Knowledge organization literature. Selected items

Your search for class 72 Semantics found the 326 items below.       [new search]

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50982007-0331semantics 72
Chen, Z., Lu, K. A preprocess algorithm of filtering irrelevant information based on the minimum class difference (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge-Based Systems, 19(2006)6, p.422-429.

50992007-0332semantics 72
Kapterev, A.I. Governing the professional and intellectual potential of a modern organization: sociologic approach (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 33(2006)3, p. 70-175.

16123semantics 72
Zarri, Gian Piero . A structured and in-depth representation of the semantic content of elementary and complex events (Lang.: eng). - In: International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies, 10(2015)1, pp. 12-27.

651997-1-0064semantics problems 721
Skuce, D., Lethbridge, T.C. CODE4: A unified system for managing conceptual knowledge (Lang.: eng). - In: International Journal of Human-Computer Studies Vol.42, No.4 1995,p. 413-452.

8971998-0273semantics problems 721
Gruselle, J.-P. A cognitive sciences system for symbol grounding (Lang.: eng). - In: Structures and Relations in Knowledge Organization : Proceedings of the 5th International ISKO Conference 25-29 August 1998 Lille, France. Würzburg : Ergon Verlag, 1998, p.48-56.

18432000-0119semantics problems 721
Chibout, K., Vilnat, A. Primitives sémantiques, classification des verbes et polysémie [Semantic primitives, classification of verbs et polysemy] (Lang.: fre). - In: Organisation des connaissances en vue de leur intégration dans les systèmes de représentation et de recherche d'information / ed. J. Maniez, W. Mustafa et Hadi. - Lille: Université Charles-de-Gaule, 1999, p. 163-173.

18442000-0120semantics problems 721
Maranda, P. Proposition de mesure de puissance sémantique [Suggestion for measuring of semantic power] (Lang.: fre). - In: Organisation des connaissances en vue de leur intégration dans les systèmes de représentation et de recherche d'information / ed. J. Maniez, W. Mustafa et Hadi. - Lille: Université Charles-de-Gaule, 1999, p. 191-198.

48812007-0083semantics problems 721
Hjorland, B. Semantics and Knowledge Organization (Lang.: eng). - In: Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, 41(2007) p.367-406.

57492008-0294semantics problems 721
Panzer, M. Semantische Integration heterogener und unterschiedlichsprachiger Wissensorganisationssysteme: CrissCross und jenseits [Semantic integration of heterogeneous and heterolingual Knowledge Organization systems: CrissCross and beyond] (Lang.: ger). - In: Kompatibilität, Medien und Ethik in der Wissensorganisation [see 2008-0171], p. 61-69.

6974semantics problems 721
Bertram, Jutta. (Book review of)Hermann Huemer, Semantische Technologien: Analyse zum Status Quo, Potentiale und Ziele im Bibliotheks-, Informations- und Dokumentationswesen. Vienna, 2006. Available at: http://d-nb.info/982831846 [Semantic technologies: analysis of their present state, potential and aims in librarianship, information and documentation] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare, 60(2007)3, pp. 80-81.

7721semantics problems 721
Crystal, David. Semantic targeting: past, present, and future (Lang.: eng). - In: Aslib proceedings, 62(2010)4/5, pp. 355-365.

8306semantics problems 721
Almeida, Mauricio, Souza, Renato, Fonseca, Fred. Semantics in the Semantic Web: a critical evaluation (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization 38(2011)3, pp. 187-203.

100461990-1-232semantics problems 721
Cresswell, M.J. Semantical essays.Possible worlds and their rivals (Lang.: eng). - Lancaster, G.B, Kluwer Acad.Pub, 1988. pp. 212.(Studies in Linguistics & Philo). ISBN: 1556080611.

101421995-0472semantics problems 721
Dietze, J. Texterschließung: Lexikalische Semantik und Wissensrepräsentation [Text analysis: Lexical semantics and knowledge representation] (Lang.: ger). - München, K.G.Saur Verlag, 1994. pp. 102. ISBN: 3598111797. Three parts: Semantics and language system. Lexical semantics. Knowledge representation and lexical semantics. The latter chapter starts with 'classification as foundation for knowledge representation' and continues with methods of knowledge representati. on, such as formal language, graphical representation, formal logic, semantic nets, production systems, frames, scripts, scenes, thesauri and semantical difference. Book review by H.-J.Manecke in Nachr. Dok. 45(1994)p.181-183

101661990-1-233semantics problems 721
Fries, U.; Heusser, M.(Eds.). Meaning and Beyond.Ernst Leisi zum 70.Geburtstag (Lang.: ger, eng). - Tübingen, DE, G.Narr, 1989. pp. 293. ISBN: 3878089406.

102261994-0979semantics problems 721
Goddard, C.; Wierzbicka, A.. Semantics and lexical universals (Lang.: eng). - Amsterdam, NL, J. Benjamins, , 1993. pp. VIII,510. ISBN: 9027230285.

102761993-0297semantics problems 721
Guzeeva, K.A. (Ed.). Lexical, categorial, and functional semantics: Intercollegiate collected works (Lang.: rus). - Leningrad, L.Gos.Ped.Inst., 1990. pp. 125.

102931993-0296semantics problems 721
Psycholinguistic problems of semantics: Collected works (Lang.: rus). - Kalinin, RU, Kalin.Gos.Univ., 1990. pp. 140.

103741990-1-231semantics problems 721
Chierchia, G.; Partee, B.J., Turner, R.(Eds.). Properties, types, and meaning.Vol.1: Foundational issues; Vol.2: Semantic issues (Lang.: eng). - Lancaster, G.B, Kluwer Acad.Pub, 1988. pp. 264+314.

104921994-0980semantics problems 721
V.K.; Nishanov. Semantic and pragmatic knowledge. V.K. Nishanov [et al.] (Lang.: rus). - Frunze, RU, Kirg.Gos.Univ.im.50-letiya SSSR, 1991. pp. 89.

110251990-1-234semantics problems 721
Sechser, O. Book review of Ineichen, H.: Einstellungssätze: Sprachanalytische Untersuchung zur Erkenntnis, Wahrheit und Bedeutung [Sentences expressing propositional attitudes: Language analysis of knowledge, truth and meaning.München: W.Fink Verl.1987.367p] (Lang.: eng). - In: Int.Classif.Vol.16.No.3.1989.p.180.

118321994-0982semantics problems 721
Zaefferer, D.. Conditionals and unconditionals in universal grammar and situation semantics (Lang.: eng). - In: Situation theory and its applications. Vol.1. - Stanford, CA, 1990, p.471-492.

127441996-1182semantics problems 721
Link, G.. Algebraic semantics for natural language: some philosophy, some applications (Lang.: eng). - In: Int.J.Human-Comput.Studies. Vol. 43, No. 5/6. 1995. p.765-84.

133231996-1183semantics problems 721
Willems, K.. Book review of Schwarz, M., Chur, J.: Semantik. Ein Arbeitsbuch. Tübingen: Narr 1993. 223p. [Semantics. A workbook] (Lang.: ger). - In: Muttersprache. Vol. 106, No. 3. 1996. p.273-276.

135271990-1-235semantics problems 721
Shauk, R.; Birnbaum, L., Mey, J. Integrating semantics and pragmatics (Lang.: rus). - In: Nov.v zarubezh.lingvistike.Vol.24.p.32-47.Moskva,

136111994-0981semantics problems 721
Yashanova, V.A.. Instrumentalism as a semantic category (Lang.: rus). - In: Vopr.Yasykoznaniya. (1992)4,p.63-72.

15225semantics problems 721
San Segundo Manuel, Rosa; Martínez-Ávila, Daniel. El orden de los saberes y la organización digital [The order of knowledge and digital organization] (Lang.: spa). - In: 20 Años del Capítulo Español de ISKO ( pp. 413-421.

15590semantics problems 721
Bräscher, Marisa. Semantic relations in knowledge organization systems (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization, 41(2014)2, pp. 175-180.. Note: Paper presented at the 2nd ISKO-Brazil Conference, Rio de Janeiro, May 28-30, 2013

15591semantics problems 721
Weiss, Leila Cristina; Brascher, Marisa. Princípios teóricos para o estabelecimento de relações semânticas em tesauros (Lang.: por). - In: Encontro nacional de pesquisa em ciência da informação, 14., Florianópolis. Proceedings... Florianópolis: ENANCIB, 2013 (06.13-10-29/11-01). Available at http://enancib2013.ufsc.br/index.php/enancib2013/XIVenancib/paper/viewFile/193/417

8489semantics problems thesauri 721;214
Maltese, Vincenzo, Farazi, Feroz. Towards the integration of knowledge organization systems with the linked data cloud (Lang.: eng). - In: Classification & ontology, [see 06.11-9-19/20], pp. 75-90.

7061998-0083semantics problems search engines 721;757
Berger, F.C..; Bommel, P.V. Augmenting a characterization network with semantic information (Lang.: ). - In: Information Processing & Management 1997(33)4,p. 453-479.

44712006-33-2-0075semantics problems KO historical persons 721;922
Ducheyne, S. Paul Otlet's theory of knowledge and linguistic objectivism (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 32(2005)3, p.110-116.

8961998-0272word/sentence meaning 722
Rouault, J. About abuctive reasoning (Lang.: eng). - In: Structures and Relations in Knowledge Organization : Proceedings of the 5th International ISKO Conference 25-29 August 1998 Lille, France. Würzburg : Ergon Verlag, 1998, p.13-17.

13041999-0099word/sentence meaning 722
Kamel, M. A contribution to the study of the semantics of French psychological and communication verbs (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization , 25(1998)3,p.104-109.

59892009-0109word/sentence meaning 722
Chang, M., Poon, C. K. Efficient phrase querying with common phrase index (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing & Management, 44 (2008)2, p.756-769.

7915word/sentence meaning 722
Hu, Y., Li, W. Document sentiment classification by exploring description model of topical terms (Lang.: eng). - In: Computer speech and language, 25(2011)2, pp. 386-403.

102721990-2-246word/sentence meaning 722
Lekant, P.A.(Ed.). Word semantics and phrase semantics (Lang.: rus). - Moskva, SU, Mosk.obl.ped.in, 1989. pp. 123.(Mezhvuz.sb.nauch.tr).

105431993-0298word/sentence meaning 722
Gilreath, Ch.. Onometrics: The formal evaluation of terms (Lang.: eng). - In: Strehlow, R.A., Wright, S.E.(Eds.) Standardizing Terminology for Better Communication: Practice, Applied Theory, and Results, ASTM STP 1166. 1993. p.75-94.Philadelphia, PA, Amer.Soc.Test.M,

114071993-0299word/sentence meaning 722
Krovetz, R.; Croft, W.B.. Lexical ambiguity and information retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: ACM Transact.on Inform.SystemsVol. 10 No. 2. 1992. p.115-141.

123011995-0856word/sentence meaning 722
Temmerman, R. The process of revitalisation of old words: 'Splicing', a case study in the extension of reference (Lang.: eng). - In: Terminology. Vol. 2. No. 1. 1995. p.107-128. Research on English neologisms in the field of biotechnology and how they influence the Dutch special language in molecular biology and genetic engineering. . 0857

136121994-0983word/sentence meaning 722
Pimakhina, T.A.. Semantic characteristics of neologisms in contemporary English (according to materials from contemporary English periodicals) (Lang.: rus). - In: Sistemnye svyasi b leksike i grammatike germanskikh yasykov. - Samara, RU, 1991. - p.24-30.

37802004-0307word/sentence meaning geography UDC DDC 722-39;42;43
McIlwaine, I.C. A question of place (Lang.: eng). - In: Extensions and corrections to the UDC, 26(2004), p.33-39.

132911996-0258722, 343
Rolland, M.Th.. Book review of Ruge, G.: Wortbedeutung und Termassoziation (Word meaning and term association). Methods towards automatic semantic classification). Hildesheim, DE: Olms 1995, 244p (Lang.: ger). - In: Knowl.Org. Vol. 22, No. 3/4. 1995. p.182-184.

118331994-0984722, 733
Renouf, A.. Making sense of text: automated approaches to meaning extraction (Lang.: eng). - In: Online Information 93. London, 7-9 Dec.1993. - Oxford: Learned Inform.Ltd., 1993, p.77-86.

