-33-2-0096KOS-based access • 756
Gabel, J. – Improving information retrieval of subjects through citation-analysis : a study (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization for a Global Learning Society [see 2006-33-2-0003], p.19-25.

4493   2006-33-2-0097KOS-based access • 756
Graham, R.Y. – Subject no-hits in an academic library online catalog : an exploration of two potential ameliorations (Lang.: eng). - In: College and Research libraries, 65(2004)1, p.36-54.

4758   2006-33-4-0361KOS-based access • 756
Asadi, S., Jamali, H.R. – Shifts in search engine development : a review of past, present and future trends in research on search engines (Lang.: eng). - In: Webology, 1(2004)2. [electron.]. – Available at http://www.webology.ir/2004/v1n2/a6.html

4908   2007-0110KOS-based access • 756
Nasir Uddin, Mohammad, Mezbah-ul-Islam, Muhammad, Gausul Haque, Kazi Mostak. – Information description and discovery method using classification structures in web (Lang.: eng). - In: Malaysian Journal of Library & Information Science, 11(2006)2, p.1-20.

4909   2007-0111KOS-based access • 756
Tudhope, D., Binding, C. – Toward terminology services: experiences with a pilot web service thesaurus browser (Lang.: eng). - In: Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science & Technology; Jun/32(2006)5, p.6-9.

5136   2007-0369KOS-based access • 756
Krajnc, B. – Pomen in vloga informacijskih portalov za upravljanje znanja [The role of portals in knowledge management] (Lang.: slo). - In: Organizacija znanja, 12(2007)1. – Available at http://splet02.izum.si/cobiss-oz/news.jsp?apl=Volumes.jsp&par=2007_1

5547   2008-0090KOS-based access • 756
Ribadas, F.J., Lloves, E., Darriba, V.M. – Multiple label text categorization on a hierarchical thesaurus (Lang.: eng). - In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4739 (2007), pp.297-304.

6012   2009-0132KOS-based access • 756
Markscheffel, B., Fischer, D., Stelzer, D. – Classification of digital libraries - an e-business model-based approach (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Digital Information Management, 6(2008)1, p.71-80.

6279   2009-0399KOS-based access • 756
Gnoli, C. – Blopac semantici [Semantic blopacs] (Lang.: ita). - In: Bibliotime, 11(2008)1. – Available at http://didattica.spbo.unibo.it/bibliotime/num-xi-1/gnoli.htm

6280   2009-0400KOS-based access • 756
Visintin, G. – Liste semantiche: un saggio d'indagine sulle liste di soggetti nei cataloghi [Semantic lists: a survey essay on lists of subject headings in catalogues] (Lang.: ita). - In: Bibliotime, 10(2007)3. – Available at http://didattica.spbo.unibo.it/bibliotime/num-x-3/visintin.htm

7457   KOS-based access • 756
Neubauer, W., Piguet, A. – The Knowledge Portal, or the vision of easy access to information (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Hi-Tech, 27(2009)4, pp. 594-601.

9524   KOS-based access • 756
Julien, Charles-Antoine; Tirilly, Pierre; Leide, John E.; Gustavino, Catherine. – Using the LCSH hierarchy to browse a collection (Lang.: eng). - In: Categories, contexts and relations in knowledge organization (06.12-08-6/9).

9525   KOS-based access • 756
Maculan, Benildes Coura Moreira dos Santos; Lima, Gercina Ângela Borém de Oliveira. – Faceted taxonomy as a mechanism for browsing and accessing digital libraries of theses and dissertations: a case study (Lang.: eng). - In: Categories, contexts and relations in knowledge organization (06.12-08-6/9).

9526   KOS-based access • 756
Tirilly, Pierre; Julien, Charles-Antoine. – Random walks for subject hierarchy simplification (Lang.: eng). - In: Categories, contexts and relations in knowledge organization (06.12-08-6/9).

9527   KOS-based access • 756
Van den Heuvel, Charles. – Multidimensional classifications: past and future conceptualizations and visualizations (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization, 39(2012)6, pp. 446-460.

9666   KOS-based access • 756
Khoo, Christopher S.G.; Wang, Zhonghong; Chaudhry, Abdus Sattar. – Task-based navigation of a taxonomy interface to a digital repository (Lang.: eng). - In: Information research, 17(2012)4. – Available at http://InformationR.net/ir/17-4/paper547.html Paper presented at ISIC: the information behaviour conference, Tokyo, 4-7 September, 2012.

9667   KOS-based access • 756
Krems, Heike. – BĂƒÂŒcherschÀtze entdecken: Der historische Altbestand der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin prÀsentiert sich systematisch online [Discovering book treasures: the historical collection of the Berlin State Library is searchable online by classification] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheks-Magazin, 22(2013)8, pp. 32-37. – Available at http://www.bsb-muenchen.de/fileadmin/imageswww/pdf-dateien/bibliotheksmagazin/BM2013-1.pdf

9955   1995-0495KOS-based access • 756
Drabenstott, K.M.; Vizine-Goetz, D. – Using subject headings for online retrieval: Theory, practice, and potential (Lang.: eng). - San Diego, CA, Academic Press, 1994. – pp. XVIII,365. – ISBN: 0122215702. The book is in 13 chapters and comprises the results achieved by the two authors in their research projects on subject headings and online retrieval. A book review by R.R.Larson is included in Information Processing and Management, 31(1995)No.3, p.450-45. 1

9956   1996-1219KOS-based access • 756
Drabenstott, K.M.; Vizine-Goetz, D.. – Using subject headings for online retrieval: theory, practice, and potential (Lang.: eng). - New York, NY, Academic Press, 1994. – pp. XVIII,365. – ISBN: 0122215702. Book review by L. Franklin in Inform.Technol.& Libr. 14(1995)No.1, p.59-60 and by Larson, R.R. in Inform.Process.& Management 3(1995)No.3, p.450-451.

10596   1990-1-281KOS-based access • 756
Potz, A. – Improved GRIPS-retrieval in FSTA regarding the implementation of the thesaurus structure and the application of new commands (Lang.: eng). - In: Proc.2nd Int.Conf.Food Sci.and Technol.Inf., Berlin, 19-22 May 1987.1987.p.193-203.Frankfurt, IFIS: Int.Food, (Inform.Serv).

10665   1996-1222KOS-based access • 756
Smith, M.P.; Pollitt, A.S.. – Ranking and relevance feedback extensions to a view-based searching system (Lang.: eng). - In: Online Information 95. 19th Int.Online Inform.Meeting, London, 5-7 Dec.1995. p.231-240.Oxford, GB, Learned Inform.(Europe) Ltd., 1995.

10706   1990-1-277KOS-based access • 756
Giger, H.P. – Concept based retrieval in classical IR systems (Lang.: eng). - In: Chiaramella, Y.(Ed.); IMAG, Grenoble, FR.11th Int.Conf.on Research & Development in Inform.Retrieval, Grenoble, June 13-15, 1988.1988.p.275-289.Grenoble, FR, Presses Univ,

10743   1996-1220KOS-based access • 756
Geißelmann, F.. – Sind Änderungen an den RSWK und an der SWD im Hinblick auf die Online-Kataloge notwendig? [Are changes necessary concerning the Rules for Subject Cataloguing (RSWK) and the Standard Subject Heading File (SWD) with regard to OPACs?] (Lang.: ger). - In: Österr.Bibliothekartag 1992, Eisenstadt, 29.9.-3.10.1992. p.438-446.Wien, Austria, Vereinig.Österr.Bibliothekare, 1993.

10779   1993-0331KOS-based access • 756
Wang, Zhijing. – The impact of the online environment on authority control (Lang.: chi). - In: Bull.Libr.Sci.in ChinaVol. 18 No. 2. 1992. p.26-30.

10820   1990-2-275KOS-based access • 756
Van Beveren, Ch.J. – The MEMIC subject headings thesaurus online (Lang.: dut). - In: Open.Vol.20.No.3.1988.p.92-93.

10921   1990-0982KOS-based access • 756
Lancaster, F.W. – Book review of Chamis, A.Y.: Vocabulary control and searching strategies in online searching.New York: Greenwood Press 1991.121p (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci.Vol.44.No.2.1993.p.121.

10922   1990-0983KOS-based access • 756
Harrison, L.D. – Implementing the MALIMET Thesaurus on TRIP/TDBS (Lang.: eng). - In: Inform.Serv.& Use.Vol.12.1992.p.327-343.

11037   1990-1-276KOS-based access • 756
Boyce, B.R.; McLain, J.P. – Entry point depth and online search using a controlled vocabulary (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci.Vol.40.No.4.1989.p.273-276.

11038   1990-1-278KOS-based access • 756
McMath, C.F.; Tamaru, R.D., Rada, R. – A graphical thesaurus-based information retrieval system (Lang.: eng). - In: Int.J.Man-Machine Studies.Vol.31.No.2.1989.p.121-147.

11039   1990-1-280KOS-based access • 756
Peniston, S. – Online thesauri and classification schemes (Lang.: eng). - In: Its News.Vol.16.p.44-49.

11281   1990-2-274KOS-based access • 756
Boyce,B.R.; MacLain, J.P. – Entry point depth and online search using a controlled vocabulary (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci.Vol.40.No.4.1989.p.273-276.

11282   1990-2-276KOS-based access • 756
Williamson, N. – The role of classification in online systems (Lang.: eng). - In: Cat.& Classif.Quart.Vol.10.No.1-2.1989.p.95-104.

11417   1993-0328KOS-based access • 756
Kinsella, J.. – Classification and the OPAC (Lang.: eng). - In: Cat.& Index No. 105/6. 1992. p.1, 3-10.

11418   1993-0329KOS-based access • 756
Fidel, R.. – Who need controlled vocabulary? (Lang.: eng). - In: Spec.Libr.Vol. 83 No. 1. 1992. p.1-9.

11681   1993-0982KOS-based access • 756
Lancaster, F.W.. – Book review of Chamis, A.Y.: Vocabulary control and searching strategies in online searching. New York: Greenwood Press 1991. 121p. (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci.. Vol. 44. No. 2. p.121.

11682   1993-0983KOS-based access • 756
Harrison, L.D.. – Implementing the MALIMET Thesaurus on TRIP/TDBS (Lang.: eng). - In: Inform.Serv.& Use. Vol. 12. p.327-343.

11857   1994-1024KOS-based access • 756
Craven, C.. – A thesaurus for use in a computer-aided abstracting tool kit (Lang.: eng). - In: Proc.56th Ann.Meeting Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci., Columbus, OH, 24-28 Oct.1993. - Medford, NJ: Learned Inform.,1993. p.178-184.

11859   1994-1027KOS-based access • 756
Voorhees, E.M.; Yuan-Wang Hou. – Vector expansion in a large collection (Lang.: eng). - In: TREC-1: Text Retrieval Conference, Gaithersburg, USA, Nov.4, 1992. - (NIST Special Publ.No.500207). p.343-351. Retrieval results indicate that the particular statistical expansion technique used here, improved the performance of some queries but degraded the performance of others, depending on the choice of concepts that were expanded and the confounding effects expansion had on concept weights.

11860   1994-1028KOS-based access • 756
Järvelin, K.; Niemi, T.. – Deductive information retrieval based on classifications (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science. (441993)10,p.557-578.

11862   1994-1033KOS-based access • 756
Spink, A.; Saracevic, T.. – Dynamics of search term selection during mediated online searching (Lang.: eng). - In: Proc.56th Ann.Meeting, Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci., Columbus, OH, 24-28 Oct.1993. - Medford, NJ: Learned Inform., 1993. p.63-72.

12092   1995-0494KOS-based access • 756
Chowdhury, G.G.; Neelameghan, A., Chowdhury, S. – VOCON: Vocabulary control online in MicroISIS databases (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 22. No. 1. 1995. p.18-22.

12093   1995-0496KOS-based access • 756
Micco, M.; Popp, R. – Improving Library Subject Access (ILSA). A theory of clustering based in classification (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Hi Tech. Vol. 12. No. 1. 1994. p.55-66.

12307   1995-0865KOS-based access • 756
Chen, H.; Ng, T. – An algorithmic approach to concept exploration in a large knowledge network (automatic thesaurus consultation): Symbolic branch-and-bound search versus connectionist Hopfield Net Activation (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci. Vol. 46. No. 5. 1995. p.348-369.

12308   1995-0866KOS-based access • 756
Jeng, L.H. – Book review of Drabenstott, K.M., Vizine-Goetz, D.: Using subject headings for online retrieval: theory, practice, and potential. San Diego: Academic Press 1994. 365p (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci. Vol. 46. No. 5. 1995. p.396.

12309   1995-0867KOS-based access • 756
Franklin, L. – Book review of Drabenstott, K.M., Vizine-Goetz, D.: Using subject headings for online retrieval: theory, practice, and potential. San Diego: Academic Press 1994. 365p (Lang.: eng). - In: Inform.Technol.& Libraries. Vol. 14. No. 1. 1995. p.59-60.

12310   1995-0869KOS-based access • 756
Jones, S. et al. – Interactive thesaurus navigation: Intelligence rules ok? (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci. Vol. 46. No. 1. 1995. p.52-59. Discussion whether it is feasible to build intelligent rule- or weight-based algorithms into general-purpose software for interactive thesaurus navigation. Approaches to the problem in the literature were surveyed, particularly those involving the assign. ment of 'link weights' in a thesaurus network. Further investigations resulted in questioning many of the assumptions made by previous researchers in this area. (Authors, abbr.)

12460   1996-0268KOS-based access • 756
Kniesner, D.L.; Willman, C.. – But is it an online shelflist? Classification access in eight OPACs (Lang.: eng). - In: Cat.& Classif. Quart. Vol. 20, No. 4. 1995. p.5-21. As librarians increasingly try to use their online catalogs to do what used to be done with their card shelflists, they are realizing that some catalog designers and vendors have not paid enough attention to online shelf-order classification access. Thisarticle compares the call number searching abilities of eight prominent, mature library systems: VTLS, Inlex, Innovative Interfaces, Inc., Data research associates (DRA), Geac Advance, Dynix, SIRSI, and NOTIS. Using five criteria that are important tocatalogers, the authors tested and rated each system for its suitability as an online shelflist.

12461   1996-0269KOS-based access • 756
Lambert, N.. – Of thesauri and computers: reflections on the need for thesauri (Lang.: eng). - In: Searcher. Vol. 3, No. 8. 1995. p.18-22. Indexed databases now include their thesauri and/or coding in their bibliographic files, searchable at the databases' online connect rates. The paper assesses the searchability of these on the different hosts. Also, thesauri and classifications are beingoffered as diskette or CD-ROM products. A number of these are described.

12766   1996-1221KOS-based access • 756
Huang, M-H.. – Developing an ideal online thesaurus display format [ch?] (Lang.: eng). - In: Bull.Libr.Assoc.of China, No. 53. 1994. p.125-136.

12874   1990-0981KOS-based access • 756
Cattenat, A.; Paul, G. – Thesaurus ou reseaux semantiques pour l aide a l interrogation de bases de donnees textuelles par l utilisateur final [Thesaurus or semantic networks for guiding search in textual databases by the end user] (Lang.: fre). - In: I.D.T., Inform., Doc., Transfert des Connaissances, Paris, June22, 1993.p.138-142.

