Knowledge organization literature. Selected items

Your search for issue 2016-11 found the 88 items below.       [new search]

16847 - information science111
Mostafa, Solange Puntel; Sabbag, Deise . - A rela??o saber - poder na organiza??o e repre-senta?ao do conhecimento [The relationship between power and knowledge in knowledge representation and organization] (Lang.: por). - In: Scire(2015)22-1, pp. 15-24. - Available at http://www.ibersid.eu/ojs/index.php/scire/article/view/4296/3828

16841 - conceptual models124
D?az P?rez, Maidelyn; Armas Pe?a, Dayron; Rodr?guez Font, Reinaldo J.; Carrillo-Calvet, Humberto Andr. - Sistemas curriculares para la gesti?n de informaci?n y conocimiento institucional. Estudio de caso [Curriculum information management system and institutional knowledge] (Lang.: spa). - In: Revista general de informaci?n y documentaci?n (2016)26-1 , pp. 11-24. - Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.5209/rev_RGID.2016.v26.n1.53053

16844 - quality data127
Mendes, Paola Ver?nica. - Calidad de la organizaci?n del conocimiento en bibliotecas universitarias de arquitectura [Quality of knowledge organization in university libraries of architecture] (Lang.: spa). - In: Palabra Clave (La Plata) (2016)6-1, e010, pp. 1-13. - Available at http://www.palabraclave.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/PCe010

16848 - concept documentation129
Day, Ronald . - All that is the case: documents and Indexicality (Lang.: eng). - In: Scire(2015)22-1, pp.57-63. - Available at http://www.ibersid.eu/ojs/index.php/scire/article/view/4304/3832

16830 - frequency studies136
Herb, Ulrich. - Impactmessung, Transparenz & Open Science [Impact Metrics, Transparency & OpenScience] (Lang.: ger). - In: Young Information Scientist, 1(2016), pp. 59-72. - Available at http://yis.univie.ac.at/index.php/yis/article/view/1420

16835 - domain classification178
Alves, Bruno Henrique Alves; Oliveira, Ely Francina Tannuri de. - O desenvolvimento do dom?nio da organiza??o do conhecimento no contexto da ci?ncia da informa??o a partir da ISKO-Brasil [The development of knowledge organization in the context of Information Science from ISKO-Brazil] (Lang.: por). - In: Brazilian Journal of Information Studies: Research Trends, 10(2016)2, pp. 103-108. - Available at http://www2.marilia.unesp.br/revistas/index.php/bjis/article/view/5985

16837 - domain classification178
Tartarotti, Roberta Cristina Dal Evedove; Fujita, Mari?ngela Spotti Lopes. - Produ??o e colabora??o cient?fica em Organiza??o e Representa??o do Conhecimento: an?lise bibliom?trica do GT2 do ENANCIB no per?odo de 2009 a 2014 [Production and scientific collaboration in organization and representation of knowledge: a bibliometric analysis of GT2 of ENANCIB in the period from 2009 to 2014] (Lang.: por). - In: Em Quest?o, 22(2016)3, pp. 136-160. - Available at http://seer.ufrgs.br/index.php/EmQuestao/article/view/64415

16781 - classification history191
Kwak, Chul-Wan. - [A Study of Cutter's Expansive Classification] (Lang.: kor). - In: JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN SOCIETY FOR LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE, 50(2016)3, pp. 249-265. - Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/NODE07002360

16856 - thesauri214
Fern?ndez Hern?ndez, Anisleiby. - Modelo Ontol?gico de recuperaci?n de informaci?n para la toma de decisiones en Gesti?n de Proyectos [Ontological model to information retrieval for decision-making in Project Management] (Lang.: spa). - Granada, Andaluc?a, Spain, Universidad de Granada, 2016.

16842 - integrated thesauri216
Marzal Felici, Javier; Garc?a Jim?nez, Antonio; Humanes, Mar?a Luisa . - An?lisis y reformulaci?n de la organizaci?n del conocimiento en las Ciencias de la Comunicaci?n: aplicaci?n para la codificaci?n UNESCO [Analysis and reformulation of the knowledge organization of Communication field: application for UNESCO code] (Lang.: spa). - In: Revista general de informaci?n y documentaci?n (2016)26-1, pp. 65-79. - Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.5209/rev_RGID.2016.v26.n1.53049

16804 - integrated thesauri - descriptors216;226
Gastmeyer, Manuela; Wannags, Max-Michael; Neubert, Joachim. - Relaunch des Standard-thesaurus Wirtschaft - Dynamik in der Wissensrepr?sentation [Relaunch of STW thesaurus for Economics - Dynamics in Knowledge Representation] (Lang.: ger). - In: Information - Wissenschaft & Praxis, 67(2016)4, pp. 217-240. After more than 15 years of permanent updating, STW thesaurus for Economics has been completely revised during the last few years, subject by subject. Eventually, the result was published as version 9.0 in the summer of 2015. In the end, more than 750 thesaurus concepts had been added, and nearly 1100 (out of ca. 6000) concepts had been eliminated. In addition, entry terms have been adapted and the systematic structure has been improved. Against this background, the authors give a description how radical subject domain changes are reflected in thesaurus vocabulary, which requirements have to be met by thesaurus maintenance software, and how changes of vocabulary can be published and be held available as Linked Data.