8981998-0274word/sentence meaning various NBM indexing 722;879
Burke, M.A. Meaning, multimedia and the Internet : subject retrieval challenges and solutions (Lang.: eng). - In: Proceedings of the 2nd British-Nordic Conference on Library and Information Studies, Edinburgh, 1997 / ed. by M. Beaulieu, E. Davenport and N.O. Pors. - London: Taylor Graham, 1997, p.61-78.

Wei-Yi Liu. The fuzzy functional dependency on the basis of the semantic distance (Lang.: eng). - In: Fuzzy Sets Systems. Vol. 59. No. 2. 1993. p.173-179. It is shown that the inference rules for fuzzy functional dependencies are sound and complete. Discussion of the applications of fuzzy functional dependencies to duplicate tuples and the fuzzy classification

Sun, Qinglan. Approach and development of some theoretical problems of Zipf's Law (Lang.: chi). - In: J.China Soc.Scient.& Techn.InfVol. 11 No. 2. 1992. p.128-137.

42802005-32-4-0355semantic analysis 723
Dumais, S.T. Latent semantic analysis (Lang.: eng). - In: Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, 38(2004)1, p.188-230. »» Review article

55252008-0068semantic analysis 723
Dancette, J. Semantic relations in the field of retailing (Lang.: eng). - In: Terminology, 13(2007)2, pp.201-223.

59902009-0110semantic analysis 723
de Moura, E. S., et al. Locality-based pruning methods for Web search (Lang.: eng). - In: ACM Transactions on Information Systems, 26(2008)2, p.1-28.

67082009-0828semantic analysis 723
Price, S. L., et al. Using semantic components to search for domain-specific documents: an evaluation from the system perspective and the user perspective (Lang.: eng). - In: Information systems, 34(2009)8, pp. 778-806.

6975semantic analysis 723
Li, Dandan, Kwong, Chung-Ping, Lee, Dik Lun. Unified linear subspace approach to semantic analysis (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 61(2010)1, pp. 175-189.

7400semantic analysis 723
Kwaśnik, Barbara H. Semantic warrant: a pivotal concept for our field (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization, 37(2010)2, pp. 106-110.

8677semantic analysis 723
Ozsoy, Makbule Gulcin, Alpaslan, Ferda Nur, Cicekli, Ilyas. Text summarization using latent semantic analysis (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of information science, 37(2011)4, pp. 405-417.

9055semantic analysis 723
Fox, Robert. Navigators for the digital ocean (Lang.: eng). - In: OCLC systems & services, 28(2012)2, pp.67 – 74.

9056semantic analysis 723
Habernal, Ivan, Konopík, Miloslav, Rohlík, Ondřej. Question answering (Lang.: eng). - In: Next generation search engines, pp. 304-343 (08.757).

9507semantic analysis 723
Neelameghan, A.; Raghavan, K.S. Concept of 'time', semantic relationships and cultural frames (Lang.: eng). - In: Categories, contexts and relations in knowledge organization (06.12-08-6/9).

109131990-0971semantic analysis 723
Smart, G. Using language analysis to manage information (Lang.: eng). - In: Aslib Proc.Vol.45.No.3.1993.p.123-129. Results from the ESPRIT Project SIMPR which developed software to analyze documents and generate indexes for them

116731993-0971semantic analysis 723
Smart, G.. Using language analysis to manage information (Lang.: eng). - In: Aslib Proc.. Vol. 45. No. 3. p.123-129. Results from the ESPRIT Project SIMPR which developed software to analyze documents and generate indexes for them.

118341994-0985semantic analysis 723
Voorhees, E.M.. Using WordNet to disambiguate word senses for text retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: SIGIR Forum (Special Issue 1993), p.171-180.

124531996-0259semantic analysis 723
Dobbie, G.; Topor, R.. On the declarative and procedural semantics of deductive object-oriented systems (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Intelligent Inform.Syst. Vol. 4, No. 2. 1995. p.193-219.

127451996-1184semantic analysis 723
Ananiadou, S.. Book review of Stone Palmer, M.: Semantic processing for finite domains. Cambridge, MA: Cambridge Univ.Press 1990. IX,199p. (Lang.: eng). - In: Machine Translation. Vol. 10. 1995. p.265-267.

127461996-1185semantic analysis 723
Levison, M.; Lessard, G.. New words from old: a formalism for word-formation (Lang.: eng). - In: Computers and the Humanities. Vol. 29, No. 6. 1995. p.463-479.

129491993-0754semantic analysis 723
Benzecri, J.P.; Benzecri, F.. Analyse du vocabulaire et recherche du thème dans les articles des volumes XII ナ XVII de CAD. Pts.I-III [Vocabulary analysis and subject retrieval in the articles of the Cahier de l'Analyse des Données, Vol.XII-XVII] (Lang.: fre). - In: Cah.Anal.DonnéesVol. 18 No. 1. 1993. p.47-96.

130671990-1-236semantic analysis 723
Bickes, H.; Busse, D. Begriffe im kommunikativen Handeln.Linguistische Begriffsanalyse als Rekonstruktion von Handlungsmustern [Concepts in communicative actions.Linguistic concept analysis as reconstruction of action-patterns] (Lang.: ger). - In: Conceptus.Vol.23.No.60.1989.p.81-97.

135281990-1-238semantic analysis 723
Bondarenko, M.F.; Matorin, S.I., Solov'eva, E.A. Towards the formalisation of semantics for conceptual knowledge base design (Lang.: rus). - In: Probl.bioniki (Khar'kov).No.43.1989.p.12-19.

135741990-2-248semantic analysis 723
Lavrenova, O.A. A knowledge system model used in computerised information systems (Lang.: rus). - In: Nauchno-tekhn.inform.Ser.2.No.6.1989.p.5-9.

136031993-0753semantic analysis 723
Yashchenko Kost.,Y.V. A matrix method as a universal means by which a terminology is organanized into semantic categories (Lang.: rus). - In: Nauch.-tekhn.inform.,Ser.2 No. 12. 1992. p.4-10.

15811semantic analysis 723
Kembellec, Gérald. Recherche exploratoire : proposition d’une méthode basée sur une ontologie de domaine (Lang.: fre). - In: Contextes, langues et cultures dans l’organisation des Connaissances, pp. 274-295(06.13-10-10/11)..

16160semantic analysis 723
Zeng, Marcia Lei; Gracy, Karen F.; Žumer, Maja. Using a Semantic Analysis Tool to Generate Subject Access Points: A Study Using Panofsky's Theory and Two Research Samples (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 41(2014)6, pp. 440-451.

16213semantic analysis 723
Hojas Mazo, Wenny; Simón Cuevas, Alfredo; de la Iglesia Campos, Manuel. Análisis Semántico en Mapas Conceptuales usando Ontología de Dominio [Semantic analysis in concept maps using a domain ontology] (Lang.: spa). - In: Ciencias de la Información, 45(2014)3, pp. 19-24. Available at http://cinfo.idict.cu/index.php/cinfo/article/view/650/498

16566semantic analysis 723
Engel, Felix . Expertensuche in semantisch integrierten Datenbeständen [Expert search in sematically integrated data collections] (Lang.: ger). - Hagen, Germany, FernUniversität in Hagen , 2015. Available at http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:hbz:708-30424

17261semantic analysis 723
Li, Nan; Sun, Jiqing. Improving Chinese Term Association from the Linguistic Perspective (Lang.: eng). - In: KO, 44(2017)1, pp. 13-23.

17832semantic analysis 723
Cheti, Alberto. Il criterio della distanza semantica nell’analisi concettuale dei documenti (Lang.: it). - In: Bibelot, 23(2017)2.Bologna, IT, Cineca, 2017. pp. 6. Available at http://http://riviste.aib.it/index.php/bibelot/article/view/11679 ISSN: 17233410

18300semantic analysis 723
Song, Min-Sun. Analyzing the Sentence Structure for Automatic Identification of Metadata Elements based on the Logical Semantic Structure of Research Articles (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of the Korea Society for Information Management, 35(2018)3, pp. 101-121.. Available at http://http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/NODE07538604

101181995-0473723, 348, 73
Ruge, G. Sprache und Computer. Wortbedeutung und Termassoziation. Methoden zur automatischen semantischen Klassifikation [Language and computer. Word semantics and term association. Methods towards an automatic semantic classification] (Lang.: ger). - Hildesheim etc, Georg Olms Verlag, 1995. pp. 244.(Sprache u.Computer, Bd.14). ISBN: 3487099640. This dissertation is in 7 chapters: 1. Motivation. 2. Language philosophical foundations. 3. Structural comparison of extensions. 4. Earlier approaches towards term association. 5. Experiments. 6. Spreading-activation networks or memory models. 7. Perspe. ctive. Appendices: Heads and modifiers of 'car'. Glossary. Index

131231990-2-247723, 396
Bauer, G.; Schneider, Ch. PADOK-II: Untersuchungen zur Volltextproblematik und zur interpretativen Analyse der Retrievalprotokolle [PADOK-II: problems of fulltext retrieval and interpretative analysis of retrieval protocols] (Lang.: ger). - In: Nachr.Dok.Vol.41.No.1.1990.p.21-26.

106441993-0301723, 743
Haas, S.W.. Sublanguage analysis using the case hierarchy (Lang.: eng). - In: Proc.54th ASIS Ann.Meeting, Washington, DC, 27-31 Oct.1991. 1991. p.196-202.Medford, NJ, Learned Inform.,

18625semantic analysis 723; 725
Lee, Byeong-Kee . [A Comparative Analysis Study of IFLA School Library Guidelines Using Semantic Network Analysis] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 51(2020)2, pp.061 - 081.Korean Library And Information Science Society,

45942006-33-3-0198semantic analysis automatic classification 723;348
Kim, H., Lee, Hyun, Seo, Jung. A reliable FAQ retrieval system using a query log classification technique based on latent semantic analysis (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing and Management, 43(2007)2, p.420-430.

17722semantic analysis semantic networks 723;725
Linked data and the charm of weak semantics: special section (Lang.: eng). - In: Bulletin of the Association for Information Science and Technology, April-May 2015.2015. pp. 43. Available at http://www.asis.org/Bulletin/Apr-15/Bulletin_AprMay2015.pdf ISSN: 15508366

15812semantic analysis NLP software 723;734
Zeng, Marcia Lei; Gracy, Karen F.; Žumer, Maja . Using a semantic analysis tool to generate subject access points: a study using Panofsky’s theory and two research samples (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization in the 21st century, pp. 493-500 (06.14-05-19/22).

7722semantic analysis conceptology systems theory 723;82-51/4
Lourenco, A., et al. BioDR: Semantic indexing networks for biomedical document retrieval (Lang.: eng). - In: Expert systems with applications, 37(2010)4, pp. 3444-3453.

15226semantic analysis tagging 723;835
Kim, Hyun-Hee. [Comparing the use of semantic relations between tags versus latent semantic analysis for speech summarization] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science 47(2013)3, pp.343-361.

18386semantic analysis users requirements 723;982
Resnick, Melissa P.; Cardillo, Elena; Jamoulle, Marc; Novaes, Magdala de Araujo; Shamenek, Frank S. . Towards the semantic annotation and the prevention of the loss of information of second opinion requests from rural Brazilian primary healthcare providers: the Q-codes use case – a work in progress -- 702 (Lang.: eng). - In: Advances in Knowledge Organization, 16(2018), pp. 702-710.

Maartens, P.J.. Interpretation and meaning in a conflict parable (Lang.: eng). - In: Ling.Biblica. (1992)67,p.61-82. Relations between the interpretation and the meaning in the gospel of Marc (5:18-22).

67092009-0829synonymy 724
Stana, Dana. Omonimia şi paronimia în bibliologie (1, 2, 3) [Homonymy and paronymy in library science] (Lang.: rom). - In: Biblioteca, 19(2008)8/9, pp. 255-256; 19(2008)10, pp. 289-290; 19(2008), 11/12, pp. 333-336.

8126synonymy 724
Lin-Chih Chen. Term suggestion with similarity measure based on semantic analysis techniques in query logs (Lang.: eng). - In: Online information review, 35(2011)1, pp. 9-33.

100661994-0990synonymy 724
Way, E.C.. Knowledge representation and metaphor (Lang.: eng). - Oxford, GB, Intellect, 1994. pp. XX,267. ISBN: 1871516390. The book has the following nine chapters: The literal and the metaphoric. Views of metaphor. Knowledge representation. Representation schemes and conceptual graphs. The dynamic type hierarchy theory of metaphor. Computational approaches to metaphor. The nature and structure of semantic hierarchies. Language games, open texture and family resemblance. Programming the dynamic type hierarchy. Subject index. (The book had previously been published in 1991 by Kluwer Academic Publishers)

118361994-0988synonymy 724
Kendall, J.E.; Kendall, K.E.. Metaphors and their meaning for information systems development (Lang.: eng). - In: European J.Inform.Syst.. 3(1994)1,p.37-47. Includes an identification of four key attributes of the metaphors and key attributes of six different types of information systems.

