Knowledge organization literature. Selected items

Your search for class 27 Maintenance, Updating and Storage of Classification Systems and Thesauri found the 55 items below.       [new search]

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Items on this class as the base theme

10414   1993-0622revision271
Barite, M.G.. – Reformulation de tablas notacionales [Reformulation of notational tables] (Lang.: spa). - Montevide, Uruguay, El Galeᄁn, 1990. – pp. 35.

348   1997-3-0347KOS maintenance272
Burchard, M. – Centrum Formatow i Kartotek Hasel Wzorcowych [Format and Authority Control Centre] (Lang.: pol). - In: Bibliotekarz (1996)11. p.6-8. On the Polish centralised and standardised subject catalogue

7159   KOS maintenance272
Tennis, Joseph T. – Measured time: imposing a temporal metric to classificatory structures (Lang.: eng). - In: Paradigms and conceptual systems in knowledge organization (, pp. 223-228.

8446   KOS maintenance272
Pimentel, David M. – Toward a typology of classificatory change (Lang.: eng). - In: Expanding our horizons, evaluating our parameters, [See 06.11-06-16\17], pp. 139-150.

8788   KOS maintenance272
Eman, Jay Ven. – When is your taxonomy finished? (Lang.: eng). - In: Information outlook, 15(2011)8, pp. 17-19.

10277   1993-0623KOS maintenance272
Chérubin, M.. – La maintenance d'un thésaurus [Maintenance of a thesaurus] (Lang.: fre). - Paris, Inst.Etud.Polit, 1991. – pp. 126.(Information et Documentation).

1021   1998-0397KOS maintenanceKOS for libraries272;485
Burchard, M. – Zentrale Datenbank der Normdateien der Universitätsbibliotheken [Central database of authority files of university libraries] (Lang.: ger). - In: Forum Musikbibliothek, (1998)1,p.54-58. Central authority files for personal and corporate names, for titles and for the subject headings according to KABA

9250   KOS maintenancespecial KOSagriculture272;646
Caracciolo, C. et al. – Thesaurus maintenance, alignment and publication as linked data: the AGROVOC use case (Lang.: eng). - In: International journal of metadata semantics and ontologies, 7(2012)1, pp. 65-75.

3205   2002-0226revision methods273
Madalli, D.P., Prasad, A.R.D. – VYASA : a knowledge representation system for automatic maintenance of analytico-synthetic scheme (Lang.: eng). - In: Challenges in Knowledge Organization ...[see 2002-0188], p. 113-119.

6930   revision methods273
Cyrot, Catherine. – Réingénierie de thésaurus: une étude de cas [Thesaurus re-engineering. Case study] (Lang.: fre). - In: Documentaliste: sciences de l'information, 46(2009)3, pp. 4-13.

10611   1993-0148revision methods273
Hergelin, M.. – Restructuration de la banque de données multimedia URBAMET et sa valorisation [Restructuring of URBAMET multi-media database and its valorization] (Lang.: fre). - Paris, Inst.d'Aménagem, 1991. (MRE-89 K6458). 2 vols.

13139   1993-0147revision methods273
Dilger, M.. – Revision eines Schlagwortregisters mit Hilfe der Schlagwortnormdatei [Revision of the subject heading index with the German subject authority file SWD] (Lang.: ger). - In: BibliotheksdienstVol. 26 No. 9. 1992. p.1338-48.

13589   1993-0149revision methods273
Ruchimskaya, E.M.. – Some issues of perfecting database subject searching in a subject heading language (Lang.: rus). - In: Inform.Serc.Inf.tekhnol.Sredst No. 2. 1990. p.34-48.