16814 - integrated thesauri - descriptors216;226
Schenk, Jasmin. - Konzept Gender thesaurus: Zur Bedeutung einer gemeinsamen Dokumentationssprache f?r Forschung und Informationseinrichtungen [Gender thesaurus conception: On the significance of sharing a specific gender-sensitive documentary language] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung ?sterreichischer Bibliothekarinnen und Bibliothekare, 69(2016)2, pp. 221-235. - Available at http://ojs.univie.ac.at/index.php/voebm/article/view/1628

16826 - integrated thesauri - descriptors216;226
Kessler, Kristof; et al.. - PubPharm - Der Fachinformationsdienst Pharmazie [PubPharm - The Specialised Information Service (SIS) for Pharmacy] (Lang.: ger). - In: o-bib - das offene Bibliotheksjournal, 3(2016)3, pp. 1-23. - Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.5282/o-bib/2016H3S1-23

16838 - integrated thesauri - relationships problems216;241
Weiss, Leila Cristina; Br?scher, Marisa. - Rela??es sem?nticas em tesauros: contribui??es da aboRDAgem pragm?tica [Semantic relationships in thesauri: pragmatic approach contributions] (Lang.: por). - In: InCID: Revista de Ci?ncia da Informa??o e Documenta??o, 7(2016)1, pp. 136-155. - Available at http://www.revistas.usp.br/incid/article/view/99277

16850 - integrated thesauri - bibliographic description216;946
Mediavilla Herreros, Marisa; Folla Fern?ndez, RicaRDA . - Tesauro de Mujeres [thesaurus women] (Lang.: spa). - In: Biblioteca de Mujeres de Madrid. Universidad Carlos III. Instituto de Estudios de G?nero, 2015, pp. 185. . - Available at http://hdl.handle.net/10016/21533

16831 - KOS in special environments218
Santos, Paloma Maria; Rover, Aires Jos. - Knowledge representation through ontologies: an application in the electronic democracy field [Knowledge representation through ontologies: an application in the electronic democracy field] (Lang.: eng). - In: Perspectivas em Ci?ncia da Informa??o, 21(2016)3, pp. 22-49. - Available at http://portaldeperiodicos.eci.ufmg.br/index.php/pci/article/view/2523/1786

16776 - descriptors226
Kim, Jeong-Hyen. - [A Comparative Analysis of Cataloging Record Related to Korea in the National Libraries of the Main Developing Countries - Focused on 12 Europe and South America Countries] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 47(2016)2, pp. 01-25. - Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/NODE06703354

16857 - hierarchy in numerical taxonomy254
Bahia Jacintho, Eliana Maria dos Santos. - El mercado de trabajo para archiveros seg?n los anuncios brasile?os de empleo (2012-2014) : an?lisis y organizaci?n terminol?gicos de ofertas empresariales [The labor market for archivists according to Brazilian job ads (2012-2014) : analysis and organization of business terminology deals] (Lang.: spa). - Getafe, Comunidad de Madrid, Spain, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, 2015. - Available at http://hdl.handle.net/10016/23080

16852 - KOS testing293
Araujo, Webert Junio . - Avalia??o de ontologia com base na compara??o a um corpus: um estudo da OntoAgroHidro da EMBRAPA [Ontology evaluation based on a corpu: a study of the EMBRAPA's OntoAgroHidro] (Lang.: por). - Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil , Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, 2016. - Available at http://www.bibliotecadigital.ufmg.br/dspace/handle/1843/BUBD-AE3HRL

16836 - subject analysis in328
Gon?alves, Eveline Filgueiras; Oliveira, Rafael Alves de; Neves, Dulce Am?lia de Brito. - An?lise da informa??o imag?tica: uma aboRDAgem sob a perspectiva cognitiva [Analysis of imagery information: an approach under the cognitive perspective] (Lang.: por). - In: Em Quest?o, 22(2016)3, pp. 110-135. - Available at http://seer.ufrgs.br/index.php/EmQuestao/article/view/59905

16851 - indexing methods333
Paula, Lorena Tavares de. - Nanopublica??o e indexa??o: interlocu??es sem?nticas, pragm?ticas e discursiva em aplica??es mtodol?gicas [Nanopublication and indexing: semantic, pragmatic, and discursive dialogues in methodological applications] (Lang.: por). - Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil , Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, 2016. - Available at http://www.bibliotecadigital.ufmg.br/dspace/handle/1843/BUBD-AE7LJW

16853 - automatic online indexing347
Nualart Vilaplana, Jaume. - Visualization and exploration of texts. A theoretical framework and two practical approaches for improvement of digital libraries ana information retrieval systems (Lang.: eng). - Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, Universidad de Barcelona, 2016.

16854 - automatic online indexing347
V?llez Letrado, Mari. - Exploraci?n de procedimientos semiautom?ticos para el proceso de indexaci?n en el entorno web [Automatic scanning procedures for the process of indexing in the web environment] (Lang.: cat). - Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, Universidad Pompeu Fabra, 2016. - Available at http://www.tdx.cat/bitstream/handle/10803/359393/tmvl.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y

16775 - automatic classification348
Park, Sung Hee. - [KONG-DB : Korean Novel Geo-name DB & Search and Visualization System Using Dictionary from the Web] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management, 33(2016)3, pp. 321-343. - Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/NODE07016658

16855 - automatic classification348
Losey Le?n, Mar?a Araceli. - Organizaci?n y representaci?n t?rmino-ontol?gica del dominio de la seguridad de la navegaci?n mar?tima (ingl?s-espa?ol) [Ontological domain-term safety of maritime navigation (English-Spanish) organization and representation] (Lang.: spa). - C?diz, Andalucia, Spain, Universidad de C?diz, 2016.