123031995-0858synonymy 724
Engel, G. Unambiguity and (not) ambiguity (Lang.: eng). - In: IITF Journal. Vol. 5. No. 1. 1994. p.1-9.

124541996-0260synonymy 724
Nkwenti-Azeh, B.. The treatment of synonymy and cross-references in special-language dictionaries (SLDs) (Lang.: eng). - In: Terminology. Vol. 2, No. 2. 1995. p.325-350. For Semantic Nets (725) see 0240

133591993-0302synonymy 724
Priano, M.. La quasi sinonimia nel Soggettario [Quasi-synonymy in the Soggettario] (Lang.: ita). - In: Boll.AIBVol. 32 No. 1. 1992. p.43-53.

136131994-0989synonymy 724
Podkolsina, T.A.. Mmetaphors and the typology of a terminological system (Lang.: rus). - In: Fil.Nauki - Moskva. (1992)3,p.90-100.

136741994-0987synonymy 724
Borges, N.J.. Adjetivos sincategoremáticos: um problema para a semántica [Syncategorematic adjectives: a problem for semantics] (Lang.: spa). - In: Cadernos de estudos ling.. (1992)22,p.109-126.

123021995-0857724, 772
Cabré, M.T. On diversity and terminology (Lang.: eng). - In: Terminology. Vol. 2. No. 1. 1995. p.1-16. It is argued that contrary to what might be common belief, the goal of absolute uniformity of scientific terms is not desirable as it reflects an artificial and utopian process. (from the authors's summary)

661997-1-0065semantic networks 725
Poitrenaud, S. The PROCOPE semantic network: an alternative to action grammars (Lang.: eng). - In: International Journal of Human-Computer Studies Vol. 42, No.1 1995.

15921999-0386semantic networks 725
Greenhill, S., Venkatesh, S. Noetica : a tools for semantic data modelling (Lang.: eng). - In: Information Processing & Management, 34(1998)6, p.739-760.

32352002-0256semantic networks 725
Priss, U. Alternatives to the "Semantic Web" : multi-strategy knowledge representation (Lang.: eng). - In: Challenges in Knowledge Organization ...[see 2002-0188], p. 305-310.

42812005-32-4-0356semantic networks 725
Vieira da Cunha, M., Silva, E.L. da. Redes semánticas y maps conceptuales : una experiencia en la formación de bibliotecarios [Semantic nets and conceptual maps: integration of new teaching methodologies] (Lang.: spa). - In: Scire, 10(2004)1, p.159-168.

57502008-0295semantic networks 725
Zhao Rongying, Cheng In. The notion and characters of knowledge networks (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 35(2008)1, p.47-55.

7065semantic networks 725
He, Wei; Wang, Yu. [Text representation based on sentence and Chinese text categorization] (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 28(2009)6, pp. 839-843.

7066semantic networks 725
Guo, Wubin; Zhou, Kuanjiu; Zhang, Shirong. [A support vector machines model based on latent semantic indexing for text categorization] (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 28(2009)6, pp. 827-833.

8307semantic networks 725
Leydesdorff, Loet, Rafols, Ismael. Local emergence and global diffusion of research technologies: an exploration of patterns of network formation (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 62(2011)5, pp. 846-860.

8490semantic networks 725
Xiaoming, Sun, Wentian, Cui, Jun, Lin. [A theoretical model for displaying literature search results through networks] (Lang.: chi). - In: Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 30(2011)2, pp. 146-154.

9057semantic networks 725
Biskri, Ismaïl, Rompré, Louis. Using association rules for query reformulation (Lang.: eng). - In: Next generation search engines, pp. 292-303 (08.757).

9508semantic networks 725
Guo, Shaoyou; Shang, Yu; Wei, Pengzheng; Mao, Jinlong. [Green linked data: concept, requirements and engineering] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library and information service, 56(2012)23, pp. 113-118.

9512semantic networks 725
Lü, Yuanzhi. [Semantic organization of e-government information resources based on linked data] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library and information service, 56(2012)21, pp. 143-146, 130.

9513semantic networks 725
Pattuelli, M. Cristina; Rubinow, Sara. Charting DBpedia: towards a cartography of a major linked dataset (Lang.: eng). - In: Categories, contexts and relations in knowledge organization (06.12-08-6/9).

9515semantic networks 725
San Segundo, Rosa; Ávila, Daniel Martínez. New conceptual structures for the digital environment: from KOS to the semantic interconnection (Lang.: eng). - In: Categories, contexts and relations in knowledge organization (06.12-08-6/9).

9660semantic networks 725
Luo, Zheng; Zhang, Zhanmei; Chen, Weili. [The significance and notes of linked data application in university library] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library journal, 31(2012)5, pp. 51-53.

9842semantic networks 725
Chen, Dingquan; Xiao, Peng. [A review of conference literature of linked data] (Lang.: chi). - In: Document, information & knowledge, (2012)3, pp. 103-110.

9843semantic networks 725
Fan, Wei. [Towards linked open library data] (Lang.: chi). - In: Document, information & knowledge, (2012)3, pp. 94-102.

9844semantic networks 725
Fu, Yao; Yang, Pan. [A study on the evolution of linked data from co-word analysis perspective] (Lang.: chi). - In: Researches on library science, (2013)3, pp. 18-24.

9845semantic networks 725
Hennicke, Steffen. Linked Data und semantische Suchfunktionalität in Europeana [Linked data and semantic search functionality in Europeana] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare, 66(2013)1, pp. 20-34.

9846semantic networks 725
Zhang, Hailing. [Research on exposing library bibliographic data as linked data: a case study of German National Library] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library tribune, 33(2013)1, pp. 120-125.

9847semantic networks 725
Zhu, Dali. [A semantic analysis on linked catalog data of library: library catalog data brimming with context] (Lang.: chi). - In: Researches on library science, (2012)1, pp. 54-58, 95.

114081993-0303semantic networks 725
Hsinchun, C.. Knowledge-based document retrieval framework and design (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Inform.Sci.Vol. 18 No. 4. 1992. p.293-314.

115901993-0755semantic networks 725
Sechser, O.. Book review of Sowa, J.F.(Ed.): Principles of semantic networks - Explorations in the representation of knowledge. San Mateo, CA: Morgan Kaufmann Publ.1991. 582p. (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowl.Org.Vol. 20 No. 1. 1993. p.60-61.

118371994-0991semantic networks 725
Sedelow, W.A.; Sedelov, S.Y.. Multicultural/multilingual electronically mediated communication (Lang.: eng). - In: Social Science Computer Rev.. 12(1994)2,p.242-249. Modeling of semantic space is discussed with specific reference to the authors' NSF-funded project on knowledge representation in dictionaries, thesauri, and free text. Research findings are discussed in relation to future research needs.

130201996-1187semantic networks 725
Van Campenhoudt, M.. Recherche d'équivalences et structuration des réseaux notionnels: Le cas des relations méronymiques [Search for equivalences and structurization of conceptual systems: the case of meronymic relationships] (Lang.: fre). - In: Terminology. Vol. 3, No. 1. 1996. p.53-83.

131961994-0992semantic networks 725
Rothkegel, A.. Book review of Leinfellner, E.: Semantische Netze und Textzusammenhang. Frankfurt etc.: Lang 1992. [Semantic nets and text connexions] (Lang.: ger). - In: KI Künstl.Intelligenz. (1994)2,p.75-76.

133241996-1186semantic networks 725
Hartmann, G.; Niemann,H., Sagerer,G., Kummert,F., Mertsching,B.. Semantische Netzwerksysteme in der Musteranalyse [Semantic network systems in pattern analysis] (Lang.: ger). - In: Künstliche Intelligenz, No. 3. 1995. p.23-.

134211990-2-249semantic networks 725
Tatsumi, F.; Tetsuya, H., Hiroyuki, K., Ken'ichi, H., Akio, K. Architectural evaluation of a semantic network machine (Lang.: jap). - In: Database Mach.and Knowl.Base Mach.: Papers 5th Int.Workshop Database Mach., Tokyo, 1987.1988.p.544-556.Boston, MA,

139021993-0051semantic networks 725
Ferber, R.. Vorhersage der Suchwortwahl von professionellen Rechercheuren in Literaturdatenbanken durch assoziative Wortnetze [Prediction of choice of retrieval words by professional searchers in databases by associative nets of words] (Lang.: ). -

15227semantic networks 725
De Luca, Ernesto William. Extending the linked data cloud with multilingual lexical linked data (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization, 40(2013)5, pp. 320-331.

15230semantic networks 725
Guns, Raf. Tracing the origins of the semantic web (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 64(2013)10, pp. 2173-2181.

15233semantic networks 725
Tallerås, Kim. From many records to one graph: heterogeneity conflicts in the linked data restructuring cycle (Lang.: eng). - In: Information research, 18(2013)3, paper C18. Available at http://InformationR.net/ir/18-3/colis/paperC18.html In the Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Conceptions of Library and Information Science, Copenhagen, Denmark, 19-22 August, 2013.

15428semantic networks 725
Danowski, Patrick; Goldfarb, Doron; Schaffner, Verena; Seidler, Wolfram. Linked (Open) Data - Bibliographische Daten im Semantic Web. Bericht der AG Linked Data an die Verbundvollversammlung (16. Mai 2013) [Linked (Open) Data - bibliographic data on the Semantic Web. Report of the Working Group on Linked Data to the plenary assembly of the Austrian Library Network] (Lang.: ger). - In: Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Österreichischer Bibliothekarinnen & Bibliothekare, 60(2013)3/4, pp.559-587. Available at http://hdl.handle.net/10760/20981

15430semantic networks 725
Shen, Zhihong et al. [A research on publishing workflow and key issues of linked data: experience with publishing scientific literature and scientific data as linked data] (Lang.: chi). - In: Journal of library science in China, 39(2013)2, pp. 53-62.

15431semantic networks 725
Wei, Lai; Fu, Yao. [On the linked data quality standards based on green linked data] (Lang.: chi). - In: Information and documentation services, 1(2013), pp. 69-72.

15592semantic networks 725
Emanuele Di, Buccio; Giorgio Maria Di, Nunzio; Gianmaria, Silvello. A linked open data approach for geolinguistics applications (Lang.: eng). - In: International journal of metadata, semantics and ontologies, 9(2014)1, pp. 29-41.. Available at http://www.inderscience.com/info/inarticletoc.php?jcode=ijmso&year=2014&vol=9&issue=4

15593semantic networks 725
Si, Li; Li, Xin. Tushuguan yingyong guanlian shuju de celue fenxi (Lang.: chi). - In: Library work and study, (2013)10, pp. 32-35..

15813semantic networks 725
De Luca, Ernesto William; Dahlberg, Ingetraut . Including knowledge domains from the ICC into the multilingual lexical linked data cloud (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization in the 21st century, pp. 258-265 (06.14-05-19/22).

15814semantic networks 725
Neubert, Joachim. Linked Open Data und die Bibliothekspraxis [Linked open data and library practice] (Lang.: ger). - In: Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie, 61(2014)2, PP. 59-67.

15815semantic networks 725
Salaba, Athena; Zeng, Marcia Lei . Extending the “Explore” user task beyond subject authority data into the linked data sphere (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization in the 21st century, pp. 501-508 (06.14-05-19/22).

15816semantic networks 725
Zuñiga, Juan Carlos; Zuñiga, José J.; Digiampietri, Luciano A.; Barbin, Silvio Ernesto. A loosely coupled architecture for automatic composition of web services applications (Lang.: eng). - In: International journal of metadata, semantics and ontologies, 9(2014)3, pp. 241-251.

15978semantic networks 725
Borst, Timo. Repositorien auf ihrem Weg in das Semantic Web: Semantisch hergeleitete Interoperabilität als Zielstellung für künftige Repository-Entwicklungen [Repositories on their way into the Semantic Web: semantically driven interoperability as perspective for repositories] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliothek: Forschung und Praxis. 38(2014)2, pp. 257–265.

15979semantic networks 725
Byrne, Kate. Can documents be linked data? (Lang.: eng). - In: Catalogue & index, Mar(2014)174, pp. 19-24.

