KO events in Netherlands

2024-09-16/18    Amsterdam Semantics: international conference on semantic systems. 20
2024-01-29/02-02    Amsterdam International Conference on MultiMedia Modeling. 30
2023-08-21/25    Rotterdam WLIC. Subject Analysis and Access section: Identifiers for identities
2023-08-19/25    Rotterdam IFLA World Library and Information Congress. 88
2021-09-06/09    Amsterdam SEMANTiCS: International Conference on Semantic Systems. 17
2020-03-12    Utrecht History of knowledge. Knowledge has its own rules – and they have a history
2019-07-09/12    Utrecht Digital humanities. 2019: Complexities
2019-07-02/05    Utrecht Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation. 26
2018-10-04    The Hague Digging into data: humanities and KO
2018-09-27/28    The Hague Research information systems and classification: revisiting the NARCIS classification
2017-10-01/04    Amsterdam ACM International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval. 3
2017-09-11/14    Amsterdam Semantics. 2017
2016-11-30/12-01    Amsterdam Smart descriptions & smarter vocabularies (VRE4EIC)
2016-11-18    Amsterdam Abstract Concepts International Symposium
2016-08-30    The Hague What can FCA do for artificial intelligence? 5
2015-03-04/05    Amsterdam Evolution and variation of classification systems
2014-09-25    Amsterdam European Ontology Network Workshop. 1
2014-04-13/16    Amsterdam European Conference on Information Retrieval. 36
2013-10-24/25    The Hague UDC Seminar. 2013: Classification & visualization: interfaces to knowledge
2013-10-23    The Hague Knowledge orders and science (Knowescape)
2013-06-17/18    The Hague Classifying with the Co-operative Patent Classification
2011-09-21/23    The Hague Dublin Core and metadata applications
2011-09-19/20    The Hague UDC Seminar. Classification and ontology
2009-10-29/30    The Hague  Classification at a crossroads
2008-09-26/27    Amsterdam  European information architecture summit

Additional information on events can be sent to webmaster@isko.org


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