16802 - UDC42
Dahlberg, Ingetraut. - Dokumentenkunde - Dokumentologie: damals - und heute? [Documentology: in the past - and present?] (Lang.: ger). - In: Information - Wissenschaft & Praxis, 67(2016)4, pp. 195-203. It is argued that Documentology constitutes an object area for the information sciences. In the years 1968-1970 a UDC Revision Committee 03/04 was established to merge the extant Form Divisions 01-09 into the single number 03. The resulting system of about 2000 concepts and codes (37 pages) was published in German and English by the German Documentation Society in only very few copies for participants and for despatch to the FID-Central Classification Committee. Apparently the system has never been accepted nor published by the FID-CCC. It is given in this article in almost full length, however not in tabular form because of lack of space. In addition, a new main structure is proposed with the possible contents of each main class. It could be used now in a somewhat different way and might be considered to become part of the Information Coding Classification

16792 - special KOS - humanities69
Schmunk, Stefan; Funk, Stefan E.. - Das DARIAH-DE- und das TextGrid-Repositorium: Geistes- und kulturwissenschaftliche Forschungsdaten persistent und referenzierbar langzeitspeichern [The DARIAH-DE Repository and the TextGrid Repository: Persistent and Long-Term Preservation of Research Data in the Arts and Humanities] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliothek - Forschung und Praxis, 40(2016)2, pp. 213-221. - Available at http://www.degruyter.com/downloadpdf/j/bfup.2016.40.issue-2/bfp-2016-0020/bfp-2016-0020.xml

16846 - computational linguistics713
V?zquez-Cano, Esteban; Fombona, Javier; Bernal, C?sar. - An?lisis computacional de las caracter?sticas ortotipogr?ficas y paraling??sticas de los tweets period?sticos [Computational analysis of the orthotypographic and paralinguistic characteristics of journalistic tweets] (Lang.: spa). - In: El profesional de la informaci?n (2016)25-4, pp.588-595. - Available at http://www.elprofesionaldelainformacion.com/contenidos/2016/jul/08.html

16788 - online retrieval problems751
Ikas, Wolfgang-Valentin; Thumser, Nina. - Vom (retrokonvertierten) Kartenkatalog zur facettierten Suche - Technische Neuerungen bei der BSB-Forschungsdokumentation [From the (retro-converted) card catalogue to facetted searching: Technological innovations at the reasearch documentation of the Bavarian State Library] (Lang.: ger). - In: ABI-Technik, 36(2016)3, pp. 152-164. The Research Documentation Interface is an important and indispensable tool for international scholarship on the manuscripts and early printed books of the Bavarian State Library (Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, BSB). It has been maintained and continuously expanded for more than six decades. After being transformed into an online database in 2004, it was relaunched in form of a redesigned and technically much improved version early in 2015. It can be consulted, in both German and English, via https://hsslit.bsb-muenchen.de. The two main objectives for creating the new interface have been to adapt to user expectations and at the same time to consider the needs of library staff. Despite all adjustments to suit the specific requirements of the BSB this technical infrastructure may well serve as a model.

16834 - online retrieval problems751
Ara?jo, Paula Carina de; Ferneda, Edberto; Guimar?es, Jos? Augusto Chaves. - A rela??o entre os dom?nios de recupera??o da informa??o e organiza??o do conhecimento em peri?dicos cient?ficos internacionais [The relation between the domains of Information retrieval and knowledge organization in international journals] (Lang.: eng). - In: Brazilian Journal of Information Studies: Research Trends, 10(2016)2, pp. 82-88. - Available at http://www2.marilia.unesp.br/revistas/index.php/bjis/article/view/6000

16780 - online access753
Kim, Jihyun. - [A Study on Policy Components of Data Access and Use Controls in Research Data Repositories] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 47(2016)3, pp. 213-239. - Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/NODE07017008

16791 - search engines757
S?nkler, Sebastian; Kerkmann, Friederike. - How to do ... ? Konzeption einer Spezialsuchmaschine f?r Tutorials [Conceptual design of a sepcialized search engine for tutorials] (Lang.: ger). - In: B.I.T. online, 19(2016)4, pp. 321-327. - Available at http://www.b-i-t-online.de/heft/2016-04-fachbeitrag-suenkler.pdf

16800 - search engines757
P?ssel, Jana. - Auf Nutzerbed?rfnisse abgestimmtes Design: Usability-Untersuchung des neuen ZB MED-Suchportals LIVIVO [Design that meets user needs: Usability test of the new ZB MED search portal LIVIVO] (Lang.: ger). - In: GMS Medizin - Bibliothek - Information, 16(2016)1/2: Doc06. - Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.3205/mbi000361

16801 - search engines757
Grilli, Maurizio. - Eine praktische Methode zur systematischen Literaturrecherche an Medizinbibliotheken [A practical method for systematic searching of literature in medical libraries] (Lang.: ger). - In: GMS Medizin - Bibliothek - Information, 16(2016)1/2: Doc04. - Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.3205/mbi000359