15980semantic networks 725
Diamantini, Claudia; Potena, Domenico; Storti, Emanuele. Collaborative management of a repository of KDD processes (Lang.: eng). - In: International journal of metadata, semantics and ontologies, 9(2014)4, pp. 299-311.

15981semantic networks 725
Gödert, Winfried; Hubrich, Jessica; Nagelschmidt, Matthias. Semantic Knowledge Representation for Information Retrieval (Lang.: eng). - Berlin, De Gruyter Saur, 2014. 9783110329704.

15982semantic networks 725
Gartner, Richard. Intermediary schemas and semantic linkages: an integrated architecture for complex digital archives (Lang.: eng). - In: International journal of metadata, semantics and ontologies, 9(2014)4, pp. 289 – 298.

15983semantic networks 725
Hauser, Julia. Der Linked Data Service der Deutschen Nationalbibliothdk [The linked data service of the German National Library] (Lang.: ger). - In: Dialog mit Bibliotheken. 26(2014) 1, pp. 38-42. Available at http://www.dnb.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/DNB/service/dialog20141volltext.pdf

15984semantic networks 725
Jung, Min-Kyung; Kwon, Sun-Young. [A study on internet of things based on semantic for library] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 45(2014)2, pp. 235-260. Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/3487701

15986semantic networks 725
Quinn, Sherrey. (Book review of) Keyser, Pierre de. Indexing: from thesauri to the Semantic Web. Witney, Chandos Publishing, 2012, 249 pp., ISBN:9781843342922 (Lang.: eng). - In: Australian library journal, 63(2014)1, pp. 62-63.

15987semantic networks 725
William De Luca, Ernesto; Dahlberg, Ingetraut. Die Multilingual Lexical Linked Data Cloud: Eine mögliche Zugangsoptimierung? [The multilingual lexical linked data cloud: a possible semantic-based access to the Web?] (Lang.: ger). - In: Information: Wissenschaft & Praxis, 65(2014)4/5, pp. 279–287.

16176semantic networks 725
Stein, Christian. Linked Open Data – Wie das Web zur Semantik kam [Linked Open Data: How the web gained semantics] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliothek: Forschung und Praxis, 38(2014),3, pp. 447-455. Since the beginning of the World Wide Web, there is the idea of universal networking of information in a simple, standardized way. However, computers are still very limited in the interpretation of natural language. The last generation of the Web, the Semantic Web, closes this gap and models semantics explicit and machine-readable – and opens up new possibilities.

16190semantic networks 725
Ok Nam Park; Jung Sun Oh. Deployment of BIBFRAME as a New Bibliographic Framework in Linked Data (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of the Korean Biblia Society For Library And Information Science, 25(2014)4, pp. 235-263.. Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/3551435

16201semantic networks 725
Ji-Young Kim; Sun-A Park; Seon-Hee Lee. A Study on Constructing figures in science Linked Open Data (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 45(2014)4, pp. 429-455.. Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/3565722

16208semantic networks 725
Ríos Hilario, Ana B.. Linked Open Media Data: La tecnología de datos vinculados al servicio de los medios de comunicación [Linked Open Media Data: Linked data technology at the service of the media (orig.)] (Lang.: spa). - In: Cuadernos de Documentación Multimedia, 25(2014), pp. 118-140. Available at http://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/CDMU/article/view/47470/44478

16219semantic networks 725
Arano-Poggi, Silvia; Bel, Núria. Datos enlazados de publicaciones, proyectos y herramientas para investigadores en humanidades digitales: catálogo piloto del centro Clarin IULA-UPF [Linked data of publications, projects and computational tools for digital humanities researchers: the pilot catalogue of the Clarin IULA-UPF Center Information (orig.)] (Lang.: spa). - In: El Profesional de la Información Noviembre-diciembre, 23(2014)6.

16251semantic networks 725
Torre-Bastida, Ana-Isabel; González-Rodríguez, Marta; Villar-Rodríguez, Esther. Datos abiertos enlazados (LOD) y su implantación en bibliotecas: iniciativas y tecnologías [Linked open data (LOD) and its implementation in libraries: Initiatives and technologies (orig.)] (Lang.: spa). - In: El profesional de la Informacion 24(2015) 2, pp..

16321semantic networks 725
Althaus, Bernd; Hentschke, Jana; Heuvelmann, Reinhold; Löhden, Aenne. SWIB14 – Die sechste »Semantic Web in Libraries Conference«: Bibliotheken, Daten, Anwendungen und Linked Data [SWIB14 – The sixth »Semantic Web in Libraries Conference«: Libraries, data, applications, and Linked Data] (Lang.: ger). - In: Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie, 62(2015)2, pp. 115-120.

16486semantic networks 725
Löhden, Änne; Borst, Timo . linked Library Data auf der 6. Internationalen Fachtagung "SWIB 2014" in Bonn [linked Library Data at the 6th international conference "SWIB 2014" at Bonn, Germany] (Lang.: ger). - In: Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis, 39(2015)3, pp. 405-409.

16510semantic networks 725
Mittelbach, Jens . Modernes Datenmanagement: linked Open Data und die offene Bibliothek [Modern data management: linked Open Data and the open library] (Lang.: ger). - In: o-bib: Das offene Bibliotheksjournal, 2(2015)2, pp. 61-73. Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.5282/o-bib/2015HS61-73

16571semantic networks 725
Wieser, Christoph. Building a semantic search engine with games and crowdsourcing (Lang.: eng). - Munich, Germany, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, 2014. Available at http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bvb:19-169754

16586semantic networks 725
Fudurić, Morana. Relationship orientation in social media: Construct, measurement and link to company performance (Lang.: eng). - Lugano/Mendrisio, Switzerland, Università della Svizzera italiana , 2014. Available at http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:ch:rero-006-112755

16598semantic networks 725
Hasemann, Henning. Embedding knowledge: Fusing the internet of things with the semantic web (Lang.: eng). - Braunschweig, Germany, Technische Universität Braunschweig, 2015.

16611semantic networks 725
Noori, Sheak Rashed Haider. A Large Scale Distributed Knowledge Organization System: Building Collaborative Knowledge Base for Semantic Web (Lang.: eng). - Saarbrücken, Germany, Universität des Saarlandes , 2014.

16657semantic networks 725
Park, Zi-young . 서지프레임워크를 활용한 공공도서관 서지데이터와 서비스 데이터의 연계 [Linking Bibliographic Data and Public Library Service Data Using Bibliographic Framework] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management,33(2016)1, pp.293-316.

16661semantic networks 725
Seo, Sun Kyung ; Choi, Ho Nam ; Kim, Byung-Kyu ; Choi, Seon-Heui ; Kim, Jeong Hwan . Cited-by Linking 데이터 기반 자연과학 및 공학 분야 학술논문 인용 패턴 분석 [Citing Pattern Analysis based on Cited-by Linking Data of DOI Journals in the Field of Natural Sciences & Engineering] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management,33(2016)2, pp.157-176.

16692semantic networks 725
Becker, Pascal-Nicolas. Linked Data – wo bleiben die Anwendungen? [Linked Data - where are the applications?] (Lang.: ger). - In: ABI Technik, 36(1)2016, pp. 58. Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/abitech-2016-0005

16732semantic networks 725
Walger, Nadine. Mit neuen und innovativen Themen in die Zukunft: DINI-Jahrestagung am 27. und 28. Oktober 2015 zu Gast an der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek in Frankfurt am Main [Report on the DINI annual meeting, 27-28 October 2015, German National Library, Frankfurt am Main] (Lang.: ger). - In: Dialog mit Bibliotheken, 28(1)2016, pp. 48-51. Available at http://www.dnb.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/DNB/service/dialog20161Volltext.pdf?__blob=publicationFile

16739semantic networks 725
Burghardt, Manuel; Wolff, Christian; Womser-Hacker, Christa. Informationswissenschaft und Digital Humanities [Information science and digital humanities] (Lang.: ger). - In: Information - Wissenschaft & Praxis, 66(5/6)2015, pp. 287-294.

16754semantic networks 725
Fischer, Kristina; Wiesenmüller, Heidrun. Der Einsatz der Personalgruppen in der Sacherschliessung an wissenschaftlichen Bibliotheken: Ergebnisse einer Umfrage [The activities of different staff groups in subject cataloguing at academic libraries: Results of a survey] (Lang.: ger). - In: O-bib: Das offene Bibliotheksjournal, 3(2)2016, pp. 56-77. Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.5282/o-bib/2016H2S56-77

16758semantic networks 725
Gomis Aliaga, Silvia. Publicar datos abiertos enlazados (LOD) en entornos bibliotecarios mediante el gestor de contenidos semántico Ximdex (Lang.: spa). - In: Cuadernos de Gestión de Información,5(2015)1, pp.1-17. Available at http://revistas.um.es/gesinfo/article/view/232181/190701

16769semantic networks 725
Morán Reyes, Ariel Antonio; Naumis Peña, Catalina. Métodos y tendencias de recuperación de información biomédica y genómica basados en las relaciones semánticas de los tesauros y los MeSH [Methods and trends of biomedical and genomic information retrieval based on semantic relations of thesauri and MeSH] (Lang.: spa). - In: Investigación Bibliotecológica,30(2016)68, pp.110-123. Available at http://www.revistas.unam.mx/index.php/ibi/article/view/54598/48541

17134semantic networks 725
Beck, Julia; D?rrer, Axel; Knepper, Marko; Voss, Franziska. Neue Wege der Informationsaggregation und -vernetzung - ein Blick hinter die Kulissen des Fachinformationsdienstes Darstellende Kunst [New paths of information aggregation and linking. A glance behind the scenes of the Specialised Information Service Performing Arts] (Lang.: ger). - In: ABI-Technik, 36(2016)4, pp. 218-226. Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/abitech-2016-0047

17150semantic networks 725
Albrecht, Rita; Messmer, Gabriele; Rusch, Beate; Thiessen, Peter. Katalogisierung in der Datenwolke [Cataloguing in the data cloud] (Lang.: ger). - In: Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie, 63(2016)5/6, pp. 258-264. Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.3196/1864295016635631

17234semantic networks 725
Cristov?o, Henrique Monteiro. Um modelo h?brido de recupera??o de informa??o e conhecimento baseado na s?ntese de mapas conceituais obtidos por opera??es de transforma??o de redes complexas orientadas por busca de relacionamentos entre termos de consulta em bases de dados ligados [An hibrid model of information and knowledge retrieval based on the conceptual maps synthesis obtained through the transformation operations of complex network oriented by relationships search between query terms in database] (Lang.: por). - In: Dissertation.Bras?lia, Universidade de Bras?lia, 2015. pp. 315. Available at http://repositorio.unb.br/handle/10482/22284

17212semantic networks 725
Freitas Junior, Nilton; Jacynto, Mark Douglas de Azevedo. Um prot?tipo Linked data para cataloga??o sem?ntica de publica??es [A linked data prototype for semantic cataloguing of publications ] (Lang.: por). - In: Perspectivas em Ci?ncia da Informa??o, 21(2016)4, pp. 48-65 . Available at http://portaldeperiodicos.eci.ufmg.br/index.php/pci/article/view/2664/1812

17270semantic networks 725
Schuldt, Karsten. Rezension zu: Smiljana Antonijevi? (2015). Amongst Digital Humanists: An Ethnographic Study of Digital Knowledge Production. Basingstoke [Book review of: Smiljana Antonijevi? (2015). Amongst Digital Humanists: An Ethnographic Study of Digital Knowledge Production. Basingstoke ] (Lang.: ger). - In: LIBREAS. Library Ideas, (2016)30. Available at http://libreas.eu/ausgabe30/schuldt/

17282semantic networks 725
Ant?n Bravo, Adolfo. Tecnolog?as de la web sem?ntica [The Semantic web technologies] (Lang.: spa). - In: Dialnet.Universidad Complutense de Madrid , 2016. pp. 400. Available at http://eprints.ucm.es/41646/

17292semantic networks 725
Rautenberg, Sandro; Marx, Edgard; Ermilov, Ivan; Auer, S?ren. Linked data workflow project ontology: uma ontologia de dom?nio para publica-??o e preserva??o de dados conectados [Linked data workflow project ontology: a domain ontology for linked data publishing and digital preservation] (Lang.: por). - In: Tend?ncias da Pesquisa Brasileira em Ci?ncia da Informa??o, 9(2016)2. Available at http://inseer.ibict.br/ancib/index.php/tpbci/article/view/252/339

