KO events in Uk

2025-10-08    online Bite-sized Taxonomy Boot Camp. 2025. 3
2025-07-00    online UK ISKO Conference. 8
2025-06-18    online Bite-sized Taxonomy Boot Camp. 2025. 2
2025-06-02/05    Glasgow CoLIS: IC Conceptions of library and information science. 12
2025-03-12    online Bite-sized Taxonomy Boot Camp. 2025. 1
2024-12-11/13    London Connected data. 2024
2024-11-27    London Search solutions. 2024: Information retrieval SG
2024-11-19    online ISKO UK Meetup. Introducing Jekyll RDF
2024-10-15    online Questions for KO and the information profession
2024-10-09    London Bite-sized Taxonomy Bootcamp
2024-10-08    online ISKO UK Meetup. What's new in Skosmos 3
2024-09-03    online ISKO UK Meetup. Documents, databases, knowledge graphs, LLMs...
2024-06-19    London Bite-sized Taxonomy Bootcamp
2024-05-14    online ISKO UK Meetup. FINRA's Machine-Readable Rulebook Initiative
2024-04-16    online ISKO UK Meetup. Information behaviour, metadata and KOSs
2024-03-20    London Bite-sized Taxonomy Bootcamp. SKOS
2023-11-08    online ISKO UK Meetup. Information Governance
2023-10-27/31    London Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology. 86
2023-10-11    online ISKO UK Meetup. How can a knowledge audit contribute to KM planning
2023-10-11    online Bite-sized Taxonomy Boot Camp London
2023-09-13    online ISKO UK Meetup. Managing mappings between KOSs Systems with Cocoda
2023-09-06/08    Birmingham CILIP Metadata and Discovery Group conference. 2023
2023-07-24/25    Glasgow UK ISKO Conference. 7: KO and information discovery
2023-06-21    online Bite-sized Taxonomy Boot Camp London
2023-05-10    online ISKO UK Meetup. One information management system
2023-04-26    online Bite-sized Taxonomy Boot Camp London
2023-04-12    online ISKO UK Meetup. Sustainable finance taxonomies
2023-03-22    online Bite-sized Taxonomy Boot Camp London
2023-03-08    online ISKO UK Meetup. Vocabs Editor and taxonomy publishing
2023-01-25    online KO Research Observatory. Cultural hospitality in subject cataloguing
2022-11-30    online KO Research Observatory. Governance and alignment of taxonomies
2022-11-24    online KO Meetup. Data discovery at Wiley
2022-11-07/11    London Metadata and Semantics Research Conference. 16
2022-10-12    online Bite-sized Taxonomy Boot Camp London
2022-10-10    online ISKO UK Meetup. How taxonomies can solve complex business problems
2022-09-13    online ISKO UK Meetup. How to build a knowledge graph
2022-09-07/09    Birmingham Metadata and discovery. 2022
2022-08-24    online Terminology standardization and DB standards under a microcontent perspective
2022-07-12    online ISKO UK Meetup. Vocabs editor and taxonomies for confluence
2022-06-29    online KO Research Observatory. Bibliometric experiment with full text
2022-06-14    online ISKO UK Meetup. Why graphs?: the limits of hierarchical thinking
2022-05-25    online KO Research Observatory. Bibliometric transparency and impact
2022-04-27    uk KO Research Observatory. Doing bibliometrics responsibly
2022-04-12    uk ISKO UK Meetup. Keywording creative content
2022-03-31    uk Exploring IR. Linked Data and information discovery
2022-03-24    uk Exploring IR. Information seeking behaviour
2022-03-17    uk Exploring IR. Is search better with metadata?: a real life experience
2022-03-10    online Exploring IR. Paths to discovery: metadata and findability
2022-03-08    online ISKO UK Meetup. Basic steps in creation of structured vocabulary
