KO events 2013

2013-01-26/31    Špindlerův Mlýn SofSem: Current trends in theory and practice of computer science. 39
2013-01-31    Bruxelles Journée d'études jeunes chercheurs en lexicologie, terminologie, traduction. 1
2013-03-13/15    Bologna Disciplinare la memoria
2013-03-19/22    Potsdam International Symposium of Information Science. 13
2013-03-19    London The power of social media to support knowledge sharing
2013-03-19/20    Potsdam German ISKO Conference. 13: Theorie, Information und Organisation von Wissen
2013-03-24/30    Samos CICLing: Intelligent text processing and computational linguistics. 14
2013-04-03/07    Baltimore Information Architecture Summit. 2013
2013-04-03/05    Neuchâtel CORIA: Conférence en recherche d'information et applications. 10
2013-04-08/10    Milton Keynes The difference that makes a difference. 2013: Information: space, time, and identity
2013-04-19    London Bliss Classification AGM. 2013: Exploring highly interconnected humanities data
2013-05-13    Rio de Janeiro International Workshop on Web of Linked Entities. 2
2013-05-20    Florence Italian ISKO Meeting. 6
2013-05-22    online Semantic mashups across large, heterogeneous institutions: experiences from the VIVO service
2013-05-26/30    Montpellier ESWC. 10: Semantics and big data
2013-05-27/29    Rio de Janeiro Brazilian ISKO Conference. 2
2013-06-03/06    Paris Journées internationales d’analyse statistique des données textuelles. 2014
2013-06-04/07    Chambéry TOTh: Terminologie & ontologie : théories et applications. 2013
2013-06-05/06    Turku = Åbo ASIST European Workshop
2013-06-12/14    Madrid Web intelligence, mining, and semantics. 2013
2013-06-13/14    Milwaukee North American Symposium on KO. 4
2013-06-17/or 18    Valencia Ontologies and conceptual modeling. 2
2013-06-17/18    The Hague Classifying with the Co-operative Patent Classification
2013-06-19/20    Montreal Linked open data in libraries, archives and museums. 2
2013-07-03/05    Lille Journées francophones d'ingénierie des connaissances. 24
2013-07-07/09    Montreal International Conference on Biomedical Ontology. 4
2013-07-08/09    London UK ISKO Conference. 3
2013-07-10/11    Luxembourg Classification and subject indexing in LIS (GfKl 2013)
2013-07-28/08-01    Dublin ACM SIGIR: Information retrieval. 2013
2013-08-03/05    Beijing Formal concept analysis for artificial intelligence. 4
2013-08-04/09    Sofia Annual meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. 51
2013-08-07/11    Hong Kong Wikimania. 9
2013-08-10/11    Düsseldorf Formal grammar. 18
2013-08-17/23    Singapore IFLA World Library and Information Congress. 79. Classification & Indexing open session
2013-08-19/22    Copenhagen CoLIS: Conceptions of library and information science. 8
2013-09-02/06    Lisbon Dublin Core and Metadata Applications. 2013
2013-09-03    Lisbon Long-term preservation and governance of RDF vocabularies
2013-09-04/06    Graz International Conference on Semantic Systems. 9
2013-09-09/13    Vancouver Vocabularies, ontologies and rules for the enterprise and beyond. 8
2013-09-15    Corunna International Workshop on Modular Ontologies. 7
2013-09-19/22    Vilamoura Knowledge discovery, engineering, and management. 5
2013-09-22/26    Valletta Theory and practice of digital libraries. 13
2013-09-23/25    Belo Horizonte Brazilian Conference on Ontologies. 6
2013-09-26/28    Edinburgh European Information Architecture Conference. 9
2013-09-26/27    Berlin Fachtagung semantische Technologien
2013-09-26    Valletta European NKOS Workshop. 12
2013-10-02/04    Zaragoza Ibersid. 2013
2013-10-07/09    Bamberg Lernen, Wissen, Adaption. 2013
2013-10-08/10    Novosibirsk KONT: All-Russian Conference Knowledge-Ontology-Theory. 4
2013-10-10/11    Paris French ISKO Conference. 9
2013-10-14/19    Nagoya International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing. 6
2013-10-15/17    Marseille Natural language processing and cognitive science. 10
2013-10-18/21    Xian International Conference on Philosophy of Information. 1
2013-10-21/25    Sydney International Semantic Web Conference. 12
2013-10-23    The Hague Knowledge orders and science (Knowescape)
2013-10-24    London Information: a risky business
2013-10-24/25    The Hague UDC Seminar. 2013: Classification & visualization: interfaces to knowledge
2013-10-28/30    Mexico Le dictionnaire : néologie, langue de specialité, informatique
2013-10-28/30    Paris Terminology and artificial intelligence.10
2013-11-01/06    Montreal ASIST Annual Meeting. 76
2013-11-02    Montreal ASIST Classification Research Workshop
2013-11-05/06    Washington Taxonomy Boot Camp. 9
2013-11-07/09    Oporto Spanish-Portuguese ISKO Conference. 1
2013-11-08/09    Marrakech Maghreb ISKO Conference. 3
2013-11-08    Copenhagen Verbal and nonverbal representation in terminology
2013-11-08    Sesto SG Archivi e flussi: le biblioteche di mediazione tra carta e digitale
2013-11-15/16    Bologna Italian Information Architecture Summit. 2013: Digitale è reale
2013-11-19/20    Rome Noetica versus informatica
2013-11-19/22    Thessaloniki Metadata and Semantics Research Conference. 7
2013-11-20/21    Bangalore Knowledge modelling and knowledge management. 2013
2013-11-20/22    Trento Joint Symposium on Semantic Processing
2013-11-25/27    Hamburg Semantic Web in libraries. 2013
2013-11-26    Paris Du thésaurus aux référentiels terminologiques
2013-11-26    Mexico City Semantic Web technologies for product life cycle management. 1
2013-11-27    Paris Construire des vocabulaires à l'échelle de l'Europe
2013-12-03    Bangalore Golden jubilee of Sarada Ranganathan Endowment for Library Science
2013-12-05/06    London ASLIB Knowledge and Information Strategy Summit
2013-12-09/11    Singapore Asia Information Retrieval Societies Conference. 9


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