Knowledge organization literature. Selected items

Your search for class 387 Programs for other Activities in Classification and Indexing found the 18 items below.       [new search]

Items on this class as the base theme

10116   1990-0930programs for indexing activities387
Janen, H.; Bundschuh, M. – Objektorientierte Software-Entwicklung [Object-oriented software development] (Lang.: ger). - Munchen-Wien, Oldenbourg, 1993. – pp. 116. – ISBN: 3486226460.

10117   1993-0930programs for indexing activities387
Janen, H.; Bundschuh, M.. – Objektorientierte Software-Entwicklung [Object-oriented software development] (Lang.: ger). - Munchen-Wien, Oldenbourg, 1993. – pp. 116. – ISBN: 3486226460.

10203   1990-2-179programs for indexing activities387
Meiss, B. – Thesaurus, integriert, online und dynamisch.Neues Arbeiten mit DOMESTIC [Thesaurus, integrated, online and dynamical.A new kind of work withthe DOMESTIC software] (Lang.: ger). - München, DE, KTS Inform.Syst, 1989. – pp. 103. – ISBN: 3980140733.

10340   1990-2-180programs for indexing activities387
Ritzler, C. – Vergleichende Untersuchung von PC-Thesaurusprogrammen [Comparative studies of PC thesaurus programs] (Lang.: ger). - Darmstadt, DE, FHS FB Inf.u.Do, 1989. – pp. 200.

10892   1990-0931programs for indexing activities387
(Project Management for project-oriented software development) (Lang.: eng). - In: Informatik-Spektrum.Vol.15.No.5.1992.p.253-292. The issue contains 5 contributions to the topic given in brackets with an Editorial by R.Busch

10986   1990-1-158programs for indexing activities387
Mark, L. – A graphical query language for the binary relationship model (Lang.: eng). - In: Inform.Syst.Vol.14.No.3.1989.p.231-246.

11227   1990-2-178programs for indexing activities387
Williams, D.E. – Concept Finder (Lang.: eng). - In: Techn.Services Quart.Vol.6.No.2.1988.p.74-77.

11370   1993-0224programs for indexing activities387
Brotchie, D.. – Book review of Beauvien, D.B., Primack, A.L., Seale, C.: Software for patron use in libraries. Libr.Trends 40(1991)No.1, 197p. (Lang.: eng). - In: Int.Classif.Vol. 19 No. 3. 1992. p.168-169.

11371   1993-0225programs for indexing activities387
Chaudhry, A.A.. – Adapting CDS/ISIS to index hyphenated and numeric words and incorporating case sensitive storage and retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: ProgramVol. 24 No. 4. 1990. p.371-379.

11372   1993-0226programs for indexing activities387
Sieverts, E.G.; Hofstede, M., Oude Groeniger, B.. – Software for information storage and retrieval tested, evaluated and compared. IV: Indexing and full-text retrieval programs (Lang.: eng). - In: Electron Libr.Vol. 10 No. 4. 1992. p.195-208.

11652   1993-0931programs for indexing activities387
(Project Management for project-oriented software development) (Lang.: eng). - In: Informatik-Spektrum. Vol. 15. No. 5. p.253-292. The issue contains 5 contributions to the topic given in brackets with an Editorial by R.Busch.

11792   1994-0919programs for indexing activities387
Chang, R.. – The development of indexing technology (Lang.: eng). - In: Libr.Software Rev.. 12(1993)3,p.30-35. The various file accessing methods are introduced, including SAM (Sequential Access Method), DAM (Direct Access Method), ISAM (Indexed Sequential Access Method) and VSAM (Virtual Sequential Access Method) which have been widely used for file and records retrieval over the years, as well as various B-tree (Balanced-tree) structures.

11793   1994-0920programs for indexing activities387
Opdahl, A.L.; Sindre, G.. – A taxonomy for real-world modelling concepts (Lang.: eng). - In: Inform.Systems. 19(1994)3,p.229-241.

12426   1996-0215programs for indexing activities387
Steinhart, E.. – NETMET: A program for generating and interpreting metaphors (Lang.: eng). - In: Computers and the Humanities. Vol. 28, No. 6. 1995. p.383-392. Metaphors have computable semantics. A program called NETMET both generates metaphors and produces partial literal interpretation of metaphors. Input to NETMET consists of a list of literal propositions. NETMET creates metaphors by finding topic and source semantic fields, producing an analogical map from source to topic, then generating utterances in which terms in the source are identified with or predicated of terms in the topic. Given a metaphor NETMET utilizes if-then rules to generate the implication complex of that metaphor. The literal leaves of the implication complex comprise a partial literal interpretation. (Author)

13057   1990-1-156programs for indexing activities387
GURU - ein Programmierwerkzeug zur Entwicklung wissensbasierter Systeme [Guru -a programming tool for the development of knowledge based systems] (Lang.: ger). - In: GI-Mitt.(GDR).Vol.4.No.3.1989.p.93-95.

13518   1990-1-157programs for indexing activities387
Kushakova, Lh.S.; Koz'mosvskaya, T.I., Sergeeva, O.V. – The software of the computerised STI system on labour and environmental protection (Lang.: rus). - In: Nauchno-tekhn.inform.,Ser.2.No.4.1989.p.16-17.

11999   1995-0218-b387.117
Yelland, P.M.. – Object-oriented knowledge representation. Object-oriented technology (Lang.: eng). - In: BT Technol.J.. 11(1993)3,p.41-51. Description of a system which results from augmenting an object oriented programming language with term classification facilities like those found in the knowledge representation language KL-One and its successors. (Author, abbr.)

13883   1993-0030387.773
Coutrot, F.. – EDIBASE: A documentary software product for terminology usage (Lang.: ). -



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