2022-03-03    online Exploring IR. User-centred design of search applications
2022-02-24    online Exploring IR. Using Google's family of databases
2022-02-22    online ISKO UK Meetup. E-commerce search is broken
2022-02-17    online Exploring IR. Evaluating search performance
2022-02-10    online Exploring IR. The role of AI in search application
2022-02-03    online Exploring IR. IR models: from theory to practice
2022-01-26    online KO Research Observatory. KO and indigenous knowledge
2022-01-25    online KO Meetup. The evolving role of metadata
2022-01-20    online KOS Workshops. Practical thesaurus construction. 3
2022-01-13    online KOS Workshops. Practical thesaurus construction. 2
2022-01-06    uk KOS Workshops. Practical thesaurus construction. 1
2021-12-09    online KOS Workshops. Introduction to Universal Decimal Classification. 3
2021-12-08    online Jack Mills Lecture. 2021: "Hospitable and flexible": reclassification and critical librarianship
2021-12-03    online Cataloguing and classification ethics
2021-12-02    online KOS Workshops. Introduction to Universal Decimal Classification. 2
2021-11-25    online KOS Workshops. Introduction to Universal Decimal Classification. 1
2021-11-24    online KO Research Observatory. Rsesearch repositories and dataverse
2021-11-23    online ISKO UK Meetup. Introduction to Wikibase
2021-10-27    online KO Research Observatory. Fair principles and semantic interoperability
2021-10-20    online KOS Workshop. Representing concepts in subject indexing. 3
2021-10-19    online ISKO UK Meetup. Building a knowledge graph for UK Parliament
2021-10-13    online KOS Workshop. Representing concepts in subject indexing. 2
2021-10-06    online KOS Workshop. Representing concepts in subject indexing. 1
2021-09-29    online KO Research Observatory. Research fields classifications
2021-06-30    online KO Research Observatory. Observing KO trajectories in healthcare
2021-06-15    online ISKO UK Meetup. Semantic tagging and text classification for archives and CPSs
2021-06-01    online VocBench Workshops. 3: Vocabulary Versioning and data catalogue
2021-05-04    online VocBench Workshops. 2: Data Import with Sheet2RDF
2021-04-28    online KO Research Observatory. Using computational ethnography
2021-04-20    online ISKO UK Meetup. Beyond the hero journey
2021-04-06    online VocBench Workshops. 1: Introducing VocBench
2021-03-31    online KO Research Observatory. AI to enhance verification, creativity and innovation
2021-03-23    online ISKO UK Meetup. Going virtual with Taxonomy Boot Camp London
2021-02-25    online KO-ED. Some reflections on genre and KO
2021-02-18    online KO-ED. Automated indexing: implementation case studies
2021-02-16    online ISKO UK Meetup. Searching fast and slow
2021-02-11    online KO-ED. Automatic subject indexing and evaluation: an introduction
2021-02-04    online KO-ED. Towards interoperability of KOS vocabularies
2021-01-28    online KO-ED. Critical description and evaluation of classification schemes
2021-01-21    online KO-ED. Information foraging in knowledge organisations
2021-01-14    online KO-ED. Disciplines and phenomena in KOSs
2021-01-07    online KO-ED. Why search engines cannot replace KO?
2020-12-22    online Getting started with VocBench. 1 (ISKO UK Meetup)
2020-12-10    online KO-ED. How should today's thesaurus earn its keep?
2020-12-03    online KO-ED. What is a thesaurus? How and why so?