12954   1993-0981KOS-based access • 756
Cattenat, A.; Paul, G.. – Thésaurus ou réseaux sémantiques pour l aide ナ l interrogation de bases de données textuelles par l utilisateur final [Thesaurus or semantic networks for guiding search in textual databases by the end user] (Lang.: fre). - In: I.D.T., Inform., Doc., Transfert des Connaissances, Paris, June22, 1993. p.138-142.

13071   1990-1-279KOS-based access • 756
Meiss, B. – Der moderne Online-Thesaurus - ein 'Schatz' in der Datenbank [The modern online thesaurus - a treasure in the databasek] (Lang.: ger). - In: ABI-Technik.Vol.9.No.3.1989.p.199-205.

13200   1994-1025KOS-based access • 756
Dikovich, W.; Labner, J.; Schmidt, A.. – Schlagwortketten-Recherche für den BIBOS-OPAC. Bericht über einen weiteren Versuch zur Unterstützung der BIBOS-Komponente Sacherschließung im Rahmen des ÖSWD-Projektes [Subject string retrieval for the BIBOS-OPAC. Report on a further attempt to support the BIBOS-component subject-analysis in the frame of the ÖSWD-Project] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitt.d.VÖB. (1993)2,p.23-32.

13201   1994-1032KOS-based access • 756
Schulz, Ursula. – Einige Anforderungen an die Qualität von Normdateien aus der Sicht der inhaltlichen Erschließung für Online-Kataloge. Some requirements concerning quality of standards subject files seen under the aspect of subject indexing (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst. 27(1993)8,p.1160-1180.

13247   1995-0493KOS-based access • 756
Bisig, U. – OPAC und verbale Sacherschließung. Ein Beitrag zur RSWK-Diskussion [OPAC and verbal subject analysis. A contribution to the RSWK discussion] (Lang.: ger). - In: ABI-Technik. Vol. 14. No. 2. 1994. p.117-130.

13248   1995-0498KOS-based access • 756
Stumpf, G. – RSWK und Online-Katalog [The Rules for Subject Cataloguing (RSWK) and the online catalogue] (Lang.: ger). - In: ABI.-Technik. Vol. 13. No. 4. 1993. p.325-.

13272   1995-0868KOS-based access • 756
Gödert, W. – Import der Schlagwortnormdatei und Darstellung von Schlagwortbeziehungen in bibliographischen Datenbanken [Import and local mounting of the German subject authority file (SWD) and representation of semantic relationships in bibliographic databases] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliothek. Vol. 19. No. 2. 1995. p.207-216. The SWD, a controlled vocabulary of universal scope is offered in machine readable form but without any retrieval software. In a first part it is demonstrated how this data could be imported and mounted as a local database by using the billiographic soft. ware packages 'BISMAS' and 'Allegro'. A second part contains some general considerations on using such a database for local terminological control or in cooperation with other partners. In a third part it is discussed ow 'see' and 'see also' references a. re integrated into the retrieval context of the CD-ROM versions of the 'Deutsche Nationalbibliographie' and 'CDMARC bibliographic' resp. 'CDMARC Subjects'. (Author)

13292   1996-0270KOS-based access • 756
Weidemüller, H.U.. – Schlagwortketten im OPAC [Chains of subject headings in the OPAC] (Lang.: ger). - In: Dialog mit Bibliotheken. Vol. 8, No. 1. 1996. p. 28-38. The authors explains the different forms of subject heading chains and shows that they may be usefully applied in the OPAC.

13334   1994-1030KOS-based access • 756
Negelsmeier-Linke,M.. – Vom Spatz in der Hand und der Taube auf dem Dach [On the sparrow in your hand and the pigeon on the roof] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibl.Aktuell. (1993)63,p.7-10. Pleads for the application of the RSWK for verbal subject analysis in a network for online-catalogues.

13447   1995-0499KOS-based access • 756
Tanaka, Y. – Development of classified searching for 'NDC MRDF 8': trial of Ritsumeikan University's Search System RUNNERS (Lang.: jap). - In: Toshokan Zasshi/Libr.J. Vol. 88. No. 12. 1994. p.981-4. . . See also 0370, 0429, 0495, 0454, 0489

13502   1995-0871KOS-based access • 756
Niculescu, M. – Accesul la informatie prin fisierul tematic [The access to information by the subject file] (Lang.: rom). - In: Probl.Inform.si Doc. Vol. 26. No. 4. 1992. p.205-18. Although the transfer of author and title indexes from card to computer can be made without special difficulties, the transfer of subject indexes and the provision of efficient subject retrieval raise problems needing the skills of a trained and competen. t librarian. (Author)

13870   1993-0016KOS-based access • 756
Lischewsky-Weiser,B.. – Die Systematik im OPAC (Lang.: ). -

15436   KOS-based access • 756
O'Neill, Edward T.; Bennett, Rick; Kammerer, Kerre. – Using authorities to improve subject searches (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and classification quarterly, 52(2014)1, pp. 6-19.

15831   KOS-based access • 756
Materska, Katarzyna. – Faceted navigation in search and discovery tools (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization in the 21st century, pp. 405-412 (06.14-05-19/22).

15832   KOS-based access • 756
Onu, Emmanuel Ikenna. – Proposal of a tool to enhance competitive intelligence on the Web : CI Web Snooper (Lang.: eng). - In: Contextes, langues et cultures dans lñ€ℱorganisation des Connaissances, pp. 108-127 (06.13-10-10/11)..

18354   KOS-based access • 756
Hider, Philip. – The Retrieval power added by subject indexing to bibliographic databases (Lang.: eng). - In: Advances in Knowledge Organization, 16(2018), pp. 426-431.

11858   1994-1026756, 227
Harter, S.P.. – Colinked descriptors: an application of bibliometrics to interface design (Lang.: eng). - In: Proc.56th Ann.Meeting Amer.Soc.Inform.Sci., Columbus, OH, 24-28 Oct.1993. - Medford, NJ: Learned Inform.,1993. p.131-134.

11861   1994-1029756, 43
Micco, M.; Popp, R.. – Improving Library Subject Access (ILSA). A theory of clustering based in classification (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Hi Tech. 12(1994)1,p.55-66. The ILSA prototype was developed, using an object-oriented multimedia user interface on six NeXT workstations with two databases: the first with 100,000 MARC records and the second with 20,000 additional records enhanced with table of contents data. The items are grouped into clusters consisting of the classification number (Dewey) and the first subject heading assigned. (Authors, abbr.)

10795   1996-1223756, 43, 44, 448
Tsay, M.-Y.. – Subject access in an online catalog (Lang.: chi). - In: J.Educ.Media & Libr.Sci.(China. Vol. 33, No. 1. 1995. p.53-67.

12311   1995-0870756, 485
Mowery, R.L. – Spanish subject headings in ILLINET online (Lang.: eng). - In: Illinois Libraries. Vol. 77. No. 1. 1995. p.32-4. Although Spanish language Bilinde subject headings have been available for more than a decade, they seem to have been ignored in the library literature. A brief introduction is provided to these headings and problems and prospects associated with their u. se are surveyed

10923   1990-0984systems theory • 756, 651/4
Jachna, J.S.; Powsner, S.M., Miller, P.L. – Augmenting GRATEFUL MED with the UMLS Metathesaurus: an initial evaluation (Lang.: eng). - In: Bull.Med.Libr.Assoc.Vol.81.No.1.1993.p.20-28.

11683   1993-0984systems theory • 756, 651/4
Jachna, J.S.; Powsner, S.M., Miller, P.L.. – Augmenting GRATEFUL MED with the UMLS Metathesaurus: an initial evaluation (Lang.: eng). - In: Bull.Med.Libr.Assoc.. Vol. 81. No. 1. p.20-28.

11863   1994-1034systems theory • 756, 651/4
Weintraub, T.S.. – The dual-thesaurus catalog: MeSH and LCSH (Lang.: eng). - In: Technicalities. 12(1992)12,p.10-12. Discussion of some of the logistics and issues involved in the maintenance of a dual thesaurus online catalogue which includes MeSH and LCSH terms.

11419   1993-0330systems theory • 756, 758-51/4
Jachna, J.S.; Powsner, S.M., Miller, P.L.. – Augmenting GRATEFUL MED with the UMLS Metathesaurus: an initial evaluation (Lang.: eng). - In: Bull.Med.Libr.Assoc.Vol. 81 No. 1. 1993. p.20-28.

10920   1990-0980756, 759
Allen, B. – Improved browsable displays: an experimental test (Lang.: eng). - In: Inform.Technol.Vol.12.No.2.1993.p.203-208. It was found that a hierarchical presentation of headings reduced the amount of scanning required by more than 50%

11680   1993-0980756, 759
Allen, B.. – Improved browsable displays: an experimental test (Lang.: eng). - In: Inform.Technol.. Vol. 12. No. 2. p.203-208. It was found that a hierarchical presentation of headings reduced the amount of scanning required by more than 50%.

12312   1995-0872756, 847
Tibbo, H.R. – The epic struggle: subject retireval from large bibliographic databases (Lang.: eng). - In: Amer.Archivist. Vol. 57. No. 2. 1994. p.310-26. Discussion of a retrieval study that focused on collection level archival records in the OCLC Online Union Catalog, made accessible through the EPIC online search system... The chief objective was to explore the retrieval environments in which a random. sample of USMARC AMC records produced at UNC-CH were found, specifically to obtain a picture of the density of these databases in regard to each subject heading applied and, more generally, for each record. Results indicated the need for specificity in i. ndexing. (Author, abbr.)

12094   1995-0497756, 88-672
Scammell, A. – Use of the CAIRS' thesaurus facility at the Council of Mortgage lenders (Lang.: eng). - In: Managing Information. Vol. 1. No. 2. 1994. p.35-37.

3258   2002-0279KOS-based access • reviews in special KO fields • 756;026
Hjørland, B., Kyllesbech Nielsen, L. – Subject access points in electronic retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, 35(2001), p. 249-298.

4158   2005-32-2-0233KOS-based access • hierarchy • 756;224
Lee, H.L., Olson, H.A. – Hierarchical navigation : an exploration of Yahoo! directories (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 32(2005)1, p.10-24.

4494   2006-33-2-0098KOS-based access • hierarchy • 756;224
Lee, H.L. – Navigating hierarchies vs. searching by keyword : two cultural perspectives (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization for a Global Learning Society [see 2006-33-2-0003], p.233-239.

3602   2004-0129KOS-based access • facets • 756;225
Slavic, A., Cordeiro, M.I. – Core requirements for automation of analytico-synthetic classifications (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization and the Global Information Society. Proceedings of the 8th International ISKO Conference [see 2004-0004], 187-192.

1890   2000-0166KOS-based access • indexing principles • 756;311
Clarke, S.G.D. – Thesauri, topics and other structures in knowledge management software (Lang.: eng). - In: Dynamism and Stability in Knowledge Organization : Proceedings of the 6th International ISKO Conference 10-13 July 2000. - Würzburg : Ergon Verlag, 2000,p.41-47. »» On the types of knowledge structure in the Verity search engine

1898   2000-0174KOS-based access • automatic classification • 756;348
McKenna, B., Neil, M. – Verity's points of view (Lang.: eng). - In: Information World Review, (1999)148,p.25-26. »» On the Knowledge Organizer of Verity

15242   KOS-based access • mark-up languages • 756;357
Eito Brun, Ricardo. – Integración de estÃ¥ndares semÃ¥nticos y descriptivos vía SRU: acceso a thesauri distribuidos en la Red [Technical interoperability between semantic and descriptive standards: working with distributed thesauri through the Web] (Lang.: spa). - In: 20 Años del Capítulo Español de ISKO ( pp. 499-510.

1889   2000-0165KOS-based access • universal systems trends • 756;419
Hudon, M. – Innovation and tradition in knowledge organization schemes on the Internet, or, Finding one's way in the virtual library (Lang.: eng). - In: Dynamism and Stability in Knowledge Organization : Proceedings of the 6th International ISKO Conference 10-13 July 2000. - Würzburg : Ergon Verlag, 2000,p.35-40.

1893   2000-0169KOS-based access • DDC • 756;43
Ardö, A., Godby, J., Houghton, A., Koch, T., Reighart, R., Thompson, R., Vizine-Goetz, D. – Browsing engineering resources on the Web : a general knowledge organization scheme (Dewey)vs. a special scheme (EI) (Lang.: eng). - In: Dynamism and Stability in Knowledge Organization : Proceedings of the 6th International ISKO Conference 10-13 July 2000. - Würzburg : Ergon Verlag, 2000,p.385-390.

3992   2005-32-1-0068KOS-based access • KOS for libraries • 756;485
Hubrich, J. – Die Schlagwortrecherche in deutschsprachigen OPACS : Typen der Schlagwortsuche und der Einsatz von der Schlagwortnormdatei (SWD) dargelegt unter Rückgriff auf eine empirische Untersuchung [Searching with subject headings in german-language OPACs: types of searches and the use of the (German) Standard Subject File (SWD) described using the results of an empirical study] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 39(2005)5, p.626-653.

6281   2009-0401KOS-based access • special KOS • sociology • 756;661
Cacelli, E., Dal Porto, S. – Studi di genere e pari opportunità: uno scavo bibliografico nel catalogo unico dell'Università di Pisa [Gender studies and equal opportunities: a bibliographic excavation on the union catalogue of the University of Pisa] (Lang.: ita). - In: Biblioteche oggi, 26(2008)8, pp. 64-78.

6282   2009-0402KOS-based access • special KOS • sociology • 756;661
Cacelli, E., Dal Porto, S., Longoni, E. – Repertorio bibliografico su studi di genere e pari opportunità: il catalogo dell'Università di Pisa [Bibliography on gender studies and equal opportunities: the University of Pisa catalogue] (Lang.: ita). - In: Quaderno del Comitato Pari opportunità Università di Pisa, (2008)3. Pisa: SEU, 2008. – Available at http://eprints.rclis.org/archive/13043/

3259   2002-0280KOS-based access • OPAC • 756;752.2
Shiri, A.A., Revie, C., Chowdhury, G. – Thesaurus-assisted search term slection and query expansion : a review of user-centred studies (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 29(2002)1, p. 1-19.

4759   2006-33-4-0362KOS-based access • online systems • 756;755
Yu, H., Young, M. – The impact of Web search engines on subject searching in OPAC (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Technology and Libraries, 23(2004)4, p.168-180.

1895   2000-0171KOS-based access • indexing problems • 756;811
Walker, D. – AusSI Web indexing price 1998 (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 21(1999)3,p.108-110.

4760   2006-33-4-0363KOS-based access • indexing problems • 756;811
East, J.W. – Subject retrieval of scholarly monographs via electronic databases (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation, 62(2006)5, p.597-605.

4761   2006-33-4-0364KOS-based access • citation indexing • 756;864
Gabel, J. – Improving information retrieval of subjects through citation-analysis (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 33(2006)2, p.86-95.

