Knowledge organization literature. Selected items

Your search for class 194 History of Certain Classification Systems found the 22 items below.       [new search]

Items on this class as the base theme

6190   2009-0310history of classifications • 194
Hur-Li Lee. – Origins of the main classes in the first Chinese bibliographic classification (Lang.: eng). - In: Culture and identity in knowledge organization [see 2009-0262], pp. 274-281.

6191   2009-0311history of classifications • 194
Stagi, T. – Natale Battezzati e Melvil Dewey: una nuova prospettiva per lo studio del loro rapporto [Natale Battezzati and Melvil Dewey: a new perspective to study their relationship] (Lang.: ita). - In: Nuovi annali della Scuola speciale per archivisti e bibliotecari, 17(2003), pp. 189-204.

6192   2009-0312history of classifications • 194
Wen-Chin Lan, Hur-Li Lee. – Purposes and bibliographic objectives of a pioneer library catalog in China (Lang.: eng). - In: Library quarterly, 79(2009)2, pp. 205-231.

6640   2009-0760history of classifications • 194
Dahlberg, Ingetraut. – Concepts and terms: ISKO’s major challenge (Lang.: eng). - In: Knowledge organization, 36(2009)2/3, pp. 169-177.

7638   history of classifications • 194
Menon, B. – Les langages documentaires: un panorama, quelques remarques critiques et un essai de bilan [Documentary languages: an overview, a few critical remarks and an essay on the balance] (Lang.: fre). - In: Documentaliste-sciences de lÒ€ℒinformation, 44(2007)1, pp. 18-28. – Available at http://www.cairn.info/article.php?ID_REVUE=DOCSI&ID_NUMPUBLIE=DOCSI_441&ID_ARTICLE=DOCSI_441_0018

7856   history of classifications • 194
Weihs, Jean. – A brief history of classification, Part 2 (Lang.: eng). - In: Technicalities, 30(2010)2, pp. 16-19.

8418   history of classifications • 194
Tennis, Joseph T. – Ranganathan`s layers of classification theory and the FASDA model of classification (Lang.: eng). - In: Expanding our horizons, evaluating our parameters, [See 06.11-06-16\17], pp. 185-195.

9235   history of classifications • 194
Dousa, T.M. – Facts and frameworks in Paul OtletÒ€ℒs and Julius Otto KaiserÒ€ℒs theories of knowledge organization (Lang.: eng). - In: Bulletin of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 36(2010)2, pp. 19-25.

11761   1994-0856history of classifications • 194
Zijlstra, B.H.A.. – History of US STI and subject categories (Lang.: eng). - In: Farace, D.J. - Proc.1st Int.Conf.on Grey Literature, RAI Congress Centre, Amsterdam, NL, 13-15 Dec.1993. - Amsterdam: TransAtlantic, 1994. p.269-90.

12231   1995-0760history of classifications • 194
Hsu, K.M. – The classification schemes of The Research Libraries of The New York Public Library (Lang.: eng). - In: Cat.& Classif.Quart. Vol. 19. No. 3/4. 1995. p.133-142. Description of the historical background of the two schemes used by The Research Libraries, the Billings Classification created in 1890's and a fixed order scheme arranging the books by size

12958   1994-0855history of classifications • 194
Gascon, P.. – Le repertoire des vedettes-matière de la Bibliothèque de l'Université Laval. sa genèse et son evolution (1ere partie) [The subject headings scheme of the Laval University Library. its beginnings and evolution (Pt.1)] (Lang.: fre). - In: Doc.et Bibliothèques. 39(1993)3,p.129-39.

13219   1995-0130history of classifications • 194
Lorenz, B.. – Notizen zur Geschichte dezimaler Notationen [Notes on the history of decimal notation"] (Lang.: ger). - In: Biblos. 43(1994)1/2,p.81-84. Juxtaposition of a number of classification systems using 10 main classes with the possibility of applying a decimal notation starting with Leibniz and ending with Dewey.

13479   1996-0171history of classifications • 194
Scibor, E.. – DDC and UDC: past, present state, perspectives (Lang.: pol). - In: Przeglad Biblioteczny. Vol. 62, No. 3/4. 1994. p.253-262.

18573   history of classifications • 194
Sales, Rodrigo de . – Julius Otto Kaiser para os estudos de Bibliografia e Documentação [Julius Otto Kaiser for Bibliography and Documentation Studies] (Lang.: por). - In: Em QuestΓ£o, poro Alegre, 25(2019)special number, pp. 176-193. – Available at http://seer.ufrgs.br/EmQuestao/article/view/92425/54068

13468   1990-2-109194, 485
Ochmanska, A. – Changes in O.Hartwig's classification in the university libraries of Halle, GDR, and Poznan, Poland (Lang.: pol). - In: Bibliotekarz.Vol.55.No.12.1988.p.3-6.

17631   history of classifications • 194; 382; 983
Lee, Hur‐Li. – Epistemic foundation of bibliographic classification in early china: a RU classicist perspective (Lang.: eng). - In: Journal of Documentation, 68(2012)3, pp.378-401.Bingley, UK, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2012. – pp. 23. – Available at http://https://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/full/10.1108/00220411211225593 ISSN: 00220418

7857   history of classifications • UDC • DDC • 194;42;43
Weihs, Jean. – A brief history of classification, Part 3 (Lang.: eng). - In: Technicalities, 30(2010)3, pp.15-18.

7858   history of classifications • LCC • Bliss • Colon • 194;44;45;46
Weihs, Jean. – A brief history of classification, Part 5 (Lang.: eng). - In: Technicalities, 30(2010)5, pp.14-16.

7859   history of classifications • various universal KOS • 194;48
Weihs, Jean. – A brief history of classification, Part 4 (Lang.: eng). - In: Technicalities, 30(2010)4, pp.15-18.

13677   1995-0761194.42
Manuel, R.S.S. – Breve resena historica de la CDU en Espana [Short historical survey of UDC in Spain] (Lang.: spa). - In: Invest.Bibl.:Archivon.Bibl.Inf. Vol. 8. No. 16. 1994. p.4-16. History of UDC in Spain from 1895 to 1989. Since 1939 the UDC became mandatory in all state-run libraries, in 1989 this obligation was dropped

13679   1996-0170194.42
San Segundo Manuel, R.. – Breve resena historica de la CDU en Espana [A brief history of the Universal Decimal Classification in Spain] (Lang.: spa). - In: Investigacion Bibliotecologica. Vol. 8, No. 16. 1994. p.4-16.



Further items on this class as a particular theme

63982009-0518order of subjects • history of classifications • 116;194
Dousa, Thomas M. – Evolutionary order in the classification theories of C. A. Cutter & E. C. Richardson: its nature and limits (Lang.: eng). – In: Pioneering North American contributions to knowledge organization [see 2009-0508]. – Available at http://dlist.sir.arizona.edu/2634/

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