2020-11-26    online KO-ED. From concepts to KOSs
2020-11-17    online ISKO UK Meetup. Myths and half truths about semantic data modelling
2020-11-12    online KO-ED. Faceted classification
2020-11-05    online KO-ED. General principles underlying KOSs
2020-10-29    online KO-ED. Subject headings: a word-based approach to organization and retrieval
2020-10-27    online Times tags: metadata at The New York Times, 1851-today
2020-10-22    online KO-ED. Language of description
2020-10-15    online KO-ED. Content analysis
2020-10-14    online Taxonomy Boot Camp London webinar
2020-10-08    online KO-ED. Definition and scope of KO in relation to IR
2020-09-22    online ISKO UK Meetup
2020-09-09/11    Birmingham Metadata and discovery
2020-08-18    online Knowledge graphs. 2: Practical applications
2020-07-14    online Knowledge graphs. 1: Theories and definitions
2020-05-19    online Hidden world of KO. 1: KO everywhere
2020-05-07/08    Edinburgh European DDC Users Group Meeting. 2020
2020-04-21    online ISKO UK Meetups. Data visualisation: hands-on practice
2020-03-30    London Using KO to deliver content [cancelled]
2020-02-18    London Taxonomies/thesauri/ontologies: what's best for me?
2019-12-10    Cambridge Jack Mills Lecture. 2019: A web-based framework for publishing and developing Bliss
2019-11-28    London The history and future of art classification
2019-10-15/16    London Taxonomy Boot Camp London. 2019
2019-10-03/04    London Connected data. 2019
2019-07-15/16    London UK ISKO Conference. 6: The human position in an artificial world
2019-06-25    London What are the purposes of KO research?
2019-06-22/23    Cambridge Language Creation Conference. 8
2019-05-16/17    London Documenting performance. 3
2019-04-30    London KO Meetup. Change management in the library & information profession
2019-04-05    London Metadata, taxonomies and retrieval
2019-03-26    London KO Meetup. Machine learning and visualization for the information professional
2018-12-11    Cambridge Jack Mills Lecture. 2018: The classification of music
2018-10-16/17    London Taxonomy Boot Camp London. 2018
2018-07-24    London IA, UX and taxonomy in digital agencies (KO Meetup)
2018-06-26    London Semantic enhancement, discovery and the ISKO digital strategy
2018-05-29    London KO Meetup: Change management and KO
2018-05-22    Wallingford Linked Open Data Professional Development Workshop
2018-03-25/28    Sheffield iConference. 2018
2018-03-19    London Knowledge organization and ethics
2018-01-18    London Classification as world view?
2017-12-15    Cambridge BCA AGM: Abbreviated Bliss: progress, plans... (2:30 at Sydney Sussex College)
2017-11-29    London Search Solutions. 2017
2017-10-20    London Annual Tony Kent Strix Lecture. 3
2017-10-17/18    London Taxonomy Boot Camp London. 2017
2017-09-14/15    London UDC Seminar. 2017: Faceted classification today
2017-09-11/12    London UK ISKO Conference. 5: KO, what's the story?
2017-07-18/21    London Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation. 24
2017-06-28    London Thinking about classification
2017-05-17    London Visualizing search and KO
2017-04-08/13    Aberdeen European Conference on Information Retrieval. 39
2017-04-06/08    Glasgow Information Retrieval Festival
2017-03-14    London Making KO work: integrating taxonomies into technology
2016-10-31    London Documenting performance
2016-10-18/19    London Taxonomy Boot Camp London. 1
2016-09-12    London Text and data mining: open Sesame!