15382   revision methods273
Baños-Moreno, María-José. – Fuentes para la actualización de macrotesauros: noticias de divulgación científica [Sources for updating macrothesauri: popular science news] (Lang.: spa). - In: Cuadernos de información 3, pp. 13-24. – Available at http://ojs.fcdmurcia.es/index.php?journal=cuadernos&page=article&op=view&path[]=143

18712   revision methods273
Ferreira, Ana Carolina; Maculan, Benildes Coura Moreira dos Santos. РMetodologias para reviṣo e atualiza̤̣o de tesauros: mapeamento da literatura [Methodologies for reviewing and updating thesaurus: literature mapping] (Lang.: port). - In: Informa̤̣o & Informa̤̣o, 25(2020)1, pp. 229-253. РAvailable at http://www.uel.br/revistas/uel/index.php/informacao/article/view/36259

9018   revision methodsDDC273;43
Green, Rebecca, Mitchell, Joan S. – Computer-assisted abridgement of a classification scheme (Lang.: eng). - In: Facets of knowledge organization, pp. 51-60 (

8789   revision methodsconceptologysystems theory273;88-51/4
Guo, Dong-mei, Chen, Xin-hong, Wang, Lin-lin. – [The revision of class H31 in the 5th Edition of Chinese Library Classification] (Lang.: chi). - In: Zhonghua Yixue Tushu Qingbao Zazhi/Chinese journal of medical library and information science, 20(2011)5, pp. 38-40.

1788   2000-0064KOS revision274
De Moya-Anegón, F., López-Huertas, M.J. – An automatic model for updating the conceptual structure of a scientific discipline (Lang.: eng). - In: Dynamism and Stability in Knowledge Organization : Proceedings of the 6th International ISKO Conference 10-13 July 2000. - Würzburg : Ergon Verlag, 2000, p.55-63.

6206   2009-0326KOS revision274
Rooney, E.M. – Classification development: a continuing problem (Lang.: eng). - In: Catholic library world, 79(2009)3, pp. 204-208.

9452   KOS revision274
Gu, Ying; He, Lin. – [Automatic establishment of classified thesaurus -- also on the improvement of knowledge base for automatic classification] (Lang.: chi). - In: Information service, 56(2012)19, pp. 109-113.

13150   1993-0624KOS revision274
Dilger, M.. – Revision eines Schlagwortregisters mit Hilfe der Schlagwortnormdatei [Revision of an index of subject headings with the help of the subject heading standard file] (Lang.: ger). - In: BibliotheksdienstVol. 26 No. 9. 1992. p.1338-48.

15383   KOS revision274
Bao, Xiulin; Wu, Wenna. – [Overview on the revision status of Chinese thesaurus in recent 40 years] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library and information service, 57(2013)2, pp. 109-113.

13034   1990-0901274, 485
Dilger, M. – Revision eines Schlagwortregisters mit Hilfe der Schlagwortnormdatei [Revision of a subject heading index with the help of the Standard Subject Headings File] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst.Vol.26.1992.p.1338-48.

13165   1993-0901274, 485
Dilger, M.. – Revision eines Schlagwortregisters mit Hilfe der Schlagwortnormdatei [Revision of a subject heading index with the help of the Standard Subject Headings File] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst. Vol. 26. p.1338-48.

9453   KOS revisionevaluation of indexing274;395
He, Lin; He, Juan; Yan, Sulan. – [Research on revision and evaluation of CCT based on automatic indexing data] (Lang.: chi). - In: Journal of library science in China, 38(2012)6, pp. 81-88.

9611   KOS revisionKOS for libraries274;485
Liu, Lijing. – [Study on the revision of regional categories in Chinese Library Classification (5th edition)] (Lang.: chi). - In: Journal of academic libraries, (2012)1, pp. 75-77.

9454   KOS revision274;935(156)
Lee, Changsoo. – [Feature analysis of a Chinese library classification] (Lang.: kor). - 5th ed. – In: Journal of Korean library and information science society, 43(2012)3, pp. 101-120.

7160   software for classificationssemi-automatic indexing methods275;344
Schöning-Walter, Christa. – PETRUS: Prozessunterstützende Software für die digitale Deutsche Nationalbibliothek [PETRUS: process supporting software for the digital German National Library] (Lang.: ger). - In: Dialog mit Bibliotheken, 22(2010)1, pp.15-19. – Available at http://www.d-nb.de/service/pdf/dialog_2010_1_petrus.pdf

484   1997-4-0485software for thesauri276
Pastor, J.A., Saorin, T. – Un interfaz hipertexto para un sistema de gestion de tesauros [A hypertext interface for a thesaurus management system] (Lang.: spa). - In: Scire 2 (1996)1. p.51-62.