16811 - search engines757
Bader, Tabea. - Open-Access-Repositorien in der Schweiz und ?sterreich: Auswertung des 2014 Census on Open Access Repositories [Open Access Repositories in Switzerland and Austria: Assessment of the 2014 Census on Open Access Repositories] (Lang.: ger). - In: LIBREAS. Library Ideas,(2016)29.. - Available at http://libreas.eu/ausgabe29/13bader/

16803 - indexing problems811
Ermert, Axel. - Zwischen Katalogisierung und Inhaltserschliessung: Codierung von Dokumentarten - eine offene oder versteckte Aufgabe in Informationssystemen [ Nachbemerkungen zu einem nach wie vor aktuellen Thema [Between descriptive cataloguing and subject indexing: Coding of document types - open or hidden task in information systems]] (Lang.: ger). - In: Information - Wissenschaft & Praxis, 67(2016)4, pp. 205-216.

16815 - indexing problems811
Sparber, Sandra. - What's the frequency, Kenneth? - Eine (queer)feministische Kritik an Sexismen und Rassismen im Schlagwortkatalog [What's the frequency, Kenneth? - A (queer)feminist critique on sexism and racism in the subject catalogue] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung ?sterreichischer Bibliothekarinnen und Bibliothekare, 69(2016)2, pp. 236-243. - Available at http://ojs.univie.ac.at/index.php/voebm/article/view/1629

16816 - indexing problems811
Zechner, Rosa. - Zwischen Anspruch und M?glichkeit. Frauen*solidarit?t: ein Beispiel aus der Beschlagwortung [Between claim and possibility. Women's*solidarity: An example from subject indexing] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung ?sterreichischer Bibliothekarinnen und Bibliothekare, 69(2016)2, pp. 244-252. - Available at http://ojs.univie.ac.at/index.php/voebm/article/view/1630

16786 - data indexing820
Krause, Evamaria. - Elektronische Laborb?cher im Forschungsdatenmanagement - Eine neue Aufgabe f?r Bibliotheken? [Electronic laboratory notebooks in research Data Management - A new task for libraries?] (Lang.: ger). - In: ABI-Technik, 36(2016)2, pp. 78-87. Traditionally, the research process in science and medicine has been documented in paper-based laboratory notebooks. Nowadays there is an increasing interest in electronic laboratory notebooks (ELNs) at universities, as ELNs are adapting more and more to the requirements of academic research. This article introduces the approaches taken to establish an ELN service at three universities in the United States and Scotland, as well as ELN projects in Germany. It points out ELN interfaces with aspects of storing, re-using, publishing, and long-term archiving of research data and discusses possible roles for libraries.

16810 - data indexing820
Sch?pfel, Joachim; Prost, H?l?ne. - Research Data Management in social sciences and humanities: A survey at the University of Lille (France) (Lang.: eng). - In: LIBREAS. Library Ideas,(2016)29.. - Available at http://libreas.eu/ausgabe29/09schoepfel/

16829 - tagging835
Bauer, Mareike Fenja. - Personal Information Management mit dem Notizverwaltungs-Tool Evernote: tagging- vs. Ordner-Strategie [Personal Information Management Using the Note Management Tool Evernote: tagging vs. Folder Strategy] (Lang.: ger). - In: Young Information Scientist, 1(2016), pp. 45-57. - Available at http://yis.univie.ac.at/index.php/yis/article/view/1445

16798 - news indexing844
Hubrich, Jessica; Lieder, Hans-J?rg. - Die Zeitschriftendatenbank und die Digitalisierung historischer Zeitungen in Deutschland [The [German] periodicals database and the digitization of historical newspapers in Germany] (Lang.: ger). - In: Dialog mit Bibliotheken, 28(2016)2, pp. 22-28. - Available at http://d-nb.info/1115809814/34

16823 - news indexing844
Ilsen, Almut. - Ein Schatz wird gehoben - digitalisierte volltexterschlossene Zeitungen sowie ein Werkstattbericht zum Portal ?DDR-Presse? [Digitized fully indexed newspapers, and a report on work in progress on GDR newspapers] (Lang.: ger). - In: Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie, 63(2015)2, pp. 59-69. Digitisation and full text indexing are turning newspapers into attractive research resources. Their significantly more user-friendly search possibilities in comparison to analogue newspapers and their use within the field of digital humanities are described. This is followed by a brief outline of the current state of newspaper digitisation in the international and national context. The main section includes a detailed workshop report on the DFG ?DDR-Zeitungsportal? project carried out by the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin (Berlin State Library) covering an array of topics ranging from legal issues, scanning, layout, text and entities recognition through to presentation and links to other content. Finally, ongoing and planned future projects are mentioned in which newspaper corpora serve as research data for computer linguistic analyses.