12462   1996-0271756.179
Milstead, J.L.. – Invisible thesauri. The year 2000 (Lang.: eng). - In: Online & CD-ROM Review. Vol. 19, No. 2. 1995. p.93-94. The author predicts that thesauri will still be in use in the year 2000 and electronic versions will be quite common, however, rather in an invisible way for the user.

13143   1993-0332756.225
Gヤdert, W.. – Facettenklassifikationen im Online-Retrieval [The use of faceted classification systems for online retrieval] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliothek. Forsch.& PraxisVol. 16 No. 3. 1992. p.382-395.

11420   1993-0333756.47
Lavryonova, O.A.. – Thematical search in the automated library system on the basis of the Library Bibliographical Classification (LBC) with subject entry (Lang.: eng). - In: IFLA General Conference, Moscow, Aug.18-24, 1991Vol. 1. 1991. p.4.31-36.

96   1997-1-0095search engines • 757
Galindo,F., Lasala, P. – Metodologia para el desarrollo de sistemas juridicos de inteligencia artificial: el prototipo ARPO-2 como ejemplo [Methodology for developing juridical expert systems : the example of the ARPO-2 prototype] (Lang.: spa). - In: Scire Vol.1, No.2 1995, p. 73-103. A prototype expert system in the field of legal information retrieval

97   1997-1-0096search engines • 757
Aguado, P.M. – Los sistemas expertos y la recuperacion documental: ejemplos de apilcacion [Expert systems and information retrieval : examples of appilcations] (Lang.: spa). - In: Scire Vol.1, No.2 1995, p. 21-32.

518   1997-4-0519search engines • 757
Fox, E.A., France, R.K. – Architecture of an expert system for composite analysis, representation, and retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Readings in information retrieval San Francisco : Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc., 1997. xv, 589 p. ISBN: 1558604545 [see 1997-4-0487] p.400-412. Orig. publ. in: Journal of approximate reasoning 1(1987) p.151-175

593   1997-4-0594search engines • 757
Furner, J. – IR on the Web : an overview (Lang.: eng). - In: Vine (1996)104. p.3-13.

723   1998-0100search engines • 757
Chetverikov, O. – Integrating expert systems and multimedia: a detailed analysis (Lang.: ). - In: Telematics and Informatics 1997(14)3,p. 257-272.

724   1998-0101search engines • 757
Locke, C. – Intelligent agents create dumb users (?) (Lang.: ). - In: Online and CD-ROM Review 1997(21)6,p. 369-372.

725   1998-0102search engines • 757
Blakeman, K. – Intelligent agents: search tools of the future (Lang.: ). - In: Business Information Searcher 1997(14)3,p. 16-18.

929   1998-0305search engines • 757
Collins, S. – Find it! : Part 1 (Lang.: eng). - In: net, (1998)43,p.80-84.

930   1998-0306search engines • 757
Collins, S. – Find it! : Part 2 (Lang.: eng). - In: net, (1998)44,p.80-84.

931   1998-0307search engines • 757
Iivonen, M., Sonnenwald, D.H. – Navigointi hakutermeja valittaessa [Navigation in the selection of Search terms] (Lang.: fin). - In: Informaatiotutkimus, 16(1997)2,p.35-47.

932   1998-0308search engines • 757
Burke, R.D., Hammond, K.J., Young, B.C. T. – he FindMe approach to assisted browsing (Lang.: eng). - In: IEEE Expert, 12(1997)4,p.32-40.

933   1998-0309search engines • 757
Trybula, W.J. – Data mining and knowledge discovery (Lang.: eng). - In: Annual Review of Information Science and Technology. Volume 32 / ed. by M.E. Williams. Medford: Information Today Inc. for American Society for Information Science, 1998, p.197-229. Review article

1098   1998-0475search engines • 757
Xie, M., Wang, H., Goh, T.N. – Quality dimensions of Internet search engines (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Information Science, 24(1998)5,p.365-372.

1099   1998-0475search engines • 757
Lu, A., Ayoub, M., Dong, J. – Ad hoc experiments using EUREKA (Lang.: eng). - In: The fifth text retrieval conference (TREC-5), (1997)p.229-239.

1100   1998-0476search engines • 757
Milic-Frayling, N., Tong, X., Zhai, C., Evans, D.A. – CLARIT compound queries and constraint-controlled feedback in TREC-5 ad-hoc experiments (Lang.: eng). - In: The fifth text retrieval conference (TREC-5), (1997)p.315-334.

1101   1998-0477search engines • 757
Tong, X., Zhai, C., Milic-Frayling, N., Evans, D.A. – Experiments on Chinese text indexing : CLARIT TREC-5 Chinese track report (Lang.: eng). - In: The fifth text retrieval conference (TREC-5), (1997)p.335-339.

1102   1998-0478search engines • 757
Tong, X., Zhai, C., Milic-Frayling, N., Evans, D.A. – OCR correction and query expansion for retrieval on OCR data : CLARIT TREC-5 confusion track report (Lang.: eng). - In: The fifth text retrieval conference (TREC-5), (1997)p.341-345.

1103   1998-0479search engines • 757
Rowley, J. – The changing face of current awareness services (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of librarianship and information science 30(1998)3, p.127-183.

1104   1998-0480search engines • 757
Tammaro, A.M. – Con CASIAS, la ricerca diventa efficace [CASIAS makes research more effective] (Lang.: ita). - In: Biblioteche Oggi, 15(1997)7,p.62-65.

1105   1998-0481search engines • 757
Gehringer, C.W. – Information Quest (Lang.: eng). - In: Business Information Alert, 9(1997)10,p.6-7.

1106   1998-0482search engines • 757
McDermott, E.W. – Searchers on the beachhead : the Internet Librarian Conference at Monterey (Lang.: eng). - In: Searcher, 6(1998)2,p.62-68.

1107   1998-0483search engines • 757
O'Leary, M. – Electric Library keeps its edge : research service offers a new look and search enhancements (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Today, 15(1998)3,p.13-14.

1108   1998-0484search engines • 757
Morgan, E.L. – Creating user-friendly electronic information systems (Lang.: eng). - In: Computers in Libraries, 17(Sep)8,p.31-33.

1109   1998-0485search engines • 757
Trench, S. – Dissemination of information (Lang.: eng). - In: Handbook of Special Librarianship and Information Work. - 7th. ed. /ed. by A. Scammel. - London: Aslib, 1997. - xviii, 478 p. - ISBN 0-85142-398-1, .285-302.

1110   1998-0486search engines • 757
Collins, S. – Found it! (At last): Part 3 (Lang.: eng). - In: net, (1998)45,p.62-67.

1368   1999-0163search engines • 757
Hart, P.E., Graham, J. – Query-free information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: IEEE Expert , 12(1997)5,p.32-37.

1369   1999-0164search engines • 757
Ambite, J.L., Knoblock, C.A. – Agents for information gathering (Lang.: eng). - In: IEEE Expert , 12(1997)5,p.2-4.

1370   1999-0165search engines • 757
Bicchieri, C. [et al.]. – The potential for the evolution of co-operation among web agents (Lang.: eng). - In: International Joirnal of Human-Computer Studies , 48(1998)1,p.9-29.

1371   1999-0166search engines • 757
Cawkell, T. – Could a search agent solve the information overload problem? (Lang.: eng). - In: IT Link , 10(1997)10,p.3-5.

1372   1999-0167search engines • 757
Van der Laan, H. – Nieuwe Nederlandse Web-Woelers [New Web search engines in the Netherlands] (Lang.: dut). - In: Informatie Professional , 2(1998)3,p.34-35.

1373   1999-0168search engines • 757
Schmid, J. – Data mining - wie finde ich in Datensammlungen entscheidungsrelevante Muster? [Data mining - how can I find patterns of decision relevant data in data bases?] (Lang.: ger). - In: Arbido , (1999)5,p.11-13.

1374   1999-0169search engines • 757
Marie, H. – Pratiques et réprésentations des nouveaux medias : Les étudiants et les outils de recherche documentaire informatisée [Practices for new media and how they are percieved: students and computerized information searching tools] (Lang.: fre). - In: Documentaliste , 36(1999)1,p.43-49.

1375   1999-0170search engines • 757
Wagner, E. – Multidisciplinary searching for comprehensive retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Georgina Library Quarterly , 35(1998)1,p.4-10.

1376   1999-0171search engines • 757
Green, D. – Search insider (Lang.: eng). - In: Information World Review , (1999)146,p.19-20.

1377   1999-0172search engines • 757
Fluhr, C. – Lexical knowledge and general oublic online search (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Studies , 4(1998)4,p.208-211. * Paper presented to the 5th International Conference of the International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO), Lille (France), Aug. 1998

1378   1999-0173search engines • 757
Merayo, G.A.P. – Aranas o buscadores navegando en la red [Spiders or search engines navigating the net] (Lang.: spa). - In: Revista AIBDA , 19(1998)2,p.179-183. »» Are search engines the intermediaries of the future?

1379   1999-0174search engines • 757
Veltman, S. – Search engines (Lang.: eng). - In: Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science , (1999)64,p.218-243. »» Review article

1380   1999-0175search engines • 757
Petras, V., Bank, M. – Vergleich der Suchmaschinen : Alta Vista und HotBot bezuglich Treffermengen und Aktualität [Comparison of search engines: Alta Vista and HotBot related to their hit rate and freshness] (Lang.: ger). - In: nfd Information: Wissenschaft und Praxis.

1381   1999-0176search engines • 757
Stanley, T. – To meta-search or not to meta-search? (Lang.: eng). - In: Assignation , 16(1999)2,p.8-10. »» Advantages of and rules for the use of meta-search engines

1382   1999-0177search engines • 757
Knowles, C. – Intelligent agent development in knowledge management and information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Business Information Review , 16(1999)1,p.44-50.

1383   1999-0178search engines • 757
Howlett, D. – Digging deep for treasure (Lang.: eng). - In: PC Week , (1998 ) (10 Mar),p.45-46. »» Data mining

1384   1999-0179search engines • 757
O'Leary, M. – Northern Light bridges two worlds : innovative search service expands possibilities for ordinary possibilities for ordinary Web users (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Today 15(1998)4,p.15-16,18.

1385   1999-0180search engines • 757
Fluhr, C. – Lexical knowledge and general public online search (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization , 25(1998)4,p.154-158.

1386   1999-0181search engines • 757
Kantor, P.B., Voorhees, E. – Report on the TREC-5 confusion track (Lang.: eng). - In: The fifth text retrieval conference (TREC-5), (1997),p.65-74.

1608   1999-0402search engines • 757
Lawrence, S., Giles, C.L. – Searching the World Wide Web (Lang.: eng). - In: Science, 280(1998)5360, p.98-100.

1609   1999-0403search engines • 757
Lam, W.I., Harizan, A., Puah, B.N. – Chinese search engine : an introduction (Lang.: chi). - In: Bulletin of the Library Association of China, (1998)61, p.127-133.

1610   1999-0404search engines • 757
Tseng, Y.H., Lin, Y.I. – Evaluation of fuzzy search, term suggestion, and term relevance feedback in an OPAC system (Lang.: chi). - In: Bulletin of the Library Association of China, (1998)61, p.103-125.

1611   1999-0405search engines • 757
Cole, C. – Intelligent information retrieval : diagnosing information need. Part I. The theoretical framework for developing an intelligent IR tool (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing & Management, 34(1998)6, p.709-720.

1612   1999-0406search engines • 757
Cole, C., Cantero, P., Sauve, D. – Intelligent information retrieval : diagnosing information need. Part II. Uncertainty expansion in a prototype of a diagnostic IR tool (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing & Management, 34(1998)6, p.721-737.

1613   1999-0407search engines • 757
Arampatzis, A.T., et al. – Phase-based information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing & Management, 34(1998)6, p.693-707.

1614   1999-0408search engines • 757
Bojar, B., Babik, W. – Metoda ciagow definicyjnych : oliwosci jej wykorzystania w systemach informacyjno-wyszukiwawczych [The method of definition sequences: prospects of its implementation in information retrieval systems] (Lang.: pol). - In: Zagadnienia Informacji Naukowej, (1998)1,.3-22.

1615   1999-0409search engines • 757
Egghe, L., Rousseau, R. – Topological aspects of information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 49(1998)13, p.1144-1160.

1616   1999-0410search engines • 757
Bollmann-Sdorra, P., Raghavan, V.V. – On the necessity of term dependence in a query space for weighted retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 49(1998)13, p.1161-1168.

1617   1999-0411search engines • 757
Januszewska, M. – Systemy hipertekstowe : rys historyczny [Hypertext systems: the historical outline] (Lang.: pol). - In: Zagadnienia Informacji Naukowej, (1998)1,.85-100.

1900   2000-0176search engines • 757
Cortez, E.M. – Planning and implementing a high performance knowledge base (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge: creation, organization and use: proceedings of the 62th annual meeting of the American Society for Information Science, Washington, DC, Oct.31-Nov.4,1999, p.161-171.

1902   2000-0178search engines • 757
Sieverts, E. – Ask Jeeves - Je kunt hem alles, maar of hij je altijd begrijpt [Ask Jeeves - You can ask him everything, but if he always understands you …] (Lang.: dut). - In: Informatie Professional, 4(2000)7/8,p.38-40.

1905   2000-0181search engines • 757
Van der Walt, M. – South African search engines, directories and portals : a survey and evaluation (Lang.: eng). - In: Dynamism and Stability in Knowledge Organization : Proceedings of the 6th International ISKO Conference 10-13 July 2000. - Würzburg : Ergon Verlag, 2000,p.182-188.

1908   2000-0184search engines • 757
Green, D. – The evolution of web searching (Lang.: eng). - In: Online Information 99: 23rd International Online Information Meeting Proceedings, London 7 - Hinksey Hill: Learned Information Europa Ltd,. 1999, 251-258.

1910   2000-0186search engines • 757
Knowledge discovery in bibliographic databases / issue editors: J. Qin, M.J. Norton (Lang.: eng). - In: Library trends, 48(1999)1,p.1-283. * Special issue. Introduction on page 1 -8. For a selection of the articles see 2000-[0122, 0123, 0125, 0148, 0187-0191, 0240, 0252, 0261]

1911   2000-0187search engines • 757
Norton, M.J. – Knowledge discovery in databases (Lang.: eng). - In: Library trends, 48(1999)1,p.9-21.

1912   2000-0188search engines • 757
Swanson, D.R., Smalheiser, N.R. – Implicit text linkages between Medline Records : using Arrowsnmith as an aid to scientific discovery (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Trends, 48(1999)1,p.48-59.

1913   2000-0189search engines • 757
Cory, K.A. – Discovering hidden analogies in an online humanities database (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Trends, 48(1999)1,p.60-71.

1914   2000-0190search engines • 757
Qin, J. – Discovering semantic patterns in bibliographically coupled documents (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Trends, 48(1999)1,p.109-132.

1915   2000-0191search engines • 757
Chowdhury, G.C. – Template mining for information extraction from digital documents (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Trends, 48(1999)1,p.182-208.