654   1998-0031software for thesauri276
Schonfeldt, R. – Thesaurus-Software: ein Vergleich [Thesaurus software: a comparison] (Lang.: ger). - In: Nachrichten für Dokumentation 1996(46)3,p. 177-186.

1243   1999-0038software for thesauri276
Fujiwara, Y., Liu, Y. – The homogenized bipartite model : HBM for self organization of knowledge and organization (Lang.: eng). - In: International Forum on Information and Documentation , 23(1998)1,p.13-17.

3007   2002-0032software for thesauri276
Alonso, M.A.L. – La gestion automatizada de Tesauros : estado de la cuestion [Computerised thesaurus management: state of the art] (Lang.: spa). - In: Revista Interamericana de Bibliotecologia, 21(1998)1,p.49-69.

4099   2005-32-2-0175software for thesauri276
Riesland, M.R. – Tools of the trad : vocabulary management software (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging and Classification Quarterly, 37(2004)3/4, p.155-176.

10794   1995-0770software for thesauri276
Wu, M.-M. – Criteria issue for the thesaurus management software (Lang.: chi). - In: J. Libr.& Inform.Sci.(Taiwan). Vol. 20. No. 2. 1994. p.75-90.

12986   1995-0378software for thesauri276
Lubkov, M. – Mots-clés,thésaurus et logiciels [Keywords, thesaurus and software] (Lang.: fre). - In: Archimag. No. 75. 1994. p.44-47.

13151   1993-0625software for thesauri276
Nohr, H.. – Ordnung schaffen. Thesauri in integrierter Dokumentationssoftware für den PC [Creation of order. Thesauri in integrated documentation software for the PC] (Lang.: ger). - In: Cogito No. 3. 1993. p.28-30.

13152   1993-0626software for thesauri276
Werner, J.-J.. – Vom Karteikasten zum Dokumentationssystem. Pt.2: Der Weg zur DV-Dokumentation [From the manual cardfile system to a computerized documentation system] (Lang.: ger). - In: Cogito No. 5. 1992. p.48-53.

13267   1995-0769software for thesauri276
Schönfeldt, R. – Thesaurus-Software: Ein Vergleich [Thesaurus software: A comparison] (Lang.: ger). - In: Nachr. Dok. Vol. 46. No. 3. 1995. p.177-186. Six computer programs for the creation and maintenance of thesauri are discussed and compared on the basis of a catalogue of criteria. Three aspects are investigated especially: Thesaurus information and relation, consistency, and user-interface includin. g hypertext capabilities. (Author, abbr.)

12915   1993-0150276, 324, 231, 344
Bertrand-Gastaldy,S.; Pagola, G.. – L'analyse du contenu textuel en vue de la construction de thésaurus et de l'indexation assistées par ordinateur: applications possibles avec SATO [Analysis of text contents for the construction of a thesaurus and for computer supported indexing: possible applications of SATO] (Lang.: fre). - In: Doc.et Bibl. (Can)Vol. 38 No. 2. 1992. p.75-89.

485   1997-4-0486software for thesauriautomating indexing methodsNLP methods276;343;733
Schutze, H., Pedersen, J.O. – A cooccurrences-based thesaurus and two applications to information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing & Management 33 (1997)3. p.307-318.

9455   maintenance software277
Kim, Jeong-Hyen. – [The improvements of the clothing and textiles field in the 5th edition of KDC] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of Korean library and information science society, 43(2012)3, pp. 101-120.

9612   maintenance software277
Lü, Meixiang. – [Research on autogenous enlargement of Chinese Classified Thesaurusâ€â€keyword extracting from metadata] (Lang.: chi). - In: Information science, 30(2012)8, pp. 1160-1166.



Further items on this class as a particular theme

30042002-0029kinds of thesaurisoftware for thesauri215;276
Alonso, M.A.L. – Los tesauros conceptuales como herramienta de precision en los sistemas de organizacion cientifica [Conceptual thesauri as precision tools in scientific organisation systems] (Lang.: spa). – In: Revista Interamericana de Bibliotecologia, 22(1999)1,p.21-35.

