KO events 2020

2020-01-05/08    Daejeon International Conference on Multimedia Modeling. 26
2020-01-20/21    Berlin Qurator: conference on digital curation technologies. 2020
2020-02-03/05    San Diego IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing. 14
2020-02-03/04    Los Angeles International Linked Open Data in Libraries Archives and Museums Summit. 5
2020-02-06/08    Tunis Organization of knowledge and advanced technologies
2020-02-17    Tehran Digital libraries: processing and organizing information and knowledge. 3
2020-02-18    London Taxonomies/thesauri/ontologies: what's best for me?
2020-02-20    Pessac Reticulum. 2: Architecture(s) de l'information
2020-03-12    Utrecht History of knowledge. Knowledge has its own rules – and they have a history
2020-03-19/22    Boston AAS. 2020. Panel: Collecting and organizing knowledge in China: past and present
2020-03-30    London Using KO to deliver content [cancelled]
2020-04-21    online ISKO UK Meetups. Data visualisation: hands-on practice
2020-04-22/24    Bruges European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, Computational Intelligence and ML. 28
2020-05-07/08    Edinburgh European DDC Users Group Meeting. 2020
2020-05-16    Marseille Computational terminology. 2020
2020-05-19    online Hidden world of KO. 1: KO everywhere
2020-05-21    online Madamina il catalogo è questo: tassonomie per il Web (e non)
2020-05-25/31    online Sapere vs. conoscenza: alternative per tradurre KO nelle lingue neolatine
2020-06-02/04    online European Semantic Web Conference. 2020
2020-06-16    online How the BBC is approaching metadata quality measurement
2020-06-17/19    Paris Grapholinguistics in the 21st century: from graphemes to knowledge. 2020
2020-06-29    online AGROVOC becoming a semantic hub
2020-07-01/04    online International Terminology Summer School. 2020
2020-07-06/10    Bangalore SemTech: Semantic techniques and technologies for data and knowledge representation. 2020
2020-07-07    online ISKO General Assembly
2020-07-13    online Terminologia e KO: sistemas, normas e ferramentas
2020-07-14    online Knowledge graphs. 1: Theories and definitions
2020-07-27/31    Lisbon Healthcare terminology and digital transformation
2020-08-01/05    Wuhan (online) ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries. 2020
2020-08-18    online Knowledge graphs. 2: Practical applications
2020-08-20    online Getty Vocabulary Program's OpenRefine reconciliation service
2020-09-09/10    online NKOS Consolidated Workshop
2020-09-09/11    Birmingham Metadata and discovery
2020-09-14/17    Novosibirsk International Bibliographic Congress. 3: Bibliographic information in digital culture
2020-09-14/25    online DCMI International Conference on Metadata. 2021
2020-09-14/25    online DCMI Virtual
2020-09-16/20    online EKAW: Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management. 22
2020-09-20/26    online Euro IA Conference. 2020
2020-09-22    online ISKO UK Meetup
2020-09-28/10-02    online Information Behaviour Conference
2020-09-30/10-02    Zaragoza IberSID: encuentros internacionales sobre sistemas de información y documentación. 25
2020-10-05/16    online Special Libraries Association. 2020
2020-10-08    online KO-ED. Definition and scope of KO in relation to IR
2020-10-14/16    Baku ICME, INTERCOM & ICOM Azerbaijan Joint Conference
2020-10-14    online Taxonomy Boot Camp London webinar
2020-10-15/17    Hammamet CIBAHN. 3: Libraries and archives in the digital humanities era
2020-10-15    online KO-ED. Content analysis
2020-10-19/23    online ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management. 29
2020-10-22    online Everything's in 300: moving from DDC to BDC at the Carrier Sekani Tribal Council
2020-10-22    online KO-ED. Language of description
2020-10-26/29    Dublin ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval. 2020
2020-10-26    online ASIS&T Annual Meeting. 2020. Information Organization paper session
2020-10-27    online Times tags: metadata at The New York Times, 1851-today
2020-10-29    online KO-ED. Subject headings: a word-based approach to organization and retrieval
2020-11-05    online KO-ED. General principles underlying KOSs
2020-11-09    online International Classification of Diseases Webinar. 1
2020-11-12    online KO-ED. Faceted classification
2020-11-14/15    Tbilisi International Conference on Terminology. 2
2020-11-16/17    Washington Taxonomy Boot Camp. 2020
2020-11-17    online ISKO UK Meetup. Myths and half truths about semantic data modelling
2020-11-19/20    Paris HyperOtlet. 2020: Documents et documentation: approche rétro-prospective
2020-11-23/27    online Semantic Web in libraries. 2020
2020-11-24/27    online Terminology & ontology: theory and applications. 14
2020-11-26    online KO-ED. From concepts to KOSs
2020-11-30/12-04    online Metadata and semantics research. 14
2020-12-03    online Using synonyms to improve discovery of geospatial data
2020-12-03    online KO-ED. What is a thesaurus? How and why so?
2020-12-04/05    online Summit italiano di architettura dell'informazione. 14
2020-12-07/10    online CIDOC Conference. 2020
2020-12-10    online KO-ED. How should today's thesaurus earn its keep?
2020-12-12    Barcelona Cognitive aspects of the lexicon. 6
2020-12-12/13    Barcelona Joint conference on Lexical and computational semantics. 9
2020-12-22    online Getting started with VocBench. 1 (ISKO UK Meetup)


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