1916   2000-0192search engines • 757
Sieverts, E. – Wie weet wat Alexa doet? [Who knows what Alexa can do?] (Lang.: dut). - In: Informatie Professional, 3(1999)4,p.32-33. »» Alexa is a free program that monitors searches to create user profiles

1917   2000-0193search engines • 757
Neelameghan, A. – Indexing and search engines on the Web (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Studies, 5(1999)1,p.1-6.

1918   2000-0194search engines • 757
Bradley, P. – Intelligent agents on the Web (Lang.: eng). - In: Managing Information, 6(1999)1,p.35-39, 41.

1919   2000-0195search engines • 757
Vaughan, J. – Considerations in the choice of an Internet search tool (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Hi Tech, 17(1999)1,p.89-106.

1920   2000-0196search engines • 757
Dean, J., Henzinger, M.R. – Finding related pages in the World Wide Web (Lang.: eng). - In: Computer Networks, 31(1999)11/16,p.1467-1479.

1921   2000-0197search engines • 757
Rossi, G., Schwabe, D., Lyardet, F. – Improving Wen information systems with navigational patterns (Lang.: eng). - In: Computer Networks, 31(1999)11/16,p.1667-1678.

1922   2000-0198search engines • 757
Chakrabarti, S., Van den Berg, M., Dom, B. – Focused crawling : a new approach to topic-specific Web resource discovery (Lang.: eng). - In: Computer Networks, 31(1999)11/16,p.1623-1640.

2089   2000-0365search engines • 757
Abideen, P.S. – Meta search engines : effective tool for information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: CALIBER 99 : Academic libraries in the Internet : proceedings of the 6th National Convention for Automation of Libraries in Education and Research, Nagpur, India, 18-20 February 1999 / ed. y P.S.G. Kumar and C.P. Vashishth. - Ahmedabad: Information and Library Network Centre (INFLIBNET), 1999, p.362-369.

2090   2000-0366search engines • 757
Cohen, J.D. – Massive query resolution for rapid selective dissemination of information (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 50(1999)3,p.195-206.

2091   2000-0367search engines • 757
Kumbar, M. – Search engines : tools for exploring the Internet (Lang.: eng). - In: CALIBER 99 : Academic libraries in the Internet : proceedings of the 6th National Convention for Automation of Libraries in Education and Research, Nagpur, India, 18-20 February 1999 / ed. y P.S.G. Kumar and C.P. Vashishth. - Ahmedabad: Information and Library Network Centre (INFLIBNET), 1999, p.355-361.

2092   2000-0368search engines • 757
Kumbar, M. – World Wide Web robots : an overview (Lang.: eng). - In: CALIBER 99 : Academic libraries in the Internet : proceedings of the 6th National Convention for Automation of Libraries in Education and Research, Nagpur, India, 18-20 February 1999 / ed. y P.S.G. Kumar and C.P. Vashishth. - Ahmedabad: Information and Library Network Centre (INFLIBNET), 1999, p.355-361.

2093   2000-0369search engines • 757
Misra, J. – Internet and search engines (Lang.: eng). - In: CALIBER 99 : Academic libraries in the Internet : proceedings of the 6th National Convention for Automation of Libraries in Education and Research, Nagpur, India, 18-20 February 1999 / ed. y P.S.G. Kumar and C.P. Vashishth. - Ahmedabad: Information and Library Network Centre (INFLIBNET), 1999, p.328-336.

2094   2000-0370search engines • 757
Reddy, E.R., Varatharajan, N. – Search engines : need, selection and use (Lang.: eng). - In: CALIBER 99 : Academic libraries in the Internet : proceedings of the 6th National Convention for Automation of Libraries in Education and Research, Nagpur, India, 18-20 February 1999 / ed. y P.S.G. Kumar and C.P. Vashishth. - Ahmedabad: Information and Library Network Centre (INFLIBNET), 1999, p.370-377.

2095   2000-0371search engines • 757
Rossi, G., Schwabe, D., Lyardet, F. – Improving Wen information systems with navigational patterns (Lang.: eng). - In: Computer Networks, 31(1999)11/16,p.1667-1678.

2096   2000-0372search engines • 757
Sasikala, C., Patnaik, K.R. – A comparative study of two Web search engines : Alta Vista and Excite (Lang.: eng). - In: CALIBER 99 : Academic libraries in the Internet : proceedings of the 6th National Convention for Automation of Libraries in Education and Research, Nagpur, India, 18-20 February 1999 / ed. y P.S.G. Kumar and C.P. Vashishth. - Ahmedabad: Information and Library Network Centre (INFLIBNET), 1999, p.346-354.

2097   2000-0373search engines • 757
Selvi, G.T. – Internet and Web search engines and its impact on academic library services (Lang.: eng). - In: CALIBER 99 : Academic libraries in the Internet : proceedings of the 6th National Convention for Automation of Libraries in Education and Research, Nagpur, India, 18-20 February 1999 / ed. y P.S.G. Kumar and C.P. Vashishth. - Ahmedabad: Information and Library Network Centre (INFLIBNET), 1999, p.305-315.

2098   2000-0374search engines • 757
Sreenivasulu, V., Nandwana, H.B. – Web browsers and search engines : the knowledge mining tools for academic librarians (Lang.: eng). - In: CALIBER 99 : Academic libraries in the Internet : proceedings of the 6th National Convention for Automation of Libraries in Education and Research, Nagpur, India, 18-20 February 1999 / ed. y P.S.G. Kumar and C.P. Vashishth. - Ahmedabad: Information and Library Network Centre (INFLIBNET), 1999, p.324-327.

2099   2000-0375search engines • 757
Sugunavathy, C. – Web search engines (Lang.: eng). - In: CALIBER 99 : Academic libraries in the Internet : proceedings of the 6th National Convention for Automation of Libraries in Education and Research, Nagpur, India, 18-20 February 1999 / ed. y P.S.G. Kumar and C.P. Vashishth. - Ahmedabad: Information and Library Network Centre (INFLIBNET), 1999, p.316-323.

2267   2000-0543search engines • 757
Banerjee, K. – Is data mining right for your library? (Lang.: eng). - In: Computers in Libraries, 18(1998)10,p.28-31.

2268   2000-0544search engines • 757
Brandt, D.S. – Deconstructing Internet searching (Lang.: eng). - In: Online and CD-ROM Review, 23(1999)4,p.207-209.

2269   2000-0545search engines • 757
Leighton, H.V., Srivastava, J. – First 20 precision among World Wide Web search services (search engines) (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 50(1999)10,p.870-881.

2270   2000-0546search engines • 757
Mirel, B. – Visualizations for data exploration and analysis : a critical review of usability research (Lang.: eng). - In: Technical Communication, 45(1998)4,p.491-509.

2271   2000-0547search engines • 757
Feldman, S., Yu, E. – Intelligent agents : a primer (Lang.: eng). - In: Searcher, 7(1999)7,p.42-55.

2272   2000-0548search engines • 757
Snyder, H., Rosenbaum, H. – Can search engines be used as tools for Web link analysis? : a critical view (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation, 55(1999)4,p.375-384.

2411   2001-0069search engines • 757
Feldman, S. – New study of Web search engine coverage published (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Today, 16(1999)8,p.29.

2412   2001-0070search engines • 757
Edman, A., Hamfelt, A. – A system architecture for knowledge-based hypermedia (Lang.: eng). - In: International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 51(1999)5,p.1007-1036.

2413   2001-0071search engines • 757
Appelt, D.E. – Introduction to information extraction (Lang.: eng). - In: AI Communications, 12(1999)3,p.161-172.

2414   2001-0072search engines • 757
Thompson, D.M., Egyhazy, C.J., Plumkett, Jr., T.K. – Intelligent Web search agents (Lang.: eng). - In: Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science, (2000)67, p.260-274. »» Review article

2415   2001-0073search engines • 757
Tunbridge, N. – Semiology put to data mining (Lang.: eng). - In: Online and CD-ROM Review, 23(1999)5,p.303-305.

2556   2001-0214search engines • 757
Cole, C. – Intelligent information retrieval : Part IV. Testing the timing of two information retrieval devices in a naturalistic setting (Lang.: eng). - In: Information processing and management, 37(2001),p.163-182.

2557   2001-0215search engines • 757
Bosman, J. – De meerwaarde van Bull's Eye, Copernic en Lexibot : offline search engines vergeleken [Added value of Bull's Eye, Copernic and Lexibot: a comparison of offline search engines] (Lang.: dut). - In: Informatie Professional, 5(2001)2,p.36-39.

2558   2001-0216search engines • 757
Bosman, J. – De pro-versies van Bull's Eye, Copernic en Lexibot : offline search engines vergeleken (2) [The professional version of Bull's Eye, Copernic and Lexibot: a comparison of offline search engines (2)] (Lang.: dut). - In: Informatie Professional, 5(2001)3,p.37-39.

2559   2001-0217search engines • 757
Ding, Y., Chowdhury, G.C., Foo, S. – Incorporating the results of co-word analyses to increase search variety for information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Information Science, 26(2000)6,p.429-451.

2560   2001-0218search engines • 757
Budzik, J., Hammond, K.J., Birnbaum, L. – Information access in context (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge-Based Systems, 14(2001)1/2,p.37-53.

2561   2001-0219search engines • 757
Wood, A. – Copernic : the best thing since sliced bread! (Lang.: eng). - In: Business Information Searcher, 10(2000)1,p.12-13.

2562   2001-0220search engines • 757
Hauptman, A.G. – Integrating and using large databases of text, images, video, and audio (Lang.: eng). - In: IEEE Intelligent Systems, 14(1999)5,p.34-35.

2563   2001-0221search engines • 757
Moore, D., Greengrass, E. – Design considerations for agent systems that glean the Internet (Lang.: eng). - In: IEEE Intelligent Systems, 15(2000)2,p.76-81.

2564   2001-0222search engines • 757
Bollacker, K.D., Lawrence, S., Giles, C.L. – Discovering relevant scientific literature on the Web (Lang.: eng). - In: IEEE Intelligent Systems, 15(2000)2,p.42-47.

2565   2001-0223search engines • 757
Ma, W., Cole, T.W. – Creating an electronic database selection expert system (Lang.: eng). - In: Illinois Libraries, 82(2000)4,p.265-272.

2566   2001-0224search engines • 757
Sherman, C. – The future revisited : what's new with Web search (Lang.: eng). - In: Online, 24(2000)3,p.27-28,30,32,34.

2567   2001-0225search engines • 757
Feldman, S. – Meaning-based search tools : find what I mean, not what I say (Lang.: eng). - In: Online, 24(2000)3,p.49-50,52-56.

2568   2001-0226search engines • 757
Sherman, C. – Humans do it better : inside the Open Directory Project (Lang.: eng). - In: Online, 24(2000)3,p.43-44,46,48-50.

2569   2001-0227search engines • 757
Notess, G.R. – Up and coming search technologies (Lang.: eng). - In: Online, 24(2000)3,p.58-60.

2570   2001-0228search engines • 757
Notess, G.R. – Search engines inconsistencies (Lang.: eng). - In: Online, 24(2000)3,p.66-68.

2571   2001-0229search engines • 757
Martin, P., Eklund, P.W. – Knowledge retrieval and the World Wide Web (Lang.: eng). - In: IEEE Intelligent Systems, 15(2000)2,p.18-24.

2572   2001-0230search engines • 757
Hock, R. – Web search engines : (more)features and commands (Lang.: eng). - In: Online, 24(2000)3,p.17-18,20,22-24.

2573   2001-0231search engines • 757
Notess, G.R. – The never-ending Quest : search engine relevance (Lang.: eng). - In: Online, 24(2000)3,p.35-38,40.

2574   2001-0232search engines • 757
Thelwall, M. – Web impact factors and search engine coverage (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation, 56(2000)2,p.185-189.

2575   2001-0233search engines • 757
Cornella, A. – Desarrollos en buscadores [Search engine developments] (Lang.: spa). - In: Professional de la Informacion, 9(2000)2,p.32-34.

2576   2001-0234search engines • 757
Bar-Ilan, J. – Evaluating the stability of the search tools Hotbot and Snap : a case study (Lang.: eng). - In: Online Information Review, 24(2000)6,p.439-449.

2732   2001-0390search engines • 757
Vidmar, D.J. – Darwin on the Web : the evolution of search tools (Lang.: eng). - In: Computers in Libraries, (1999) (May), p.22-24,26,28.

2733   2001-0391search engines • 757
Douty, S., Tunbridge, N. – Triumph of the squid men (Lang.: eng). - In: Information World Review, (2000)157, p.19-20. »» About an online tool for aggregating information from any web site into dynamic work areas (http://www.octopus.com)

2734   2001-0392search engines • 757
Martinez, A.M., Sanchez, E.F. – Comparing Internet search tools (Lang.: eng). - In: Online Information 99: Proceedings of the 23rd International Online Meeting, London, 7-9 December 1999. - Oxford: Learned Information Europe Ltd., 1999, p.263-266.

2735   2001-0393search engines • 757
Robertson, S., Walker, S. – Threshold setting in adaptive filtering (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation, 56(2000)3, p.312-331.

2736   2001-0394search engines • 757
Ungvary, R. – A tartalom szerinti informaciokereses az interneten : 1.Indexeloszolgaltatasok [Content-based information searching on the Internet: Part 1] (Lang.: hun). - In: Tudomanyos es Muszaki Tajekoztatas, 47(2000)1, p.3-19.

2737   2001-0395search engines • 757
Lee, C., Chen, Y.T. – Distributed visual reasoning for intelligent information retrieval on the Web (Lang.: eng). - In: Interacting with Computers, 12(2000)5, p.445-467.

2738   2001-0396search engines • 757
Arnold, S. – Search engines 2000 : rough running, prone to stall (Lang.: eng). - In: Online Information 99: Proceedings of the 23rd International Online Meeting, London, 7-9 December 1999. - Oxford: Learned Information Europe Ltd., 1999, p.97-103.

2739   2001-0397search engines • 757
Wang, H., Liao, S., Liao, L. – An agent-based framework for Web query answering (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Information Science, 26(2000)2, p.101-109.

2740   2001-0398search engines • 757
Bradley, P. – The great search engine con-trick (Lang.: eng). - In: Online Information 99: Proceedings of the 23rd International Online Meeting, London, 7-9 December 1999. - Oxford: Learned Information Europe Ltd., 1999, p.259-262.

2741   2001-0399search engines • 757
Fang, X., Salvendy, G. – Keyword comparison : a user-centered feature for improving web search tools (Lang.: eng). - In: International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 52(2000)5, p.915-931.

2898   2001-0556search engines • 757
Smith, A.G. – Search features of digital libraries (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Research, 5(2000)3. – Available at http://www.shef.ac.uk/~is/publications/infres/paper 73.html

2899   2001-0557search engines • 757
Rudner, L. – Who is going to mine digital library resources? : And how? (Lang.: eng). - In: D-Lib Magazine, 6(2000)5. – Available at http://www.dlib.org/dlib/may00/rudner/05rudner. html

2900   2001-0558search engines • 757
Levy, A.Y. – The Information Manifold approach to data integration (Lang.: eng). - In: IEEE Intelligent Systems, 13(1998)5, p.12-16.