17295semantic networks 725
Mota, Denysson Axel Ribeiro; Kobashi, Nair Yumiko. Web sem?ntica e web pragm?tica: discuss?o cr?tica sobre versionamento na web e limites conceituais [Semantic web and pragmatic web: critical discussion of versioning on the web and conceptual limits ] (Lang.: por). - In: Tend?ncias da Pesquisa Brasileira em Ci?ncia da Informa??o, 9(2016)2. Available at http://inseer.ibict.br/ancib/index.php/tpbci/article/view/267/361

17426semantic networks 725
Kuczera, Andreas. Graphentechnologien in den Digitalen Geisteswissenschaften [Graph technologies in the digital humanities] (Lang.: ger). - In: ABI Technik, 37(2017)3, pp. 179-196. Available at http://doi:10.1515/abitech-2017-0042

17427semantic networks 725
M?hling, Annika; Piontkowitz, Pia; P?tz, Gabriele; W?hler, Lukas. Abspeichern statt Abheften - den digitalen Schuhkarton sortieren: Leitfaden f?r den Einstieg in die Archivierung digitaler Daten [Storing instead of filing - sorting the digital shoebox: Guidelines for entering archiving of digital data] (Lang.: ger). - In: b.i.t.online, 20(2017)3, pp. 242-245. Available at http://www.b-i-t-online.de/heft/2017-03/fachbeitrag-muehling.pdf

17428semantic networks 725
Buddenbohm, Stefan; Matoni, Markus; Schmunk, Stefan; Thiel, Carsten. Quality assessment for the sustainable provision of software components and digital research infrastructures for the arts and humanities (Lang.: eng). - In: Bibliothek Forschung und Praxis, 41(2017)2, pp. 231-241. Available at http://doi.org/10.1515/bfp-2017-0024

17429semantic networks 725
Neubauer, Georg. Visualization of typed links in Linked Data (Lang.: eng). - In: Mitteilungen der V?B, 70(2017)2, pp. 179-199. Available at http://ojs.univie.ac.at/index.php/voebm/article/view/1748

17430semantic networks 725
Dunant Gonzenbach, Anouk. Archival linked open data - Le projet suisse aLOD [Archival linked open data - The Swiss project of aLOD [archival linked open data working party]] (Lang.: fre). - In: Arbido, (2017)3, n.pag.. Available at http://arbido.ch/de/artikelpdf/download.html?entryId=3278

17431semantic networks 725
Bender, Michael. Forschungsumgebungen in den Digital Humanities: Nutzerbedarf, Wissenstransfer, Textualit [Research environments in the Digital Humanities: User needs, knowledge transfer, textuality] (Lang.: ger). - Berlin, Boston, De Gruyter, 2016. pp. XII, 341. Dissertation, Darmstadt University of Technology, 2015

17432semantic networks 725
Jorente, Maria Jos? Vicentini; Padua, Mariana Cantisani; Santarem Segundo, Jos? Eduardo . Cria??o de padr?es na web sem?ntica: perspectivas e desafios [Design of patterns in the Semantic Web: prospects and challenges] (Lang.: por). - In: Em Quest?o, 23(2017)3, pp. 157-78. Available at http://seer.ufrgs.br/index.php/EmQuestao/article/view/70466/41289

17498semantic networks 725
Fr?ncu, Victoria. VIAF: despre uniformitate, consecven?? ?i date interconectate deschise [VIAF: on uniformity, consistency and linked open data] (Lang.: rom). - In: Biblioteca, 17(2016)6, pp. 163-168.

17681semantic networks 725
Fareh, Messaouda; Boussaid, Omar; Chalal, Rachid; Mezzi, Melyara; Nadji, Khadija. Merging ontology by semantic enrichment and combining similarity measures (Lang.: ). - In: International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies, 8(2013)1.Olney, UK, Inderscience Publishers, 2013. Available at http://http://www.inderscience.com/info/offer.php?id=54179

17755semantic networks 725
Mallat, Souheyl; Hkiri, Emna; Maraoui, Mohsen; Zrigui, Mounir. Semantic network formalism for knowledge representation: towards consideration of contextual information (Lang.: eng). - In: International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems, 11(2015)4.Hershey, PA, IGI Global, 2015. pp. 22. Available at http://https://www.igi-global.com/article/semantic-network-formalism-for-knowledge-representation/145856 ISSN: 15526283

17758semantic networks 725
Shaw, Ryan; Rabinowitz, Adam; Golden, Patrick; Kansa, Eric. A sharing-oriented design strategy for networked knowledge organization systems (Lang.: eng). - In: International Journal on Digital Libraries, 17(2016)1, pp. 49–61.Amsterdam, Springer Netherlands, 2016. pp. 12. Available at http://https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00799-015-0164-0 ISSN: 15737519

17799semantic networks 725
Nuzzolese, Andrea Giovanni; Presutti, Valentina; Gangemi, Aldo; Peroni, Silvio; Ciancarini, Paolo. Aemoo: linked data exploration based on knowledge patterns (Lang.: eng). - In: Semantic Web Journal – Interoperability, Usability, Applicability , 0(2016)1, pp. 1–28.Amsterdam, IOS Press , 2016. pp. 28. Available at http://http://www.semantic-web-journal.net/content/aemoo-linked-data-exploration-based-knowledge-patterns-1 ISSN: 15705838

18013semantic networks 725
Lee, Sungsook; Park, Ziyoung; Lee, Hyewon. Expanding the Scope of Identifying and Linking of Personal Information in Linked Data : Focusing on the Linked Data of National Library of Korea (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management, 34(2017)3, pp.43302. Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/NODE07242963

18030semantic networks 725
Hwang, Go-Eun; Moon, Shin-Jung . A Study on the Semantic Network Structure of the Regime in the Image Contents (Lang.: kor). - In: JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN BIBLIA SOCIETY FOR LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE, 28(2017)3, pp.217-240. Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/NODE07242988

18036semantic networks 725
Kim, Tae-Young; Gang, Ju-Yeon; Kim, Hye-Young; Kim, Yong . A Study on the Extension of Disaster Safety Information Service based on Linked Open Data (Lang.: kor). - In: JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN SOCIETY FOR LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE, 51(2017)3, pp.163-188. Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/NODE07231713

18049semantic networks 725
Han, Hui-Jeong; Park, Tae-Yeon; Oh, Hyo-Jung; Kim, Yong. A study on Improvement and Analysis of Records Management Status for Disaster Safety Archives in Online Environment (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 48(2017)2, pp.187-213. Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/NODE07203239

18050semantic networks 725
Son, Ke-young. Organizations and Records of Local Government Office in the 19th Century Through an Analysis on the Transition Documents in Yeongnam Region (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 48(2017)2, pp.237-262. Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/NODE07203241

18439semantic networks 725
Casalini, Michele. Die Zukunft von Linked Data: Share Virtual Discovery Environment (SHARE-VDE) [The future of Linked Data: Share Virtual Discovery Environment (SHARE-VDE)] (Lang.: ger). - In: b.i.t.online, 21(2018)5, pp. 428-431. Available at http://www.b-i-t-online.de/heft/2018-05-nachrichtenbeitrag-casalini.pdf

18443semantic networks 725
Schöner, Oliver; et al.. Semantic Web in Libraries: Bericht von der Linked-Open-Data-Konferenz SWIB in Bonn, die vom 26. bis 28. November 2018 zum zehnten Mal stattfand [Semantic Web in Libraries: Report on the 10th Linked-Open-Data-Conference (SWIB), Bonn (Germany), 26-28 November 2018] (Lang.: ger). - In: b.i.t.online, 22(2019)1, pp. 109-110. Available at http://www.b-i-t-online.de/heft/2019-01-reportage-schoener.pdf

18934semantic networks 725
Barbosa, Everton Rodrigues. Modelo colaborativo para a construção e a publicação de Tesauros no contexto do Linked Open Data: aplicação no domínio da Música [Collaborative model for the construction and publication of Thesaurus in the context of Linked Open Data: application in the field of Music] (Lang.: port). - Florianópolis, Programa Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, 2021. Available at http://urldefense.com/v3/__repositorio.ufsc.br/handle/123456789/227022

18943semantic networks 725
Serra, Liliana Giusti; Santarém Segundo, José Eduardo . Dos silos de dados à Web dos dados: bibliotecas e o linked data [From data silos to web of data: libraries and linked data ] (Lang.: port). - In: Informação & Informação, 26(2021)2, pp. 625-645. Available at http://urldefense.com/v3/__www.uel.br/revistas/uel/index.php/informacao/article/view/41603/pdf_1

18968semantic networks 725
Binding, Ceri; Gnoli, Claudio; Tudhope, Douglas. Migrating a complex classification scheme to the semantic web: expressing the Integrative Levels Classification using SKOS RDF (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation ,77(2021)4, pp. 926-945. Available at http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=lls&AN=151022182

114091993-0304725, 733, 735
Vickery, B.; Vickery, A.. An application of language processing for a search interface (Lang.: eng). - In: J.Doc.Vol. 48 No. 3. 1992. p.255-275.

18623semantic networks 725; 169
Gang, Ju-Yeon; Seol, Jae-Wook; Hwang, Hyekyong. [A Study on the Analysis of Identification System and the Linkage Method of Academic-information] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society, 51(2020)1, pp.03115 - 03143.Korean Library And Information Science Society,

18957semantic networks 725; 728
Lee, Hyewon; Yoon, Soyoung; Park, Ziyoung. “SEMANTIC” in a Digital Curation Model (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Data and Information Science ,5(2020)1, pp. 81-92. Available at http://www.sciendo.com/article/10.2478/jdis-2020-0007

16693semantic networks literature reviews 725;02
Renner-Westermann, Heike. [Book review of] Winfried Gödert, Jessica Hubrich, Matthias Nagelschmidt: Semantic Knowledge Representation for Information Retrieval. Berlin: De Gruyter 2014. [[Book review of] Winfried Gödert, Jessica Hubrich, Matthias Nagelschmidt: Semantic Knowledge Representation for Information Retrieval. Berlin: De Gruyter 2014.] (Lang.: ger). - In: ABI Technik, 36(1)2016, pp. 59–62. Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/abitech-2016-0006

16691semantic networks conferences 725;06
Söllner, Konstanze. "Linked Data – Vision und Wirklichkeit": Bericht von der 16. DINI-Jahrestagung – 27. und 28. Oktober 2015 in der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek Frankfurt am Main ["Linked Data – Vision and Reality": Report on the 16th DINI annual meeting, 27-28 October 2015, at the German National Library, Frankfurt am Main [Germany]] (Lang.: ger). - In: ABI-Technik, 36 (1)2016, pp. 42–47. Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1515/abitech-2016-0004

39772005-32-1-0053semantic networks KM 725;149
Smolnik, S., Nastansky, L. K-Discovery : Identifikation von verteilten Wissensstrukturen in einer prozessorientierten Groupware-Umgebung [K-discovery: Identification of divided knowledge structures in a process oriented groupware environment] (Lang.: ger). - In: Wissensorganisation und Edutainment [see 2005-32-1-0003], p.171-184.

39782005-32-1-0054semantic networks KM 725;149
Rahmstorf, G. Strukturierung von inhaltlichen Daten : Topic maps und Concepto [Structuring of data concerning the content: Topic maps and Concepto] (Lang.: ger). - In: Wissensorganisation und Edutainment [see 2005-32-1-0003], p.194-205.

17217semantic networks thesauri 725;214
Santarem Segundo, Jose Eduardo; Coneglian, Caio Saraiva . Web Sem?ntica e Ontologias: um estudo sobre constru??o de axiomas e uso de infer?ncias [Web Sem?ntica e Ontologias: a study about axiom's construction and the inference's use] (Lang.: por). - In: Informa??o & Informa??o, 21(2016)2, pp. 217-244 . Available at http://www.uel.br/revistas/uel/index.php/informacao/article/view/26417/20131

7208semantic networks integrated thesauri 725;216
Boteram, Felix. Semantische Relationen in Dokumentationssprachen vom Thesaurus zum semantischen Netz [Semantic relations in documentation languages: from the thesaurus to semantic networks] (Lang.: ger). - In: Wissensspeicher in digitalen Räumen (, pp. 68-80.

9510semantic networks mapping 725;285
Hu, Juan; Cheng, Xiufeng; Ye, Guanghui. [Knowledge organization model of academic blog based on topic map] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library and information service, 56(2012)24, pp. 127-132.

8127semantic networks automatic classification 725;348
Yang, Yu, Yanzhong, Dang. [The organization knowledge classification based on supernetwork according to knowledge loss degree] (Lang.: chi). - In: Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 29(2010)1, pp. 72-77.

