KO events in Canada

2024-10-20    Toronto DCMI NKOS Workshop: KOS in AI & AI in KOS
2024-10-20/23    Toronto Dublin Core and metadata applications. 22
2023-09-18/20    online Formal ontology in information systems. 13A
2023-07-17/20    Sherbrooke Formal ontology in information systems. 13
2023-06-06/09    online Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Information Science. 51
2019-04-01    Ottawa Current developments in terminology, lexicography and translation technologies
2019-03-11/13    Vancouver Sorting libraries out: decolonizing classification and indigenizing description. 2019
2018-11-10/14    Vancouver Annual Meeting of the Association for Information Science and Technology. 81
2018-11-10    Vancouver ASIS&T-CR Workshop: Culture, community and voice in KOSs
2018-05-30/06-01    Regina Annual Conference of the Canadian Association for Information Science. 46
2017-10-10/13    Quebec International Workshop on Vocabularies, Ontologies and Rules for the Enterprise. 9
2017-08-11/13    Montreal Wikimania. 2017
2017-08-08/11    Toronto IAOA Summer Institute. 2017: Upper ontologies
2017-07-22/23    Calgary Language Creation Conference. 7
2017-06-02/03    Montreal Indexing Society of Canada: Conference. 2017
2016-06-16/18    Vancouver Information+: interdisciplinary practices in info design and viz
2015-08-12/15    Niagara Falls Computational intelligence in bioinformatics and computational biology
2015-06-03/05    Ottawa Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Information Science. 43
2013-11-02    Montreal ASIST Classification Research Workshop
2013-11-01/06    Montreal ASIST Annual Meeting. 76
2013-09-09/13    Vancouver Vocabularies, ontologies and rules for the enterprise and beyond. 8
2013-07-07/09    Montreal International Conference on Biomedical Ontology. 4
2013-06-19/20    Montreal Linked open data in libraries, archives and museums. 2
2012-06-07/08    Montreal Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics. 1
2012-05-27    Toronto Open data in a semantic Web perspective
2012-02-07/10    Toronto iConference: culture, design, society
2011-06-16/17    Toronto North American Symposium on KO. 3
2010-10-26/30    Toronto ACM CIKM: Information and knowledge management. 19
2010-05-11/14    Toronto Formal ontology in information systems. 6
2009-11-07    Vancouver  ASIST Classification research workshop
2008-08-10/14    Québec  Classification and indexing without language borders
2008-08-05/08    Montréal  ISKO Conference
2008-08-05    Montréal  Northern American Symposium on KO

Additional information on events can be sent to webmaster@isko.org


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