2901   2001-0559search engines • 757
Cohen, W.W. – The Whirl approach to information integration (Lang.: eng). - In: IEEE Intelligent Systems, 13(1998)5, p.20-24.

2902   2001-0560search engines • 757
Knoblock, C.A., , S.Minton. – The Ariadne approach to Web-based information integration (Lang.: eng). - In: IEEE Intelligent Systems, 13(1998)5, p.17-20.

2903   2001-0561search engines • 757
Ungvary, R. – A tartalom szerinti informaciokereses az interneten : 2.Internetkatalogusok [Content-based information searching on the Internet: Part 2.Internetcatalogues] (Lang.: hun). - In: Tudomanyos es Muszaki Tajekoztatas, 47(2000)2,p.55-67.

2904   2001-0562search engines • 757
Horng, J.T., Yeh, C.C. – Applying genetic algorithms to query optimization in document retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing - Management, 36(2000)5, p.737-759.

2905   2001-0563search engines • 757
Nicholson, S. – Raising reliability of Web search tool research through replication and chaos theory (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 51(2000)8, p.724-729.

2906   2001-0564search engines • 757
Bilal, D. – Children's use of the Yahooligans! : Web search engine: 1.Cognitive, physical, and affective behaviour on fact-based search tasks (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 51(2000)7, p.646-665.

2907   2001-0565search engines • 757
Hume, C. – Internet search engines and robots : what they are and how to use them (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Internet Cataloging, 2(2000)3/4, p.29-45.

2908   2001-0566search engines • 757
Munson, K.I. – Internet search engines : understanding their design to improve information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Internet Cataloging, 2(2000)3/4, p.47-60.

2909   2001-0567search engines • 757
Clarke, S.J. – Search engines for the World Wide Web : an evaluation of recent developments (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Internet Cataloging, 2(2000)3/4, p.81-93.

2910   2001-0568search engines • 757
Bharat, K. – SearchPad : explicit capture of search context to support Web search (Lang.: eng). - In: Computer Networks, 33(2000)1/6, p.493-501.

2911   2001-0569search engines • 757
Lugger, L. – Über Suchmachinen, Verbunde und die Integration von Informationsangeboten : Teil 1: KOBV Suchmaschine und Math-Net [On search engines, networks and the integration of information supply: Part 1: KOBV-Search engine and Math-Net] (Lang.: ger). - In: ABI-Technik, 20(2000)2,p.132, 134, 136, 139-156.

2912   2001-0570search engines • 757
Sherman, C. – Fifth annual search engine meeting : old economy info retrieval clashes with new economy upstarts (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Today, 17(2000)6, p.33-35.

2913   2001-0571search engines • 757
Wong, M.L., Leung, K.S., Cheng, J.C.Y. – Discovering knowledge from noisy databases using genetic programming (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 51(2000)9, p.870-881.

2914   2001-0572search engines • 757
Chang, Y.S., Yuan, S.M., Lo, W. – A new multi-search engine for querying data through an Internet search service on CORBA (Lang.: eng). - In: Computer Networks, 34(2000)3, p.467-480.

3073   2002-0096search engines • 757
Kushmerick, N. – Gleaning the Web (Lang.: eng). - In: IEEE Intelligent Systems, 14(1999)2, p.20-22.

3074   2002-0097search engines • 757
Ma, W., Cole, T.W. – Genesis of an electronic database expert system (Lang.: eng). - In: Reference Services Review, 28(2000)3, p.207-222.

3075   2002-0098search engines • 757
McMahon, T. – Just what is an intelligent agent? (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Outlook, 4(2000)7, p.40, 42.

3076   2002-0099search engines • 757
Feldman, S. – The answer machine (Lang.: eng). - In: Searcher, 8(2000)1, p.58-61, 74-74, 76-78. – Available at http://www.infotoday.com/searcher/jan00/ feldman.htm

3077   2002-0100search engines • 757
Chang, S.H. – The current state of Web search engines (Lang.: eng). - In: OCLC Systems and Services, 15(1999)4, p.148-149.

3078   2002-0101search engines • 757
Green, D. – Search insider (Lang.: eng). - In: Information World Review, (1999)153, p.30-31. – Available at http://searchenginewatch.internet.com/ standards/ sitesearch.html

3079   2002-0102search engines • 757
Tecuci, G., et al. – An experiment in agent teaching by subject matter experts (Lang.: eng). - In: International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 53(2000)4, p.583-610.

3080   2002-0103search engines • 757
Quint, B. – The return of the reference interview : Web search interfaces would benefit by implementing more user-oriented procedures (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Today, 19(2002)2, p.8, 10, 14.

3260   2002-0281search engines • 757
Furner, J. – A unifying model of document relatedness for hybrid search engines (Lang.: eng). - In: Challenges in Knowledge Organization ...[see 2002-0188], p. 245-250.

3261   2002-0282search engines • 757
Herrera-Viedma, E., Cordón, O., Herrera, J.C., Luque, M. – An IRS based on multi-granular linguistic information (Lang.: eng). - In: Challenges in Knowledge Organization ...[see 2002-0188], p. 372-378.

3262   2002-0283search engines • 757
Cuesta, P., Gómez, A.M., Rodriguez, F.J. – Using agents for Information Retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Challenges in Knowledge Organization ...[see 2002-0188], p. 379-385.

3263   2002-0284search engines • 757
López-Huertas, M.J., Barité Roqueta, M.G. – Knowledge representation and organization of gender studies on the Internet : towards integration (Lang.: eng). - In: Challenges in Knowledge Organization ...[see 2002-0188], p. 393-403.

3264   2002-0285search engines • 757
De Campos, L.M., Fernández-Luna, J.M., Huete, J.F. – Managing documents with Bayesian belief networks : a brief survey of applications and models (Lang.: eng). - In: Challenges in Knowledge Organization ...[see 2002-0188], p. 443-449.

3265   2002-0286search engines • 757
Hipola, P., Vargas-Quesada, B., Montes, A. – Description y evaluacion de agentes multibuscadores [Description and evaluation of lulti-searcher agents] (Lang.: spa). - In: Professional de la Informacion, 8(1999)11, p. 15-24.

3266   2002-0287search engines • 757
Hipola, P., Vargas-Quesada, B. – Agentes intelligantes : defintion y tipologia - los agentes de informacion [Intelligent agents: definition and categories – information agents] (Lang.: spa). - In: Professional de la Informacion, 8(1999)4, p. 13-21.

3267   2002-0288search engines • 757
Dunning, A. – Do we still need search engines? (Lang.: eng). - In: Ariadne, (1999)22 [electr.]. – Available at http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue22/dunning/

3405   2003-0080search engines • 757
Pharo, N. – Web information search strategies : a model for classifying Web interaction (Lang.: eng). - In: Vocabulary as a Central concept in digital libraries : interdisciplinary concepts, challenges, and opportunities : proceedings of the Third International Conference on Conceptions of Library and Information Science (COLIS3), Dubrovbik, Croatia,23-26 May 1999 / ed. by T. Arpanac et al. - Zagreb: Lokve, 1999. - ISBN: 9536003376 – p.207-218.

3406   2003-0081search engines • 757
Benoît, G. – Data discretization for novel relationship discovery in information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 53(2002)9, p.736-746.

3407   2003-0082search engines • 757
Navarro, G., Baeza-Yates, R., Azevedo-Arcoverde. – Matchsimile : a flexible approximate matching tool for searching proper names (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 54(2003)1, p.3-15.

3408   2003-0083search engines • 757
Zhou, L., Zhang, D. – NLPIR : a theoretical framework for applying natural language processing to information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 54(2003)2, p.115-123.

3409   2003-0084search engines • 757
He, D., Göker, A., Harper, D.J. – Combining evidence for automatic Web session identification (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing and Management, 38(2002), p.727-742.

3410   2003-0085search engines • 757
Vidal, F.J., Salvador, J.A. – Solapamiento en herramientas de búsqueda de información en la World Wide Web [Search engine overlapping in the World Wide Web] (Lang.: spa). - In: Scire, 7(2001)1, p.115-126.

3603   2004-0130search engines • 757
Amato, G., Rabitti, F., Savino, P., Zezula, P. – Region proximity in metric spaces and its use for approximate similarity search (Lang.: eng). - In: ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 21(2003)2, p.192-227.

3604   2004-0131search engines • 757
Summann, F.., Lossau, N. – Search engine technology and digital libraries : moving from theory to practice (Lang.: eng). - In: D-Lib Magazine, 10(2004)9 [Electr.]. – Available at http://www.dlib.org/dlib/september04/lossau/09lossau.html

3605   2004-0132search engines • 757
Lossau, N. – Search Engine Technology and Digital Libraries : libraries need to discover the academic internet (Lang.: eng). - In: D-Lib Magazine, 10(2004)6 [Electr.]. – Available at http://www.dlib.org/dlib/june04/lossau/06lossau.html

3606   2004-0133search engines • 757
Kriewel, S., Klas, C.P., Schaefer, A., Fuhr, N. – DAFFODIL : strategic support for user-oriented access to heterogeneous digital libraries (Lang.: eng). - In: D-Lib Magazine, 10(2004)6 [Electr.]. – Available at http://www.dlib.org/dlib/june04/kriewel/06kriewel.html

3607   2004-0134search engines • 757
Liu, X., Croft, W.B. – Cluster-based retrieval using language models (Lang.: eng). - In: SIGIR'04. Proceedings of the 27th Annual International ACM-SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval [see 2004-0005], p. 186-193.

3608   2004-0135search engines • 757
Silvestri, F., Orlando, A., Perego, R. – Assigning identifiers to documents to enhance the clustering property of fulltext indexes (Lang.: eng). - In: SIGIR'04. Proceedings of the 27th Annual International ACM-SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval [see 2004-0005], p. 305-312.

3697   2004-0223search engines • 757
Melly, M., Mara Ferreira, S., García, L., Reis, G. – Ciencas de la información y de la computación: una visión integrada del diseño de sistemas virtuales de búsqueda directa de información centrados en el usuario [Information Science and Computer Science: an integrated vision for the design of user-centered virtual systems] (Lang.: ). - In: Tendencias de investigación en organización del conocimient : IV Cologuio Internacional de Ciencas de la Documentación ; VI Congreso del Capítulo Español de ISKO = Trends in knowledge organization research / J.A. Frías, C. Travieso (Eds.) (Lang.: eng; por; spa). - Salamanca : Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2003. - 821 p. - ISBN: 8478007091 - p.371-377.

3702   2004-0228search engines • 757
Aldana Montes, J.F., Moreno Vergara, N., Roldán García, M.M. – La web semántica: punto de encuentro [Semantic Web: a meeting point for DB, AI and IR] (Lang.: ). - In: Tendencias de investigación en organización del conocimient : IV Cologuio Internacional de Ciencas de la Documentación ; VI Congreso del Capítulo Español de ISKO = Trends in knowledge organization research / J.A. Frías, C. Travieso (Eds.) (Lang.: eng; por; spa). - Salamanca : Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2003. - 821 p. - ISBN: 8478007091 - p.417-425.

3712   2004-0238search engines • 757
Herrera-Viedma, E., Olvera, M., Peis, E., Porcel, C. – Revisión de los sistemas de recomendaciones para la recuperación de información [Review of recommender systems for information retrieval] (Lang.: ). - In: Tendencias de investigación en organización del conocimient : IV Cologuio Internacional de Ciencas de la Documentación ; VI Congreso del Capítulo Español de ISKO = Trends in knowledge organization research / J.A. Frías, C. Travieso (Eds.) (Lang.: eng; por; spa). - Salamanca : Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2003. - 821 p. - ISBN: 8478007091 - p. 507-513.

3716   2004-0242search engines • 757
Moros, A.,. – Aplicación de herramientas tecnológicas para la toma de decisiones en la organización del conocimiento, propuesta analítica del Data Warehouse [Application of technological tools for the taking of decisions in the knowledge organization, analytical proposal of the Data Warehouse] (Lang.: ). - In: Tendencias de investigación en organización del conocimient : IV Cologuio Internacional de Ciencas de la Documentación ; VI Congreso del Capítulo Español de ISKO = Trends in knowledge organization research / J.A. Frías, C. Travieso (Eds.) (Lang.: eng; por; spa). - Salamanca : Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2003. - 821 p. - ISBN: 8478007091.

3792   2004-0319search engines • 757
Bosman, J., Sieverts, E. – Wetenschappelijk googlelen eenvoudiger en beter dan ooit? : Google Scholar [Scientific gloogling, simpler and better than ever?: Google Scholar] (Lang.: dut). - In: Informatie professional, 9(2005)1, p.18-26.

3878   2004-0403search engines • 757
Kostoff, R.N. – Text mining for global technology watch (Lang.: eng). - In: Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science. - 2nd ed. / ed. by M.A. Drake. - New York : Marcel Dekker, 2003. -Vol. 4, p.2789-2799.

3879   2004-0404search engines • 757
Beitzel, S.M., Jensen, E.C., Chowdhury, A., Grossman, D., Frieder, O., Goharian, N. – Fusion of Effective Retrieval Strategies in the Same Information Retrieval System (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 55(2004)10, p.859-868.

3993   2005-32-1-0069search engines • 757
Hofstede, M. – Meer nadelen dan voordelen aan metazoekmachines [Meta search engiges: more disadvantages than advantages] (Lang.: dut). - In: Information professional, 9(2005)7/8, p.28-29.

3994   2005-32-1-0070search engines • 757
Bosman, J. – Gigablast : innotatieve combinatie van gids en zoekmachine [Gigablast: Innotative combination of directory and search engine] (Lang.: dut). - In: Information professional, 9(2005)7/8, p.32-33.

3995   2005-32-1-0071search engines • 757
Srinivasan, P. – Text mining : Generating hypotheses from MEDLINE (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 55(2004)5, p.396-413.

3996   2005-32-1-0072search engines • 757
Vaughan, L., Thelwall, M. – Search engine coverage bias: evidence and possible causes (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing and Management, 40(2003)4, p.693-707.

3997   2005-32-1-0073search engines • 757
Witsch, M. – Ästhetische Zeichenanalyse : eine Methode zur Analyse fundamentalischer Agitation im Internet [Aesthetic sign analysis: a method for analyse of fundamentalistic agitation in the Internet] (Lang.: ger). - In: Wissensorganisation und Edutainment [see 2005-32-1-0003], p.123-134.

3998   2005-32-1-0074search engines • 757
Klein, H. – Web Content Mining [Web content mining] (Lang.: ger). - In: Wissensorganisation und Edutainment [see 2005-32-1-0003], p.217-221.

3999   2005-32-1-0075search engines • 757
Toth, E. – Helyzetkep az internetes keresok ertekeleserol [State of the art of Internet search engines] (Lang.: hun). - In: Konyvtari Figyelo, 47(2001)2, p.301-307.

4000   2005-32-1-0076search engines • 757
Belew, R.K. – Finding Out About : A Cognitive Perspective on Search Engine Technology and the WWW (Lang.: eng). - Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2000. – pp. 384. – ISBN: 0521630282.