16799 - theses indexing846
Weisbrod, Dirk. - Forschungsdaten in Dissertationen [Research data in dissertations] (Lang.: ger). - In: Dialog mit Bibliotheken, 28(2016)2, pp. 29-30. - Available at http://d-nb.info/1115809814/34

16843 - primary document indexing in848
Fern?ndez Mart?n, Patricia. - La norma ISO 15489-1 en alem?n y espa?ol: una comparaci?n interling??stica [The Standard ISO 15489-1 in German and Spanish: an Interlinguistic Comparison] (Lang.: spa). - In: Revista general de informaci?n y documentaci?n (2016)26-1, pp. 249-271. - Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.5209/rev_RGID.2016.v26.n1.53045

16785 - primary document indexing in - archival description848;943
Su-Hyun Park, Myoung-Gyu Lee. - [A Study on the Improvement of the Classification System on Archives and Records Management Studies in KDC] (Lang.: kor). - In: JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN BIBLIA SOCIETY FOR LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE, 27(2016)3, pp. 25-50. - Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/NODE07016359

16773 - citation indexing864
Boram Lee, EunKyung Chung. - [A Study on Interdisciplinary Structure of Big Data Research with Journal-Level Bibliographic-Coupling Analysis] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management, 33(2016)3, pp. 133-154. - Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/NODE07016650

16784 - citation indexing864
Lee, Seongsin. - [A Study on the Library Marketing Research Trends through Keyword network analysis : Comparative Analysis of Korea and Other Countries] (Lang.: kor). - In: JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN SOCIETY FOR LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE, 50(2016)3, pp. 383-402. - Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/NODE07002366

16772 - citation indexing - KO metadata864;918
Ye-Jin Choi, Yeon-Kyoung Chung. - [A Study on the Intellectual Structure of Metadata Research by Using Co-word Analysis] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management, 33(2016)3, pp. 63-83. - Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/NODE07016647

16783 - NBM indexing problems871
Hyun-Hee Kim, Yong-Ho Kim. - [Understanding Topical Relevance of Multimedia based on EEG Techniques] (Lang.: kor). - In: JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN SOCIETY FOR LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE, 50(2016)3, pp. 361-381. - Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/NODE07002365

16787 - NBM indexing problems871
Brantl, Markus; Eichinger, Ralf; Wolf, Thomas. - Ein neuer offener Standard f?r Bildrepositorien - das International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) im Einsatz an der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek [A new open standard for image repositories: The International Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF) in use at the Bavarian State Library] (Lang.: ger). - In: ABI-Technik, 36(2016)2, pp. 105-113. Since the beginnings of the digitization of cultural heritage objects in the late 1990s, numerous technical solutions have been developed to meet demands for an adequate web-presentation of digital assets from archives, libraries, and museums. Most of the viewers are confined to a single institution, providing access only to a limited number of locally built applications, and are more or less incompatible with others. The IIIF standard, developed in 2011, has set out to change this situation. IIIF defines a series of publicly accessible application programming interfaces in order to facilitate the structuring, exchange, and visualization of digital objects for all cultural heritage institutions. Used together with an IIIF-compliant viewer such as Mirador, the IIIF APIs provide a previously unattained level of interoperability, allowing institutions to share their digital content in unprecedented ways for research and scholarship. This article describes the options and possibilities of the IIIF standard, and of Mirador as a viewer and research tool, and shows how both are being implemented at the Bavarian State Library for the presentation of its 1.2 million digitized books.

16789 - NBM indexing problems871
Kirchner, Felix; et al.. - OCR bei Inkunabeln - Offizinspezifischer Ansatz der Universit?tsbibliothek W?rzburg [OCR processing of incunabula: The printshop-specific approach of the University Library of W?rzburg] (Lang.: ger). - In: ABI-Technik, 36(2016)3, pp. 178-188. In the context of the Kallimachos project at the University of W?rzburg, the textual base for digital editions of incunabula is obtained via OCR. The corpus of texts to be worked on consists of German, French, and Latin opera. This article shows how problems with OCR of incunabula can be tackled with already existing methods and programs. The developed method focuses on setting up a type-specific OCR training to be reused with different medieval printings from one printshop. Following this method we achieved letter accuracies of up to 95 percent and word accuracies of up to 73 percent.

16794 - NBM indexing problems871
Stern, Thomas. - It's a kind of magic: Visualisierte Sch?tze im Foyer der SLUB Dresden [Visualized treasures in the foyer of the Saxony State and University Library at Dresden] (Lang.: ger). - In: BIS - Das Magazin der Bibliotheken in Sachsen, 9(2016)2, pp. 94-95. - Available at http://bibliotheksmagazin.de/fileadmin/groups/bismagazin/pdf/bis02_2016.pdf

16795 - NBM indexing problems871
Seige, Leander. - Grenzenlose Bilderwelt: Die UB Leipzig f?hrt erste Dienstleistungen auf der Basis von IIIF ein [Unlimited world of images: The Leipzig University Library introduces its first services based upon the IIIF standard] (Lang.: ger). - In: BIS - Das Magazin der Bibliotheken in Sachsen, 9(2016)2, pp. 112-113. - Available at http://bibliotheksmagazin.de/fileadmin/groups/bismagazin/pdf/bis02_2016.pdf

16833 - transfer of data in KO917
Ferneda, Edilson; Cruz, Fernando William; Prado, H?rcules Antonio do; Guadagnin, Renato da Veiga; Santos, Jos? Laurindo Campos dos; Santos, Diana Leite Nunes dos; Costa, Oziel Lopes da. - Potential of ontology for interoperability in e-government: discussing international initiatives and the Brazilian case. [Potential of ontology for interoperability in e-government: discussing international initiatives and the Brazilian case.] (Lang.: eng). - In: Brazilian Journal of Information Studies: Research Trends, 10(2016)2, pp. 47-57. - Available at http://www2.marilia.unesp.br/revistas/index.php/bjis/article/view/4812