17691semantic networks mark-up languages 725;357
Albertoni, Riccardo; De Martino, Monica; Di Franco, Sabina; De Santis, Valentina; Plini, Paolo. EARTH: an environmental application reference thesaurus in the Linked Open Data Cloud (Lang.: eng). - In: Semantic Web Journal – Interoperability, Usability, Applicability (2013) Tracking #: 520-1720.Amsterdam, IOS Press , 2013. Available at http://http://www.semantic-web-journal.net/content/earth-environmental-application-reference-thesaurus-linked-open-data-cloud-0 ISSN: 15705838

17281semantic networks DDC 725;43
Moyano Grimaldo, Wilmer Arturo . Adaptabilidad de la Clasificaci?n Decimal Dewey para la organizaci?n de contenidos: de los estantes a la Web [Adapting the Dewey Decimal Classification to Content Organization: From Shelves to the Web] (Lang.: spa). - In: Revista Interamericana de Biblioteconom?a, 40(2017)1,en-ab, pp. 27-34 .Universidad de Antioquia, Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.17533/udea.rib.v40n1a03

9509semantic networks conceptology systems theory 725;651/4
Hong, Na, et al. [Research progresses and comparative analysis of biomedical linked data] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library and information service, 56(2012)6, pp. 123-129.

8678semantic networks syntactic analysis 725;743
Jiangnan, Qiu, Xuan, Qin, Qiuyan, Zhong. [Research on relatedness algorithms in heterogeneous knowledge network] (Lang.: chi). - In: Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 30(2011)5, pp. 495-502.

15232semantic networks OPAC 725;752.2
Rumpf, Louise. Open Catalog: Eine neue Präsentationsmöglichkeit von Bibliotheksdaten im Semantic Web? [Open Catalog: a new option for the presentation of library data in the Semantic Web] (Lang.: ger). - In: Perspektive Bibliothek, 1(2012)1, pp. 10-12. Available at http://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/ojs/index.php/bibliothek/article/view/9397/3274

15234semantic networks OPAC 725;752.2
Zumstein, Philipp. Die Rolle des Semantic Web für Bibliotheken: Linked Open Data und mehr: Welche Strategien können hier die Bibliotheken in die Zukunft führen? [The role of the semantic web for libraries: linked open data and more; which strategies can lead the libraries into the future?] (Lang.: ger). - In: Perspektive Bibliothek, 1(2012)1, pp. 81-102. Available at http://archiv.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/ojs/index.php/bibliothek/article/view/9398/3275

17699semantic networks OPAC 725;752.2
Janowicz, Krzysztof; Hitzler, Pascal; Adams, Benjamin; Kolas, Dave; Vardeman II, Charles. Five stars of linked data vocabulary use (Lang.: eng). - In: Semantic Web – Interoperability, Usability, Applicability an IOS Press Journal, Tracking #: 653-1863.Amsterdam, IOS Press , 2014. Available at http://http://semantic-web-journal.net/content/five-stars-linked-data-vocabulary-use ISSN: 15705838

15231semantic networks Internet gateways 725;752.3
Lindquist, Thea; Dulock, Michael; Törnroos, Juha; Hyvönen, Eero; Mäkelä, Eetu. Using linked open data to enhance subject access in online primary sources (Lang.: eng). - In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 51(2013)8, pp. 913-928.

15985semantic networks online systems in geography 725;758-39
Lacasta Miguel, Javier; López Pellicer, Francisco Javier; Renteria Agualimpia, Walter; Nogueras Iso,. Agregador automático de servicios web geoespaciales [Automatic aggregator of geo-spatial web services] (Lang.: spa). - In: Scire 20(2014)2, pp. 43-48. Available at http://www.ibersid.eu/ojs/index.php/scire/article/view/4174/3775

15931999-0387semantic networks terminological databanks 725;776
Fellbaum, C. A semantic network of English : the mother of all WordNets (Lang.: eng). - In: Computers and the Humanities, 32(1998)1, p.209-220.

9514semantic networks various primary document indexing 725;849
Qian, Guofu. [Government data online release based on linked data] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library and information service, 56(2012)5, pp. 123-127.

15429semantic networks citation indexing 725;864
Gao, Jinsong et al. [Citation knowledge linking mode for linked data] (Lang.: eng). - In: New technology of library and information service, 29(2013)3, pp. 21-26.

15229semantic networks indexing in music 725;88-93
Gracy, Karen; Zeng, Marcia Lei; Skirvin, Laurence. Exploring methods to improve access to music resources by aligning library data with linked data: a report of methodologies and preliminary findings (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology, 64(2013)10, pp. 2078-2099.

15228semantic networks KO metadata 725;918
Eckert, Kai. Provenance and annotations for linked data (Lang.: eng). - In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2-6, 2013. Available at http://dcevents.dublincore.org/IntConf/dc-2013/paper/view/154/71

16127semantic networks KO metadata 725;918
Enoksson, Fredrik; Bälter, Olle. The activity of human metadata creation and the semantic web (Lang.: eng). - In: International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies, 10(2015)1, pp. 64-74.

9511semantic networks international KO groups 725;926
Lou, Xiuming; Wei, Hong; Mao, Xiaofei. [Mission, activities and results of the Library Linked Data Incubator Group] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library and information service, 56(2012)7, pp. 103-130.

15594semantic networks bibliography 725;941
Zhao, Yue. [Application progress of linked data in library bibliographic organization] (Lang.: chi). - In: Library and information service, 57(2013)18, pp. 48-53..

17466semantic networks record structure 725;945
Suominen, Osma; Hyv?nen, Nina. From MARC silos to Linked Data silos? (Lang.: eng). - In: o-bib, 4(2017)2, pp. 1-13. Available at http://doi.org/10.5282/o-bib/2017H2S1-13

8991998-0275text semantics 726
Beebe, C., Jacob, E.K. Graphic language documents : structures and functions (Lang.: eng). - In: Structures and Relations in Knowledge Organization : Proceedings of the 5th International ISKO Conference 25-29 August 1998 Lille, France. Würzburg : Ergon Verlag, 1998, p.245-255.

64772009-0597text semantics 726
Kister, L., Jacquey, E., Gaiffe B. Repérage de la référence à partir du thésaurus, de la terminologie et de la sémantique lexicale [Identifying reference chains in the thesaurus, terminology or lexical semantics] (Lang.: fre). - In: Terminologia, analisi testuale e documentazione nella città digitale [see 2009-0507], pp.25-36. Available at http://www.aidainformazioni.it/indici/tuttonline/2008-12.pdf

8491text semantics 726
Moreda, P., et al. Combining semantic information in question answering systems (Lang.: eng). - In: Information processing & management, 47(2011)6, pp. 870-85.

103061990-1-239text semantics 726
Orlova, L.V. The structure of superphrasal unity in scientific texts (Lang.: rus). - Kiev, SU, Nauk.dumka, 1988. pp. 153.

120861995-0476text semantics 726
Weise, G. Stages in the comprehension of scientific texts (Lang.: eng). - In: Fachsprache. Vol. 16. No. 3-4. 1994. p.98-105.

128731990-0972text semantics 726
Orban de Xivry, D. Le traitement de l information textuelle.Utilisation du systeme SPIRIT [Textual information treatment.The use of the SPIRIT system] (Lang.: fre). - In: Cahiers de la Documentation.No.1.1993.p.15-23. The SPIRIT system is described as a system for probabilistic indexing and textual information retrieval

129501993-0756text semantics 726
Abdelkrim, A.. La lexicométrie documentaire: contribution ナ l'utilisation des techniques documentaires comme méthodologie d'étude en sciences sociales [Documentary l exicometry: the use of documentary techniques as methodological study in the social sciences] (Lang.: fre). - In: RIST (DZA)Vol. 1 No. 2. 1991. p.87-93.

129531993-0972text semantics 726
Orban de Xivry, D.. Le traitement de l information textuelle. Utilisation du système SPIRIT [Textual information treatment. The use of the SPIRIT system] (Lang.: fre). - In: Cahiers de la Documentation. No. 1. p.15-23. The SPIRIT system is described as a system for probabilistic indexing and textual information retrieval.

136561995-0475text semantics 726
Ciganik, M. A useful kernel representation of a text (Lang.: slo). - In: Kniznice a informacie. Vol. 24. No. 10. 1992. p.417-424.

16241text semantics 726
Cho, Jane. Analysis of Reference Inquiries in the Field of Social Science in the Collaborative Reference Service Using the Co-Word Technique (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science, 49(2015)1, pp. 129-148.. Available at http://www.dbpia.co.kr/Article/3671851

18266text semantics 726
Adhikari, Abhijit; Dutta, Biswanath; Dutta, Animesh; Mondal, Deepjyoti; Singh, Shivang. An intrinsic information content-based semantic similarity measure considering the disjoint common subsumers of concepts of an ontology (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 69(2018)8, pp. 1023-1034.. Available at http://10.1002/asi.24021

18549text semantics 726
Heo, Go Eun . [The Stream of Uncertainty in Scientific Knowledge using Topic Modeling] (Lang.: kor). - In: Journal of the Korean Society for Information Management, 36(2019)1, pp. 191-213. Available at http://http://www.dbpia.co.kr/journal/articleDetail?nodeId=NODE07995005

18208text semantics 726; 727
Marco Cuenca, Gonzalo; Salvador Oliván, José Antonio . Representación del conocimiento en historia clínica electrónica interoperable: el caso de la Historia Clínica Digital del Sistema Nacional de Salud de España [Knowledge representation in electronic interoperable health records: the case of the Digital Health Record of the Spanish National Health System] (Lang.: spa). - In: Scire, 23(2017),1, pp. 25-38 . Available at http://https://www.ibersid.eu/ojs/index.php/scire/article/view/4306/3874

18895text semantics 726; 757
Hoppe, Thomas. Semantische Suche: Grundlagen und Methoden semantischer Suche von Textdokumenten [Semantic search: Basics and methods of semantic search of text documents] (Lang.: eng). - Vienna, Vienna University of Technology, 2020.0. pp. 206.0. Available at http://media.obvsg.at/AC16069630-2001 Doctoral Dissertation

9001998-0276text semantics literature reviews 726;02
Heinrichs, J. Book review of Lehrndorfer, A. - Kontrolliertes Deutsch: linguistische und sprachpsychologische Leitlinien für eine (Maschinell) kontrollierte Sprache in der technischen Dokumentation. - Tübingen: G. Narr, 1996. - 248 p. - ISBN 382335080 (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 25(1998)1/2,p.50-51.

59912009-0111text semantics interlinguistics 726;799
Leydesdorff, L., et al. Co-word analysis using the Chinese character set (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 59(2008)9, p.1528-1530.

57512008-0296database semantics 727
Resmani, A., Rosti, L. Semantic retail: towards a cross-context information architecture (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge Organization, 35(2008)1, p.5-15.

64782009-0598database semantics 727
Roberts, R. Introduction aux technologies du Web sémantique [Introduction to technologies of the semantic web] (Lang.: fre). - In: Terminologia, analisi testuale e documentazione nella città digitale [see 2009-0507], pp.115-124. Available at http://www.aidainformazioni.it/indici/tuttonline/2008-12.pdf

7209database semantics 727
Rahmstorf, Gerhard. Die Bedeutung der Sprache in der Wissensorganisation [The relevance of language in knowledge organization] (Lang.: ger). - In: Kompatibilität, Medien und Ethik in der Wissensorganisation (, pp. 233-239.

9516database semantics 727
Lima, Gercina Ângela Boréem de Oliveira. Conceptual modeling of hypertexts: methodological proposal for the management of semantic content in digital libraries (Lang.: eng). - In: Categories, contexts and relations in knowledge organization (06.12-08-6/9).

9661database semantics 727
Mu, Dongmei; Huang, Lili; Zhang, Yanxia. [Linked data application in the life science] (Lang.: chi). - In: Information science, 30(2012)9, pp. 1389-1395.

129251993-0305database semantics 727
Quellet, M.. L'analyse de références bibliographiques assistée par ordinateur [Analysis of bibliographic references with computer assistance] (Lang.: fre). - In: Doc.et BibliothèquesVol. 38 No. 2. 1992. p.103-109.

15235database semantics 727
Pattuelli, Cristina; Rubinow, Sara. The knowledge organization of DBpedia: a case study (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of documentation, 69(2013)6, pp. 762-772.