4159   2005-32-2-0234search engines • 757
Henry, L.A. – Information search strategies on the Internet : a critical component of New Literacies (Lang.: eng). - In: Webology, 2(2005)1 [electron.]. – Available at http://www.webology.ir/2005/v2n1/a9.html

4160   2005-32-2-0235search engines • 757
Kim, H.H. – ONTOWEB: Implementing an ontology-based Web retrieval system (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 56(2005)11, p.1167-1176.

4161   2005-32-2-0236search engines • 757
Jansen, B.J., Spink, A., Pedersen, J. – A temporal comparison of AltaVista Web searching (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 56(2005)6, p.559-570.

4312   2005-32-4-0387search engines • 757
Figuerola, C.G., Berrocal, J.L.A., Zazo Rodríguez, A.F., Rodríguez Vázquez de Aldana, E. – Herramientas para la investigación en recuperació de informatición : Karpanta, un motor de búsqueda experimental [Karpanta, an experimental search engine] (Lang.: spa). - In: Scire, 10(2004)2, p.51-62.

4313   2005-32-4-0388search engines • 757
Zazo Rodríguez, A.F., Figuerola, C.G., Berrocal, J.L.A., Rodríguez, E. – El sistema de recuperación Karpanta : estudio de usuarios a través del archivo de registro [A user's study of the Karpata information system using transaction files] (Lang.: spa). - In: Scire, 10(2004)2, p.63-76.

4314   2005-32-4-0389search engines • 757
Cohen, D.J. – From Babel to Knowledge : Data Mining Large Digital Collections (Lang.: eng). - In: D-Lib Magazine, 12(2006)3 [electr.]. – Available at http://www.dlib.org/dlib/march06/cohen/03cohen.html

4315   2005-32-4-0390search engines • 757
Bradley, P. – Search engines : where we were, are now, and will ever be (Lang.: eng). - In: Ariadne, (2006)47 [electr.]. – Available at http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue47/search-engines/#author1

4316   2005-32-4-0391search engines • 757
Hiom, D. – Retrospective on the RDN : [Part 1] (Lang.: eng). - In: Ariadne, (2006)47 [electr.]. – Available at http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue47/hiom/ »» On the British Discovery Network

4317   2005-32-4-0392search engines • 757
Krowne, A., Gadi, U. – QMSearch: a quality metrics-aware search framework (Lang.: eng). - In: Ariadne, (2006)47 [electr.]. – Available at http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue47/krowne/

4318   2005-32-4-0393search engines • 757
Reese, T. – Metasearch : building a shared, metadata-driven knowledge base system (Lang.: eng). - In: Ariadne, (2006)47 [electr.]. – Available at http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue47/reese/

4319   2005-32-4-0394search engines • 757
Tonkin, E. – Folksonomies : the fall and rise of plain-text tagging (Lang.: eng). - In: Ariadne, (2006)47 [electr.]. – Available at http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue47/tonkin/

4320   2005-32-4-0395search engines • 757
Awre, C., Hanganu, G., Ingram, C., Brett, T., Dolphin, I. – The CREE project : investigating user requirements for searching within institutional environments (Lang.: eng). - In: D-Lib Magazine, 11(2005)10 [electr.]. – Available at http://www.dlib.org/dlib/october05/awre/10awre.html »» CREE: Contextual Resource Evaluation Environment

4321   2005-32-4-0396search engines • 757
White, R.W., Ruthven, I. – A study of interface support mechanisms for interactive information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society of Information Science and Technology, 57(2006)7, p.933-948.

4322   2005-32-4-0397search engines • 757
Sacco, G.M. – Dynamic taxonomies and guided searches (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society of Information Science and Technology, 57(2006)6, p.792-796.

4323   2005-32-4-0398search engines • 757
Rose, D.E. – Reconciling information-seeking behavior with search user interfaces for the Web (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society of Information Science and Technology, 57(2006)6, p.797-799.

4324   2005-32-4-0399search engines • 757
Pharo, N., Järvelin, K. – Irrational searchers and IR-rational researchers (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society of Information Science and Technology, 57(2006)2, p.222-232.

4325   2005-32-4-0400search engines • 757
Bradley, P. – Google and Search: Some of the latest developments (Lang.: eng). - In: Ariadne, (2005)44 [electr.]. – Available at http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue44/search-engines/

4326   2005-32-4-0401search engines • 757
Bradley, P. – Using the right search engine at the right time (Lang.: eng). - In: Ariadne, (2005)43 [electr.]. – Available at http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue43/search-engines/

4327   2005-32-4-0402search engines • 757
Bar-Ilan, J. – The use of web search engines in information science research (Lang.: eng). - In: Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, 38(2004)1, p.231-288. »» Review article

4495   2006-33-2-0099search engines • 757
Noël, E. – Google Scholar [Google Scholar] (Lang.: fre). - In: Bulletin de bibliothèques de France50(2005)4, p.43-45.

4496   2006-33-2-0100search engines • 757
Teets, M., Murray, P. – Metasearch authentication and access management (Lang.: eng). - In: D-Lib Magazine, 12(2006)6 [Electron.]. – Available at http://www.dlib.org/dlib/june06/teets/06teets .html

4624   2006-33-3-0228search engines • 757
Bradley, P. – Search engines : Is Google building on shaky foundations? (Lang.: eng). - In: Ariadne(2006)49 [electr.]. – Available at http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue49/search-engines/

4625   2006-33-3-0229search engines • 757
Brophy, J., Bawden, D. – Is Google enough? : Comparison of an internet search engine with academic library resources (Lang.: eng). - In: ASLIB proceedings57(2006)6, p.498-512.

4626   2006-33-3-0230search engines • 757
Mcsherry, D. – Retrieval failure and recovery in recommender systems (Lang.: eng). - In: Artificial Intelligence Review, 24(2005)3/4, p.319-338.

4627   2006-33-3-0231search engines • 757
SanJuan, E., Ibekwe-SanJuan, F. – Text mining without document context (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing and Management, 42(2006)6, p.1532-1552. – Available at http://www.iclc.us/cliej/cl21.htm

4628   2006-33-3-0232search engines • 757
Wilbur, J., Kim, W., Xie, N. – Spelling correction in the PubMed search engine (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Retrieval, 9(2006)5, p.543-564.

4762   2006-33-4-0365search engines • 757
Ali, Y. – Current awareness services for electronic journal literature (Lang.: eng). - In: Pakistan Journal of Library and Information Science, (2006)7, p.117-126.

4763   2006-33-4-0366search engines • 757
Jansen, B.J., Spink, A., Koshman, S. – Web searcher interaction with the Dogpile.com metasearch engine (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 58(2007)5, p.744-755.

4764   2006-33-4-0367search engines • 757
Chang, C.C., Chen , R.S. – Using data mining technology to solve classification problems : a case study of campus digital library (Lang.: eng). - In: Electronic Library, 24(2006)3, p.307-321.

4765   2006-33-4-0368search engines • 757
Bradley, P. – Search engines : new search engines in 2006 (Lang.: eng). - In: Ariadne, 50(2007)Jan. [Electron.]. – Available at http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue50/search-engines/

4766   2006-33-4-0369search engines • 757
Madden, A.D., Eaglestone, B., Ford, N.J., Wittle, M. – Search engine : a first step to finding information: preliminary findings from a study of observed searches (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Research, 12(2007)2 [electron.]. – Available at http://informationr.net/ir/12-2/paper294.html

4910   2007-0112search engines • 757
Dudek, D., Mastora, A., Landoni, M. – Is Google the answer? A study into the usability of search engines (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Review, 56(2007)3, p.224-233.

4911   2007-0113search engines • 757
Law, D. – (Book review of) Libraries and Google; ed. by W. Miller, R.M. Pellen. Binghamton, NY & London: Haworth Information Press, 2005. 240p (Lang.: eng). - In: Pub. Simultaneously: *Library Review, 56(2007)4, p. 242-243. *Internet Reference Services Quarterly 10(2003)2/3.

4912   2007-0114search engines • 757
Hollandsworth, B. L., Foy, J. – Griffin search: how Westminster College implemented WebFeat (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Hi Tech, 25(2007)2, p.211-219.

4913   2007-0115search engines • 757
Jansen, B. J., Spink, A., Koshman, S. – Web searcher interaction with the Dogpile.com metasearch engine analysis (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society of Information Science and Technology, 58(2007)5, p.744-755.

4914   2007-0116search engines • 757
Kousha, K., Thelwall, M. – Google Scholar citations and Google Web/URL citations: a multi-discipline exploratory analysis (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society of Information Science and Technology, 58(2007)7, p.1055-1065.

4915   2007-0117search engines • 757
Lee, K.C., Chung, N. – Cognitive map-based web site design: empirical analysis approach (Lang.: eng). - In: Online Information Review, 30(2006)2, p.139-153.

4916   2007-0118search engines • 757
Liu, Y., Salvendy, G. – Design and evaluation of visualization support to facilitate decision trees classification (Lang.: eng). - In: International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 65(2007)2, p.95-110.

4917   2007-0119search engines • 757
Lupovici, C. – Web crawling: the Bibliothèque nationale de France’s experience (Lang.: eng). - In: International Cataloguing and Bibliographic Control, 35(2006)4, p.82-83.

4918   2007-0120search engines • 757
Norris, B.J. – Google: its impact on the library (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Hi Tech News, 23(2006)9, p. 9-11.

4919   2007-0121search engines • 757
Pons-Porrata, A., Berlanga-Llavori, R., Ruiz-Schulcloper, J. – Topic discovery based on text mining techniques (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing & Management, 43(2007)3, p.752-768.

5137   2007-0370search engines • 757
Almpanidis, G., Kotropoulos, C., Pitas, I. – Combining text and link analysis for focused crawling - an application for vertical search engines (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Systems, 32(2007)6, p.886-908.

5138   2007-0371search engines • 757
Angrosh, M. A., Urs, S.R. – Ontology-driven knowledge management systems for digital libraries: towards creating semantic metadata-based information services (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Studies, 12(2006)3, p.151-168.

5139   2007-0372search engines • 757
Cavalcanti de Miranda, M.L. – Organización y representación del conocimiento: fundamentos teóricos y metológicos para la recuperación de la información en entornos virtuales [Knowledge organization and representation: theoretical and methodological bases for information retrieval in the virtual environment] (Lang.: spa). - In: La interdisciplinariedad y la transdisciplinariedad en la organización del conocimiento científico [see 2007-0224], p.541-555.

5140   2007-0373search engines • 757
Dehuri, S., Mall, R. – Predictive and comprehensible rule discovery using a multi-objective genetic algorithm (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge-Based Systems, 19(2006)6, p.413-421.

5141   2007-0374search engines • 757
Johnson, F.C., Crudge, S.E. – Using the repertory grid and laddering technique to determine the user’s evaluative model of search engines (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation, 63(2007)2, p.259-280.

5142   2007-0375search engines • 757
Liu, G., Lu, H., Yu, J. X. – CFP-tree: A compact disk-based structure for storing and querying frequent itemsets (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Systems, 32(2007)2, p.295-319.

5143   2007-0376search engines • 757
Mansourian, Y., Madden, A.D. – Methodological approaches in web search research (Lang.: eng). - In: The Electronic Library, 25(2007)1, p.90-101.

5144   2007-0377search engines • 757
Miklič, M., Žumer, M. – Spletni iskalniki za otroke [Web search engines for children] (Lang.: slo). - In: Šolska Knjižnica, 16(2006)1, p.16-24.

5145   2007-0378search engines • 757
Northedge, R. – Google and beyond: information retrieval on the World Wide Web (Lang.: eng). - In: Indexer, 25(2007)3, p.192-194.

5146   2007-0379search engines • 757
Rochkind, J. – (Meta)search like Google (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Journal, 132(2007)3, p.28-30.

5147   2007-0380search engines • 757
Wang, D., Dillon, T. S. – Extraction of classification rules characterized by ellipsoidal regions using soft-computing techniques (Lang.: eng). - In: International Journal of Systems Science, 37(2006)13, p.969-980.

5367   2007-0604search engines • 757
Boldiš, P. – Vyhledávače: současné problémy a trendy vývoje [Search engines: present questions and trends] (Lang.: cze). - In: Knihovna plus [Online].2005. – Available at http://knihovna.nkp.cz/knihovnaplus51/boldis.htm

5368   2007-0605search engines • 757
Han, L., Chen, G., Xie, L. – AASA: a method of automatically acquiring semantic annotations (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Information Science, 33(2007)4, p.435-451.

5369   2007-0606search engines • 757
Kuramochi, M., Karypis, G. – Discovering frequent geometric subgraphs (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Systems, 32(2007)8, p.1101-1120.

5370   2007-0607search engines • 757
Tho, Q.T., Fong, A.C.M., Hui, S.C. – A scholarly semantic web system for advanced search functions (Lang.: eng). - In: Online Information Review, 31(2007)3, p.353-365.

5371   2007-0608search engines • 757
Xiaodong Shi, Yang, C.C. – Mining related queries from Web search engine query logs using an improved association rule mining model (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 58(2007)12, p.1871-1883.

5548   2008-0091search engines • 757
Agud, H. – De la metacerca a la intelligencia social [From metasearches to social intelligence] (Lang.: cat). - In: Textos Universitaris de Biblioteconomia i Documentacio, 17(2007) p.3.

5549   2008-0092search engines • 757
Ananiadou, S. – The National Centre for Text Mining: a vision for the future (Lang.: eng). - In: Ariadne, 53(2007). – Available at http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue53/

5550   2008-0093search engines • 757
Brooks, S., Herrick, M. – Index blending: enabling the development of definitive, discipline-specific resources (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Technology and Libraries, 26(2007)2, pp.27-34.

5551   2008-0094search engines • 757
Candas Romero, J. – Mineria de dades en biblioteques: la bibliomineria [Data mining in libraries: bibliomining] (Lang.: cat). - In: Textos Universitaris de Biblioteconomia i Documentacio, 17(2007) pp.1-2.

5552   2008-0095search engines • 757
Ex Libris' Primo now in general release (Lang.: eng). - In: Advanced Technology Libraries, 36(2007)6, pp.10-11.

5553   2008-0096search engines • 757
Jansen, B.J., Brown, A., Resnick, M. – Factors relating to the decision to click on a sponsored link (Lang.: eng). - In: Decision Support Systems, 44(2007)1, pp.46-59.

5554   2008-0097search engines • 757
Lavengood, K. A., Kiser, P. – Information professionals in the text mine (Lang.: eng). - In: Online, 31(2007)3, pp.16-21.

5555   2008-0098search engines • 757
Mogotsi, I.C. – News analysis through text mining (Lang.: eng). - In: VINE: the Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, 37(2007)4, pp.516-530.

5556   2008-0099search engines • 757
Rajnan, J., Malik, K. – Effective educational process: a data-mining approach (Lang.: eng). - In: VINE: the Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, 37(2007)4, pp.502-517.