2016-09-06    Edinburgh Natural language generation and the semantic Web. 2
2016-07-25/27    Aberdeen Controlled natural language. 5
2016-07-19    London User centric design Meetup
2016-03-14    London Organizing information: roles, skills, and training for the future
2016-01-12/13    Loughborough Data and information management. 2
2015-11-25/26    London Innovations in search & information retrieval
2015-11-06    London Tony Kent Strix Annual Lecture. 2015: ST Dumais
2015-10-28/29    Brighton Putting knowledge spaces into action: complex systems for science policy
2015-10-07    London KO in learning and teaching
2015-09-09/11    Manchester Metadata and Semantics Research Conference. 9
2015-07-13/14    London UK ISKO Conference. 4
2015-06-25/26    London Digital asset management. 2015
2015-04-15    London Organizing digital information and knowledge
2015-04-15    London Bliss Classification Association AGM
2015-03-27    Oxford Philosophy of information and information processing
2015-03-24    London Findability and information management in the corporate workplace
2015-03-19/20    Cambridge The total archive: dreams of universal knowledge from the Encyclopaedia to big data
2015-02-19    London The Great Debate: "the traditional thesaurus has no place in modern IR"
2014-11-26/27    London Search solutions. 2014: Innovations in Web & enterprise search
2014-11-05    London KO goes mobile
2014-09-12/13    London European Symposium on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval. 4
2014-09-12    London European NKOS Workshop. 13 (DL)
2014-09-11    London Knowledge maps and information retrieval (DL)
2014-09-08/12    London Theory and practice of digital libraries. 18 + JCDL
2014-08-06/10    London Wikimania. 10
2014-07-03    London Selling taxonomies to organisations
2014-06-23    London Making metadata work
2014-05-14    London Search usability: filters and facets
2014-04-09    London. UCL Structural choices for KOS development (BCA)
2014-04-01    London Taming the news beast
2013-12-05/06    London ASLIB Knowledge and Information Strategy Summit
2013-10-24    London Information: a risky business
2013-09-26/28    Edinburgh European Information Architecture Conference. 9
2013-07-08/09    London UK ISKO Conference. 3
2013-04-19    London Bliss Classification AGM. 2013: Exploring highly interconnected humanities data
2013-04-08/10    Milton Keynes The difference that makes a difference. 2013: Information: space, time, and identity
2013-03-19    London The power of social media to support knowledge sharing
2012-11-28    London Images in focus
2012-09-04    London The shape of knowledge: improving the visual representation of KO
2012-07-16    London "I think, therefore I classify"
2012-04-26/27    London Five years on [libraries and the semantic Web]
2012-03-29    London On Location: organizing and using geospatial information
2011-12-07/09    London Semantic Web applications and tools for the life sciences. 4
2011-11-29/12-01    London Online Information. 2011 [15-25% discount for ISKO members]
2011-11-01    London Interoperability in the health sector
2011-09-26/27    online CIG e-forum on Reclassification
2011-09-15    London Strength in numbers: Going local, global, and mobile with Dewey
2011-07-04/05    London UK ISKO Conference. 2: Facets of KO
2011-07-04    London NKOS special session
2011-04-14    London Public access to information? (ISKOUK)
2011-01-12/14    Oxford Computational semantics. 9
2010-11-26    London Vocabulary Bank for Education event
2010-11-26    London BC2 past, present and future
2010-11-10    London Legal know-how: organization and semantic analysis
2010-09-14    London Linked data: the future of KO on the Web
2010-09-09/10    Glasgow European NKOS Workshop. 9 (ECDL. 14)
2010-06-09    London New technologies for cultural heritage
2010-03-30    London Recording the living world
2009-11-09    London  Vocabulary mapping framework
2009-09-16    London  Records and information management in transition
2009-06-22/23    London ISKO UK Conference. 1
2009-04-23    London  Human-machine symbiosis for data interpretation
2008-12-02/04    London  Online information. Track 2.2: Order out of chaos
2008-11-03    London  Semantic analysis technology
2008-10-09    London  Making and organising knowledge in communities
2008-09-03/05    Glasgow  Classification and subject retrieval in the 21st century
2008-08-23    Manchester  Knowledge and reasoning for answering questions
2008-07-21    London  Sharing vocabularies on the Web via SKOS
2008-06-25    London  Agenda for information retrieval
2008-03-10    London  Metadata and taxonomy
2008-03-05    London  Confronting the future
2007-11-05    London  Ranganathan revisited: facets for the future
2007-09-04    London ISKO UK seminar

Additional information on events can be sent to webmaster@isko.org


© ISKO 2011-2015; last update 2015.03.17 by CG