1711997-2-0170design principlesKOS maintenance232;272
Cheti, A. – L'indicizzazione per soggetto negli anni Novanta [Subject heading systems in the 90s] (Lang.: ita). – In: Bolletino AIB 36(1996)3.

Robinson, G. – Abridging the UDC : the compiling of the Pocket Edition (Lang.: eng). – In: Knowledge Organization, 26(1999)3,p.149-156.

7701UDCKOS revision42;274
ÃÂstahova. â. S., Smirnova, Þ. V., Solov’eva, I. M. – Vedenie Universal’nnoj desjatiÄÂnoj klassifikacii kak osnova vzaimodejstvija informacionni’h sistem [Maintenance of Universal Decimal Classification as a basis for interaction of information systems] (Lang.: rus). – In: Materliali’ nauÄÂno-praktiÄÂeskoj konferencii “SovrÅ¡enstvovanie informacionno-biblioteÄÂnogo obsluživanija APKâ€Â, Moskva, Russia, 20-23 October 2008 g. Moscow, 2009, pp. 30-35.

7702UDCKOS revision42;274
Slavic, A., Cordeiro, M. I., Riesthuis, G. J. A. – Pripravované a realizované zmeny v manažmente MDT [Changes in UDC maintenance and management] (Lang.: eng). – In: Knižnica, 10(2008), pp. 17-22. Tr. by Alžbeta Martinická.

12821999-0077DDCKOS maintenance43;272
Martin, G.S. – The revision of 350-354 Public administration and 560-590 Life sciences in Edition 21 of the DDC (Lang.: eng). – In: Dewey Decimal Classification : Edition 21 and International Perspectives : papers from a workshop at the IFLA Conference Beijing, China, August 29, 1996 / ed. by L.M. Chan and J.S. Mitchell. - Albany: Forest Press, 1997 , p.17-28.

8816DDCrevision methodsmultilingual IRNBM indexing problems43;273;797;871
Sharada, B. A., Kumari, Suman. – Modification of DDC for organizing multilingual and multimodal collections (Lang.: eng). – In: Information studies, 17(2011)4, pp. 243-262.

18202000-0096DDCsoftware for classifications43;275
Godby, C.J., Reighart, R. – Using machine-readable text as a source of novel vocabulary to update the Dewey Decimal Classification (Lang.: eng). – In: Proceedings of the 9th ASIS SIG/CR classification research workshop, 25 October 1998, Pittsburgh, Pa. - Silver Spring, MD: ASIS, 1998, p.91-105. – Available at http://orc.rsch.oclc.org:5061/papers/sigcr98.html

8820LCCindexing infine artsrevision methods44;88-94;273
Lee, Deborah. – Dealing with adaptation: the Courtauld classification scheme (Lang.: eng). – In: Art libraries journal, 36(2011)4, pp.26-33.

15216special KOSfine artsKOS revisionKO research in countries694;274;189
Kim, Soojung. – [A study on the improvements of the design field in the 6th edition of the Korean Decimal Classification (KDC)] (Lang.: kor). – In: Journal of the Korean Biblia Society For Library And Information Science, 24(2013)3, pp. 53-72.

2961997-2-0295conceptologysystems theorymaintenance software88-51/4;277
Tuttle, M.S., Nelson, S.J. – A poor precedent (Lang.: eng). – In: Methods of Information in Medicine 35(1996)3. p.211-217. On the maintenance of controlled vocabularies in the field of medical science

2971997-2-0296conceptologysystems theorymaintenance software88-51/4;277
Rector, A.L. – Faithfullness or comparabilit (Lang.: eng). – In: Methods of Information in Medicine 35(1996)3. p.218-219. On the maintenance of controlled vocabularies in the field of medical science

2981997-2-0297conceptologysystems theorymaintenance software88-51/4;277
Cimino, J.J. – Formal description and adaptive mechanisms for changes in controlled medical vocabularies (Lang.: eng). – In: Methods of Information in Medicine 35(1996)3. p.202-210. On the maintenance of controlled vocabularies in the field of medical science

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