5557   2008-0100search engines • 757
Ravid, G. et al. – Popularity and findability through log analysis of search terms and queries: the case of a multilingual public service website (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Information Science, 33(2007)5, pp.567-583.

5558   2008-0101search engines • 757
Vivaldi, J., Rodríguez, H. – Evaluation of terms and term extraction systems (Lang.: eng). - In: Terminology, 13(2007)2, pp.225-248.

5780   2008-0325search engines • 757
Austin, A., Harris, C. – Welcome to a new paradigm (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Technology Reports, 44(2008)4, p.5-7.

5781   2008-0326search engines • 757
Chen, C.-C., Chen, A.-P. – Using data mining technology to provide a recommendation service in the digital library (Lang.: eng). - In: Electronic Library, 25(2007)6, p.711-724.

5782   2008-0327search engines • 757
Joint, N. – The practitioner librarian and the semantic web (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Review, 57(2008)3, p.178-186.

5783   2008-0328search engines • 757
Kucukyilmaz, T., Cambazoglu, B., Aykanat, C., Can, F. – Chat mining: Predicting user and message attributes in computer-mediated communication (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing & Management, 44(2008)4, p.1448-1466.

5784   2008-0329search engines • 757
Mansourian, Y., Ford, N. – Search persistence and failure on the web: a ‘bounded rationality’ and ‘satisficing’ analysis (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation, 63(2007)5, p.680-701.

5785   2008-0330search engines • 757
Mansourian, Y., Ford, N. – Web searchers’ attributions of success and failure: an empirical study (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation, 63(2007)5, p.659-679.

5786   2008-0331search engines • 757
Pike, W., Gahegan, M. – Beyond ontologies: toward situated representations of scientific knowledge (Lang.: eng). - In: International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 65(2007)7, p.674-688.

5787   2008-0332search engines • 757
Zhang, W. – Incremental data mining strategy for inconsistent information system based on rough analysis (Lang.: chi). - In: Journal of the China Society for Scientific & Technical Information, 27(2008)1, p.30-34.

6013   2009-0133search engines • 757
Al-Gaphari, G. – Building an efficient indexing for crawling the website with an efficient spider (Lang.: eng). - In: International Journal of Information Science and Technology, 6(2008)2, p.1-21.

6014   2009-0134search engines • 757
Bradley, P. – A selection of social media search engines (Lang.: eng). - In: Ariadne: a Web & Print Magazine of Internet Issues for Librarians & Information Specialists, 30(2008)57, p.15.

6015   2009-0135search engines • 757
de Kemp, A., Geißler, S. – New methods to access scientific content (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Services & Use, 28(2008)2, p.141-146.

6016   2009-0136search engines • 757
Gu, R., et al. – Interest mining in virtual learning environments (Lang.: eng). - In: Online Information Review, 32(2008)2, p.133-146.

6017   2009-0137search engines • 757
Heterick, B. – Measuring the Google Effect "at JSTOR" (Lang.: eng). - In: Against the Grain, 20 (2008)3, p.44-46.

6018   2009-0138search engines • 757
Jamain, A., Hand, D. J. – Mining supervised classification performance studies: a meta-analytic investigation (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Classification, 25(2008)1, p.87-112.

6019   2009-0139search engines • 757
Lewandowski, D. – A three-year study on the freshness of web search engine databases (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Information Science, 34(2008)6, p.817-831.

6020   2009-0140search engines • 757
Zhang, Z. – Mining relational data from text: from strictly supervised to weakly supervised learning (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Systems, 33(2008)3, p.300-314.

6283   2009-0403search engines • 757
Alberts, Inge, Bertrand-Gastaldy, Suzanne. – A pragmatic perspective of e-mail management practices in two Canadian public administrations (Lang.: eng). - In: Culture and identity in knowledge organization [see 2009-0262], pp. 347-353.

6284   2009-0404search engines • 757
Campbell, D. Grant. – Derrida, logocentrism and the concept of warrant on the semantic web (Lang.: eng). - In: Culture and identity in knowledge organization [see 2009-0262], pp. 222-228.

6285   2009-0405search engines • 757
Štular-Sotošek, Karmen. – Spletni nabiralnik za oddajo elektronskih publikacij: nova spletna storitev za založnike [Ingest portal for depositing electronic publications: new web service for publishers]] (Lang.: slo). - In: Knjižnica, 52(2008)1, pp. 123-132. – Available at http://revija-knjiznica.zbds-zveza.si/Izvodi/K0801/stular.pdf

6286   2009-0406search engines • 757
Tebé, Carles, Marcos, Mari-Carmen. – Retrieving terminological information on the Net: are linguistic tools still useful? (Lang.: eng). - In: Culture and identity in knowledge organization [see 2009-0262], pp. 374-380.

6287   2009-0407search engines • 757
Valle, E., Cord, M., Philipp-Foliguet, S. – High-dimensional descriptor indexing for large multimedia databases (Lang.: eng). - In: CIKM International Conference, 17(2008)2, pp. 1238-1246.

6288   2009-0408search engines • 757
Yang, Hsin-Chang, Lee, Chung-Hong, Chen, Ding-Wen. – A method for multilingual text mining and retrieval using growing hierarchical self-organizing maps (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of information science, 35(2009)1, pp. 3-23.

6289   2009-0409search engines • 757
Zhu Jianhan, et al. – Integrating multiple windows and document features for expert finding (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(2009)4, pp. 694-715.

6511   2009-0631search engines • 757
Amorim, Renato. – (Book review of) Poncelet, Pascal, Masseglia, Florent, Teisseire, Maguelonne. - Successes and new directions in data mining - London: Eurospan, 2008 - Xv, 369p. - ISBN: 97891599046457 (hbk); 1599046458 (hbk); 9871599046471 (ebook) (Lang.: eng). - In: Information retrieval, 12(2009)4, pp.504-508.

6512   2009-0632search engines • 757
Burke, Mary. – The semantic web and the digital library (Lang.: eng). - In: Aslib proceedings, 61(2009)3, pp.316-322.

6513   2009-0633search engines • 757
Ho, B., Kelley, K., Garrison, S. – Implementing VuFind as an alternative to Voyager’s WebVoyage interface: one library’s experience (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Hi-Tech, 27(2009)1, pp.82-92. – Available at http://www.emeraldinsight.com/info/journals/lht/lht.jsp

6514   2009-0634search engines • 757
Hoeber, O., Yang, X.D. – HotMap: supporting visual exploration of Web search results (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(2009)1, pp.90-110.

6515   2009-0635search engines • 757
Jacsó, P. – How many web-wide search-engines do we need? (Lang.: eng). - In: Online information review, 32(2008)6, pp.860-865.

6516   2009-0636search engines • 757
Joint, N. – Managing the implementation of a federated search tool in an academic library (Lang.: eng). - In: Library review, 58(2009)1, pp.11-16.

6517   2009-0637search engines • 757
Lakshminarayana, S. – Categorization of Web pages: performance enhancement to search engine (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge-based systems, 22(2009)1, pp.100-104.

6518   2009-0638search engines • 757
Larsen, Birger, Ingwersen, Peter, Lund, Berit. – Data fusion according to the principle of polyrepresentation (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(2009)4, pp.646-654.

6519   2009-0639search engines • 757
Lewandowski, D. – The retrieval effectiveness of web search engines: considering results descriptions (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of documentation, 64(2008)6, pp.915-938.

6520   2009-0640search engines • 757
Lewandowski, D. – A three-year study on the freshness of web search engine databases (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of information science, 34(2008)6, pp.817-831.

6521   2009-0641search engines • 757
Li, Qing et al. – Concept unification of terms in different languages via web mining for information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Information processing and management, 45(2009)2, pp.246-262.

6522   2009-0642search engines • 757
Li, Jia, Zhang, Pengzhu, Cao, Jinwei. – External concept support for group support systems through web mining (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(2009)5, pp.1057-1070.

6523   2009-0643search engines • 757
Maxymuk, J. – No search limits (search engines) (Lang.: eng). - In: The bottom line: managing library finances, 21(2008)4, pp.132-134.

6524   2009-0644search engines • 757
Maxymuk, J. – Searching beyond Google (Lang.: eng). - In: The bottom line: managing library finances, 21(2008)3, pp.97-100.

6525   2009-0645search engines • 757
Norris, M., Oppenheim, C., Rowland, F. – Finding open access articles using Google, Google Scholar, OAIster and OpenDOAR (Lang.: eng). - In: Online information review, 32(2008)6, pp.709-715.

6526   2009-0646search engines • 757
Scale, M-S. – Facebook as a social search engine and the implications for libraries in the twenty-first century (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Hi-Tech, 26(2008)4, pp.540-556. – Available at http://www.emeraldinsight.com/info/journals/lht/lht.jsp

6527   2009-0647search engines • 757
Zhu, Jianhan, Song, Dawei, Ruger, Stefan. – Integrating multiple windows and document features for expert finding (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60(2009)4, pp.694-715.

6742   2009-0862search engines • 757
Appavu, S., et al. – Data mining based intelligent analysis of threatening e-mail (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge-based systems, 22(2009)5, pp. 392-393.

6743   2009-0863search engines • 757
Buckley, Chris. – Why current IR engines fail (Lang.: eng). - In: Information retrieval, 12(2009)6, pp. 652-665.

6744   2009-0864search engines • 757
Feuer, Alan, Savev, Stefan, Aslam, Javed A. – Implementing and evaluating phrasal query suggestions for proximity search (Lang.: eng). - In: Information systems, 34(2009)8, pp. 712-724.

6745   2009-0865search engines • 757
Jacquenet, Francois, Largeron, Christine. – Discovering unexpected documents in corpora (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge-based systems, 22(2009)6, pp. 421-429.

6746   2009-0866search engines • 757
Mahafzah, B.A., al-Badarneh, A.F., Zakaria, M.Z. – A new sampling technique for association rule mining (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of information science, 35(2009)3, pp. 358-376.

6747   2009-0867search engines • 757
Merčun, Tanja, Žumer, Maja. – Smo konkurenti Googlu? Smo konkurenčni Googlu? [Are we Google's competitors? Are we competitive to Google?] (Lang.: slo). - In: Librarians and libraries: added value to the environment [see 2009-0740], pp. 143-154.

6748   2009-0868search engines • 757
Morales-del-Castillo, José Manuel, et al. – D-Fussion: a semantic selective dissemination of information service for the research community in digital libraries (Lang.: eng). - In: Information research, 14(2009)2. – Available at http://informationr.net/ir/index.html

6749   2009-0869search engines • 757
Pembe, F. C., Gungor, T. – Structure-preserving and query-biased document summarisation for web searching (Lang.: eng). - In: Online information review, 33(2009)4, pp. 696-719.

6750   2009-0870search engines • 757
Uyar, Ahmet. – Investigation of the accuracy of search engine hit counts (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of information science, 35(2009)4, pp. 469-480.

6996   search engines • 757
Lepsky, Klaus. – (Book review of) Dirk Lewandowski, Christian Maass, eds. Web-2.0-Dienste als ErgÀnzung zu algorithmischen Suchmaschinen. Berlin, Logos, 2008. ix, 189pp. ISBN: 978-3-8325-1907-0 [Web 2.0 services as a complement to algorithmic search engines] (Lang.: ger). - In: Zeitschrift fĂƒÂŒr Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie, 56(2008)2, pp. 134-135.

7074   search engines • 757
Blenkle, Martin, Ellis, Rachel, Haake, Elmar. – E-LIB Bremen: Automatische Empfehlungsdienste fĂƒÂŒr Fachdatenbanken im Bibliothekskatalog; Metadatenpools als Wissensbasis fĂƒÂŒr bestandsunabhÀngige Services [E-LIB Bremen: Automatic recommender services for subject specific databases in the library catalogue: metadata pools as the knowledge base for services unrelated to catalogue resources] (Lang.: eng). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 43(2009)6, pp. 618-625. – Available at http://www.zlb.de/aktivitaeten/bd_neu/heftinhalte2009/Erschliessung010609BD.pdf

7075   search engines • 757
Summann, Friedrich, Wolf, Sebastian. – Suchmaschinentechnologie und wissenschaftliche Suchumgebung [Search engine technology and the environment of scholarly searching] (Lang.: eng). - In: Online-Mitteilungen, 86(2006), pp. 3-18.

7235   search engines • 757
Marin, M. et al. – Sync/Async parallel search for the efficient design and construction of web search engines (Lang.: eng). - In: Parallel computing, 36(2010)4, pp. 153-168.

7236   search engines • 757
Pinto Adilson Luiz, Moreiro-GonzÃ¥les, José Antonio. – Comparación científica entre Web of Science (WoS) y Google Académico: estudio a partir de los autores mÃ¥s representatives de Brasil [Scientific comparison between Web of Science (WoS) and Google Scholar: a study from the most representative authors of Brazil] (Lang.: spa). - In: Scire: representación y organización del conocimiento 15(2009)2, pp. 107-120.

7458   search engines • 757
Bhat, M. H. – Interoperability of open access repositories in computer science and IT ñ€“ an evaluation (Lang.: eng). - In: Library Hi-Tech, 28(2010)1, pp. 107-118.

7459   search engines • 757
Chau, M. et al. – Evaluating the use of search engine development tools in IT education (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 61(2010)2, pp. 288-299.

7460   search engines • 757
Joint, N. – The one-stop shop search engine: a transformational library technology? ANTAEUS (Lang.: eng). - In: Library review, 59(2010)4, pp. 240-248.

7461   search engines • 757
Kovacevic, Ana, Devedzic, Vladan, Pocajt, Viktor. – Enhancing a core journal collection for digital libraries (Lang.: eng). - In: Program: electronic library & information systems, 44(2010)2, pp. 132-148.

7462   search engines • 757
Li, J., Zhang, P., Cao, J. – External concept support for group support systems through Web mining (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 60(2009)5, pp. 1057-1070.

7463   search engines • 757
Luyt, B., Goh, D., Lee, C. S. – Searching locally: a comparison of Yehey! and Google (Lang.: eng). - In: Online information review, 33(2009)3, pp. 499-510.

7464   search engines • 757
Marin, M. et al. – Sync/Async parallel search for the efficient design and construction of web search engines (Lang.: eng). - In: Parallel computing, 36(2010)4, pp. 153-168.

7465   search engines • 757
Ouyang, You et al. – Intertopic information mining for query-based summarization (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 61(2010)5, pp. 1062-1072.

7466   search engines • 757
Pepe, A. et al. – From artefacts to aggregations: modelling scientific life cycles on the semantic web (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 61(2010)3, pp. 567-582.

7467   search engines • 757
Sadeghi, H. – Assessing meta search engine performance (Lang.: eng). - In: Online information review, 33(2009)6, pp. 1058-1065.

7468   search engines • 757
Thelwall, M., Wilkinson, D., Uppal, S. – Data mining emotion in social network communication: gender differences in MySpace (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 61(2010)1, pp. 190-199.

7743   search engines • 757
Doszkocs, Tamas. – Semantic search engines mean well (Lang.: eng). - In: Online, 34(2010)4, pp. 36-42.

7744   search engines • 757
Hubert, G., Mothe, J. – An adaptable search engine for multimodal information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 60(2009)8, pp. 1625-1324.