18552database semantics 727
Ko, Gun-Woo; Kim, Seon-Wu; Park, Sung-Jin; No, Yoon-Joo; Choi, Sung-Pil . [Implementation of Ontology-based Service by Exploiting Massive Crime Investigation Records : Focusing on Intrusion Theft] (Lang.: kor). - In: JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN SOCIETY FOR LIBRARY AND INFORMATION SCIENCE, 53(2019)1, pp. 57-81. Available at http://http://www.dbpia.co.kr/journal/articleDetail?nodeId=NODE07621416

18936database semantics 727
Barbosa, Nilson Theobald. Para uma economia da informação semântica: a construção de ambientes semânticos para a recuperação inteligente da informação [Towards an economy of semantic information: building semantic environments for intelligent information retrieval] (Lang.: port). - Niterói, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação da Universidade Federal Fluminense, 2021. Available at http://urldefense.com/v3/__app.uff.br/riuff/handle/1/22713

18640database semantics 727; 214
Arakaki; Ana Carolina Simionato. O Modelo IFLA Library Reference Model e o Linked Data [IFLA Library Reference Model and Linked Data] (Lang.: por). - In: Informação & Informação, 25(2020)3, pp. 163-186. Available at http://http://dx.doi.org/10.5433/1981-8920.2020v25n3p163

18637database semantics 727; 75
Nunes, Flávia Rodrigues Elias; Maculan, Benildes Coura Moreira dos Santos; Almeida, Maurício Barcellos . Os fundamentos da Web Semântica como ferramentas de auxílio para as demandas da Sociedade da Informação [The foundations of the Semantic Web as tools to assist the demands of the Information Society] (Lang.: por). - In: Em questão, 26(2020) 3, pp.224-249. Available at http://https://doi.org/10.19132/1808-5245263.224-249

5841997-4-0585semantics in 728
Hendrickson, J.B. Comprehensive system for classification and nomenclature of organic reactions (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of chemical information and computer sciences 37 (1997)5. p.852-860.

16225semantics in 728
Moreira, Fábio Mosso; Sant'Ana, Ricardo César Gonçalves; Segundo, José Eduardo Santarem; Vidotti, Si. Tecnologias da Web Semântica para a recuperação de dados agrícolas: um estudo sobre o International Information System of the Agricultural Science and Technology (AGRIS) [Semantic Web technologies for retrieval of data and agricultural information: a study of International Information Systemm of the Agricultural Science and Technology (AGRIS)] (Lang.: p). - In: Em questão: Revista da Faculdade de Biblioteconomia e Comunicação da UFRGS, 21(2015)1, pp. 173-192 . Available at http://seer.ufrgs.br/index.php/EmQuestao/article/view/50317/33628

132431995-0477semantics in pure chemistry 728-26
Sumfleth, E.; Schüttler, S. Chemische Inhalte und verständliche Texte - ein Widerspruch in sich? [Chemical contents and comprehensive texts - a contradiction in itself?] (Lang.: ger). - In: Fachsprache. Vol. 16. No. 3-4. 1994. p.141-158.

123041995-0859conceptology systems theory 728-51/4
Busch-Lauer, I.-A. Abstracts in German medical journals: a linguistic analysis (Lang.: eng). - In: Inform.Process.& Management. Vol. 31. No. 5. 1995. p.769-776.

127471996-1188conceptology systems theory 728-51/4
Ong, K.; Wang, Q.H.. An object-oriented approach to the semantic interpretation of medical text (Lang.: eng). - In: Expert Syst.with Applications. Vol. 9, No. 3. 1995. p.333-345.

104071993-0757conceptology systems theory 728-51/4, 78-51/4
Ingenerf, J.. Benutzeranpassbare semantische Sprachanalyse und Begriffsrepresentation fur die medizinische Dokumentation [User-adaptable semantic language analysis und concept representation for medical documentation] (Lang.: ger). - Sankt Augustin, DE, Infix, 1993. pp. 345.(Diss.Kunstl.Intelligenz, 43).

127481996-1189semantics in 728-643
Berndsen, R.. Causal ordering in economic models (Lang.: eng). - In: Decision Support Systems. Vol. 15, No. 2. 1995. p.157-165.

132441995-0478conceptology conceptology 728-71/2
Schneider, F. Semantische Vernetzung als konstitutives Prinzip der Makrostruktur eines aktiven Kontextfachwörterbuchs (Wirtschaftsfachsprache) [Semantic networking as a constituting principle of the macrostructure of an active context dictionary (special language of economics)] (Lang.: ger). - In: Fachsprache. Vol. 16. No. 3-4. 1994. p.116-129.

7067systems theory 728*51/4
Zhang, Hao; Cui, Lei. [Construction and evaluation of semantic relations among MeSH of organisms category] (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of the China Society for Scientific and Technical Information, 28(2009)6, pp. 878-885.

8492systems theory thesauri 728*541/4;214
Batet, M., Sanchez, D., Valls, A. An ontology-based measure to compute semantic similarity in biomedicine (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of biomedical informatics, 44(2011)1, pp. 118-125.

Tiberi, M., Mazzocchi, F. La gestione della polisemia nei thesauri: il caso dei termini filosofici [Polysemy management in thesauri: the case of philosophical terms] (Lang.: ita, eng abstract). - In: Bollettino AIB, 47(2007)1-2, pp. 93-106.

Further items on this class as a particular theme

18714UDC database semantics 042;727
Tomoyose, K; Arakaki, A. A Classificação Decimal Universal (CDU) na web semântica [The Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) in the Semantic Web: analysis of UDC Summary Linked Data] (Lang.: port). In: InCID: Revista de Ciência da Informação e Documentação, 10(2019)2, pp. 138-157. Available at http://www.revistas.usp.br/incid/article/view/161278/158779

17869conferences 06;53;728
Wu, Yejun; Yang, Li. Construction and evaluation of an oil spill semantic relation taxonomy for supporting knowledge discovery (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization,42(2015)4, pp. 222-231.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2015. pp. 10. ISSN: 09437444; 2 Charts

17913conferences 06;721;723
de Miranda Guedes, Roger; Aparecida Moura, Maria. The principle of semantic warrant and the study of language: conceptual reflections (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization,43(2016)2, pp. 102-106.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2016. pp. 5. ISSN: 09437444

17465conferences 06.17;725
Janssen, Melanie; Rothfritz, Laura; Wenz, Dorothea. Tagungsbericht von der DHd2017, 13.-18. Februar 2017 in Bern [Report on the Digital Humanities annual meeting, 13-18 February 2017, at Bern [Switzerland]] (Lang.: ger). In: BRaIn: Potsdamer Beitr?ge und Reportagen aus den Informationswissenschaften, (2017)20, n.pag.. Available at http://brain.fh-potsdam.de/?p=5712

18684information science structures database semantics 111;112;727
Lima, Gercina Ângela de. Organização e representação do conhecimento e da informação na web: teorias e técnicas [Organization and Representation of Knowledge and Information on the Web: theories and techniques] (Lang.: port). In: Perspectivas em Ciência da Informação, 25(2020)special number, pp. 57-97. Available at http://portaldeperiodicos.eci.ufmg.br/index.php/pci/article/view/4299

7911998-0167information science science and KO problems semantics problems 111;161;721
Hjǿrland, B. Information retrieval, text composition, and semantics (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 25(1998)1/2,p.16-31. >>Theories of Information Retrieval must build on or relate different theories of concepts and meaning. Discusses the structure of text and the different possible subject access points

17392000-0015information science semantics problems 111;721
Wang, P. An empirical study of knowledge structures of research topics (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge: creation, organization and use: proceedings of the 62th annual meeting of the American Society for Information Science, Washington, DC, Oct.31-Nov.4,1999, p.557-571.

17666conceptology semantic analysis 12;723
Stock, Wolfgang G.. Concepts and semantic relations in information science (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 61(2010)10, pp. 1951-1969.Hoboken, NJ, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2010. pp. 18. Available at http://https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/asi.21382 ISSN: 15322890

17813conceptology semantic analysis 12;723
Nessah, Djamel; Kazar, Okba; Benharkat, Aïcha-Nabila. Towards a hybrid semantic similarity measure to set the conceptual relatedness in a hierarchy (Lang.: eng). In: International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies, 11(2016)3.Olney, UK, Inderscience Publishers, 2016. Available at http://http://www.inderscience.com/offer.php?id=81583

1591997-2-0158bases of concepts semantics problems 121;721
Takaoka, Y., Mizuguchi, R. Identification of ontologies to reuse knowledge for substation faulr recovery support system (Lang.: eng). In: Decision support systems 18(1996)1. p.3-22.

15333conceptual models semantics problems 124;721
Giunchiglia, Fausto; Dutta, Biswanath; Maltese, Vincenzo. From knowledge organization to knowledge representation (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge organization, Org. 41(2014)1, pp. 44-56. Paper presented at the ISKO-UK Biennial Conference, “Knowledge organization: pushing the boundaries,” United Kingdom, 8-9 July, 2013, London.

15137conceptual models semantic networks 124;725
Fóris, Ágota. Network theory and terminology (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge organization, 40(2013)6, pp. 422-429.

7961998-0172frequency studies lexicon problems semantic analysis 136;761;723
Baayen, R.H., Lieber, R. Word frequency distributions and lexical semantics (Lang.: eng). In: Computers and the Humanities, 31(1997)4,p.281-291. >>Relation between meaning, lexical productivity and frequency of use

44222006-33-2-0026KOS theory semantics problems 211;721
Tsai, C.C., Chou, Y.J. The role of core and anchored concepts in knowledge recall : a study of knowledge organization of learning thermal physics (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization, 32(2005)4, p.143-158.

16476KOS theory semantic networks conferences 211;725;06
Campos, Linair Maria; Barbosa, Nilson Theobald. Aplicação de dados abertos ligados baseada em ontologia: apoio para o relato de experimentos em um domínio científico e sua análise [Application of linked open date based on ontology: support for the report of experiments in scientific domain and its application] (Lang.: por). In: Desafíos y oportunidades de las Ciencias de la Información y la Documentación en la era digital: actas del VII Encuentro Ibérico EDICIC 2015 (Madrid, 16 y 17 de noviembre de 2015). Available at http://edicic2015.org.es/ucmdocs/actas/art/179-Campos_dados-abertos.pdf

12331999-0028thesauri special KOS humanities synonymy online retrieval problems 214;69;724;751
Knapp, Sara D., Cohen, Laura B., Juedes, D.R. A natural language thesaurus for the humanities : the need for a database search aid (Lang.: eng). In: Library Quarterly , 68(1998)4,p.406-430.

17211thesauri semantic networks 214;725
Morais, Matheus Dimas de; Jacyntho, Mark Douglas de Azevedo . Issue procedure ontology (ipo): uma ontologia para sintomas, problemas e solu??es [Issue procedure ontology (ipo): an ontology for symptoms, problems and solutions] (Lang.: por). In: Perspectivas em Ci?ncia da Informa??o, 21(2016)4, pp. 3-28 . Available at http://portaldeperiodicos.eci.ufmg.br/index.php/pci/article/view/2446/1810

8191998-0195descriptors paradigmatic relationships word/sentence meaning 226;242;722
Hudon, M. A preliminary investigation of the usefulness of semantic relations and of standardized definitions for the purpose of specifying meaning in a thesaurus (Lang.: eng). In: Structures and Relations in Knowledge Organization : Proceedings of the 5th International ISKO Conference 25-29 August 1998 Lille, France. Würzburg : Ergon Verlag, 1998, p.139-145.

10161998-0392relationships problems online access semantics problems 241;753;721
Gödert, W., Lepsky, K. Semantische Umfeldsuche in Information Retrieval. Semantic context searching in information retrieval [Semantische Umfeldsuche in Information Retrieval. Semantic context searching in information retrieval] (Lang.: ger). In: Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie, 45(1998)4,p.401-423.

10151998-0391paradigmatic relationships search engines semantic analysis 242;757;723
Crestani, F. Application of spreading activation techniques in information retrieval (Lang.: eng). In: Artificial Intelligence Review, 11(1997)6,p.453-482.

9811relationship representation semantic networks 249;725
Giunchiglia, Fausto; Dutta, Biswanath; Maltese, Vincenzo. From knowledge organization to knowledge representation (Lang.: eng). 2013. Available at http://www.iskouk.org/conf2013/papers/GiunchigliaPaper.pdf Paper presented at Knowledge Organization – Pushing the Boundaries, ISKO UK biennial conference, 8th-9th July 2013, London.