16774 - KO metadata918
Min-Sun Song, Seung-Jun Lee, Young Man Ko. - [A Study on Developing a Metadata Search System Based on the Text Structure of Korean Studies Research Articles] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management, 33(2016)3, pp. 155-176. - Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/NODE07016651

16782 - KO metadata918
Hui-Jeong Han, Yong Kim, Tae-Young Kim. - [A Study on the Development of Metadata Schema for Intangible Cultural Heritage Based on Multiple Entity Model] (Lang.: kor). - In: JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN SOCIETY FOR LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE, 50(2016)3, pp. 329-359. - Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/NODE07002364

16790 - KO metadata918
Holzhause, Roman; Kr?mker, Heidi; Schn?ll, Matthias. - Vernetzung von audiovisuellen Inhalten und Metadaten: Metadatengest?tztes System zur Generierung und Erschliessung von Medienfragmenten (Teil 1) [Connecting audiovisual content and metadata: A metadata-based system for handling and indexing media fragments (part 1)] (Lang.: ger). - In: B.I.T. online, 19(2016)4, pp. 305-314. - Available at http://www.b-i-t-online.de/heft/2016-04-fachbeitrag-holzhause.pdf

16812 - KO metadata918
Jahn, Najko. - [book review of] Pomerantz, Jeffrey. Metadata. The MIT Press Essential Knowledge Series. The MIT Press, 2015. ISBN: 978-0-262-52851-1. $15,95 (Lang.: ger). - In: LIBREAS. Library Ideas,(2016)29.. - Available at http://libreas.eu/ausgabe29/10jahn/

16832 - KO metadata918
Lima, F?bio Rog?rio Batista; Santos, Pl?cida Leopoldina V. A. C.; Santar?m Segundo, Jos? Eduardo . - Padr?o de metadados no dom?nio museol?gico [Standard metadata in museological domain] (Lang.: por). - In: Perspectivas em Ci?ncia da Informa??o, 21(2016)3, pp. 50-59. - Available at http://portaldeperiodicos.eci.ufmg.br/index.php/pci/article/view/2639/1789

16845 - KO metadata918
G?mez, Nancy-Diana; M?ndez, Eva; Hern?ndez-P?rez, Tony. - Data and metadata research in the social sciences and humanities: An approach from data repositories in these disciplines (Lang.: eng). - In: El profesional de la informaci?n (2016)25-4, pp. 545-555. - Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.3145/epi.2016.jul.04

16793 - bibliography941
Syr?, Ludger. - Landesbibliographie und Geschichtsbibliographie - Gedankenaustausch bei der tagung der AG Regionalbibliographie in M?nchen [Regional bibliography and historical bibliography: Exchange of ideas at the meeting of the working group for regional bibliography in Munich [2-3 May, 2016]] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliotheksdienst, 50(2016)9, pp. 779-781. - Available at http://www.degruyter.com/downloadpdf/j/bd.2016.50.issue-9/bd-2016-0096/bd-2016-0096.xml

16805 - bibliography941
Voss, Jakob. - Versuch einer Bibliographie von Bibliographien von Bibliographien von Bibliographien [Attempting a bibliography of bibliographies of bibliographies of bibliographies] (Lang.: ger). - In: LIBREAS. Library Ideas,(2016)29.. - Available at http://libreas.eu/ausgabe29/01voss/

16806 - bibliography941
Voss, Jakob. - Wikidata als Universalbibliographie: Ein Kommentar [Wikidata as a universal bibliography: An annotation] (Lang.: ger). - In: LIBREAS. Library Ideas,(2016)29.. - Available at http://libreas.eu/ausgabe29/02voss/

16807 - bibliography941
Kojakeva, Krisztof J. - Bibliographien: Einsichten eines ihrer m?glichen Leser - ein Rundgang [Bibliographies: Insights of one of their possible readers - a tour] (Lang.: ger). - In: LIBREAS. Library Ideas,(2016)29.. - Available at http://libreas.eu/ausgabe29/03kojakeva/

16808 - bibliography941
Pohl, Adrian; Steeg, Fabian. - Zur?ck ins Web: Die Entwicklung eines neuen Webauftritts f?r die Nordrhein-Westf?lische Bibliographie (NWBib) [The development of a new website for the North Rhine-Westphalian Bibliography] (Lang.: ger). - In: LIBREAS. Library Ideas,(2016)29.. - Available at http://libreas.eu/ausgabe29/04pohl/

16859 - bibliography941
Dubout, Kevin. - Durch Rezensionen zur Emanzipation? Die Bibliographie der Homosexualität (1900-1922) im Jahrbuch für sexuelle Zwischenstufen (Lang.: ger). - In: LIBREAS. Library Ideas,(2016)29.. - Available at http://libreas.eu/ausgabe29/06dubout/

16813 - cataloging942
Hauser, Margit; Zierold, Marius. - Der META-Katalog des i.d.a.- Dachverbandes [The meta catalogue of the I.D.A. umbrella organization] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung ?sterreichischer Bibliothekarinnen und Bibliothekare, 69(2016)2, pp. 188-205. - Available at http://ojs.univie.ac.at/index.php/voebm/article/view/1626