7745   search engines • 757
Ku, L-W., Ho, H-W., Chen, H-H. – Opinion mining and relationship discovery using CopeOpi opinion analysis system (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 60, (2009)7, pp. 1486-1503.

7934   search engines • 757
Belacel, Nabil, Carretero, Juan A., Mahanti, Prabhat. – AI and opinion mining, Part 2 (Lang.: eng). - In: IEEE intelligent systems, 25(2010)4, pp. 72-79. – Available at http://csdl2.computer.org/persagen/DLPublication.jsp?pubtype=m&acronym=ex

7935   search engines • 757
Hsieh-Yee, Ingrid. – Google Scholar and its competitors: accessing scholarly resources on the web (Lang.: eng). - Cambridge, Chandos, 2011. – pp. 200. – ISBN: 9781843344476.

7936   search engines • 757
Knitel, Markus, Labner, Josef, Oberhauser, Otto. – Sachliche Erschliessung und die neue Suchmaschine des Österreichischen Bibliothekenverbundes [Subject indexing and the new search engine of the Austrian Library Network] (Lang.: ger). - In: B.I.T. online: Zeitschrift fĂƒÂŒr Bibliothek, Information und Technologie, 13(2010)3, pp. 275-285. – Available at http://eprints.rclis.org/19143/

7937   search engines • 757
Kovacevic, Ana, Devedzic, Vladan, Pocajt, Viktor. – Using data mining to improve digital library services (Lang.: eng). - In: Electronic library, 28(2010)6, pp. 829-843.

7938   search engines • 757
Maruyama, Shirou, Sakamoto, Hiroshi. – [Information retrieval from huge texts based on data compression and its application to association mining: data compression for capturing the characteristics in texts] (Lang.: jap). - In: Joho Kanri, 53(2010)5, pp. 233-240 .

7939   search engines • 757
Segev, Elad. – Google and the digital divide: the biases of online knowledge (Lang.: eng). - Cambridge, Chandos, 2010. – pp. 256. – ISBN: 9781843345657.

7940   search engines • 757
Thabtah, Fadi, et al. – A new classification based on association algorithm (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of information & knowledge management, 9(2010)1, pp. 55-64.

7941   search engines • 757
Werner, Katrin. – Grössere Zufriedenheit durch bessere Suchmaschinen? Das Confirmation/Disconfirmation-Paradigma der Kundenzufriedenheit im Kontext des Information Retrieval [Do better search engines increase user satisfaction? The confirmation/disconfirmation paradigm of customer satisfaction in the context of information retrieval] (Lang.: ger). - In: Information: Wissenschaft & Praxis, 61(2010)6/7, pp.385-396.

8154   search engines • 757
Finnell, Joshua, Fontane, Walt. – Reference question data mining: a systematic approach to library outreach (Lang.: eng). - In: Reference & user services quarterly, 49(2010)3, pp. 278-286.

8155   search engines • 757
Fox, R. – Mining the digital library (Lang.: eng). - In: OCLC systems & services, 26(2010)4, pp. 372-378.

8156   search engines • 757
Fresko, Marc. – Searching for solutions (Lang.: eng). - In: Records Management Society bulletin, 160(2011), pp. 18-23.

8157   search engines • 757
Zhang, W., Yoshida, T., Tang, X. – A comparative study of TF*IDF, LSI and multi-words for text classification (Lang.: eng). - In: Expert systems with applications, 38(2011)3, pp. 2758-2765.

8328   search engines • 757
Krabo, Ulrike, Knitel, Markus. – Library Linked Data: Technologien, Projekte, Potentiale [Library Linked Data: technologies, projects, potential] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare, 64(2011)1, pp. 11-31.

8329   search engines • 757
Li, Y. – Exploiting community feedback for information retrieval in DHT networks (Lang.: eng). - In: Peer to peer networking and applications, 4(2011)2, pp. 106-121.

8330   search engines • 757
Waller, Vivienne. – Not just information: who searches for what on the search engine Google? (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 62(2011)4, pp. 761-775.

8509   search engines • 757
Govindarajan, M., Chandrasekaran, R.M. – Intrusion detection using neural based hybrid classification methods (Lang.: eng). - In: Computer networks, 55(2011)8, pp. 1662-1671.

8510   search engines • 757
Pal, Jiban K. – Usefulness and applications of data mining in extracting information from different perspectives (Lang.: eng). - In: Annals of library and information science, 58(2011), pp. 7-16.

8695   search engines • 757
Grabczewski, Krzysztof; Jankowski, Norbert. – Saving time and memory in computational intelligence system with machine unification and task spooling (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge-based systems, 24(2011)5, pp. 570-588.

8696   search engines • 757
Schiller, Kurt. – eSearchServer corrals company data (Lang.: eng). - In: Information today, 28(2011)8, p. 28.

8697   search engines • 757
Yongli, Li, Chong, Wu, Kunsheng, Wang. – [A new interestingness measure method for mining association rules] (Lang.: chi). - In: Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 30(2011)5, pp. 503-507.

8852   search engines • 757
Brynko, Barbara. – Vivisimo: optimizing information (Lang.: eng). - In: Information today, 29(2012) 1, pp. 1, 33.

8853   search engines • 757
Choi, Yong. – TPEMatcher: a tool for searching in parsed text corpora (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge-based systems, 24(2011)8, pp. 1139-1150.

8854   search engines • 757
Dhiman, Anil. – Knowledge discovery in databases and libraries (Lang.: eng). - In: DESIDOC journal of library & information technology, 31(2011)6, pp. 446-451.

8855   search engines • 757
Fournier-Viger, Philippe, et al. – CMRules: mining sequential rules common to several sequences (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge-based systems, 25(2012)1, pp. 63-76.

8856   search engines • 757
Li, Hua-Fu. – MHUI-max: an efficient algorithm for discovering high-utility itemsets from data streams (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of information science, 37(2011)5, 532-545.

8857   search engines • 757
Al-Mulla, Reem, Al Aghbari, Zaher. – Incremental algorithm for discovering frequent subsequences in multiple data streams (Lang.: eng). - In: International journal of data warehousing and mining, 7(2011)4, pp. 1-20.

8858   search engines • 757
Nebot, Victoria, Berlanga, Rafael. – Finding association rules in semantic web data (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge-based systems, 25(2012)1, pp. 51-62.

8859   search engines • 757
Papadakos, P. – On exploiting static and dynamically mined metadata for exploratory web searching (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge and information systems, 30(2012)3, pp. 493-525.

8860   search engines • 757
Saint-Dizier, Patrick, Moens, Marie-Francine. – Knowledge and reasoning for question answering: research perspectives (Lang.: eng). - In: Information processing & management, 47(2011)6, pp. 899-906.

8861   search engines • 757
Tseng, V. S., Lee, C. H. – Effective temporal data classification by integrating sequential pattern mining and probabilistic induction (Lang.: eng). - In: Expert systems with applications, 39(2012)2, pp. 9524-9532.

8862   search engines • 757
Xiaoyi, Deng, et al. – [Fast association rules mining algorithm for personalized recommendation] (Lang.: chi). - In: Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 30(2011)9, pp. 963-972.

8863   search engines • 757
Yun, J., et al. – A multi-layer text classification framework based on two-level representation model (Lang.: eng). - In: Expert systems with applications, 39(2012)2, pp. 2035-2046.

8864   search engines • 757
Zhang, Yan, et al. – Corrective classification: Learning from data imperfections with aggressive and diverse classifier ensembling (Lang.: eng). - In: Information systems, 36(2011)8, pp. 1135-1157.

8865   search engines • 757
Zhang, Zhen, Guo, Chonghui. – Association rules evaluation by a hybrid criteria decision method (Lang.: eng). - In: International journal of knowledge and systems science, 2(2011)3, pp. 14-25.

8866   search engines • 757
Zhu, Ye, Fu, Yongjian, Fu, Huirong. – Preserving privacy in time series data mining (Lang.: eng). - In: International journal of data warehousing and mining, 7(2011)4, pp. 64-85.

9084   search engines • 757
Arlitsch, Kenning, O'Brien, Patrick S. – Invisible institutional repositories: addressing the low indexing ratios of IRs in Google (Lang.: eng). - In: Library hi tech, 30(2012)1, pp.60-81.

9085   search engines • 757
Berri, Jawad, Benlamri, Rachid. – Context-aware mobile search engine (Lang.: eng). - In: Next generation search engines, pp. 371-385 (08.757).

9086   search engines • 757
Biskri, Ismaïl, et al. – Aide à lñ€ℱinterpretation des classes de similarité [Help in interpreting similar classes] (Lang.: fre). - In: Lñ€ℱorganisation des connaissances, pp. 147-158 (08.21).

9087   search engines • 757
Chen, Lin-Chih. – Next generation search engine for the result clustering technology (Lang.: eng). - In: Next generation search engines, pp. 274-290 (08.757).

9088   search engines • 757
Djioua, Brahim, Desclés, Jean-Pierre, Alrahabi, Motasem. – Searching and mining with semantic categories (Lang.: eng). - In: Next generation search engines, pp. 115-137 (08.757).

9089   search engines • 757
Karaman, Faruk. – Artificial intelligence enabled search engines (AIESE) and the implications (Lang.: eng). - In: Next generation search engines, pp. 438-455 (08.757).

9090   search engines • 757
Lewandowski, Dirk. – A framework for evaluating the retrieval effectiveness of search engines (Lang.: eng). - In: Next generation search engines, pp. 456-479 (08.757).

9091   search engines • 757
Ninova, Goritsa, Atifi, Hassan. – Ethnographie de la structuration dñ€ℱun corpus collectif des messages de soutien social en ligne [The ethnography of structuring a collection of messages to underpin a social network] (Lang.: fre). - In: Lñ€ℱorganisation des connaissances, pp. 135-145 (08.21).

9092   search engines • 757
Sleem-Amer, Mona, et al. – Intelligent semantic search engines for opinion and sentiment mining (Lang.: eng). - In: Next generation search engines, pp. 191-215 (08.757).

9093   search engines • 757
Stahl, Frederic, Bramer, Max. – Jmax-pruning: a facility for the information theoretic pruning of modular classification rules (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge-based systems, 29(2012), pp.12-19.

9094   search engines • 757
Zhang, W., Yoshida, T., Tang, X. – A comparative study of TF*IDF, LSI and multi-words for text classification (Lang.: eng). - In: Expert systems with applications, 38(2011)3, pp. 2758-2765.

9319   search engines • 757
Christen, Michael. – (Book review of) Handbuch Internet-Suchmaschinen 2: Neue Entwicklungen in der Web-Suche Ed.: Dirk Lewandowksi. Heidelberg: Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft Aka, 2011. ISBN 978-3-89838-651-7 [Internet Search Engines Handbook 2: new developments in Web searching] (Lang.: ger). - In: Information - Wissenschaft & Praxis. 63(2102)3, pp. 207ñ€“208.

9320   search engines • 757
Dedek, Jan, Vojtas, Peter, Vomlelova, Marta. – Fuzzy ILP classification of web reports after linguistic text mining (Lang.: eng). - In: Information processing and management, 48(2012)3, pp. 438-450.

9321   search engines • 757
Huang, Tony Cheng-Kui, Liu, Chuang-Chun, Chang, Dong-Cheng. – An empirical investigation of factors influencing the adoption of data mining tools (Lang.: eng). - In: International journal of information management, 32(2012)3, pp. 257-270.

9322   search engines • 757
Ozcan, Rifat, et al. – A five-level static cache architecture for Web search engines (Lang.: eng). - In: Information processing and management, 48(2012)5, pp. 828-840.

9323   search engines • 757
Siebenlist, Tobias. – MEMOSE: Spezialsuchmaschine fĂƒÂŒr emotional geladene Dokumente [MEMOSE: a specialized search engine for emotional-laden documents] (Lang.: ger). - In: Information - Wissenschaft & Praxis, 63(2012)4, pp. 252-260.

9324   search engines • 757
Yun, J. et al. – A multi-layer text classification framework based on two-level representation model (Lang.: eng). - In: Expert systems with applications, 39(2012)2, pp. 2035-2046.

9528   search engines • 757
Milonas, Elizabeth. – Classifying web term relationships: an examination of the search result pages of two major search engines (Lang.: eng). - In: Categories, contexts and relations in knowledge organization (06.12-08-6/9).

9529   search engines • 757
Orrico, Evelyn; Dodebei, Vera; Gontijo, Miriam. – The precision of metaphor for information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Categories, contexts and relations in knowledge organization (06.12-08-6/9).

9977   1990-2-282search engines • 757
Vickery, A.; Brooks,H.M., Robinson,B.A., Stephens,J.,Vickery,B. – Expert system for referral (Lang.: eng). - London, British Library, 1988. – pp. 233.(Libr.& Inform.Res.Rep.No.66). – ISBN: 0712331468.

9999   1990-0990search engines • 757
Morris, A.(Ed.). – The application of expert systems in libraries and information centers (Lang.: eng). - London, GB, Bowker-Saur, 1992. – pp. 250. – ISBN: 0862912768.

10000   1993-0990search engines • 757
Morris, A. (Ed.). – The application of expert systems in libraries and information centers (Lang.: eng). - London, GB, Bowker-Saur, 1992. – pp. 250. – ISBN: 0862912768.

10012   1990-2-280search engines • 757
Hamza, M.H.(Ed.). – Expert systems: theory and applications: IASTED Int.Conf., Geneva, IASTED Int.Conf., Geneva, June 16-18, 1987.Proceedings (Lang.: eng). - Anaheim,etc, Acta Press, 1987. – pp. II,228 . – ISBN: 0889861188.

10323   1990-0993search engines • 757
Marshall, G. – Advanced student s guide to expert systems (Lang.: eng). - Oxford, GB, Heinemann Newne, 1990. – pp. 176.

10325   1993-0993search engines • 757
Marshall, G.. – Advanced student s guide to expert systems (Lang.: eng). - Oxford, GB, Heinemann Newne, 1990. – pp. 176.

10362   1990-0985search engines • 757
Bessano, J.C.; Mekaouche, A. – Un systeme multi-expert d aide a la recherche documentaire [A multi-expert system for help in document research] (Lang.: fre). - Orleans, FR, Univ.d Orleans, – pp. 236. Description of a multi-expert system elaborated at the Laboratoire d informatique fondamentale d Orleans

10363   1993-0985search engines • 757
Bessano, J.C.; Mekaouche, A.. – Un système multi-expert d aide ナ la recherche documentaire [A multi-expert system for help in document research] (Lang.: fre). - Orleans, FR, Univ.d Orleans, – pp. 236.(MRE-89 K 6427). Description of a multi-expert system elaborated at the Laboratoire d informatique fondamentale d Orléans.

10367   1990-2-278search engines • 757
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10593   1990-0996search engines • 757
Wells, F.S.; Guimaraes, T. – End-user development of expert systems (Lang.: eng). - In: Emerging Inform.Technol.for Competitive Advantage and Econ.Development.Proc.1992 Inform.Resources Management Assoc.Int.Conf., Charleston, May 92.19