KO events in Ireland

2022-07-24/28    Dublin IFLA World Library and Information Congress. 87
2020-10-26/29    Dublin ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval. 2020
2019-11-29    Dublin TOTh Workshop. 2019: Term formation
2019-09-04/06    Dublin Content-based multimedia indexing. 17
2018-12-07/09    Galway European Association for Digital Humanities conference. 1
2014-08-23/29    Dublin International Conference on Computational Linguistics. 25
2014-08-20/22    Galway Controlled natural language. 4
2013-07-28/08-01    Dublin ACM SIGIR: Information retrieval. 2013
2012-10-08/12    Galway EKAW: Knowledge engineering and knowledge management. 18
2012-08-24/25    Dublin Management and dissemination of toponymic data online
2011-04-18/21    Dublin European conference on information retrieval. 33

Additional information on events can be sent to webmaster@isko.org


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