3701997-3-0370classing synonymy 332;724
Achiri, M. Aspecte alle sinonimei în catalogul de cuvinte-cheie [Aspects of synonymy in key-words catalogues] (Lang.: rom). In: Biblioteca 8(1997)1. p.18-21.

15962library KOS semantic networks 411;725
Hanke, Mirko. Bibliothekarische Klassifikationssysteme im semantischen Web: Zu Chancen und Problemen von Linked-Data-Repräsentationen ausgewählter Klassifikationssysteme [Library classification systems in the Semantic Web: on prospects and problems of linked-data representations of selected classification systems] (Lang.: ger). In: Perspektive Bibliothek, 3(2014)2, pp. 91-119.

15796DDC semantic networks 43;725
Jia, Junzhi; Zhao, Jie . [The realization of DDC as linked data] (Lang.: chi). In: Journal of library science in China, (2014)2, pp. 76-82.

9837KOS for libraries semantic networks 485;725
Włodarczyk, Bartłomiej. Topic map as a method for the development of subject headings vocabulary: an introduction to the Project of the National Library of Poland (Lang.: eng). In: Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 51(2013)7, pp. 816-829.

17793special KOS biological sciences semantics problems 64;721
Special issue on semantics for biodiversity (Lang.: eng). In: Semantic Web Journal – Interoperability, Usability, Applicability 7(2016)6, pp. 577-667 = 90.Amsterdam, IOS Press , 2016. pp. 90. Available at http://http://www.semantic-web-journal.net/issues#2016 ISSN: 15705838

17912special KOS human sciences semantic networks 65;725
Marcondes, Carlos H.1; da Costa, Leonardo C.. A model to represent and process scientific knowledge in biomedical articles with semantic web technologies (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge Organization,43(2016)2, pp. 86-101.Würzburg, DE, Ergon-Verlag, 2016. pp. 16. ISSN: 09437444; 3 Color Photographs, 3 Diagrams, 2 Charts

17722semantic analysis semantic networks 723;725
Linked data and the charm of weak semantics: special section (Lang.: eng). In: Bulletin of the Association for Information Science and Technology, April-May 2015.2015. pp. 43. Available at http://www.asis.org/Bulletin/Apr-15/Bulletin_AprMay2015.pdf ISSN: 15508366

9848NLP problems semantic analysis 731;723
Vlachidis, Andreas; Tudhope, Douglas. Classical art semantics information extraction (Lang.: eng). 2013. Available at http://www.iskouk.org/conf2013/papers/VlachidisPaper.pdf Paper presented at Knowledge Organization – Pushing the Boundaries, ISKO UK biennial conference, 8th-9th July 2013, London.

5851997-4-0586grammatical problems semantic networks 745;725
Reimer, U. Neue Formen der Wissenrepräsentation [New forms of representation of knowledge] (Lang.: ger). In: Buder, M., Rehfeld, W.. Seeger, T., Strauch, D. (Eds.). Grundlagen der praktischen Information und Dokumentation. 4th. ed. - München : K.G. Saur, 1997. ISBN: 3598113099. p.180-207.

10881998-0464online retrieval problems semantics problems 751;721
Lalmas, M. Logical models in information retrieval : introduction and overview (Lang.: eng). In: Information Processing & Management, 34(1998)1,p.19-33.

7927online retrieval problems semantic analysis 751;723
Strasunskas, Darijus, Tomassen, Stein. On variety of semantic search systems and their evaluation methods (Lang.: eng). In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Management & Evaluation, (2010), pp. 380-387.

9521online retrieval problems semantic networks 751;725
Münch, Vera. Was Linked Data für Bibliotheken bedeuten – und was man damit machen kann [What linked data means for libraries - and what you can do with it : [an interview with Richard Wallis and John O'Donovan]] (Lang.: ger). In: B.I.T. online: Zeitschrift für Bibliothek, Information und Technologie, 15(2012)6, pp. 566-574.

15824online retrieval problems semantic networks 751;725
Moulaison, Heather Lea; Milion Anthony J. . The disruptive qualities of linked data in the library environment: analysis and recommendations (Lang.: eng). In: Cataloging and classification quarterly, 52 (2014)4, pp. 367-387.

37892004-0316online access semantics problems frequency studies 753;721;136
Sparck Jones, K. A statistical interpretation of term specificity and its application in retrieval (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of Documentation, 60(2004)5, p.493-502.

9523online access semantic networks 753;725
Souza, Renato Rocha; Coelho, Flávio Codeço; Higuchi, Suemi; da Silva, Daniela Lucas. The CPDOC semantic portal: applying semantic knowledge organization systems to the Brazilian contemporary history domain (Lang.: eng). In: Categories, contexts and relations in knowledge organization (06.12-08-6/9).

7201998-0097online systems semantics problems 755;721
Fabrizio, F. On the role of logic in information retrieval (Lang.: ). In: Information processing & Management 1998(34)1,p. 1-18.

10961998-0472online systems semantics problems 755;721
Sebastiani, F. On the role of logic in information retrieval. : perspectives, fears, hopes (Lang.: eng). In: Information Processing & Management, 34(1998)1,p.1-18.

7301998-0107lexicon problems semantics problems 761;721
Paducheva, E.V. Semanticheskie roli i problema sokhraneniya invariante pri leksicheskoi derivatsii The role of semantics and the issues of invariant conservation in lexical derivation (Lang.: ). In: Nauchno-Tekhnicheskaya Informatsiya. Series 2 19971,p. 18-30.

53742007-0611lexicon problems word/sentence meaning 761;722
Gómez González-Jover, A. Meaning and anisomorphism in modern lexicography (Lang.: eng). In: Terminology, 12 (2006)2, p.215-234.

4241997-3-0424terminology software semantic analysis 773.4;723
Haas, S.W. Sublanguages and the automatic identification of sublanguage terms (Lang.: eng). In: Encyclopedia of Library and Information Science (1996)58. p.302-310.

11281998-0504terminological databanks semantics problems 776;721
Vossen, P. Introduction to EuroWordNet (Lang.: eng). In: Computers and the Humanities, 32(1998)1,p.73-89.

16301999-0424terminological databanks semantics problems 776;721
Alonge, A., Calzolari, N., Vossen, P., Bloksma, L., Castellon, I., Marti, M.A., Peters, W. The linguistic design of the EuroWordNet database (Lang.: eng). In: Computers and the Humanities, 32(1998)1, p.91-115.

16311999-0425terminological databanks semantics problems 776;721
Rodriguez, H., Climent, S., Vossen, P., Bloksma, L., Peters, W., Alonge, A., Bertagna, F., Roventini, A. The top-down strategy for building EuroWordNet : vocabulary coverage, base concept and top ontology (Lang.: eng). In: Computers and the Humanities, 32(1998)1, p.117-152.

16321999-0426terminological databanks semantics problems compatibility objectives 776;721;281
Vossen, P., Bloksma, L., Alonge, A., Marinai, E., Peters, C., Castellon, I., Marti, M.A., Rigau, G. Compatibility in interpretation of relations in EuroWordNet (Lang.: eng). In: Computers and the Humanities, 32(1998)1, p.153-184.

15438multilingual IR semantics problems 797;721
Assis, Juliana de; Moura, Maria Aparecida. A norma ISO 25964 e a semântica latente das folksonomias [ISO 25964 and semantic agreements from folksonomies: semantic interoperability issue] (Lang.: por). In: Complexidade e organização do conhecimento: desafios de nosso século. Rio de Janeiro: ISKO-Brasil; Marília: FUNDEPE, pp. 165-170.

16151audio indexing semantic networks 877;725
Kelly, Elizabeth Joan. Linked Data and music: current projects and opportunities  (Lang.: eng). In: The Indexer, 33(2015)1, pp. 2-7.

15858various NBM indexing semantic networks 879;725
Biagetti, Maria Teresa. Digital libraries and semantic searching (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge organization in the 21st century, pp. 486-492 (06.14-05-19/22).

15461indexing in geography semantic networks 88-39;725
Bidney, Marcy; Clair, Kevin. Harnessing the geospatial Semantic Web: toward place-based information organization and access (Lang.: eng). In: Cataloging and classification quarterly, 52(2014)1, pp. 69-76.

9542KO metadata semantic networks 918;725
Ou, Shiyan. [Design and implementation of a linked data-oriented framework for resource description and organization in semantic digital libraries] (Lang.: chi). In: Journal of library science in China, 38(2012)6, pp. 58-71.

15665KO metadata semantic networks 918;725
Christoph, Pascal; Pohl, Adrian. Dezentral, offen, vernetzt – Überlegungen zum Aufbau eines LOD-basierten FID-Fachinformationssystems [Decentral, open, linked – reflections on building a sustainable FID metadata infrastructure] (Lang.: ger). In: Bibliothek: Forschung und Praxis, 38(2014)1, pp. 114–123..

16033KO metadata semantic networks 918;725
Cheng, Quan; Xu, Shuang. [Research on linked network structure of collection metadata: oriented the perspective of FRBR model deconstruction] (Lang.: chi). In: Library and information service, 58(2014)12, pp. 124-129. Available at http://lib.cqvip.com/qk/92987X/201412/50297134.html

16139KO metadata semantic networks 918;725
Southwick, Silvia B. A Guide for Transforming Digital Collections Metadata into Linked Data Using Open Source Technologies (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of Library Metadata, 15(2015)1, pp. 1-35.

17468KO metadata semantic networks 918;725
Merzaghi, Michele. Informationen finden und Wissen verlinken - Der Weg der Metadatenstandards vom Archivregal zu den Linked Data [Finding and linking knowledge - The way of metadata standards from archive shelves to linked data] (Lang.: ger). In: Arbido, (2017)3, n.pag.. Available at http://arbido.ch/de/artikelpdf/download.html?entryId=3260

16031KO metadata semantic networks thesauri 918;725;214
Albrechtsen, Hanne. (Book review of) Sicilia, Miguel-Angel (ed.). Handbook of metadata, semantics and ontologies. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing, 2014. 570 p. ISBN 9789812836298 (Lang.: eng). In: Knowledge organization, 41(2014)4, pp. 332-334.

9556bibliographic records semantic networks 944;725
Howarth, Lynne C.. FRBR and linked data: connecting FRBR and linked data (Lang.: eng). In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 50(2012)5/7, pp. 763-776.

9557bibliographic records semantic networks 944;725
Le Boeuf, Patrick. A strange model named FRBRoo (Lang.: eng). In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 50(2012)5/7, pp. 422-438.

9915bibliographic records semantic networks 944;725
Dudás, Anikó. Nemcsak weben lenni, hanem webből lenni: a Funkcionális követelmények (FR) metaadatmodell-család névterei és a szemantikus web [“To be on the web” vs. “to be of Web”: namespaces for the Functional Requirements (FR) family of bibliographic metadata models and the Semantic Web] (Lang.: hun). In: Könyvtári figyelő, 59(2013)1, pp. 45-64.

9918bibliographic records KO metadata semantic networks 944;918;725
Krier, Laura. Serials, FRBR, and library linked data: a way forward (Lang.: eng). In: Journal of library metadata, 12(2012)2/3, pp. 177-187.

16059bibliographic description semantic networks 946;725
Bianchinia , Carlo; Willer, Mirna. ISBD resource and its description in the context of the semantic web (Lang.: eng). In: Cataloging & classification quarterly, 52(2014)8, pp. 869-887.

17207bibliographic description semantic networks 946;725
Mostafa, Solange Puntel; Santar?m Segundo, Jos? Eduardo; Sabbag, Deise Maria Antonio. Descri??o bibliogr?fica na era da web sem?ntica: por uma nova no??o de documento [Bibliographic description in semantic web era: for a new document notion] (Lang.: por). In: Informa??o & Sociedade: Estudos, 26(2016)2, pp. 25-35. Available at http://www.ies.ufpb.br/ojs2/index.php/ies/article/view/29354/16194

15504authority control semantic networks 949;725
Leiva-Mederos, Amed; Senso, José A.; Domínguez-Velasco, Sandor; Hípola, Pedro. AUTHORIS: a tool for authority control in the Semantic Web (Lang.: eng). In: Library hi tech, 31(2013)3, pp. 536-553.

17235authority control semantic networks 949;725
Carlson, Scott; Seely, Amber. Students' viewpoint: what onsitutes presence in na online classroom? (Lang.: eng). In: Cataloging & Classification Quaterly, 55(2017)1, . Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01639374.2016.1245693

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