16817 - cataloging942
Felsner, Johanna; et al.. - Auf den Spuren von Charlotte und Karl B?hler - Die Erschliessung der Exilbibliothek [Retracing Charlotte and Karl B?hler - Cataloguing the exile library] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung ?sterreichischer Bibliothekarinnen und Bibliothekare, 69(2016)2, pp. 304-313. - Available at http://ojs.univie.ac.at/index.php/voebm/article/view/1641

16818 - cataloging942
Pauser, Josef. - [book review of] Vogel, Ivo: Erfolgreich recherchieren Jura (= Erfolgreich recherchieren), 2. Aufl., Berlin: Walter de Gruyter 2015. 154 S. ISBN 978-3-11-041123-2, EUR 24,95.- [D] [How to search legal resources successfully] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung ?sterreichischer Bibliothekarinnen und Bibliothekare, 69(2016)2, pp. 369-372. - Available at http://ojs.univie.ac.at/index.php/voebm/article/view/1650/1436

16822 - cataloging942
Pabel, Angelika. - 20. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises f?r die Erfassung, Erschliessung und Erhaltung Historischer Bucheinb?nde (AEB) vom 8. bis 10. Oktober 2015 in Darmstadt [20th annual meeting of the working party for cataloguing, indexing and preservation of historical book covers (AEB), 8-10 October 2015, Darmstadt [Germany]] (Lang.: ger). - In: Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie, 63(2015)1, pp. 37-41.

16824 - cataloging942
Tabery, Thomas. - Digitalisierung und Neukatalogisierung chinesischer Handschriften und Drucke der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek [Digitization and re-cataloguing of Chinese manuscripts and prints at the Bavarian State Library] (Lang.: ger). - In: Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie, 63(2015)2, pp. 82-89.

16825 - archival description943
Gilhaus, Ulrike; Hartmann, Manfred. - Von analog nach digital: Ein Erschliessungsprojekt im Zentralarchiv des LWL-Museumsamtes f?r Westfalen [From analogue to digital: An indexing project at the central archiveof the Westphalia LWL-Museums Office] (Lang.: ger). - In: Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie, 63(2015)3, pp. 140-148. The LWL-Museums Office was set up in 1978 by its regional authority, the Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe (LWL), to advise and support about 650 museums, memorial sites and small collections in Westphalia and Lippe. It also offers various services for them. The ?Digitisation of the central archiveindex cards of Westphalian and Lippe museums? project has begun to scan about 120,000 inventory cards from 85 museums. These exist in 27 different formats. After the core information has been scanned and OCR-processed, the data are transferred to the internet- based data file application VINO. Later about 45,000 photos will be scanned and assigned to the data sets. Since there is only currently minimal standardisation of museum documentation, the data sets are synchronised with the OBG (?Oberbegriffsdatei? - a thesaurus with a historico-cultural orientation) and checked against the allocation of new descriptors. The central archive's digital data from the museums in Westphalia-Lippe are entered using a data mapping format. The project has two main aims; firstly, to transfer the analogue LWL-museum data to the Adlib Museum database and, secondly, to publish a selection of objects in the various internet museum digital portals: museum-digital: wesfalen, museum-digital: ostwestfalen-lippe, Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek and Europeana.

16849 - archival description943
Sales, Rodrigo de . - Classifica??es bibliogr?ficas e classifica??es arquiv?sticas: diferen?as e semelhan?as na organiza??o do conhecimento na organiza??o do conhecimento [Library classification and archiveclassification: diferences and similarities in knowledge organization] (Lang.: por). - In: Scire(2015)22-1, pp.65-77. - Available at http://www.ibersid.eu/ojs/index.php/scire/article/view/4301/3833

16778 - bibliographic records944
Lee, Eun-Ju. - [Analysis of User Preferences for Developing FRBR-Based Information Search Services] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 47(2016)2, pp. 259-286. - Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/NODE06703364

16779 - bibliographic records944
Lee, Mihwa. - [A Study on the Construction of Work and Expression Authority Records] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 47(2016)3, pp. 71-94. - Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/NODE07017002

16821 - bibliographic records - bibliographic description944;946
Kailus, Angela; Aliverti, Christian; Fabian, Claudia. - RDA und Kultureinrichtungen [RDA and cultural institutions] (Lang.: ger). - In: Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie, 62(2015)6, pp. 329-338. If the RDA is to honour its claim to be the resource standard for all cultural institutions, further development is needed in order to achieve compatibility with the documentation requirements of other heritage sectors. The essay provides three contributions to the discussions surrounding the applicability and integration of RDA in museums and visual archives, literary archives and manuscript cataloguing. Kailus shows how a data model already exists in the form of FRBRoo which harmonises FRBR with CRM and differentiates the FRBR concept of works. She also shows how this can be instrumental in giving semantic interoperability to library and museum data, and in facilitating cross-sector inventory searches. Based on the experience of the working group set up between literary archives and libraries, Aliverti suggests the development of RDA implementation scenarios in archives. In order for standard convergence to gain acceptance, it is important that all partners be represented in the RDA committees on an equal footing. Fabian's intention is to test the existing cataloguing codes for the cataloguing of medieval manuscripts before the new standard is introduced. Manuscripts themselves are not normally the main source of information, rather the descriptions of them. It therefore needs to be investigated to what extent this can be reflected using RDA. The authors emphasise the importance of using authority data to open up the retrievability of holdings on a cross-sector basis. In addition to persons and corporations, this applies in particular for the referenceability of the work entities or of the collection objects themselves.

16827 - bibliographic records - bibliographic description - indexing problems944;946;811
Wiesenm?ller, Heidrun. - Sacherschliessung unter FRBR und RDA in Theorie und Praxis [subject indexing according to FRBR and RDA in theory and practice] (Lang.: ger). - In: o-bib - das offene Bibliotheksjournal, 3(2016)3, pp. 24-53. - Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.5282/o-bib/2016H3S24-53

16840 - bibliographic records - bibliographic description - KO metadata944;946;918
Bianchini, Carlo; Guerrini, Mauro. - RDA: Resource Description and Access. El nuevo est?ndar de metadatos y descubrimiento de recursos en la era digital [RDA: Resource Description and Access: The new standard for metadata and resource discovery in the digital age] (Lang.: spa). - In: Informaci?n, cultura y sociedad (2015)33, pp. 97-104. - Available at http://scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1851-17402015000200008&lng=es&nrm=iso&tlng=en

16796 - bibliographic description946
Manecke, Mathias. - Museum im Netz [Museum on the web] (Lang.: ger). - In: Dialog mit Bibliotheken, 28(2016)2, pp. 8-15. - Available at http://d-nb.info/1115809814/34

16777 - bibliographic description946
Rho, Jee-Hyun. - [Suggestions on the Revision of Korean Cataloging Rules for Personal Name Authority Records and Authorized Access Point] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 47(2016)2, pp. 201-229. - Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/NODE06703362

16819 - bibliographic description946
Edwards, Simon; Dunsire, Gordon; Danskin, Alan. - RDA international (Lang.: eng). - In: Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie, 62(2015)6, pp. 305-317. RDA has always been a continually evolving standard that aims to reflect the requirements of the cataloguing community. Simon Edwards will highlight the steps towards a further internationalisation and exploration of wider cultural heritage description communities. Gordon Dunsire will point out the potential implementations of RDA data in various database structures and describes the possibilities for further work with RDA and linked data scenarios in international communities. The third part of the article reflects the experience of the British Library in applying RDA in the last years. Alan Danskin gives an overview of the transition period from the project organization until training.

16820 - bibliographic description946
Niggemann, Elisabeth; Junger, Ulrike; Oehlschl?ger, Susanne. - Umstieg auf RDA im deutschsprachigen Raum [Change to RDA in German-speaking countries] (Lang.: ger). - In: Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie, 62(2015)6, pp. 318-328. In August 2015, the first data record was entered into the network database of the Austrian Library Network (OBV) using the new Resource Description and Access (RDA) standard. From October the German National Library will be conducting its cataloguing based on RDA; other libraries in Germany, Austria and German-speaking Switzerland are set to follow by the beginning of 2016. This date marks the provisional culmination of a development that was initiated with the resolution of the Committee for Library Standards in December 2001. The following three-part article describes the cataloguing system adopted by the German National Library following the changeover and the achievements of the changeover project. It also gives an impression of the possibilities which exist for future catalogues as a result of the RDA structure which is based on the FR models.

16839 - bibliographic description946
Alvarado Salazar, Anthony; Zamora Rodr?guez, Christian; Solano Lor?a, Marlon Gerardo . - Descubriendo los modelos de datos interconectados: BibFrame [Discovering interconnected data models: BibFrame ] (Lang.: spa). - In: E-ciencias de la informaci?n (2016) 6-2, pp. 1-20. - Available at http://revistas.ucr.ac.cr/index.php/eciencias/article/view/25275/25771

16858 - bibliographic description946
Behrens, Renate. - Was mache ich mit der Haarlocke? RDA und Spezialbestände (Lang.: ger). - In: Dialog mit Bibliotheken, 28(2016)2, pp. 4-7. - Available at http://d-nb.info/1115809814/34

16828 - bibliographic record display947
Jaklitsch, Markus. - Informationsvisualisierung am Beispiel des Begriffs Informationskompetenz: Eine szientometrische Untersuchung unter Verwendung von BibExcel und VOSviewer [Information visualization of the Concept of Information Literacy: A Scientometric Study Using BibExcel and VOSviewer] (Lang.: ger). - In: Young Information Scientist, 1(2016), pp. 31-43. - Available at http://yis.univie.ac.at/index.php/yis/article/view/1417

16797 - standard numbers948
Sch?tz, Christian. - Projekt ?ISSN-Integration? [Reorientation of the National ISSN Center for Germany] (Lang.: ger). - In: Dialog mit Bibliotheken, 28(2016)2, pp. 16-21. - Available at http://d-nb.info/1115809814/34

16809 - authority files998
Kim, Timotheus Chang-whae; Zumstein, Philipp. - Semiautomatische Katalogisierung und Normdatenverkn?pfung mit Zotero im Index Theologicus [Semi-automatic cataloging and authority data linking using Zotero in the index Theologicus] (Lang.: ger). - In: LIBREAS. Library Ideas,(2016)29.. - Available at http://libreas.eu/ausgabe29/05kim/ This article presents an approach to use the reference management software Zotero within the theological article database Index Theologicus to catalogue article metadata for a library management system. Zotero's Open Source nature and flexible architecture allowed us to seamlessly reuse the vast amount of data extraction routines collaboratively developed for the software. We will show how the semi-automatic workflow we developed will make authority linking fun again.

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